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Interim Research Proposal on the Removal of Space

Debris using Robot Manipulators

Module code: UFMFX8-30-3

An Interim Report by: Harilal Ashamary Hans Lal

Student ID: 20030411

1. Introduction 3
1.1 Aims 3
1.2 Objectives 3
2. Study Scope & Definitions 3
2.1 Scope 3
2.2 Research Questions 4
3. Literature Review 4
3.1 Initial Research 4
4. Project Management5
4.1 Plan and Methodology 5
4.2 Ethical Concerns 6
4.3 Risk Assessment 6
4.4 Critical Path Diagram 6
5. Progress Logbook 7
5.1 Activities Undertaken 7
5.2 Future Activities 7
6. Conclusion 7
7. Appendix 8
8. References 12
9.Bibliography 13

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1. Introduction
Ever since the first satellite launch in 1957, by the Soviet Union, the number of man-made objects in our
Earth’s orbit has been increasing. There has been no plan in retrieving the objects sent to space and if left
unnoticed can present potentially serious catastrophes to upcoming space launches. The trend in number
of ‘satellites annually launched’, has seen a large spike in the last two years and this has evidently led to
increased constrictions for future satellite missions. This research focuses on retrieving such components,
whether it maybe dysfunctional satellites and debris or any other satellite that may require maintenance,
with the use of robot manipulators equipped with mechanical actuators.

1.1 Aims
The rising number of debris has occupied operational Low-Earth Orbits for decades and this has made it
harder for new satellites to find a proper target orbit and launch into it without any interference from the
space debris. The Aim of this project is to bring large pieces of space garbage back to earth to be recycled
in a sustainable mission run. This is to be achieved by space drones with attached mechanical arms aiding
in achieving contact with debris and keeping it in a containment (i.e., a capsule), shortly before safely
propelling it off the course orbit into earth.

1.2 Objectives
This mission’s list of objectives is as follows; Investigate and fix:
i. on the type and size of debris to be targeted during the first mission
ii. the target Orbit
iii. the position of the thrusters and their effect on the orientation of the drones
iv. on the method of approaching the debris
v. materials to be used

2. Study Scope & Definitions

When dealing with such a project the scope can become comprehensively broad from the launch of the
spacecraft to the technology used to recover these long-lost satellites. However, these tasks are beyond
the capabilities of a bachelor’s student, so it calls for the scope to be narrowed down.

2.1 Scope
This Project mainly focus on the components that are to be launched with the spacecraft which will be
used for contacting the specified space debris. This includes the design of the drone/satellite and its
actuating parts. Moreover, thorough Tensile and stress testing and Finite Element Analysis will be carried
out for every component that is to be designed during the length of the project.
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2.2 Research Questions
Plenty of research has been carried out in the recent year regarding the growing concern of space debris
beyond the Low Earth Orbit. Following are the research questions which are intended to be thoroughly
answered during the dissertation.
i. What has been the major contributors to the Kessler’s Syndrome in the most recent years?
ii. Benefits of using a Claw/Tentacle Robot arm Spacecraft to contact the Active Debris
iii. What is the best way(software) to simulate different Active Debris Removal Systems?
iv. What are the current restrictive measures preventing further progress on existing projects on Active
Debris Removal (ADR)?
v. What are the environmental and security implications of using a spacecraft imitating a drone in the
Low Earth Orbit (LEO)

3. Literature Review
After the big release of “WALL-E”, a computer-animated movie by W. Disney Pictures, lots of attention was
brought to the phenomenon known as Kessler’s Syndrome. This theory was brought forward by a NASA
scientist Donald J. Kessler in 1978. The theory suggests a possible reality in future where any space
launches will be near impossible due to an excessive amount of space debris in the Earth’s orbit.
Additionally, given the fact that the number of objects launched into Outer Space (UNOOSA,2021) from all
over the world has seen a huge exponential spurt going from averaging 130 objects per year to 1800
within a span of 10 years. Number of Space Companies have declared their interest in this regard and have
widened the library of potential solutions for this growing concern.

