DHS Response

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The Honorable Darrel lssa

Re: lnformation On Electronic Business Systems

Attachment - Page 1
1. Identify and briefly describe each of your agency' s business and accounting systems. If
separate divisions, bureaus, or offices of your agency use separate systems, identify which
di visions, bureaus, or offices use each system.
Response: Please see attached Table I, "Electronic Business and Accounting Systems
including Procurement".
2. Explain how the business and accounting systems identified in response to Request No. I
interact with one another.
Response: Please see attached Table I, "Electronic Business and Accounting Systems
including Procurement".
3. For each system identified in response to Request No. I, state whether information found i:l
that system is regularly or periodically submitted to any of the government-wide accounting
systems maintained by the Department of the Treasury, e.g. , GFRS, FACTS I, FACTS II,
IFCS, etc., and explain how and at what intervals those submissions occur, including
descriptions of both manual and automated processes.
Response: In 2008, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) implemented the DHS
Treasury Information Executive Repository (DHSTIER) and CFO Vision (CFOV)
applications at the Department. DHSTIER is a Government Off-the-Shelf (GOTS)
application developed at the United States Department of Treasury (Treasury), and CFOV is
a Commercial (COTS) application.
DHSTIER is an application that receives monthly uploaded financial accounting and
budgetary data from each DHS component. The DHSTIER application generates raw
extracts that are fed into CFOV. CFOV uses this data to produce formatted reports that
sati sfy both internal and external reporting requirements. The CFOV application is generally
used for analyzing and reporting on complex financial data. The data contained in DHSTIER
and CFOV is used to update the following government wide accounting systems on behalf of
the Department: OMB MAX, FACTS II, GFRS, FACTS I, IFCS and GTAS.
4. For each system identified in response to Request No. I, state whether information found in
that system is regularly or periodically submitted to the Office of Management and Budget's
("OMB") MAX Information System.
Response: Information submitted to the OMB MAX system is at a higher level than the
information gathered in FACTS II or DHSTIER.
5. For each system identified in response to Request No. I, describe recent, current, and
planned migration or modernization projects.
Response: Systems listed in Response No. I will be modernized as needed in conjunction
with planned migrations to an integrated financial, asset and acquisi tion system.
The Honorable Darrellssa
Re: Infonnation on Electronic Business Systems
Attachment - Page 2
6. In addition to your agency's submissions to government-wide accounting systems maintained
by the Department of the Treasury and OMB, as described in response to Requests Nos. 3
and 4, does your agency publish any of the same information online for public viewing? If
so, describe how and in what format that information is published.
Response: The following reports and information is available publically on DBS.gov:
.. Perfonnance and Accountability Reports: I) Annual Financial Report, 2) Annual
Performance Report;
.. Summary of Performance and Financial Information
.. Budget in Brief
.. Congrcssional Budget Justification
.. High Dollar Overpayments Report
7. Identify and briet1y describe each system that your agency uses to manage grants. direct
loans andior loan guarantees, If separate divIsions, bureaus, or offices of your agency use
separate systems, identify which divisions,
Response: DBS supports 96 active financial assistance programs described in the Catalog of
Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA). DBS relies on numerous legacy financial assistance
systemsimanual processes to manage these programs, DHS uses a mix offul! systems,
partial systems, and manual processes describe in the table below. DHS organizations in
support of grant administration include distinct major grant program directorates in FEMA, a
major directorate in DBS Headquarters, and smaller grant program offices throughout DHS
10 rl roIll'"
Automated Deployment Database (ADD)
Document Management And Records Tracking System (DMARTS)
Emergency Management Mission Integrated Environment (EM:v11E)
Incident !v1anagement Coordination, Assessment, and Determination (tMCAD)
Mitigation (MT) eGrants
Emergency Management Information System CNEMIS)
Transaction Record Reporting and Processing (TRRP)
ND Grant>;
Grants Management System (OMS)
Payment and Reporting System (PARS)
i HHS Payment Management System
;V"'"Ud' A ward
Manual Payment Process Via SF 270
A ward System
___ ____ _____________, ____.___0 ___0 _______ __ __
i M,anual Award System
The Honorable Danet Issa
Re: Int,mnatiQn on Electronic Business Systems
Attachment - Page 3
8. For each system identifIed in response to Request No.7, explain how it interacts with any
business or accounting system identified in response to Request No.1.
Management System
9. For each system identified in response to Request No.7, state whether information found in
that system is regularly or periodically submitted to the Catalogue of Federal Domestic
Assistance (CFDA), and deseribe how and at what intervals those submissions occur,
including descriptions of both automated and manual processes.
Response: The Department relies on manual processes to ensure all DRS assistance
programs are included and updated in the CFDA armually. The Financial Assistance Policy
and Oversight Office (FAPO) works directly with the DHS Components to assist in
reviewing and updating the process. F APO facilitates the mauual verification ofthe financial
and program data that is described in the CFDA. The data is verified \Vitl1 the current mix of
full systems, partial systems, and budgetary plarming resources.
10. For each system identified in response to Request No. state whether information found in
that system is regularly or periodically submitted to any ofilie government-wide grants
management and reporting systems, e.g., FAADS, FAADS PLUS, etc., and describe how and
at what intervals those submissions occur, including descriptions of both automated and
mauual processes.
Response: DHS manually collects financial assistance data from the legacy financial
assistance systems/processes to comply with F AADS and FAADS PLUS reporting
