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Project crashing to solve Time-Cost Trade-Off with varying Indirect cost

A - 3 8000 2 8280
B - 6 9000 4 10300
C - 2 3000 2 3000
D A 5 7000 4 7400
E C 2 4000 2 4000
F A 7 8000 6 8100
G B,D,E 4 5000 2 6100

Varying Indirect cost

Month = 80
Cost = 510

The given problem is
Immediat Cra Cra
Nor Nor
Activ e sh sh
mal mal
ity Predeces Tim Cos
Time Cost
sors e t
A - 3 8000 2
B - 6 9000 4
C - 2 3000 2
D A 5 7000 4
E C 2 4000 2
F A 7 8000 6
G B,D,E 4 5000 2

Edge and it's preceded and succeeded node

Node1 → Node2
A 1→2
C 1→3
B 1→4
D 2→4
F 2→5
E 3→4
G 4→5

Forward Pass Method

Forward Pass Method


E2=E1+t1,2 [t1,2=A=3]=0+3=3

E3=E1+t1,3 [t1,3=C=2]=0+2=2

{ }
E4=Max Ei+ti,4 [i=12,3,]

=Max E1+t1,4;E2+t2,4;E3+t3,4 }


{ }
E5=Max Ei+ti,5 [i=24,]

=Max E2+t2,5;E4+t4,5 }



Backward Pass Method

(b) The critical path in the network diagram has been shown. This has been done by
double lines by joining all those events where E-values and L-values are equal.
The critical path of the project is : 1-2-4-5 and critical activities are A,D,G

The total project time is 12

Critical activity Crash cost per week (Rs)

A (1 - 2) 8280-80003-2=280
C (1 - 3) -
B (1 - 4) 10300-90006-4=650
D (2 - 4) 7400-70005-4=400
F (2 - 5) 8100-80007-6=100
E (3 - 4) -
G (4 - 5) 6100-50004-2=550
Total cost = Direct normal cost + Indirect cost for 12 weeks
To begin crash analysis, the crash cost slope values for critical activities is
Critical activity Crash cost per week (Rs)
A (0 - 1) 8280-80003-2=280
D (1 - 3) 7400-70005-4=400
G (3 - 4) 6100-50004-2=550

The critical activity A with cost slope of Rs 280 per week, is the least expensive and
can be crashed by 1 weeks

E-values and L-values for next crashed network

Forward Pass Method

Forward Pass Method


E2=E1+t1,2 [t1,2=A=2]=0+2=2

E3=E1+t1,3 [t1,3=C=2]=0+2=2

{ }
E4=Max Ei+ti,4 [i=12,3,]

=Max E1+t1,4;E2+t2,4;E3+t3,4 }



{ }
E5=Max Ei+ti,5 [i=24,]

=Max E2+t2,5;E4+t4,5 }



Backward Pass Method

Backward Pass Method

L4=L5-t4,5 [t4,5=G=4]=11-4=7

L3=L4-t3,4 [t3,4=E=2]=7-2=5

{ }
L2=Min Lj-t2,j [j=54,]

=Min L5-t2,5;L4-t2,4 }



{ }
L1=Min Lj-t1,j [j=43,2,]

=Min L4-t1,4;L3-t1,3;L2-t1,2 }



(b) The critical path in the network diagram has been shown. This has been done by
double lines by joining all those events where E-values and L-values are equal.
 The critical path of the project is : 1-2-4-5 and critical activities are A,D,G

The total project time is 11

Total cost = Direct normal cost + Indirect cost for 11 weeks

Since total project cost for 11 weeks is more than the cost for 12 weeks. So further
crashing is not desirable.
Hence, project optimum time is 12 weeks and cost is 44000.

Crashing schedule of project

Crashing Direct Direct
Project Total (Normal Indirec Total
activity and Normal Crashing
duration + Crashing) t Cost Cost
time Cost Cost
12 44000 44000 0
11 A=1 44000 1×280=280 44280 0

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