3.1 Initial research

Numerous methods of ADR systems have been proposed and they all can be categorized by the type and
size of the debris the system is designed for. One of the most known methods is the use of a net, which is
deployed onto the target debris, then used to manipulate the debris to do what the mission set to
accomplish. Another similarly approached method is using a mechanical arm like structure which is
calibrated to position itself around the target debris and hold onto it, due further event sequences. Another
proposed project was the use of a high-power pulsed laser system (Phipps (2011)), which shoots plasma
jets from the ground towards the space objects to slow them down in an attempt to bring it back to earth.
All the previously mentioned ADR projects vary a lot in terms of how they chose to make contact with the
space garbage.

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There are many research projects available on branches of this topic, but it is important to categorize them
properly into what is possible by today’s technology standards and what is not. Highly unconventional
methods have been put forward by scientists, some not limited by technology, but its ineffectiveness
compared to the other methods outweighs its benefits. These include ground-based solutions which at first
seem very tempting as it is significantly cost effective, as opposed to space arms or nets, but is very weak
in terms of impact it has on the target debris which can lead to a long period of time before initial results
are recorded.

On the other hand, this type of project is very limited in terms of resources available as they are very
proprietary towards the space corporation and the government they work under. Number of annually
launched space objects is at an all time high, but this is only the start of the boom, and the present is far
from being severely affected by afloat space debris, so it is a close and almost one-sided consideration
when it comes to financing such a “clean-up” project. These are the main reason why there has been a
lack of materials and research available to help make certain parts of the designing and implementation of
the ADR space robot.

4. Project Management
A GANTT chart was produced to give an overview of the timetable and schedule that is to be followed to
ensure consistent progress. A project float of 2 weeks is given to allow for any unorthodox incidents that
may affect the rate of completion of the dissertation. A Risk Assessment form provided by the University is
filled and attached in the Appendix, covering possible complications that maybe faced during the project.

4.1 Plan and Methodology

Designing the Claw-like structure for the spacecraft on a CAD software will be the first line of progress. The
dimensions of the spacecraft are completely dependent on the chosen target debris for the project, and
this will be fixed on during the early designing stages. After the foundation has been laid out it is now
important to choose which software to continue the investigation on. There are many Guidance, Navigation
and Control Simulation Toolkits available but the software packages with the widest variety of tools to offer
comes under a paid for licence so it’s better to check with your institution for a proper budget plan.
The designed 3D model can be put through different Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations to test and
investigate for weakness and stability and the collected data can be further used for comparing with
different materials. Certain parts can be scaled down and be produced through additive manufacturing
which will be used for comprehensive tensile stress testing which will also add towards the database for
more accurate and proper comparisons.

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4.2 Ethical Concerns
Most data produced by many space launches are often labelled as sensitive as they can be misused if
under an unauthorized or unlawful administration. Similarly, this project only poses a threat if misused
under unsupervised operations. The proposed claw space drone design will have thrusters allowing it to be
more flexible and adapt easily to the given environment. Since its movement can be controlled by another
human operator, these movements must be strictly restricted to only capturing space debris. Given its
ability and potential to move within space while in orbit, there is a high chance of it leading to add onto the
space debris if operated by the wrong personnel. If for any reason the capsule system, within which the
debris is contained, burns up in the mesosphere during its re-entry to the earths surface, multiple
environmental implications are at stake here as the combustion contributes to global warming. However,
this catastrophic scenario defeats the whole purpose of using a capsule system as allowing space debris to
burn in our atmosphere is neither environmentally sustainable nor encouraged.

4.3 Risk Assessment

With the available facilities and resources provided by the institution this project is still to be restricted in
terms of testing the product. However, this means most of the testing must be run through simulation
software packages. The risk on this aspect of the project is the failure to licence or acquire the needed
software. Access to on campus computers is not always guaranteed so time sensitive CFX runs needs to be
preplanned and booked. Safety Hazards during Tensile stressing and 3D printing will be considered as they
are a part of the dissertation. Health concerns are not off the table, especially after the COVID pandemic
but is less-likely relative to previous mentioned risk. The risks and its mitigation have been extensively
described in the Appendix (Figure 4.3a and 4.3b).

4.4 Critical Path Diagrams

Refer to Figure 4.4a and 4.4b in the appendix for the following. Weekly meetings with the supervisor will
carry on making sure the objective of the project does not get lost. The GANTT Chart provides a proper
idea of the sequence of activities that needs to be carried in the given order and time window to keep up
with the given deadlines for the project. Task ID 7 and 8 are laboratory practical and thus must be
completed before the 31st of March. A Critical path diagram also was produced to outline the tasks that are
crucial for the project to progress with no added delays. Microsoft Project was used to produce both

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5. Progress Logbook
A Logbook has been provided from the university to be used by students logging their entire year in
periods of 2 weeks. This has so far been extensively used wherever possible. However, I have met with my
supervisor online but not the ideal number of times as expected due to health concerns at that moment.