requirements. Components use a current mix of full systems. partial systems, and manual
processes to generate F AADS arld FAADS PLUS submissions. The t1nancial assistance
The Honorable Darrel Issa
Re: Information on Electronic Business Systems
Attachment - Page 4
award triggers the required reporting intervals for the various reporting Components.
USASpending.gov submissions are certified by the Components before being em ailed to
FAPO. FAPO then reviews and performs a quality check to prevent obvious errors or
omissions. The submissions are reviewed by the DHS Security and Privacy offices as a pre
caution in case any recipient data should not be released and then forwarded to
11. For each system identified in response to Request No.7, describe recent, current, and
planned migration or modernization projects.
Response: Financial assistance spending data is both core financial data and financial
assistance program data. The Department is working to determine the most effective path
forward to establish a consolidated Grants Management Integrated Environment (GMIE)
system to support all DHS grant programs.
12. In addition to your agency's submissions to government-wide grants management and
reporting systems, described in response to Requests Nos. 9 and 10, does your agency
publish any of the same information online for public viewing? If so, describe how and in
what format that information is published.
Response: DHS publi shes financial assistance award information in press releases on the
FEMA.gov website. DHS also publishes award data to targeted communities on the website
www.firegrantssuppOlt.com for selected grants. These awards are presented by fiscal year
and awardees for the following programs:
Assistance to Firefighters Grants
Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grants
The Fire Prevention and Safety Grants
Homeland Security's Assistance to Firefighters Fire Station Construction Grants
13. Identify and briefly describe each system that your agency uses to manage contracts. If
separate divisions, bureaus, or offices of your agency use separate systems, identify which
divisions, bureaus, or offices use each system.
Response: Please see attached Table 2, "Electronic Contract Business Systems".
14. For each system identified in response to Request No. 13, explain how it interacts with any
business or accounting system identified in response to Request No. 1.
Response: Please see attached Table 1, "Electronic Business and Accounting Systems
including Procurement".
IS. For each system identified in response to Request No. 13, state whether information found in
that system is regularly or periodically submitted to any of the government-wide contract
management and reporting systems, e.g. , FPDS, FPDS-NG, FAPlIS, etc., and describe how
The Honorabl e Dan-ellssa
Re: Infon-nation on Electronic Business Systems
Attachment - Page 5
and at what intervals those submissions occur, including descriptions of both automated and
manual processes.
Response: Please see attached Table 2, "Electronic Contract Business Systems".
16. For each system identified in response to Request No. 13, describe recent, current, and
planned migration or modernization projects.
Response: Please see attached Table 2, "Electronic Contract Business Systems".
17. In addition to your agency's submissions to government-wide contract management and
reporting systems, described in response to Request No. 15, does your agency publish any of
the same information online for public viewing? If so, describe how and in what format that
information is published.
Response: DHS publishes a listing of the Agency's Service Contract Inventory. This
information, in spreadsheet format, is downloaded from FPDS and is publically available on
the DHS.gov website.
18. Briefly describe your agency's efforts to comply with OMB's memorandum on the Open
Government Directive - Federal Spending Transparency, dated April 6, 20 10. In particular,
describe whether and how your agency has beglill to collect and report sub-award data, as
required by the memorandum, and describe how your agency's reports on OMB's data quality
metrics, as required by the memorandum, are generated.
Response: To comply with the Open Government Directive, the DHS is implementing its
"Data Quality Plan to Support the Open Government Directive" (May 2010). The plan
includes multiple aspects to ensuring data quality, including performing risk assessments,
data reconciliation efforts, sample testing, review and standardization of quality control
activities, and data quality certifications.
The Office of Financial Management (OFM) is requiring all Components to reconcile the
total amount of obligations reported from the Budget Execution and Budgetary Resources
(SF-133) report to the total amount of obligations reported in USASpending.gov. The
Components are required to sample obligations at the transactional level in order to evaluate
the completeness, timing, and accuracy of the obligations reported to USASpending.gov and
initiate correcti ve action plans.
The Office of Financial Policy and Oversight (FAPO) initiated the Financial Assistance Data
Quality Plan that reviews each Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) from the
Components to ensure basic data elements are addressed and establish an inventory of all the
Department's financial assi stance programs. The plan requires all financial assistance data is
certified by a Senior Accountable Official before being transmitted to USASpending.gov and
the Components provide Congressional Notifications (CNs) of all awards that enables FAPO
to monitor these awards are posted to USASpending.gov.
The Honorable Darrel Issa
Re: Infoanation on Electronic Business Systems
Attachment - Page 6
DBS Chief Procurement Offlcer (CPO) issued policy and guidance to increase contracting
community awareness of Open Government and the Federal Funding Accountability and
Transparency Act (FFATA) requirements in anticipation of the issuance in July 2010 of the
interim Federal Acquisition Regulation rule, DHS CPO issued Acquisition Alert 10-21 on
August 23, 2010 requiring prime contractors to report data by the end of the month following
the month of a first-tier subcontract and annually thereafter. Prime contractors are required
to report their information at the FFATA Subaward Reporting system (FSRS), Contracting
Officers review contractor reports on a quarterly basis [0 ensure information reported is
consistent with contract information,
19. If your agency interacts directly with USASpending,gov, in addition to submitting
