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Detailed Lesson Plan in Arts

2nd Quarter Date:


DLC number and statement: 12. show the influences of the Renaissance and Baroque
periods on the Philippine art form

Topic: Influence of the Renaissance and Baroque Period in the Philippine Art Form

Value to be Integrated: Appreciation of Cultural Heritage

Value Concept: The value, Appreciation of Cultural Heritage, presents our tangible cultural
heritage in the Philippine art forms. It connects us to the past that is linked to our identity. It
greatly shows how Philippine art forms were influenced by Spanish colonialism. This value
helps us understand the imprinted history of our country in the form of paintings, sculptures,
and architecture.

Objectives Key ideas

At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to: ● 4 Baroque Churches Recognized
● Identify the Philippine art forms that was by UNESCO
influenced by the Renaissance and ● Known Filipino Artists that uses
Baroque periods; (C) Renaissance and Baroque Styles
● cultivate appreciation of cultural heritage ● Spanish Art Aesthetics Adapted by
(A); and Filipino Artists
● create a work of art in the Renaissance
and Baroque styles. (B)

Materials: References:
Colors Juliao, D. (2023). Baroque
Eraser Architecture of the Philippines:
Laptop Characteristics & Examples.
Printed Picture
Sketch Paper baroque-architecture-of-the-
Wifi philippines-characteristics-
Whiteboard marker examples.html#:~:text=From
The Art Story. (n.d.). Baroque Art
and Architecture Movement
Overview. The Art Story.
Retrieved March 9, 2023, from
UNESCO World Heritage
Convention. (n.d.-a). Baroque
Churches of the Philippines.
UNESCO World Heritage Centre.
UNESCO World Heritage
Convention. (n.d.-b). Baroque
Churches of the Philippines
(Extension). UNESCO World
Heritage Centre.

Lesson Proper

Teacher's Activity Learner's Activity

Good day everyone!

Good afternoon, Teacher Celina

We will start our day with a

short prayer. Let’s bow our
heads and feel the presence of
our Lord.

Father God in heaven, we

praise and we glorify your
name. Thank you for this
wonderful day. Thank you for
giving us an opportunity to
learn about different things.
May you help us focus to
absorb all the knowledge that
we discuss. This we pray in
the mighty name of our Lord,
Amen. Yes, Teacher!
Is everyone present?

Okay, that’s good to hear! I

love how eager each one of
you to learn each day.

Now, I would like to remind

everyone about our simple (Raised hands)
class rules. Can someone read
our class rules to remind

(Presents the powerpoint slide

for the class rule) ART Class Rules

A- Always turn on your camera and your

Okay, please read it. mic when you are speaking.

R- Respect and Appreciate your

classmates and teacher.

T- Treasure every knowledge and insights

that you’ll learn.

(All students raised their hands)

Thank you for reading our
class rules.

Who among you here are
familiar with the Jumbled

Yes, Teacher!
I can see that all of you are all
familiar with it. That’s good!
It is just a simple game. I will
present to you some jumbled
words and a short description
of that word. What you have to
do is to guess the word it
pertains to. Raise your hand if
you want to answer. Is Teacher, I think it’s Painting!
everything clear?

Great! So let’s start. Architecture!

It is the practice of applying
paint or other media to a Sculpture
surface, usually with a brush.

It is an art and technique of
designing and building, as
distinguished from the skills Renaissance
associated with construction.

It is an artistic form in which
hard or plastic materials are
worked into three-dimensional Baroque
art objects.

It was a fervent period of
European cultural, artistic,
political and economic
“rebirth” following the Middle
The words are all related to Arts!’
derived from the Portuguese
'barocco' meaning 'irregular
pearl or stone', refers to a
cultural and art movement that I think it was because it influenced the
characterized Europe from the Philippine art forms, Teacher.
early seventeenth to mid-
eighteenth century.

What have you noticed in the

words that I have presented?

Great! Now, what do you

think is the connection of these
words to the Philippine art

That’s right!

Now, I will show some
pictures and you’ll have to
give it a caption.

Entry point for


A Night in Intramuros

A Historical Church

How did you come up with

that caption? (C) I came up with that title because I think
this church is the one in Intramuros. It was
a historical place where lots of things
happened during the colonial period.

In this picture, what do you

think is the influence of the
Renaissance and Baroque
Style? (C) The architecture of the church, Teacher!


What do you think is the

relevance of our historical
places to the Philippine art
forms? (C) It serves as a blueprint of our past. It
shows how the Philippines was influenced
by several countries which can be traced
back on these historical places.

What do you feel whenever

you encounter such historical I am amazed by how unique and beautiful
places? (A) these historical places are and at the same
time, I was enlightened because as I went
to different historical places, I came to
understand the significance of each culture
that can be seen through different art

In what way can you show

appreciation of the different
Philippine art forms in the
Renaissance and Baroque I can show it by going out with my friends
style? (B) to the different historical places that
showcase the Philippine art forms that
were Influenced by the Renaissance and
Baroque style. I can also post some
pictures to social media to influence others
to appreciate the different Philippine arts.

Great answers!

Now, let’s discuss how the

renaissance and baroque style
influenced the Philippine art

When the Spaniards colonized

the Philippines, it brought the
renaissance and baroque style
in the Philippine art form. As
you may know, one of the
main goals of the Spaniards is
to spread their religion in the
Philippines. It is clearly visible
especially in the architecture
of the churches in the

After being banned for their

glorification of the ethereal
and ideal, Baroque brought
images for religious worship
back into the public eye. The
leaders of the movement
claimed that art should be
easily understood and strongly
felt by ordinary people,
thereby encouraging piety and
awe for the church.With their
designs that incorporated a
large central space with a
dome or cupola high overhead,
allowing light to illuminate the
space below, Baroque
churches became a pivotal
example of the revitalized

emphasis on the glory of

4 Baroque Churches
Recognized by UNESCO

San Agustin Church

- The church was
designated a World
Heritage Site by the
government and
UNESCO in 1993. Its
architectural style was
inspired from European
Renaissance and
Baroque styles.

