Lecture 7

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Microwave Circuits Design Dr.

Vahid Nayyeri

Microwave Network Analysis

Objective: move from the requirement to solve for all the fields and
waves of a structure to an equivalent circuit that is amenable to all
the tools of the circuit analysis.
Reasons to use network analysis over Maxwell’s equations:
a) A field analysis using Maxwell’s equations is normally difficult
and provide much more information than we need.
b) We are only interested in the signal flow and the voltage and
current at a set of terminals.
c) Many RF/Microwave components/devices have more than 1 port
and present cumbersome problems for complete field analysis
(multiple interfaces).

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

When is microwave network analysis needed?

Circuit dimensions << wavelength
– Lumped passive and active components.
– Negligible phase change throughout the circuit.–
Circuit theory --- Kirchhoff’s laws and Ohm’s law.

Circuit dimensions ~ wavelength

– Distributed passive and active components.–
Phase depends on position. Component‫ش‬s are
characterized by their dimensions, propagation
constants and characteristics impedances.
– Microwave network theory.

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Impedance, Voltage and Current

Electric and magnetic field lines for an arbitrary two-conductor
TEM line.

V       E  d l I   H  dl
 c

TEM-type transmission lines have unique V, I, Z0 because:

– The lines have well defined terminal pairs.
– The above integration are independent of path.
Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Characteristics of non-TEM lines

• Non TEM-type transmission lines such as rectangular
* waveguide do not have unique V, I and Z values because:
– The lines DO NOT have well defined terminal pairs.
– The above integrations are path dependent.
• For the dominant TE10 mode in rectangular waveguide, the
* transverse fields can be written as:
ja x
E0 ( x , y , z )  A sin e  j z
 a

 j a x
V A sin e  j  z  dy
 a y


Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

• The above voltage depends on the position, x, as

* well as the length of the integration contour along
the y-direction.
*• There
is no “correct” voltage in the sense of being

• A similar problem arises with current and

* impedance.
*• Need certain ways to define voltage, current and
impedances that can be useful for non-TEM lines.

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

How are the equivalent voltages, currents and

impedances defined?
• Voltages and current are defined only for a particular
waveguide mode, and are defined so that the voltage is
proportional to the transverse electric field, and the current
is proportional to the transverse magnetic field.
• The voltages and currents are defined in such a way that
their products gives the power flow of the mode.
• The ratio of the voltage to the current for a single traveling
wave should be equal to the characteristic impedance of
the line. V V C
Z0    1
I I C2
For TE or TM lines, C1 and C2 can be chosen so that
their ratio is equal to ZTE or ZTM.

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

The Concept of Impedance

•    /   intrinsic impedance of the medium. This is
equal to the wave impedance for plane wave.

• Zw=Et/Ht=1/Yw= wave impedance. This is characteristic of

the particular type of wave. TEM, TE and TM waves each
have different wave impedances (ZTEM, ZTE, ZTM), which
may depend on the type of line or guide, the material, and
the operating frequency.

• Z0=1/Y0= L / C = characteristic impedance. This is the ratio

of voltage to current for a traveling wave. This is unique
for a TEM wave.

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Example (cont.)

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Impedance and Admittance Matrices

Voltages and currents can be defined for TEM and non-
TEM waves.

An arbitrary N-port network.

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Impedance Matrix
• Two-terminal pair  port
• V and I  equivalent V and I.
– Reference planes are defined to provide a phase reference for the
equivalent V and I phasors.
– At the n-th reference plane, the total voltage and current are

Vn  Vn  Vn I n  I n  I n

• The impedance matrix that relates these voltages and

V   Z I  Vi
Z ij 
I k  0 for k  j
Zii: input impedance
Zij: transfer impedance between ports i and j, (i  j)

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

ELEC4630, Shu Yang, HKUST 12

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Some Characteristics of Impedance and

Admittance Matrices

• Reciprocal Networks (no active devices, ferrites, or

plasmas --- no electrical or magnetic sources)
Both Z and Y matrices are symmetric.
Z ij  Z ji Yij  Y ji

• Lossless Networks
All the Z and Y elements are imaginary.

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

The Scattering Matrix (S-parameter Matrix)

• The exact value of voltages and currents are difficult to define for
non-TEM lines.
• It is not practical to measure voltages and currents at the ports at
microwave frequencies.
• It is natural to deal with power in incident and reflected waves for
microwave transmission lines.
• Active devices may not operate with short or open terminations
due to oscillation.
• The Scattering matrix relates the voltage waves incident on the
ports to those reflected from the ports.
• Most importantly, scattering matrix elements can be
measured without shorting any ports, just terminating the
ports with matched load.