information to the systems that feed CSASpending,gov, describe the nature, frequency, and
purposes of that interaction,
Response: DHS Procurement offices do not submit data directly to USASpending,gov,
USASpending,gov extracts data from the FPDS, Per the Federal Acquisition Regulation
(FAR) agency contract award data is submitted to the FPDS, Most data is electronically
submitted to the FPDS from the various DHS contract \\Titing systems, Any data not
submitted via the contract writing systems is submitted tluough the FPDS web portal.
For financial assistance data, DBS uses manual spreadsheets to consolidate and submit its
monthly data to USASpending.gov. Also.. DBS frequently interacts with the administrators of
USASpending,gov to discuss validation rules, seek guidance and resolve unforeseen
validation issues,
20. Describe the data quality controls and procedures that your agency has implemented for
information that is submit1ed to CSASpending,gov, including information submitted direetly
and infonnation submitted to one of the systems that feeds USASpending.gov.
Response: To improve the quality and integrity of financial data publicly available on
USASpending,gov, the Department has implemented a data quality validation process, DHS
Components must reconcile and validate publicly reported spending data on
USASpending,gov with budgetary spending data reflected in the Department's fInancial
management system (i,e" SF-133 data) on a quanerly basis. Components perform sample
testing and report results to verify the accuracy, timeliness, and completeness of their data
posted on USASpending,gov. Furthermore, Components describe any differences found
while reconciling and validating their data and then must assess and address the root causes
of differences found during reconciliation,
Per the FAR and OMB guidance, DHS conducts an annual verification and validation
exercise to certify the FPDS data accuracy, The overall DBS accuracy rate for FY2010 was
92.2%, The discrepancies in the two systems may be attributed to a lag in the updating of
data in USASpending,gov from FPDS, In addition, DHS has developed a set of 5 0 ~
The Honorable Darre! !ssa
Re: In!onnation on Electronic Business Systems
Attachment - Page 7
electronic FPDS data checks that look for inaccuracies in the FPDS data to allow for
For financial assistance awards, DBS established a certification process, so all DBS
Component's USASpending.gov data submissions must include a certification of timeliness,
accuracy and completeness from a desigttatcd officiaL Officials began celiifying
USASpending.gov data submissions for timeliness, accuracy and completeness on December
21. State whether all of your agency's current grants, contracts, and loans are accurately reflected
on USASpending.gov, and, if not, estimate the percentage of current grants, contracts, and
loans that are not accurately reflected. using both the number of transactions and dollar
Response: Based on the data quality validation process perfomled as of September 30, 2010
(described above), DHS estimates that the Department reflected approximately 60 percent (or
$20.8 billion) ofthe DHS financial system data that is required to be reflected on
USASpending.gov (or $32,5 bi1\ion in obligations after netting out certain excluded
categories not required to be reported in USASpending,gov), Most orlhe underreported
amounts in L'SASpending.gov pertain to financial assistance data, for which the Department
is implementing corrective actions including standardized business model and processes.
22. State whether your agency incurs any reporting burdens or costs as a result of its obligations
under the Federal Financial Assistaoce Transparency Act ("FFATA") that it does not incur as
a result of other reporting obligations, and estimate those burdens and costs in worker-hours
and dollars,
Response: The estimated additional houts required to create USASpending.gov reports for
1inancial assistance reporting totals at least one FTE per year,
Procurement offices have a FF A TA reporting related oversight requirement that takes an
estimated half hour per quarter (2 hours pef year) to check and make corrections on contracts
ovcr S25K, This equates to approximately 22,000 hours or about 10 full time employees per
23, Identify the individual(s) who scrve(s) as Senior Accountable Official(s) ("SAO") over
federal spending data quality for your agency, as defined by OMB.
Response: The Senior Accountable Official for data quality at DBS is the Deputy Chief
Financial OtIicer.
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Accounting Systfl ms includmg Plocurement
1 - S
QlleSI'001l 2 & - Interacuon between Busi ness. Accoun t, ng and
Questton 11 1 - Idenr,fy and descnbe busrness and accountrng syste ms bv Component PrOC\.l r"merlt systems
ICE Federal Flnanel s l Ma nage mO!"nt
Bond ManacemO!" nt (8MIS)
Pro,lIrement Request Information Sy. tem
DHS Manago!! menl
DHS _ SunflowO!" r Manageme nt System
ICE __
iSV!lem allows e mployees to and inf01matlOll per taining
Self _ _ _
ICE IReal Property System
Business, Accounting Ind Procur ement System De}(riptlon Iinteraction between
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ i syslem5 __ _
IfedTraveler.com EoGov Travel Servi C<! (eTS) II 3 compre hensive, Md
Ito-end service to pl an, book, apprOl/e, Md request
_ _
.FFMS provI des ICE, USCfs , NPPO, USVlSlT, OHS Cps, 5&T. MId FPS
IWlth COfe .Kcoummg capabl l. tlu. The FFMS Is a JOi nt Financial
IManageme nt Improvement Program (JFMIP) certl/ led . 0ftwarO!"
"PPlicat ion tll" t conforms t o OMB Circular A-12? and implO!" mentJ;
the of a Stanclard GeMrolledger fo r the aCCOUnting 01 ! gency
t ransact io nl .
The BMIS Web applK3uon the DHS bond ma ll3gemO!"n t
process and upgraded the BMI S momfrarM sys tem a pplicatIOn to
we b-basO!" d technotos v 611.11 5 WE B ali bond Informa rron, for
both cash and bonds. tnit latO!"s GJ t o tnnsfe, cash depos,t to
breach bond de tent.on rund In f FMS.
PRISM IS a COTS, e- procure me nt solution . n..s Contract WrIting
M.lnag@me nt Systemprovides crad(e togl llvO!"
procurement/acquI sition JUppofl at the dO!"slttop through a browser
only, gi Ving globa l KCess by all OHS procu rement pe rsonnel and
IhO!"l r customers.
A:I.I et Management System used as an Interim p"rJor>al prope rty
managemO!" nt system to !rael<. t he personal property 01 the
OO!"partment 01 Homeland
Iw eb- basect system l1Jed to e nter Ume and attendancO!" dat4 for
NI&llt IV batch Interface
, with FFMS

