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Buying a Phone

Person A: Tigo Nicaragua, this is (your name) speaking, how can I help you?

Person B: Yes, My name is (Another name). My phone fell into a puddle yesterday and now It

doesn't turn on

Person A: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that! But don't worry because we have great promotions in ________
(Choose Samsung, Iphone or Huwawei) for only $250

Person B: I'm not sure, it sounds kind of expensive.

Person A: I understand! May I ask how much is your budget?

Person B: Well, I was thinking to spend no more than $200, do you have any phone at that price?

Person A: We sure do! And if you buy the phone you also get a full warranty coverage for one year

Person B: Wow! That sounds excellent! What type of phone is it?

Person A: We have the new ________ (Brand and Model) for only $200 dollars. However, there is an
additional shipping fee of $5

Person B: It's ok. It is still a good deal

Person A: Great! I just need some pieces of information. what is your email address?

Person B: My email address is

Person A: Let me spell it to make sure I got this right. That is b-r-e-a-k-i-n-g-b-a-d @ s-b-c

Person B: You got it!

Person A: Can I have your phone number as well?

Person B: My phone number is (505) 782-6866

Person A: Thanks! I also need your address please

Person B: My address is ______________ (give your address)

Person A: Perfect. Now, last but not least can I have your credit card number?

Person B: My credit card number is ________________, and the expiration date is 04/22

Person A: Everything is ready. You will receive your phone in the next 2 to 3 business days

Person B: I really hope it's worth it

Person A: Trust me, you won't regret! Is there anything else I can do for you?

Person B: No, that's it

Person A: Thanks for calling Tigo Nicaragua, have a great day!

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