DLP Fundamentals of Accounting 1 - Q3 - W3

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Instructional Planning

(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the instructional
process by using principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format

Esperanza Senior High School

School Grade Level 11
Teacher Daisy O. Pao Learning Area FABM 1
Time 7:30-8:20(T) 10:39-11:29(Th) Quarter Quarter 3 (Week 3)
9:48-10:38(F) 11:30-1:20(W)
Dates/Days Feb 27-Mar 3, 2023 Semester Second Semester

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the accounting equation
B. Performance Standards The learners are able to solve problems applying the accounting equation
C. Learning Competencies / Objectives The learners will be able to:
 illustrate the accounting equation
 perform operations involving simple cases with the use of accounting
Write the LC code for each equation
Accounting Equation
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages FABM 1 Quarter 3-Module 3 pp. 3-14
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Laptop, PowerPoint, DLP/TV, video
Resource (LR) portal
Anastacio, Ma. Flordeliza. 2011. Fundamentals Of Financial Management (With
B. Other Learning Resources Industry Based Perspective)
• Prayer
Introductory Activity • Arranging of chairs
• Checking of attendance
• Review of previous lesson
• Presentation of new topic
Activity/Strategy Directions:
A line is drawn on the class floor and one side of the line will be marked ‘true’
and the other as ‘false’. The students are asked to stand on the line.
Teacher would pick a student and says a statement based on what is taught in
the class. If the student thinks that it is true, he/she has to jump to the true side
or else the false side.
If the student’s assessment is wrong, he/she has to go back to his desk.
1. Accounting equation has two (2) sides.
2. Asset is equal to the total of liabilities and owner's equity.
3. Assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity are the components of the accounting
4. Assets are the resources borrowed by the owner.
5. If the business has liabilities it has obligations.
6. There are three (3) elements that affect equity account.
7. Investments affect the owner's equity account.
8.Assets and liabilities increase when the business purchases supplies on
9. There is an increase in liability when you buy equipment on account.
10. If there is Php 500,000.00 worth of assets and Php 200,000.00 worth of
liabilities, then there is Php 300,000.00 worth of owner's equity.
Directions: Analyze the problem carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Analysis Hannah Mae Vista graduated as summa cum laude with the degree of B.S.
Accountancy and got her job through her brother’s recommendation. She has
served as an accountant on Vista Accounting Firm for three years. She has been
very passionate about her work since it was her dream to be an accountant. One
day, when she was doing the financial reports of the company, she noticed that
the debit and the credit sides were not balanced. She kept finding the errors but
found none. Unexpectedly, Hannah’s boss approached and told her that he got
cash amounting to Php 100,000.00 for personal use but he refused to record it
as drawings or withdrawals. Her boss wanted to record the Php 100,000.00 as
expenses even though it was used for his personal obligations.
1. What is/are the principle/s being violated in the problem presented?
2. Is it a right decision for Hannah to record the supposed to be drawings as
expenses? Justify your answer.

Accounting Equation
 Accounting equation is composed of asset, liabilities, and owner's
Abstraction  Asset is the sum of liabilities and owner's equity, while
 Liability is the difference after the owner’s equity is deducted to asset.
 Equity is the money that is bought by owners of the company for
running the business. There is also an extended accounting equation
where revenue and expenses are added.
Accounting equation is the foundation of other accounting formulas. This helps
one avoid confusions on computing assets, liabilities, or owner's equity.
A = L + OE

The accounting equation consists of three (3) major accounts:

1. Assets are the items that a company owns that can provide future
economic benefit. Assets are valuable resources controlled by the
company. Examples of assets are cash, supplies, accounts receivable,
and more.
2. Liabilities are the financial obligation of a company that results in the
company’s future sacrifices of economic benefits to other businesses.
Some of its examples are loans and accounts payable.
3. Equity is the money that is bought by owners of the company for
running the business. It is the residual interest of the owners which
means any asset left after paying liabilities is the right of the owner of
the business.
Four elements that affect equity:
a. Investment is an asset or item acquired with the goal of
generating income or appreciation.
b. Withdrawal occurs when funds are removed from an account for
personal use.
c. Revenue is the total amount of income generated by the sale of
goods or services related to the company’s primary operations.
d. Expenses is the cost of operations that a company incurs to
generate revenue.
To maintain this equation, transactions affecting financial position accounts may
have the following effects:
 Increase in Assets = Increase in Owner’s Equity
Example: Calma started his new business by depositing
Php 350,000.00 in a bank account in the name of Calma Graphics
Design at Masa Bank.
 Increase in Assets = Increase in Liabilities
Example: Calma acquired computer equipment by issuing a
Php 40,000.00 note payable to Microsoft Office Systems. The note is
due in six months.
 Increase in one Asset = Decrease in another Asset
Example: Calma paid Php 10,000.00 to El Grande Suites for rent
on the office studio for the months of June, July, and August.
 Decrease in Assets = Decrease in Liabilities
Example: Calma partially paid Php 15,000.00 for the purchase of
Computer supplies on account.
 Decrease in Assets = Decrease in Owner’s Equity
Example: Calma paid Php 5,000.00 to Bills Express for the
semi-monthly utilities.
 Increase in Liabilities = Decrease in Owner’s Equity
Example: Yola Company billed Calma for Php 25,000.00 for the ads.
Calma will pay next month.