Nightly batCh irlte rface
llo<; uments .lre creatO!"d.n FFMS (I. e, payments due 10 contractor! or
for IntefBol/O!"mmO!"ntal ServICe Agreements) then tne document s arO!" icreate In FfMS p,,-y t he

. _ _
IPr ovldu travel f utomalion support for
ICE indudmg tr.lVel requests,
a nd vouche rs. AI 50 used
Ifor ICE allen deportations. bald..
Inlerface with t he F" deral FfIlanCI! 1
Sudget hecutoOll.
Funds Control. Ao:<:ounts
DI $bun e men1:S. Accl)UntJ;
COlt Ovtllan
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IAII !om9tO!"d trad ing of lirlanci al act""tv
of bonds throughou t the
illfe cycle of t he bond. from pesti n, to
Itermlnation. bor>d proten
Ion'ormatKln of ahens Involved In judIC14 1

-. --
Ollill'n Payroll
T- -
Ipay on
, Agreeme nu (SLA's) I nd IMe r
Agrfl e mO!" Ilts (IAAs) ;; nd variOUS other
ICE real est.l!e, leaso!! d and
RPMS Ii scheduled to go Into FY '11 and is an Igol/emme nt owned, t rack alilaclhtlo!!S
entef Pnse worllplacO!" $yste m for tracklnl a ll related aCllvit, es incl UdIng construction.
related activitpes incl udong acuis l\l on, telKl nt Improvemeflt5 [e nergy consumption. lease agr eeme nh ,
ITSO ,;;nd rnf()(mat lon .
Hon "..ble I, ..
{Iectron'" Bu. ", .., and P!'OCu,_ onl

Quo""", _1


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11.'<C".ble. CO" Accum/O,!tr,
CAS (0 <1<10 F' n.nClal, 1kn ... Ill mo for FPD. Budget fo' mulal""' , Roeseu, c. Planning.
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f!lld1 m., ItOloaded dl;ly ,nlo CB1 ' 0' ""ARD. red!o.
and DHL "ayn, en' ", {()J"",bon wh,dI
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( onlol>dotod n ..,1Fu.1 c"d . nd ,n.<" fa ce, ....th Ae<ouM P.yabl. Pa,..,bl. Ln ,.. A ""nll Re<e<vabl Co,t Acwmjo.,tr
W.b ba....:! 'Y'ttm ...ed \0 ... t. , I"'" . nd 3ttend3n<<, dato ta, 'C. ney
WESTA Th rol/V! th e NfC aceo" nl,n T.m. &
A.l\m"" stnti..... B,II,nC" .nd CoIlf'e\lan. ABCO p,oV1do. hondt,nl o{.a:Olmt. ,,,,,",,,, bl.
It .. "''''' IOf
51'<tom ' '''orna'''' b,.,n ,whtch "',,:...ecorded ""'"110' .... until GOItret.d T.... th. Nf l:: f,)u ....<... C..,ll1 n Paytoll
An.!yI.d and .... .nd p"fSonne\ Lran,,.,Oon. o<cu"td d"""1 iII-wedly dol. O"U <I (d.LI .. ultd <0
Roo p"""', p,<x,"" ",,of po" "" calculate r.,av" I<C"" Io wh, ch WOlJId fe. d into CASI ,""Iian I'oV, oI l
MASC " a n OfIkn.......1.... .. h..:h .tto",. Ie '"tobh,h . nd m.iM. '" Inl.. n. 1NFC'y$I. ", ..... 10 "... d8 '0 1C",,,n(ln1 d",.
Code. lablo' 01portinen' mlo'm.l"," 'uch a, dt""Pl"'''' ..nd to dfl., m,n. which T, n.! ury """bol ;he to be
.fOP".t"'" cod". and de"" tion. cro4' ted and d.b" .d. avot.. " PIV'oIl
