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Cantonment English & College

Chittagong Cantonment
Class: IV
Sub: Islam & Moral Education
Chapter- 2(Ibadat)
(A) MCQ ( multiple choice question):
1. How many farz items are in wazu?
a. 3 b. 4
c. 5 d. 6
2. How many arkans are there in salat?
a. 7 b. 6
c. 5 d. 4
3. How many ahkams are there in salat?
a. 4 b. 5
c. 6 d. 7
4. How many waqts are there in salat?
a. 6 b. 7
c. 5 d. 3
5. When Durud is read in salat?
a. In the standing position b. In Sijdah
c. In ruku d. in the last sitting

Ans: 1. B. 4; 2. A. 7; 3. D. 7; 4. C. 5; 5. D. In the last sitting.

(B) Fill in the blanks:

a. Puritty is the part of______.
b. Taharat means_______.
c. _______Is to be performed before salat.
d. _______Cannot be performed without wuzu.
e. _______rakaats are farz in salatul Jumuah.

Ans: a. Iman. b. Purity. c. Wuzu. d. Salat. e. Two

(C) Match the following words drawing lines:

1. None but Allah — i. Four items
2. purity is Iman’s — ii. Salat
3. Farz items of wuzu — iii. happiness
4. The most important Ibadat is — iv. Part
5. Eid means — v. do not worship

Ans: 1+V. 2+IV. 3+I. 4 +II. 5+III

Short type question answers:

1. Write down the names of salat for five times.

Ans: The names of salad for five times are given below:
i ) Fazr ii) Zuhr
iii) Asr iv) Maghrib and
v) Isha.
To perform five waqts of salat is Farz for all Muslims.

2. What does the great prophet(S.) say about taharat?

Ans: Taharat means cleanliness And purity. the great prophet (S.) Says about taharat, ―Purity is a
part of Iman‖.

3. What is the meaning of, “As-salatu khayrum minan nawm”?

Ans: The meaning of ―As-salatu khayrum minan nawm‖ is– salat is better than sleep.
4. When does the time of Maghrib start and end?
Ans: The time of Maghrib starts from just after the setting of the sun. It ends as soon as the reddish
tinge of the Sun fades away.

5. What are the deeds of Sunnat on Eid day?

Ans: The deeds of Sunnat on Eid day are given below:
1. To take bath in the morning ;
2. To use ator;
3. To wear clean clothes;
4. To take some sort of sweetmeat;
5. To perform salatul Eid at the Eidgah.

Descriptive Question:
1. What is the meaning of the word Ibadat? What do you understand by Ibadat?
Ans: Ibadat means to drudge for others, to abide by the order of the Lord. To work according to the
order of Allah, the Great and His Rasul (S.) is called Ibadat. For example, to perform Salat, to recite
the Qur’an Majid, to nurse the sick and to speak the truth– all these are the examples of Ibadat.

2. How many farz are there in wuzu? what are they?

Ans: There are four Farz items in wuzu. They are as follows:
1. To wash face thoroughly;
2. To wash the hands well from the tips of the fingers up to the elbow;
3. To rub lightly at least over one-fourth of the head;
4. To wash the feet up to the ankles.

3. How many Farz are there in talking bath? what are they?
Ans: There are three Farz items in talking bath. They are as follows:
1. To rinse the mouth by gargling;
2. To clean the nostrils thoroughly with water;
3. To wash the whole body with water.
We have to be careful in talking bath so that not even a single part of our body remains dry. We can
keep a sound body if we take bath regularly. To take bath is an order of Allah. It is also an act of

4. Describe the importance of Azan.

Ans: Azan is very important for the Muslim Ummah and Islam. Azan is the call of Salat. It has a
great impact on the life of each Muslim. Our great Prophets emphasised on performing farz salat in
Jamaat. But nobody knew how people should be called to this Jamaat. Finally Azan was selected as
a call for Jamaat. The sentence of Azan teach us to obey our Almighty and perform Salat for his
satisfaction. People appear at the mosque only for Allah after hearing the Azan. We cannot perform
our daily salat properly without Azan. So, the importance of Azan is great in Islam.

