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Jasper Martin A.

Gabriel RAWS
11 STEM – ORION Q4 – M6

What I know
1. Given
2. If my teacher asks me to stay late but I have somewhere else to be, I would politely tell them
about my situation. I would ask if there's any way we could work something out like leaving a bit
earlier or rescheduling the missed work. If there's no other option, I would be honest about my
need to leave and offer to make up for any missed work later. I would try my best to stay calm
and respectful throughout the conversation.
3. If I had to say "no" to my adviser, I would first listen to their request and try to understand where
they're coming from. Then, I would respectfully explain why I can't agree and offer alternative
solutions or compromises if I can. It's important to be honest and clear, but also respectful and
professional. Saying "no" can be hard, but it's okay to set boundaries and make decisions that are
best for me.
4. To push back on a decision that I think is wrong, I would gather information and understand the
reasoning behind it. Then, I would respectfully express my concerns and explain why I think it's
wrong, while staying calm and professional. If the decision can't be changed, I would get
feedback from others and look for next steps that could work better for everyone.
5. Giving negative feedback to a best friend is tough, but honesty and empathy are key. I would start
by showing my concern and explaining the specific problem. Then, I would listen to their side
and offer support and solutions if I can. It's important to be clear and constructive, while still
valuing our friendship.
6. If I haven't been able to join my online classes for almost two months, I'd reach out to my
professors or school admin and ask for help. I'd explain why I couldn't attend and apologize for
missing out. Then, I'd make a plan to catch up and make sure I'm there for my classes from now

What’s In
1. Bluff 6. Bluff 11. Fact
2. Fact 7. Fact 12. Bluff
3. Bluff 8. Fact 13. Fact
4. Bluff 9. Bluff 14. Fact
5. Bluff 10. Fact 15. Fact

What’s More
Independent Activity 1

1. True 6. False
2. True 7. False
3. True 8. False
4. True 9. True
5. True 10. False
What I have Learned

1. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a significant shift towards online learning, which poses
unique challenges to students, including the lack of face-to-face interaction with instructors and
peers, isolation, and the need for strong self-discipline and time-management skills. To overcome
these challenges, students can develop a structured routine, set clear goals, use technology
effectively, seek support from peers and instructors, and practice self-care. Educators also play a
critical role in creating a supportive and engaging online learning environment, offering resources
and support to help students succeed. By recognizing the unique challenges and implementing
effective coping mechanisms, students can thrive in online classes and achieve academic success
in the digital age.

2. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted daily life globally, leading to challenges such as remote
work and online learning, social isolation, and disparities in healthcare and education. However, it
has also brought about positive changes, including increased flexibility and innovation, a sense of
community and solidarity, and rapid vaccine development. The pandemic has highlighted the
importance of equity, public health infrastructure, and resilience in the face of challenges.
Overall, it has had a profound effect on daily life and will continue to shape the future in
transformative ways.


1. A 6. A 11. D
2. D 7. C 12. A
3. B 8. B 13. A
4. B 9. B 14. B
5. C 10. C 15. C

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