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Focus On

Rheumatoid Forefoot
Introduction operative treatment consists of pain control, medical manage-
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic disease affecting not ment of the disease and shoe modification. A total contact
only the joints, but also the connective tissues. As a polyarticular insole and rocker-bottomed shoe can decrease the pressures
disease, the treating surgeon needs to consider the patient as a under the forefoot and give significant relief of symptoms. Intra-
whole. Treatment of one joint in isolation can be dangerous if, for articular corticosteroid injections of the rheumatoid forefoot
example, cervical spinal disease is not considered. should be used with caution as they are associated with joint
Foot pain and deformity occur as the presenting feature in 20% instability, and even dislocation of the MTPJ.1
of patients with RA. Nevertheless, during the course of their dis-
ease 94% of patients with RA will have symptoms of pain or stiff- Operative treatment
ness in the foot and ankle.1 Consequently, the treatment of the Hallux valgus is the most common deformity of the rheumatoid
rheumatoid foot is important. forefoot. The deformity can be associated with degenerative
Patients with RA are immunosupressed both by their disease change and may be managed with a first MTPJ excision arthro-
and their medication. At the time of surgery Methotrexate and plasty, osteotomy or arthrodesis. Correction of the hallux valgus
steroids should be continued. Surgery should be timed to avoid has the dual effect of reducing pressure over the bunion area
interfering with anti-tumour necrosis factor (TNF) therapy. Before and also refunctioning the first ray. This refunctioning of the first
recommending surgery a thorough assessment of the macro- ray reduces the plantar contact stresses of the lesser MTPJ’s.
and micro-vascular supply to the feet should be undertaken. First Ray: Partial excision of the base of the proximal phalanx
Rheumatoid arthritis may present as an ‘overlap syndrome’, and (Keller’s procedure) and excision of the first metatarsal head
care should be taken to ensure that patients do not have a vas- (Mayo’s procedure) have been shown to give initial patient satis-
culitis or neuropathy. faction, but usually lead to late recurrent deformity, pain and
functional deterioration.2 These procedures defunction the first
Pathophysiology ray, and hence increase the pressures under the lesser rays,
Patients with rheumatoid feet present with forefoot, midfoot and which is undesirable. Their salvage is also complex, requiring
hindfoot pathology. In general the symptoms are of pain and interposition bone grafting.
deformity. Ulceration, in the absence of co-existent vascular dis- Arthrodesis of the first MTPJ offers reliable relief of pain and
ease or neuropathy, is rare. In general it is better to treat proximal predictable outcomes. Union rates over 90% are reported.3
limb disease before foot and ankle disease, and to treat the hind- Fusion of the first MTPJ refunctions the first ray and offloads the
foot before the forefoot. Clearly, if there is ulceration and infection, lesser metatarsals. Hence, arthrodesis is preferred to excision
this may require to be treated before surgery with implants is under- arthroplasty for pain relief, cosmetic appearance, shoe fitting,
taken. The combination of disuse and long-term treatment with maintenance of alignment, and the restoration of weight bearing
steroids often leaves these patients profoundly osteopaenic. under the hallux.4
As with the rheumatoid hand, the forefoot is normally symmet- Re-alignment osteotomies may be used in the rheumatoid
rically affected. The first ray develops hallux valgus; this drives patient to address hallux valgus. Osteotomy offers the benefit of
the deformity of the lesser toes, which become clawed. Synovitis maintaining MTPJ movement while reducing pain. It should be
of the lesser metatarsophalangeal joints (MTPJ) results in incom- noted that the combination of osteopaenic bone and the pres-
petent collateral ligaments, with dorsal subluxation and even- ence of secondary degeneration of the first MTPJ contraindi-
tual MTPJ dislocation. The dorsal dislocation of the phalanx cates the use of a corrective osteotomy. The choice of osteotomy
pushes the metatarsal head into plantar flexion. This results in depends on the surgeon's preference. The authors use a Scarf
increased plantar pressure with the development of plantar diaphyseal osteotomy, in those patients with medically well-
callosities and bursae under the lesser metatarsal heads. controlled disease, and a well-preserved joint space (Fig. 1).
Arthroplasty of the MTPJ of the hallux has been proposed as
Non-operative treatment an alternative to resection arthroplasty or arthrodesis for the
Non-operative treatment of the rheumatoid forefoot should be rheumatoid patient and early case series are now reported in the
optimised before surgical management is considered. Non- literature.5 There is currently no evidence to support this

