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Technical Support and Resources Form

Before the start of your project, discuss with your supervisor and check if your project will
require support from the university technicians.

If your project requires technical support, you have to identify a technician who is able to
support you as early as possible, and discuss with them the details.

If your project does not require technical support, you will still need to complete and submit
this form (leave irrelevant information blank).

This form must be completed and submitted as soon as possible, before the start of your
project. The latest deadline is 6th December 2022 (please aim for much sooner).

You must submit this form via Blackboard in the Assignments tab.
For Year 3 (BEng/MEngA) students, this form must also be included in the appendix of your
Interim Research Proposal.

Failure to complete and submit this form may result in losing any technical support!

Student: Hans Lal Student ID: 20030411

Supervisor: Chris Toomer


Technical Support – after discussion with the technician, describe the technical
support activities that will be required and a brief timeline. Make sure that Risk Assessment
Form is completed and submitted with the Interim Research Proposal (BEng/MEngA) and
Final Report. Important: Last date to access practical labs is March 31st 2023.

Ansys 2021
A licence or access to one of these gnc tools;
psatellite: Spacecraft Control Toolbox, 42 (open source), NASA's Trick, Cesium , GNC
simulation tool
Required Facility – list any practical lab/workshop facility at UWE that will be used. If
your project only requires the computer labs, you can leave this blank.

Rescale Cloud Computing

Materials - outline the materials required for your project. If you need to purchase some
materials for your project, please use the Student Project Order Form (available on
Blackboard in Technical Support & Resources tab).

Sign electronically or write your name below to confirm that everyone has agreed.

Student: H.A. Hanslal

Supervisor: Chris Toomer


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