5.1 Activities Undertaken

Plenty of Background research has been undertaken on the method of approach and after reviewing all the
available methods an appropriate one was chosen. A mission has been planned, includes the spacecraft
trajectory towards the orbit and another space station with multiple docking stations for the spacecraft
with the implemented robot claw. More specifications of the project have been decided on and are as
i. The Dock/space station main purpose will be to recharge the space cleaning drone robots
ii. The space station will be able accommodate up to 5 space engineers
iii. The whole system of spacecrafts will all be solar powered
iv. The claw mechanism will help grab (make contact) with the debris
v. Will them aid the debris into its “mouth” which will be an opening to a capsule
vi. Capsule will be made or coated with material that won’t burn during re-entry
vii. Capsule will be designed to be as aerodynamic as possible
viii. Installed and used Open-source System toolkit trials

5.2 Future Activities

Most of the future activities are outlined in the GANTT chart. Most time-consuming activities include
practicing with new software that aid in simulation for the project and practical lab sessions. Practical
sessions potential involves the use of on-campus 3D printing facilities and for further research also concise
tensile stress analysis. All the data acquired through these are to be recorded and read through thoroughly
to check for trends in terms of materials used (dependent on available materials). Progress made will be
recorded weekly alongside with the project supervisor.

6. Conclusion
This Project is design to help future engineers to further their study on removing space debris. Additionally,
it is encouraged in the future for Space cleaning to be an essential part of future Space Programs. The
required tables and diagrams can be found in the Appendix at the end of this document along with a
technical support resource form outlining the help requested from the University.

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7. Appendix

Hazards Existing Control Severity Likelihood Risk Additional Measures

Identified Measures level taken
Unable to Large number of PCs 1 2 2 Setting up Campus VPN
access On- available around to access needed
Campus Campus including the software from personal
System computers in the library compute
level 3
Unable to IT support staff on 1 3 3 Adapt project towards
acquire Campus during work free available open-
required hours source toolkits available
Software on the internet web
Safety Hazards Wearing Safety Goggles 3 3 9 Allow The technician to
using Printing and PPE Shoes on site take care of the
and Stress equipment and help
testing record the objectives
equipment data
Figure 4.3a


1–2 NEGLIGIBLE No further action is necessary.

3–5 TOLERABLE Where possible, reduce the risk further

6 - 12 MODERATE Additional control measures are required
15 – 16 HIGH Immediate action is necessary
20 - 25 INTOLERABLE Stop the activity/ do not start the activity
Figure 4.3b

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ID Task Task Name Duration Start Finish
Mode Dec '22 Jan '23 Feb '23 Mar '23
12 19 26 02 09 16 23 30 06 13 20 27 06 13
1 Technical research 2 wks Mon 12/12/22
Fri 23/12/22
2 Research into CFX 2 wks Mon Fri
packages 26/12/22 06/01/23
3 learning to use the 2 wks Mon Fri
software 09/01/23 20/01/23
4 Recording work 1 wk Mon Fri
progress 23/01/23 27/01/23
5 design spacecraft 2 wks Mon Fri
and optimize 23/01/23 03/02/23
6 Record work 1 wk Mon Fri
progress 06/02/23 10/02/23
7 3d print 2 wks? Mon Fri
miniaturized 06/02/23 17/02/23
8 Tensile stress test 1 wk? Mon Fri
the material 20/02/23 24/02/23
9 Record work 2 wks Tue Mon
progress 21/02/23 06/03/23
10 work on finishing 2 wks Mon Fri
dissertation 27/02/23 10/03/23
Figure 4.4a

Figure 4.4b

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Below the technical support and resource form is attached

Technical Support and Resources Form

Before the start of your project, discuss with your supervisor and check if your project will require support from the
university technicians.

If your project requires technical support, you have to identify a technician who is able to support you as early as
possible, and discuss with them the details.

If your project does not require technical support, you will still need to complete and submit this form (leave
irrelevant information blank).