Pro.,d.. data u lrocU from all of
tk t NrC .. <"e"" (W"bTI\,. .0. 1\(0. IKU P. 0" ) All
dll." ' ....'.ted wt>en Ih " p-"yEt
",oxe.. are tun 50 none 01,h. '0,,' '''\0 NfC
lit:e A(KO 1>.... a d""", or d"""tI ,"'o..race
p-"v ....rlo"" . Ih. <Om" loc. tf'd ,..,..,,"" to p,oduc-," nel ,.'. ry but ..e of th e tvP" er dall "'.1" ,n Ihe
P. Cem
" m dau fo, di>b""..".nt lind ''''''min",n to T".oSU ry fi l" .tte, PAVE ",0.;'"'' 'Un ""ll anl'ay,oll
PtNQ" u.ed I!, 'lytrv .....
' "'
IQble CM I13 n Pi ,oJl. I'Hson n.1
ABCOINQ .. . n gnl,,,. ac<:....V< t.... ...htell >110"" U""" to
IO.dmln"tf .uv. SIIl;ng a" d Colle< t_. qu.ry and '0.<"<1""" inlOfmoMn in III . Adml "" t' ..",. an d
In " 'IV $..-< tem N<>1/o,p hohle AccounU I(o,o,..""ble. eMhl n
and I' IN[ .dlts p,.. , on ncl ...ne " a\'MI1 tro n<;>ct""' , ...t..-ed '''rou, h
Oocumenta\l,," ValJd.,ion Sysl.m ... tit.... .,. t" III. d.tfba", Ho' A Ioco bl . (MI,.n Po 011. P""onnol
FES! .. u,od \0 pro... dn In lo,lu e I", ..ni p. y,oIl/l""l Onnfi and
F, oM-End 5\,<I"m' Inlf rlao" ,I.on data th_ h bOlch 1 n.....n 'onS No! locobl. Po , ol!. onnel
U.ed to qU't/o ,."""'" . equt wk.......... pIO'/ 10 .. ..01 bce n oald
.. m du e \Q . I.. .GU<"on m'I",.,do.ck m I, nll odd. +<, a T&A etc Th, oUVt ' h. NFC h,w.....IV . ccounh" C,,,,I_" Pa1folt P"""nnel
An onl,nt IU_ ttKlUlryand corrotllon 'Y'..... U'" 10 v'tw and ' ''',.-'''
n"""gh Ihe roFC blW kly _",, ""nld.t. role. ( ....,Ii... PayrOll.......""n. t
A bOlch In",. 1o<o i. used da,1y \Q Ioo d " . .... 1
au,ho" IIIIO'" ", to FPD. Vpon 10;><1 ,nlo FPO. tho
1,. nj.&C\,on" Ie CAS 10 F.nanci al.)
Pu,tf13>1n!!mad ult ,n 'e. I".... to '<"<Ofd th e
A hO'tod tronllCl,on.bad .-.lee u,ed to an d Itavol " bl iga"e n. A bat<h ", t.f II abo "lOd b. .... . ...
''''''O",aloon. "",01>. " Th. t"""act ''' n, If. ,"b. Pq..... tly fedl,,,I i nd t:-'S 10"cle l 'n. n<,. I,)
.. Iroy.! S Int"at:on cy , oc", d..... CAS. modulo ,e Iol d .....1"",01>.. Pl vrn On"/..i . ndil" "'. Tra....1
In yo,o", ar . Ih' D"gl\ ,.." . ..,"'" Up on
aQproval l h. , ..I-"mo In l..l. ce " ",od to ' n"',e
,nyoo hDl d " .. '"' Ihe CM ,O,ade f' "3nc.al,1 Ac<.Qun t. P.,.,.. blt , Pfo<.. , . """nl,
MarW._ I,,OKO S",.trm h""OICt "'<><O' "n, (s.ca nn," <10,. t and I\et",vall ,\'S,em Aceo un" Pay. bl . M>lnat:t.... nt !nf"'"", ""'",
"-""hc_"",, . ll ow, .., dhoW. " . nd appro,",,,.
suP?I,..', p,O<!ucts and ......,""'. mon itor K C01Jnl act,""y "'''oV't trans3ction Pu r<h.Me and Fltrt C.,d chari "' .'t
eo, Not ",fOfm.t"'" .nd CI .. pon, IOC SS th",,, n. ba" on a d.. ly b;n". P'o<u ' ..... n'. Inlorml bon
",'"'" fund,
Ff"".. Cv,h.n