The teacher will give examples where the learners will see the effects of every
transaction to the major accounts and show the table summarizes the effects of
these transactions on the accounting equation

Application Directions: Analyze the transactions of Kim as the owner of Chinita Girl Spa
Services. Record the transactions using a financial transaction
worksheet indicated on the next page. Write your answers on a
sheet of paper.
June 1 Kim invested Php 500,000.00 cash and equipment amounting to
Php100,000.00 to open Chinita Girl Spa.
2 She borrowed Php 50,000.00 cash from Bamba Bank to be used
for her business.
7 She bought tables and chairs from Maginhawa Furnitures and paid
Php 20,000.00 cash.
15 Various equipment were purchased on account from Beauty
Shoppy for Php 50,000.00.
18 She made a withdrawal of Php 10,000.00 for her personal use.
20 The account due to Beauty Shoppy was paid in cash.
21 Chinita Girl Spa Services was hired. The cash of Php 10,000.00
was received from the customer.
22 Gas and oil worth Php 1,000.00 and equipment repairs worth
Php 1,000.00 were paid in a cash transaction.
24 Service was hired again by a customer for Php 15,000.00 but this
time the customer was only able to pay Kim 50% on that day and
she made a promise to pay the other 50% on June 30.
25 She paid Php 1,000.00 for the telephone bill.
27 Another customer hired the services of Chinita Girl Spa Services.
A bill was issued to them for Php 30,000.00 and 50% of it was
30 The remaining balance on the transaction last June 24 was paid in
30 She paid Php 5,000.00 for the office rental space and
Php 4,000.00 for employees’ salaries.

Paper and Pen Test:

Assessment Directions: Answer the questions that follow. Write the letter of your answers on
a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which is the accounting equation?
A. assets= liabilities + owner’s equity
B. liabilities = assets + owner’s equity
C. owner’s equity = assets + liabilities
D. assets = revenue - expenses
2. What are the resources owned by the owners?
A. expenses C. revenues
B. liabilities D. assets
3. Which term refers to the obligations of the business?
A. liabilities C. revenues
B. assets D. owner’s equity
4. Which refers to the remaining amount of the assets after paying all the
company’s liabilities?
A. revenues C. expenses
B. owner’s equity D. net profits
5. What does an extended accounting equation include?
A. revenues and expenses C. expenses and liabilities
B. revenues and assets D. none of the above
6. When the owner invested cash on the business, what account/s increase/s?
A. assets and owner's equity
B. assets only
C. liabilities and assets
D. owner's equity only17
7. Is there an effect on the assets account when the owner withdraws cash for
personal use?
A. Yes, it decreases.
B. Yes, it increases.
C. Yes, it increases and decreases.
D. None of the above
8. What would be the effect to the liabilities of the business after availing loan
from Panata Bank?
A. It remains the same. C. It increases
B. It decreases. D. None of the above
9. Mr. Kim has assets of Php1,000,000.00 and liabilities of Php 300,000.00
What is his equity?
A. Php 700,000 C. Php 800,000
B. Php 1,300,000 D. 0
10. The liabilities of Senshin’s Shop are Php 450,000 and his equity is
Php 780,000. What is the business' total assets?
A. Php 1,032,000 C. Php 1,023,000
B. Php 1,320,000 D. Php 1,230,000
Assignment/Agreement Directions: Analyze the transactions of Ronald Cabiling Housekeeping
Services during the month of August 2020. Record the
transactions using the financial transaction worksheet. Write
your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
August 1 – Mr. Cabiling invested Php1, 000,000.00 cash for his business.
2 – Various equipment were purchased for the business
Amounting to Php 100,000.00
4 – Cabiling Housekeeping Services was hired by a customer
and they received a payment of Php 5, 000.00.
5 – Cabiling paid Php 3,000.00 for the salary of the employees.
7 – Another customer hired the service of Cabiling
Housekeeping. A bill was issued to them for Php 10,000.00
of which 90% was collected.
13 – Cabiling paid Php 2,000.00 for the telephone bill.
21 – Cabiling invested again the amount of Php 50,000 in the
25 – The account on August 7 was finally collected in full.
28 – The De Guzman family hired Cabiling Housekeeping Services
To clean their mansion amounting to Php 20,000.00. The
Family paid the amount of Php 5,000.00 and the balance will
be paid on August 30.
30 – Cabiling collected the balance from De Guzman family.


A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment.
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher II School Principal I

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