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Assessing your physical readiness

Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q)

Before embarking on this physical activity answer the seven questions in the link


If you answer yes to any questions, go no further until you acquire a doctor’s
clearance. If you do answer “no” to every question, you can be reasonably sure it's
safe to start or increase your physical activity.
Further assessment of your health and fitness levels. Testing your walking fitness
can help you set up a program and gauge your progress. The PAR-Q DP basic
health screening is designed to set off alarm bells for the high-risk conditions that
need a doctor’s consultation it is only a general view. The next portion is a self-
evaluation that is more specific to walking it looks at both your health history and
your illness background and level and chooses which best describes you from 3 –
Cardiovascular Health
No history of heart or circulatory problem 3
Past ailments treated successfully 2
Such problems exist but no treatment required 1
Under medical care for cardiovascular illness 0
No current injury problems 3
Some pain in activity but not limited by it 2
Level of activity limited by the injury 1
Unable to do much strenuous training 0
No current illness problem 3
Some problem in activity but not limited by it 2
Level of activity limited by the illness 1
Unable to do much strenuous training 0
Age 20 or younger 3
Age 21 to 29 2
Age 30 to 39 1
Age 40 and older 0
Within 2 pounds of your own ideal weight 3
Less than 10 pounds above or below your ideal 2
11 to 19 pounds above or below your ideal 1
20 or more pounds above or below your ideal 0
Resting Pulse Rate
Below 60 beats per minute 3
61 to 69 beats per minute 2
70 to 79 beats per minute 1
80 or more beats per minute 0
Never a smoker 3
Once a smoker, but quit 2
An occasional, social smoker 1
A regular, heavy smoker now 0
Most Recent Walk
Walked non-stop for more than 1 brisk mile 3
Walked non-stop for half a mile to 1 mile 2
Walked less than half a mile and took rests 1
No recent walking of any distance 0
Walking Background
Walked regularly within the last year 3
Walked regularly 1 to 2 years ago 2
Walked regularly more than 2 years ago 1
Never walked regularly 0
Related Activities
Regularly practice continuous aerobic activity 3
Sometimes practice continuous aerobic activity 2
Practice non-aerobic or stop and go sports 1
Not regularly active 0

Total Score: 26

A. Score of 20points or more = “high” in overall health and fitness

B. Score between 10 – 19 = “average” in overall health and fitness
C. Score lower than 10 = “low” in overall health and fitness

John Emmanuel O. Lacatan

Name and Signature

Hawkins, J.D. & Hawkins, S.M. (2011). Walking for fun and fitness (4th edition). Belmont.CA:
Wadsworth Cengage Learning

Iknoian, Therese (1995). Fitness Walking. Human Kinetics.

Riegel, Deborah Grayson. (2011). Don’t underestimate the Power of a Walk.

Seiger, Lon H. & Hesson, James. (2002). Walking for Fitness. 4th ed. MCGraw-Hill. Health and Fitness. Walk Slim

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