©2010 British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery


Fig. 1

Scarf osteotomy of the first metatarsal. The cuts are made as shown, and
the metatarsal head is displaced laterally.

approach, and the bone loss associated with joint arthroplasty

makes revision challenging.
Lesser Rays: The aim of surgery to the lesser toes is to reduce
the MTPJ’s and realign the toes, thereby reducing the plantar
pressure under the MTPJ’s and the dorsal pressure over the
proximal interphalangeal joints (PIPJs). It is rare for a single ray Fig. 2
to require surgery in isolation. In planning a forefoot reconstruc-
Weil's osteotomy of the lesser metatarsals: The osteotomy is cut, parallel
tion one should routinely consider all four rays and aim to pro- to the ground, the metatarsal head is then displaced proximally to allow
duce a balanced forefoot. Reduction of the MTPJ is the most the MTPJ to reduce.

important aspect of surgery, and can be addressed by metatar-

sal head excision,6 Weil’s metatarsal osteotomy7 (Fig. 2) or prox-
imal phalangectomy.8 ment. Forefoot reconstruction should involve correction of the
Excision of the metatarsal heads, in a cascade and cut paral- hallux valgus and shortening of the lesser metatarsals. Current
lel to the floor,6 is still widely used and addresses the metatar- evidence supports the use of an arthrodesis of the first MTPJ or
salgia. It effectively reduces pain. diaphyseal osteotomy in combination with either a Weil's osteo-
Barouk and Barouk9 proposed joint-preserving surgery as an tomy, metatarsal head excision or a Stainsby procedure.
alternative approach to the rheumatoid forefoot. The principle of
joint preservation is shortening and realignment osteotomies of B. Ollivere, A. H. N Robinson
all the metatarsals. The Weil's osteotomy (Fig. 2) is designed to Department of Orthopaedics, Cambridge University NHS Trust, Hills
allow shortening without plantar flexion of the metatarsal heads. Road, Cambridge CB2 0QQ
This reduces the plantar pressure by reducing the joint and the
plantar plate. References
1. Jeng C, Campbell J. Current concept review: The rheumatoid forefoot. Foot Ankle
The final option is the Stainsby procedure.8 Through a dorsal Int 2008;29:959-68.
approach an extensor tenotomy and generous proximal 2. Majkowski RS, Galloway S. Excision arthroplasty for hallux valgus in the elderly:
phalangectomy are performed, excising the proximal half to two- a comparison between the Keller and modified Mayo. Foot Ankle 1992;13:317-20.
thirds of the proximal phalanx. The plantar plate is mobilised and 3. Bolland BJ, Sauve PS, Taylor GR. Rheumatoid forefoot reconstruction: first meta-
tarsophalangeal joint fusion combined with Weil's metatarsal osteotomies of the
the toe is held reduced with an axial K-wire. Stainsby originally lesser rays. J Foot Ankle Surg 2008;47:80-8.
recommended tenodesis of the extensor and flexor tendons 4. Mulcahy D, Daniels T, Lau J, Boyle E, Bogoch E. Rheumatoid forefoot deformity:
through the phalangeal resection, although this is not univer- a comparison study of 2 functional methods of reconstruction. J Rheumatology
sally performed. The Stainsby procedure has been shown to be 5. Konkel KF, Menger AG, Retzlaff SA. Results of metallic hemi-great toe implant for
associated with good functional, if not cosmetic, results.10 grade III and early grade IV hallux rigidus. Foot Ankle Int 2009;30:653-60.
Distal deformities in the lesser toes at the proximal and distal 6. Hoffmann P. An operation for severe grades of contracted or clawed toes. Am J
Orthop Surg 1911;9:441-9.
interphalangeal joints may be addressed by either fusion or exci-
7. Barouk LS. Weil's metatarsal osteotomy in the treatment of metatarsalgia. Ortho-
sion arthroplasty. We prefer to undertake an arthrodesis as we pade 1996;25:338-44.
feel this gives a more durable result. 8. Briggs PJ, Stainsby GD. Metatarsal head preservation in forefoot arthroplasty.
Foot Ankle Surg 2001;7:93-101.
Summary 9. Barouk LS, Barouk P. Joint-preserving surgery in rheumatoid forefoot: preliminary
study with more-than-two-year follow-up. Foot Ankle Clin 2007;12:435-54.
Forefoot reconstruction should only be performed after thorough 10. Hossain S. Stainsby procedure for non-rheumatoid claw toes. Foot Ankle Surg
investigation and optimisation of medical and orthotic treat- 2003;9:113-18.


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