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

The scattering matrix of N-port networks with the same

characteristic impedance at all ports is defined as

V1   S11 S12  S1N  V1 

     
V2    S 21  V2 

      
    
VN   S N 1  S NN  VN 

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

S-matrix element Vi
(S-parameter): Sij   Vk  0 fork  j
• Sij is found by driving port j with V j , and measuring the reflected
wave amplitude,Vi  , coming out of port i. The incident waves on all
ports except the jth port are set to zero, which means that all ports are
connected to matched loads.
• The matched load has advantages in terms of its insensitivity to the
transmission line length.
Example: S parameters of the 3 dB attenuator circuit

S11 S12  0 0.707

S21 S22   0.707 0
   

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Example 4.3 Evaluation of Impedance parameters, p. 173

Z12  1  2  ZC Z 22   Z B  ZC
I2 I1  0
I 2 Z B  ZC I2 I1 0

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Power Waves & Generalized Scattering Matrix

The scattering matrix of N-port networks with characteristic
impedance Z0n at n-th port is defined as

 b1   S11 S12  S1N   a1  Vn

an 
b  S    a2  Z0n
 2    21  
      Vn
     bn 
bN   S N 1  S NN  a N  Z0n

Z 0n : Z 0 of the nth port

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Power Waves
• an and bn can be expressed in terms of Vn and In.
Vn Vn
an   Z on I n bn   Z on I n
Z on Z on
an  bn  an  bn  Z on I n
Z on
1 1
an  (Vn  Z on I n ) bn  (Vn  Z on I n )
2 Z on 2 Z on

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Power Waves

For complex reference impedance

[bn] = [Sp] [an]

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Average Power Delivered

Pn  Pn  Pn  (Incident Power) - (Refleced power)

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Properties of Scattering Matrix

• A specific element of the scattering matrix can be determined as:

bi Vi  Z 0 j
Sij  
ak  0,k  j
V j Z 0i
ak  0 ,k  j

• Sii is the reflection coefficient of the ith port with all other ports
connected to matched loads.
• The transmission coefficient from port i to port j is not equal to
Sij, unless all other ports are connected to matched loads.

The S parameters are properties of the network (and

reference impedance), and are defined under the condition
that all ports are connected to match loads

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

S-parameters for Reciprocal Networks and

Lossless Networks
• Reciprocal Networks
– [S] is symmetric. For a 2x2 [S], S12=S21.

• Lossless Networks
– [S] is a unitary matrix.
S  S   U 
t *
where [U] is the unit matrix.

 N
  ki ki  1
N S S for i=j
 ki kj   ij
S S *
k 1
k 1
 S ki S kj*  0 for i j
 k 1
the dot product of any column of [S] with the conjugate of that same column
gives unity
Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Phase-shift Properties
• Scattering parameters relate the phasor amplitudes of incident
and reflected waves, phase reference must be specified for each
port of the network.
Z o,    [S] Z o,   

• If the reference plane at port n is shifted  n   n ln electrical

length outward, then the resulting phase shift at port i due to
change of electrical length at port i and j is  i   j , The
corresponding matrix representation is:
 e  j 1 0   e  j 1 0 
  j 2    j 2 
 e   e 
S' S
     
  j N    j N 
 0 e   0 e 

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

• For a 2-port network,

b1  S11 S12  a1  b1 = S11a1 + S12a2
b2   S21 S22  a2 
     b2 = S21a1 + S22a2

• It is not uncommon to consider microwave networks

of three and four ports, as in power dividers and
directional couplers.

b1  S11 S12 S13 a1  b1 = S11a1 + S12a2 + S13a3

b2   S21 S22 S23 a2  b2 = S21a1 + S22a2 + S23a3
     b3 = S31a1 + S32a2 + S33a3
b3  S31 S32 S33 a3 

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

In Our Antenna Lab

Vector Network Analyzer
A photograph of the Hewlett-
Packard HP8720B Network
Analyzer. This test instrument is
used to measure the scattering
parameters (magnitude and
phase) of a one- or two-port
microwave network from 130
MHz to 20 GHz.

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Signal Flow Graph

Components in a signal flow graph
• Nodes: each port, i, of a microwave network has two nodes, a,
and b. Node ai has a wave entering port i, while node bi has a
wave reflected from node i.
• Branches: a path connecting a-node and b-node. Signal flows
from node a to node b.