1"-' U, ,0],.;,
d.,.. 0"" !lu,""" ,"t UlUO,",
1';"" 1 "oro

Ma"" ;h""":,,
Th" :;."'.\ M,,,,,,o,,,,,. MW'_"""( ''fOre'" (M" 4" ...,,'n,,",,'" """,
';')foVn 0..",0
11o. 0I....0<. bl. D" "" '....
{I ..:lloft" ... ."d ilOunUna h"..... ' ftCl ud,... """",.ro"",n'
"''''''''''' bon, , .d """""_'M' co.,."" ''''n,.<l_. ond " ... .... . to
Co.. 0\0;("".""1 \.v>t<m(CAS) ",I", p' .....H"""""' t.. . ..... '''''<boo< ( Bt l> .I<i>< ".,. '0
"".tl n th. P",d I tAI/Honm.., C6SI<!<04.., b:n. II"",th. , ,, dcomp.oy ana ..""'........ ".oi' c.rd
, ,,,,,, ><."1 00M .0 w ..... , "" .... nanl 10.... 1o, oo,tl., to Ace .... "" P. y. ol .... Go.,. ,.' t . d, .. Ih. ,.,..' . m
t. t Iv< """,,-. C..d,
USCG '''''"." M"" ' ' 001 TO ,_ 'Y"'''' '' _..., " pM' d." w<h., 001, 1.'..... tOI
'''I.con'.... ,'. Indudl., """" "11 c"""tt", ,n''''''''lJon C1MSln' ....x .. ",do F9() d r pw
Con'''I<1 M">i. "" ' " l ool nm IVI"""' '' u..-d'o " pIU," d.u .... .. obl' i'UO,," lor I",. 00",,,<1>,
' ""udl"ll'ou.,,,!;
Th. U>'G O,n,... f>< ili ty ""to...." .... M.olg. . ..".tDFMtI II InIU.,-" Fo od }.,v.,.;U" ... .,'""",100.
<\",.m I"" USCG .'"".1 .......n' Tit. R.tlnl '''''ltCVPIO'II><I.. , ....u
w,'" dlnlog f""oIity . ..... "'Ol"'. tl>. t u"' r .... .....on' ono .. ..,,''''"
.....Uld. ,"" ,"n''' ... tiM'" .I,.,., OfA... " tit u'o.,""", ",.n" . ,."", ::V>'''''' to, d 'on" .... IO' U 1
ICOtIU5j .owl ouul" of "'. , .... , ... . ,-,,1u.s (OCOOl'-"'1(o."G"".'GOd ... 'nd
H..JQu...."'n 1'.' .0"' 1' "", O.C OfAM '"\ Of"'......."" p'.' ...... and "I".m." C""" G.". ' '''''''''
C, nt.,(FH.aN) ,n 0l .. VA-USCG Pt ' _ C,,'... lPSCj ,. I.".. ,. K.m... oM o.f. n,.
C.nt.. ' h. 0 . ..... ,y"..... _ "'" (; 0;""" "'''''OS'' to UOtI.,
_110' on tt..d..... d.r/ op<"uo... d .. ",,11, "'"'''II
Ace... ' m,li" "" lORIV...... " .. riOt, ", ... ,I>< loo .' Un,r""" """...... ..m tJlJMPS). It
u,", COTS ...... o,,,,,,, aM_""" ts.o lt," "",tl I,d and " m.,ft LO,,,.d by
_n\ " . ff ",n"",;1o,",. DoftC' ......'" "'. ' ..MV....... 011." .... 0' '''' Il l.""',"'.....t
" " <Gnun",,"" .,..,.." .nd .".... <".to. ",. _ . .""n, :ano " ,. oI'EI"""'nt with USCSG . n<! 001 ",,,on
"'. "' _on It P'''''''' ....,,'11\...,_.... \ """'. ...." pO", ...,ba"', ,,'!'duIH h.;nl"" p'."'''''
d."""," ""1 ""..,r, ....'n ...'''''oJ l O/td PI"'." m,II.""I
(""'_ "'1-<.,,,,,. ..",b,'ih", ",,:Iud., _ .. po"on.1 ,nl .......,lon, ,oc." '"
""""""'''110'. ....... M to .,.." .......n' .M ... ....d_' rd
..d ,....r... Inr..... ,tlo", homo "';u..t"",. pOonon"mbo ro,
.",..1 '''''''0$. _ ... . 1Id ",!Kl<....,''''"'''"''0.... 0'11'", ".,..... ..I.,."' . ",d."..t>oI ity
lho U.s. COIst Gu.....- .. .........,,"'ntlnr ' no'" ..".to., <.i ll od Gl obal 'D' 0' 00."'. , m. u ....
p. v """. "" II.von"".'!y'''''''' tho ,..an, IInl lo,m ... ,':to ..... .... Ci\/MP5J "II", p/I . .. h
0'. ""'''''' 110' '''0 P.)'!oIl .... "" tho o,h... (AcUo.. .nd bo' ". oh.. "".' ,.Ih . ..... 't" .m
eu""'" JIIM"1I."" """"' .. ..,," flO' 10< G'Dt>o' p... to. 10I t<f.... _ al .... ' .d
todo",,'op th. U"."""",,,,,, thet_I'" T" n.oruon CoG.. (ITe) n,,, ... ..ntly uild ,. CAS
\/tihm'l OAAct E API, th< M"'" do .. ..... ""';;I "",aI " ...."""'n ..... 0.. ....
bUIJ.I U" ""PP"'I ., Ih.... '" API "'... iM ... .... . .. not u"... API, ;, "'.. d....""""d ,".t ,II.",.nQoI
jo","""''' 0'0'"" b. th< ..tMJ 10" 0"""'1 ti". Sy,l<m> GI T..","" """".,j
'w.",wJOurn.' ",-., 0"" [..- n'h ....... ,,,, ..tII ,,. t""''''''II.d 'D,."", M
Au... 1 t"bo':tJos aJtd )
. Actm l CI'<>'t nr 'n ' d"bUl1tft",n"/'.c.!", fa, th o . ... olll
'f".mi!f'M." MOod.. ond St... .... _"., u""d 1<0 ....."" ,.. th" ,," 1<1< C """"""""9'