Miagao Church
- The parish church of
the town of Miagao in
the province of Iloilo is
the Church of Saint
Thomas of Villanova,
also known as the
Miagao Church. The
church, which was
finished in 1797, is
renowned for the
beautiful sculptural
relief carved into its

Paoay Church
- Paoay Church is a
Roman Catholic church
in Paoay, Ilocos Norte
province, that was
finished in 1710 after a
construction period.
The church is famous
for its architecture,
which combines
baroque, gothic,
Chinese, and Javanese

Santa Maria Church

- The Santa Maria
Church, built in 1769,
is one of the best
examples of Baroque
style architecture
popular during the
Spanish colonial era.
It's simple and elegant
brick facade has
preserved its historical
and cultural
significance over
several centuries.

Other Baroque Churches in

the Philippines
- Church Complex of
Patrocinio de Maria.
Boljo-on (Cebu)
- Church of La
Concepcion, Guiuan
- Church complex of San
Pedro Apostol, Loboc
- Church complex of San
Isidro Labrador, Lazi
- Church of San Mattias,
Tumauini (Isabela)

Known Filipino Artist that

uses Renaissance and
Baroque Styles

Fernando Amorsolo
- The Philippines' first
National Artist, the
“Grand Old Man of
Philippine Art,” was a
renaissance man whose
works achingly depict
his love for the simple
countryside life.

Spanish Art Aesthetics

Adapted by Filipino Artists

“Basi Revolt” by Esteban

Villanueva (1821)
- a 14-part painting
depicting the battle
between Ilocanos and
Spanish colonizers
after the former took
up arms against a wine
monopoly and
prohibition of the
private manufacture of

“Langit, Lupa at Impierno” by

Josef Luciano Dans (1850)
- A three-level mural in
Paete's San Cristobal
church. It depicts the
Holy Trinity, Mary,
Christ's Mother, saints,
the Seven Blessed
Sacraments, and a
macabre representation
of hell.

Now that we’ve discussed the

influence of the renaissance
and baroque period in the
Philippine art form, I want you
to create a simple painting
using the renaissance and
baroque technique. Are we Yes Teacher!

Kindly prepare all the

materials that you’ll be
needing in this activity and
after that you may start. You
I have 10 minutes to finish this
Okay Teacher!


(Students present their paintings)

If you’re done with your

output you may present it in
the class.

Good Job everyone! Give

yourselves a round of

It seems like you understand

our discussion very well. So,
we’ll now move on to our
quiz! You have 10 minutes to
answer the short quiz. Are Yes Teacher!
there any questions?

A. Multiple Choice Answer Key:

Direction: Read each question 1. D
carefully. Write the letter of 2. A
the correct answer. 3. D
4. True
5. False
1. Which art form of the 6. It shows how the Philippine art
renaissance and baroque forms varies from each period that

period highly influenced the we have experienced. By
Philippines art forms? understanding the origins of each
a. Music Philippine art forms, we will be
b. Painting able to appreciate our history even
c. Sculpture more. Despite being colonized by
d. Architecture several countries, we were able to
express our emotions through arts.
2. What are the 4 architectures 7. Art is something that conveys
that were recognized by different meanings to people and
UNESCO? that is the beauty of art. Through
a. San Agustin arts, we were able to convey
Church, Miagao deeper meanings in a more creative
Church, Paoay way and can greatly impact one's
Church, Santa view. Many circumstances wherein
Maria Church art influences the people and that
b. San Agustin alone shows how impactful a
Church, Miagao person can be through arts.
Church, Paoay
Church, Church
Complex of
Patrocinio de
c. Church of La
Miagao Church,
Paoay Church,
Santa Maria
d. San Agustin
Church, Church
complex of San
Pedro Apostol,
Paoay Church,
Santa Maria

3. Why are Renaissance and

Baroque styles noticeable in
a. Because it
illustrates their
strong beliefs
and faith in
b. Because they
want to be
remarkable not
only in their
faith but also in
its unique
c. Because it
shows a
dramatic effect
to simulate
devotion and
convey their
deep faith in
d. Because
aimed to spread
their religion,
and churches
became a
pivotal example
of the
emphasis on the
glory of

B. True or False
Direction: Read each
statement carefully. Write T if
the statement is True and F if
the statement is False.

1. Fernando Amorsolo is
the Philippines' first
National Artist whose
works achingly depict
his love for the simple
countryside life.
2. “Basi Revolt” is a 12-
part painting which
depicts the battle
between Ilocanos and
Spanish colonizers by
Esteban Villanueva.

C. Short Essay
Direction: Read the question
and state your answer in less
than 5 sentences.
1. How important is it to
understand the
influence of
Renaissance and
Baroque styles in the
history of Philippine
2. In your opinion, what
is the impact or art in
conveying a message to
the people?

For your assignment, I want

you to take a picture of
something that shows a
renaissance and baroque style.
It can be a church near you, a
painting, or a sculpture and
write a short reflection about

A Do you have any questions

before we end our session?
No, Teacher!

Goodbye teacher!
Well, if there’s no question
then that is all for today’s art
class. Goodbye, class!

UNESCO defines “Cultural Heritage” as “the legacy of physical artifacts and intangible
attributes of a group or society that are inherited from past generations, maintained in the present
and bestowed for the benefit of future generations”.

- It presents our tangible cultural heritage (Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture)

- It connects us to the past
- It links us to our identity
- It shows how Philippine art forms were influenced by

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