This form must be completed and submitted as soon as possible, before the start of your project. The latest
deadline is 6th December 2022 (please aim for much sooner).

You must submit this form via Blackboard in the Assignments tab.
For Year 3 (BEng/MengA) students, this form must also be included in the appendix of your Interim Research

Failure to complete and submit this form may result in losing any technical support!

Student: Hans Lal Student ID: 20030411

Supervisor: Chris Toomer


Technical Support – after discussion with the technician, describe the technical support activities that will be
required and a brief timeline. Make sure that Risk Assessment Form is completed and submitted with the Interim
Research Proposal (Beng/MengA) and Final Report. Important: Last date to access practical labs is March 31st 2023.

Page 10 of 13
Ansys 2021
A licence or access to one of these gnc tools;
psatellite: Spacecraft Control Toolbox, 42 (open source), NASA's Trick, Cesium , GNC simulation

Required Facility – list any practical lab/workshop facility at UWE that will be used. If your project only
requires the computer labs, you can leave this blank.

Rescale Cloud Computing

Materials – outline the materials required for your project. If you need to purchase some materials for your
project, please use the Student Project Order Form (available on Blackboard in Technical Support & Resources tab).

Sign electronically or write your name below to confirm that everyone has agreed.

Student: H.A. Hanslal

Supervisor: Chris Toomer


~End of Appendices~

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8. References
Anon., 2021. Our World in Data. [Online].
Anon., n.d. Spaced Ventures. [Online]
Available at:
Bourabah, D., Field, L. & Botta, E. M., 2022. Estimation of uncooperative space debris inertial parameters
after tether capture. [Online]
Available at:
Clery, D., 2020. Science Organisation. [Online]
Available at:
Guthrie, B., Minkwan, K., Hodei, U. & Jonathan, H., 2021. Science direct. [Online]
Available at:
Hu, W. et al., 2021. Symplectic analysis on dynamic behaviors of tethered tug–debris system. [Online]
Available at:
Mark, P. C. & Kamath, S., 2018. Science Direct. [Online]
Available at:
Nishida, al., 2006. Science Direct. [Online]
Available at:
System Dynamics and Control.
Skibba, R., 2021. Wired. [Online]
Available at:
thompson, C., 2021. One Zero. [Online]
Available at:
UNOOSA, 2021. Our world in data. [Online]
Available at:
Vone, M. L., n.d. Space safety Magazine. [Online]
Available at:
Wall, M., 2022. Future [Online]
Available at:
Xinhua, 2021. China develops new tentacle-like robot to clear space debris. [Online]
Available at:
Yunfeng, Y. et al., 2021. Optimal configuration of distributed HTS coils for the non-contact de-tumbling of
space debris. [Online]
Available at:
Zhu, W., Pang, Z., Si, J. & Gao, G., 2022. Science Direct. [Online]
Available at:

Page 12 of 13
Anon., 2021. Our World in Data. [Online].
Anon., n.d. Spaced Ventures. [Online]
Available at:
Bourabah, D., Field, L. & Botta, E. M., 2022. Estimation of uncooperative space debris inertial parameters
after tether capture. [Online]
Available at:
Clery, D., 2020. Science Organisation. [Online]
Available at:
Guthrie, B., Minkwan, K., Hodei, U. & Jonathan, H., 2021. Science direct. [Online]
Available at:
Hu, W. et al., 2021. Symplectic analysis on dynamic behaviors of tethered tug–debris system. [Online]
Available at:
Mark, P. C. & Kamath, S., 2018. Science Direct. [Online]
Available at:
Nishida, al., 2006. Science Direct. [Online]
Available at:
System Dynamics and Control.
Skibba, R., 2021. Wired. [Online]
Available at:
thompson, C., 2021. One Zero. [Online]
Available at:
UNOOSA, 2021. Our world in data. [Online]
Available at:
Vone, M. L., n.d. Space safety Magazine. [Online]
Available at:
Wall, M., 2022. Future [Online]
Available at:
Xinhua, 2021. China develops new tentacle-like robot to clear space debris. [Online]
Available at:
Yunfeng, Y. et al., 2021. Optimal configuration of distributed HTS coils for the non-contact de-tumbling of
space debris. [Online]
Available at:
Zhu, W., Pang, Z., Si, J. & Gao, G., 2022. Science Direct. [Online]
Available at:

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