out_ o'ovi d<",.. Ind ud. ' ''''"', .,._' o''''''ul'Nn.. "' ,ST, TO<J . "._ I TOOl u ...
d . .. lro," CJ>,!, Gt aI", u". to ........"d ... po" o" ",,1 cost,
b. >C<! onobj... , , . .. ",,jo,, 1M . ub .. "" """,... '"
fP O ;, \h e .....w pn..-w,d ..,did ."., .,o,u,". "n' ..-...rn<n1 ""'..... ..... by USCG. FNo\S . "., T'SAt o
;ocromo>ti>l> ..QWI..... nt ""O"'''' U' n .... ..I. ocoo"",,,,'ord, , o.m.nW, tit. ",,,om . ... """
..,.. ,r>d ....pc " wr>d.'tOI"l' Oool ",,, ,,"'" oilh.
cI..." , . ,.... " '''''-..... '''0 a .... "" .. ",d _
5."''''' to<IinoIOfl"" fPD ...... 1.lfy ''''.l''''od """ ",,,4<t<>unllnl.'y>lom (eM) fPD, ' d.... ...
m<" II.. ......'" " eo...1,ho f,.10 n!"""", ' pp/"""'''' ' fe d."fn,d for .., "". CffiOfied
""bl i, A""",ntant.FPl>n.. b OH"",.d Iro", IN wltll 'M'l'>"Oln"'... ' r",l d . ..,In ""n<! fu ll .
,,,,,,,...,In, 1"'; .-.1 ."".ti" 1 .nd p"""........, ",00<",," Ff'() .. wldo". . " tor.."., n.ooo /,.'" u,." , dO,
a ... _Mon',. r.....""Y I", In<!u wl", u hl>t. Co., of
[ 1.,,,.n,,,",,"6 GoolI<!.oI. "'"",d.F,n....,,1
"''''''0<0(, C.Itt. Ir.. R ..
FlS <o r""';",,, of mod ul" . " d to """"'I. , "0'"""",", ",,,ntoo. _ . I>'O"'omo" d "'wI., ,...0
''''''''..... "..., ,,<tl"" . .....<hen ... p, ,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,,.o _." 10 th.. fO'H>Jul "bo, o.
'. ' " ,n"...,...._ ... 'I.S" ..od ' pol>eoQon <k>"",,, lo 0" "'","'. , .. "' .""'<......t ot cc
by 'u_" , I.. follow"" rurr-tl"", ,crn",u.a""", .....rnt...,,,., ,"pp!y ... IIn ",.:< Pn C(;.
W.\S :>VOlomWOU" 'OOlUI.. ...,1y "",'CG-L)'''I fI"""<i..... P'o<u .. F1<n<1 ion, "" II be
,ep/.o<" "''' boo aj lfMS""" TAX
Am",.,. (I",:, C..-d 8jb \O_ Unl"'l l", .,
CM,1y P>yM<hI ';10, 10' G_....... I e ..... '
$o<1I d A ....,.. 0..:","" "Q\ ir",."",", ...._. c.", tra " ...,d,
G.".,,,. A'''''1I<4 Ordel, (; .,. ",1< Awold '.,,'f"'I<,
....... I'<O<H' A""or' R......OI. Proc<",
Aword R"" . ", . R.qUHt. Pr""'''' A... "d Or." , P,,,,,...
c..ruha<o ...,OOO&.I'<O<IO' ..... ol, nl.""'"...I'\.
C, , . Pr<><UR""""'_. C, .... ",.""" , ......"
Perlorm """ "",,01
rforrn M ii;"ry Poy
p.rlo",,"",lr,ny fl.. ...rtt
r SA M,lnt.... ,n",". 1 fundi "" fSA "'''"to,n fyndo
T" Mf,,,,. f'A . ""'"1' OP5TAG(. FSA - M"",,"5pond
..... ",... 01 ruM,. fSA ""."',,,"
8L<dvt R"o", P.iA - _. flA ..... , .. "
5V"'''' Admln,," " 'o. 'S... P.rl"'''' ..h"". FM
FSA ... . """", OII1"bUl""'. f :lA,
"""Ole Bude.""" 0SA '" G<><>o', FSA,
M.nac. :;'mp,r"'d FPD
f SA CnI,,, Ml lSTIinP,T" . ... t,on" M".'"n lUf,
Dolly T .....""''''' Error<,'SA " " "'"n
O,,"' br>'... fSA M. ' " " .n R<Curn.... ,It,,,.,, f>A_
MlI ",,'n""PR., FlA' .....n'..nM'.uIl.""." 0010,,, ,,,,,.
flA "'''"' ''' WQrkOnl.", f ....
,"",do.,. l\t: ' o. "'....".f5A MOIM,in ...<o<
Ord.." "'."tol, Ord,,,
'5A A,,,_n,,,FSA Mo'",_c,..,;it
C. rd . , 1... """R'.m ' ....1Or"",-.iA
P....-dI... R... u""
Vo<I"o (U OH<, UpJ" ,,,"'._"'d ICEI LE"' ........ Ur>
" ", . nd S_..O A'se.. C".\rol ....."'" .. Plo.,
Pt<f",,,, C.... ,oru". M..".,,,, ,", ( hnl. ( ( .Nu",
..."""..to ," Qi, Ut Compo n." 1;1 ....
c.o". Tro...a<tior, fn,o ll ",""' 011.>\ C. otur.
OMr..S D... korn CMPILl> .nd TAli, ",,,.
C,..to Sud, .."
'-109,..".50" .. ", . ", 0 ....
C, ..,.......""'"' ( I';",
f''' "' I .l...., I .. .... M,mb,,,
..In. ,nlo........., '
MlSl[" . .., "' "."'" .....""'" 'not ' "-"morin. , .1."" .........000"I'o'..,d ""..'o..... nul
poIly,,,,n , .... ,rva"""I""".", h <iliW>. ""d 01""' .....'.. polw', "" ,""'... !nfo".m ...,A<loon, ... too,
..........ryp< n. ,ltv ....... Ui U
l ito ......... ,"o.,.,.,."". to, . .... p,oV>Oo.Ih,,, ""'io, " ,ob,I" ... '"
CAS Cu."'....."nvoI OOl .
""d ,<"tol",
l awf nlN ot:mon.
,.p,..... Mo'.tory h.tMyAs.O.....
;oe o,o;p<:m,*",,'"'''' to