5. How many ahkams are there in salat? What are they? Write.
Ans: Before starting salat, we have to maintain seven Farz things. These are called Ahkams of salat.
The Ahkams of salat are as follows:
1. To clean body;
2 . To clean clothes;
3. To clean the place for Salat;
4. To cover our body with clothes (from the navel up to the below of the knee);
5. To face towards Qibla;
6. To make Siyat;
7. To offer Salat at the right time. If we do not maintain these Ahkams rightly, our Salat will not be

6. How many arkans are there in salat? What are they?

Ans: There are seven Farz items in salat, which are called arkans of Salat. They are as follows:
1. To start Salat saying Takbir-e-Tahrima (i.e. Allahu Akbar);
2. Performing salat making Qiyam (i.e. by standing). If one is unable to stand, one can perform Salat
in a sitting position. Even one can perform Salat lying in bed if one is unable to sit;
3. To read a part of the Holy Qur’an in salat (it is called Qirat);
4. To do Ruku;
5. To do Sijdah;
6. To sit finally;
7. To complete Salat by saying salam.
If any one of these arkans are not done, Salat will not be perfect.

7. Describe the social characteristics of salat.

Ans: Salat is the most important Ibadat of the Muslims. It attaches not only spiritual but also social
importance too. In mosques, Jamaats of Salat are held five times a day. People of the same locality
gather there to offer Salat. Thus they meet each other and come to know about themselves and a
bond of friendship and brotherhood develops among them. It creates chances to help each other in
times of danger. If anyone becomes ill, others can come forward to take care of him and help him.
Thus, social attributes are strengthened through Salat.

8. Write the rules of performing salatul Eid.

Ans: The rules of performing salatul Eid are as follow: At first, we shall stand in rows behind an
Imam. We shall make Niyat of the Salat. Rising both our hands up to the ears and join the hands (on
the navel) saying Allahu Akbar. Then we shall say the words of Sana. Following the Imam, we shall
say Takbir (i.e. Allahu Akbar) three times and We Shall raise our hands up to the ears. At the first
two times of this Takbir, we shall not join the hands together. After the third Takbir, we shall again
join the hands on the Navel. Then, the Imam will loudly read out suratul Fatiha and then any other
Sura as done in other Salat. After this, he will perfrom ruku and sijdah. In the second Rakaat, the
Imam will again loudly read out Sura Fatiha and then any other Sura.
Then he will loudly say the Takbir (i.e. Allahu Akbar) three times. We shall also say, Allahu Akbar
three times. We Shall raise both the hands upto the ears but not join them together on the Navel.
Then we shall do ruku after saying Allahu Akbar at the fourth time. After this, we shall perfrom
Sijdah and read Tashahhud, Durud, Dua Masura as we do in the other salat. We end the salat
following the Imam by saying Salam. After the end of the salat, the Imam will offer two Khutbas. To
listen to the Khutba is wajib.

9. Write the social significance of salatul Eid.

Ans: salatul Eid has a great social significance. Every year the Muslims around the world celebrate
the two Eids. The first one is called Eid-ul-Fitr which is celebrated after the month of Ramadan. On
this day, the Muslims express their gratitude towards Allah for giving them the ability to fast for one
long month. After saying Eid prayer, we visit our neighbours, the poor and the distressed to know
about their conditions. Thus it strengthens social bondage. The second Eid is called Eid-ul Adha or
eid of Qurbani. On this day we is sacrifice animals to satisfy the almighty Allah. We divide the meat
of Qurbani into three parts. One portion of the meat is kept for ourselves and one for relatives and
the third for the poor. In this way all share the joys of Eid with others. This helps to grow a good
social relationship among the Muslim community.

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