Short Stories For Children

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Short stories

for children
written by KL Alhian

Short stories for children

This booklet is a gift

from me to all the
children of the world
Story : 1
The brave girl

Once upon a time, in a small

village nestled at the foot of
a mountain, there lived a brave
child named Maya. Maya
was a curious and adventurous
girl who loved to explore the world around her. She
was known throughout the village for her bravery
and her unquenchable thirst for adventure.

One day, Maya decided to explore the mountain

that towered above her village. She set out early in
the morning, packing some food and water in her
backpack, and began her ascent up the steep and
rocky terrain. As she climbed higher and
higher,the air grew thinner, and the
rocks grew more treacherous. But Maya
pressed on, driven by her desire to
see what lay at the top.
After hours of climbing, Maya finally reached
the summit. She looked out over the world below,
feeling a sense of awe and wonder wash over her.
She was amazed at how small everything looked
from up here, and how peaceful and quiet it

But as she sat down to rest and eat her lunch,

she noticed something strange. Dark clouds were
gathering in the sky, and she could hear the
rumble of thunder in the distance. Maya realized
that a storm was coming, and she needed to get
back down the mountain before it hit.

But as she began her descent, Maya

encountered a group of lost hikers. They were
disoriented and scared, unsure of
which way to go to get back to
safety. Maya knew that she couldn't
leave them alone on the mountain
in the face of the approaching
storm. She took charge, guiding
them down the mountain and
showing them the safest route back
to the village.
Through sheer determination and courage, Maya
led the group down the mountain, navigating
treacherous terrain and dangerous obstacles. When
they finally reached the safety of the village, the
storm was raging full force, but Maya was proud
and relieved that she had been able to help others
in need.

From that day on, Maya was hailed as a hero in

the village. Her bravery and selflessness had saved
lives, and she had proven that even a child could
accomplish great things. Maya continued to
explore and discover the world around her, always
eager for new adventures and challenges, but she
never forgot the importance of helping others
along the way.
Story : 2
With her intelligence, she saves
the world

In a world threatened by darkness

and evil, there lived a clever girl
named Sophia. Sophia was renowned
for her quick mind and her ability to
solve complex problems with ease. She
lived in a small village where she
spent most of her time reading books,
solving puzzles, and tinkering with

One day, Sophia overheard a

group of villagers discussing an
ominous message they had received
from a neighboring kingdom. The
message warned of an impending
invasion by an evil army led by a
powerful sorcerer named Zephyr.
The army planned to take over the
kingdom, destroy everything in its
path, and rule with an iron fist.
Sophia knew that something had to be done to
stop the evil army, so she decided to take matters
into her own hands. She gathered all the
information she could find about Zephyr and his
army, and she began devising a plan to defeat

Sophia used her clever mind to

create a variety of gadgets and
weapons that would help her in battle. She built a
flying machine that allowed her to spy on the
enemy army from above, and she created a
powerful cannon that could destroy entire buildings
with a single blast.

With her gadgets in hand, Sophia

set out on a dangerous journey to the
neighboring kingdom to confront
Zephyr and his army. Along the way,
she encountered many challenges, but
she used her intelligence and quick
thinking to overcome them all.
Finally, Sophia arrived at the
enemy's stronghold, where she
engaged in a fierce battle with
Zephyr himself. The sorcerer tried
to outsmart Sophia with his
powerful magic, but she was too
clever for him. Sophia used her
gadgets and her intelligence to outmaneuver
Zephyr and destroy his army.

With Zephyr and his army defeated, Sophia

became a hero in the eyes of the people. She
was hailed as the clever girl who had saved the
world from evil, and her name was forever
remembered as a symbol of hope and courage.
Sophia continued to use her intelligence and
creativity to solve problems and help those in
need, always ready for the next challenge that
lay ahead. Her cleverness and determination
had saved the world from certain destruction,
and she would never forget the power of her
own mind.
Story : 3

The cocky bunny

Once upon a time, in a lush

green forest, there lived a
selfish bunny named Benny.
Benny was not your typical
bunny, he was greedy and only
cared about himself. He would
never share his carrots with
anyone, not even his best bunny
friend, Freddy.

One sunny day, Benny stumbled upon a big

carrot field filled with the juiciest and biggest
carrots he had ever seen. He couldn't resist and
decided to steal all the carrots for himself.
As he was stuffing his
cheeks with as many
carrots as he could carry,
he heard a faint voice in
the distance. It was
Freddy, who had been
looking for Benny for
hours, worried about his
friend's safety.

Freddy couldn't believe his eyes when he

saw Benny with all the carrots. He asked
Benny if he could have just one carrot, but
Benny refused, saying that he had worked
hard to find them and they were all his.
Freddy decided he had
had enough of Benny's
selfishness and decided
to teach him a lesson. He
came up with a clever
plan and invited Benny to
a carrot-eating contest,
promising Benny that if
he won, he could keep all
the carrots for himself.

Benny, who was confident

in his carrot-eating skills,
accepted the challenge.
However, he didn't realize
that Freddy had secretly
invited all the other forest
animals to participate in the
contest as well.
The contest began, and Benny started
gobbling up carrots as fast as he could.
However, to his surprise, he noticed
that the other animals were eating the
carrots at a much faster pace. Soon,
Benny was left with just one carrot,
while the other animals had already
eaten dozens.

As Benny took a big bite of

his last carrot, he
suddenly felt his stomach
start to rumble. The carrot
was so big that he couldn't swallow it.
He started jumping up and down, trying
to force the carrot down, but it was no
use. The other animals watched and
laughed as Benny's cheeks expanded to
an enormous size.
Finally, with a loud pop, Benny's cheeks
burst, and carrots flew everywhere. As
Benny lay on the ground, covered in
carrot pieces, he realized the error of his
ways. He had been so selfish that he had
lost all his friends, and now he was alone
with his carrots.

From that day on, Benny learned to share

his carrots with his friends, and they all
lived happily ever after, with plenty of
carrots to go around.
1 Maya: The brave girl

4 Sophiaya: With her

intelligence, she saves
the world

8 Benny:The cocky bunny

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