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Activity 6.

2: Case Study

Case 3: Computer addiction

1. Read the news article on computer addiction: “Four in ten teenage girls 'are addicted to internet:
Youngsters increasingly showing signs of compulsion with their tablets and smart phones” at

2. After reading the article, answer the following questions:

• From the research, do boys and girls share the same Internet usage? Explain your answer. Cite
statistics or data.

-Based on the research, girls spent more time using their phones to chat their friends while boys spent
time on computer games. Data shows that girls has a higher internet usage and thought they were
addicted than the boys, the figure at 46 percent, boys follows at 36 percent.

• Cite one real life example in your school or community of teenagers who have experienced computer
addiction. What happen them? Have they recovered from their addiction?

-To not go further, I’ll take myself as an example since I spent most of my time using gadgets. Social
media does entertain me, it keeps me away from the real world to the point that it became somewhat
my safe place, but then I realized that I cannot go through a day without using my phone, I became
addicted. It affected my self-esteem, socialization and even my studies. As of now, I’m still working on it,
I’m trying hard not to use it all the time.

• Give two pieces of advice from Tablets for Schools to avoid computer addiction.

- Base on the article, to prevent computer addiction among students, guidance is important. Adults need
to monitor if the tablet is being use for school related purposes only, teach them how to discipline
themselves. Time limitations is also important since too much screen time will cause them to have an

3. Summarize the answers.

- Based on the research survey, Girls admit it more that they are addicted to the internet, figure at 46
percent while 36 percent of the boys admitted that they are addicted. Girls spend their time talking to
theirs friends. Boys on the other hand, they spend their time in computer games. We rely on the
internet so bad that it became an addiction, Modern problem need a modern solution. Guidance and
setting time limitations are two advices that may help to prevent internet/computer addiction.

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