m!r;"t",j""""" ;
,. I
J!# "'i""",,,,-,o ,.",,,,,,'1,,,,,,; 00 ""'t"N.d """"I";:" h"" '
""Q' """"'"'''''' ,,",'I ,",'n ".:" "" ",,,,-,
'.'"""'#"" ,,,,,,C""<' 0', PDW'- F:.",,,,,; ;""
n J,,, ","'"em." "'; ''''' 10 lo.,.,o\; :_,
M"p' ,Hi M,,,,,, ("""'"',(\<1/' "",w;,,,,;
"'" "',T',,,,, <'"MW',"',,", .""'"',-:}, ',dd 0",. "-', ,01 i'Y'" Hhf'
b ,,,,,", '. '"" 'W"... '>'M<I d",,", <,,,, l/''''por"", 0.'1 ".",1
-"" """ """" .1, "",,",<1",,", """''''', 3d ,'", .." ''''olo;,Q'
)uf{ a,x f,'''''''''. ,"ti., ,c_,l>o<1

EI""l rono< Elu<ln.... andll<counl, ng $y$1""", inel""' "1 P<ocll<e ment
I PIe 12
fou sln ess, 1I000U"I",, ;on" P'OOlfement SySle<n OMCTlpHQn Iinterution

I Funrtion(Sj
In.e E" I"'"m e M."", emenl ell" <I. tS ofCo ncll< IGm e, . 1 Ledg"'. 8ud r e t Execul,on,. Fund i (<><1" 01, Account' p;oy. ble,
, ',ave l ..... O,. d e fed" ".1 F"'3 ncr>I . ( Otr$USe o"h ?IUSM. AccOtlnt' R,"ce,vable. Dr"","', (0$, Acw rn/D ,!.l', T. ..... L Proc ua.nen
. Ru l p,"pwty
G_,. I Led Eer, ( ,,,,, .. non, f und. Co" "ol, Accounl .
?3y.bl .. , Dr>b.....eme n, Ace ,," n! .
P'rcPn. m , putcha" "g!Cont rICl ,"S . ySle m Ime,r, alrd .
lk M W'S (SFAI I'",U """,.. nlaDi e 1"'0" "",,, of 1M U. S
,",,<fel Se,v..;e

EATS IS c.,. """ne of fou, ,,,d..,endent cc n\.. n,",
,,, lIiv. 1 data p. e-TOPS
I'""'''''' M,","""" . , "',,'"
The lionc,. ble D. rr 6l 11u
tonlr. n ElY.mel s SVSl .....
hhle 1 - p.gf 1
Qu!StJOn #IJ IclentJfy ana descrtle contraa systems by ComDQIleltt
Owner System Name
Used by
SAP's Procurement for Pubhc

CitJzenstlip and Immigration
ServICes, Imml!)l'atroo and
Customs Enforcement. Federal
Law Enrorcement Tralruno center,
Protective ServiCes,
Orrectorate rOf Protection
ENTERPRISE Programs, Orrectorate ror
USM Enterpnse PRi SM Instance PRISM INSTANCE anti Technology,
(EPI ) Dlrector.lte hx Management
Office of Poli CY, OI11a! of Health
Malfs, OffIce or inteill gel'lCe 3lld
Analys.s, Otnce of Operat!ol' s and
CoordlNbOrI and PlannlOO,
Domesbc Nuclear OrHce,
Office or the SelalY
USCG COre Acwuntmg System SUite elMS USCG, TSA
Autom.!lted ACqUISItion
MaJ'la9E!ment Sr.;tem (AAMS)
Question /I IS . For each system idenuflea In resp:>nse to Re<:Iuest No. 13, state wheth er mfOfm3liOr1 founom that
system 1$ .egularty or penodlCally submltt.ed to any r:L the governm ent w"'e (ontract management aM rePOrtlnll
systems, e.g., FPOS, FPOS-f'.IG, FAPIl S, etc., and de<>Cnbe how ,\nd at which Inter-..als thlm: 5ubml5SIOf1S occur,
tnClud,ng descnplJons of boI:h automa,i!cI anti nk'll luaJ proce>ses
regularly pel'lodlcally submitted regu l<lrty r)ularty regularly
submitted subr11ltted

NO No No subrT1ltt ecl submitted SUbmitted subrllltted
manua"Y manually automated manually manually manually manually

regularly penOOlCal1y 5U!)mitted legularly regularly regularly regu larly
submrttEd submitted
No No No su!)mlt\'ecI SUbmitted SUbmitted subl'mtted
manually manually automated matlU<olly manually manually manually
regularly penooically SUbmitted regularly regularly regularly regu l<lrly
SUbmitted 5Ubmltteo
No No No Wbmrtted submitted SUbmittecl submitted
manually IT13nually automated manua.Jly manually manually manually
regulilorly pero:llcally submitted regularly rl!9Ularly regularly
subrMted SUbmitted
No No No SUbmitted SUbmitted subrmrted SUbnlllted
manually manually automa ted manually m311ually manualty manually
regularl y pefiooKa lly SUbmitted regularly regularly regularty regularl y
submittecl 5ubmlt\'eO

No No No
submitted SUbmitted SUOOlitted
manually manually automated manually manually manually manually

- - "-- -
Qi,lestlOf1 #16 For each system Ic\enonea U'lresponse to Request NO IJ,
descnbe recet11. current, and plllnned Of motIernizatiol, project.
Recent Updates

Upgraded to SAP"s
Procureme nt for
No UPc;lrades
(PPS)Vernon 7.Q
on 12/07/ 2009
MIgrating the
Both prlm/l ly
Di saster
PRJSM VerslOf1 6.5
serv'Ce Pac\(s
Upgrade to
SeMce Pack 2,
System lo
sites "re
HOt 2 on
V6. S
versaon 7 In
new DHS
unc\eAJOlf'Ig i>
12/12/2010 2012
COOP data
Upgtade to
PRISM VefSlOrl 6.5 SeMee PackS
SP3 orl for PRISM
Version 7 In
No" No"
12/ 11/2010 V6.S
Upgrade to
MMS Move to OI-lS
7.38 on VerSion 7A B
VerSIO!11 1n Dtlta Center
New hardware
3/12/ 2010 pla.nned for
'V 1S/2011
Upgrade to
PRISM V8fS1Of1 6.5 Ser-..Ke PackS PR'SM
on lor PRISM VerslOf1 7
12/23/2010 V6 S planned fOf
- -

- - -

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