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

A one-port network and its flow graph

A source and its flow graph

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Rules for simplifying flow graphs

• Rule 1: series rule --- V3  S32V2  S32 S21V1

• Rule 2: parallel rule --- V2  SaV1  SbV1  ( Sa  Sb )V1

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

S32 S21V1
• Rule 3: self-loop rule --- V3  S32V2 
1  S22

• Rule 4: splitting rule --- V4  S42V2  S21S42V1

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Decomposition of signal flow graph

• Example 4.7 on Page 216 of Pozar
Derive the expression for in for the terminated two-port network

ΓS Γout

Γin ΓL

The signal flow path

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Decomposition Procedures:

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Mason's  gain  formula    

•  A  few  useful  terminologies  in  Mason's  gain  formula  
have  to  be  defined  related  to  an  SFG  
–  Forward  path:  a  path  that  connects  a  source  node  to  a  sink  
node  in  which  no  node  is  traversed  more  than  once.  
–  Loop:  a  closed  path  without  crossing  the  same  point  more  
than  once.  
–  Loop  gain:  the  product  of  all  the  transfer  funcTons  in  the  
–  Non-­‐touching  or  non-­‐interacTng  loops:  two  loops  are  non-­‐
touching  or  non-­‐interacTng  if  they  have  no  nodes  in  

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Mason's  gain  formula    

M    =  transfer  funcTon  or  gain  of  the  system  

 Y      =  output  node                                        
 X      =  input  node  
 N    =  total  number  of  forward  paths  between  X  and  Y  
 Δ      =  determinant  of  the  graph  =  1-­‐∑  loop  gains  +  ∑  non-­‐touching  loop  gains    
                 taken  two  at  a  Tme  -­‐  ∑  non-­‐touching  loop  gains  taken  three  at  a  Tme  +  …  
Mj    =  gain  of  the  jth  forward  path  between  X  and  Y  
Δj    =  1-­‐loops  remaining  a`er  eliminaTng  the  jth  forward  path  i.e.  eliminate  
                 the  loops  touching  the  jth  forward  path  from  the  graph.  If  none  of  the  
                 loops  remains,  Δj  =  1.  

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

SFG  example  

1)  Find  the  forward  paths  and  their  corresponding  gains  

               Two  forward  paths  exist  in  this  SFG:  
                 M1  =  G1G2G3  and  M2  =  G4  

2)  Find  the  loops  and  their  corresponding  gains  

       There  are  four  loops  in  this  example:  
   Loop1  =  -­‐G1H1  
   Loop2  =  -­‐G3H2  
   Loop3  =  -­‐G1G2G3H3  
   Loop4  =  -­‐G4H3  

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

SFG  example  (Cont’d)  

3)  Find  the  Δj  

                 If  we  eliminate  the  path  M1  =G1G2G3  from  the  SFG,  no  complete  
                 loops  remain,  so  Δ1  =  1.  Similarly,  if  the  path  M2  =G4  is  eliminated  
                 from  the  SFG,  no  complete  loops  remain  neither,  so  Δ2  =  1  as  well.  

4)  Find  the  determinant  Δ  

         Only  one  pair  of  non-­‐touching  loops  is  in  this  SFG,  i.e.  Loop1  and  
                 Loop2,  thus  ∑  non-­‐touching  loop  gains  taken  two  at  a  Tme    
                 =  (-­‐G1H1)(-­‐G3H2).  Therefore,                  

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

SFG  example  (Cont’d)  

Δ    =  1-­‐  ∑  loop  gains  +  ∑  non-­‐touching  loop  gains  taken  2  at  a  Tme  

   =  1  -­‐  (-­‐  G1H1  -­‐  G3H2  -­‐  G1G2G3H3  -­‐  G4H3)  +  (-­‐G1H1)(-­‐G3H2)  
   =  1  +  G1H1  +  G3H2    +  G1G2G3H3  +  G4H3  +  G1G3H1H2  

5)  The  final  step  is  to  apply  the  Mason's  gain  formula  


Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

The Transmission (ABCD) Matrix

• The Z, Y and S parameters cannot be used to cascade the
connection of two or more two-port elements.
• ABCD matrix is defined for this purpose:
V1 = A V2 + B I2 V1   A B  V2 
I1 = C V2 + D I2  I   C D   I 
 1   2 

A two-port network:

A cascade connection:

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

• For the cascade connection of two-port networks, we

V1   A1 B1   A2 B2  V3 
 I   C D  C D   I 
 1  1 1 2 2  3 

ABCD Example: Quarter- and Half-Wave Transmission

Lines I2

V1 Zo ZL

The ABCD matrix of a length of transmission line l of Zo and ß is

A = cos ßl B = j Zo sin ßl

C = j Yo sin ßl D = cos ßl

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

• Note that, for cos βl = 0 (that is, for βl =/2, a quarter

wavelength or odd multiple) the ABCD matrix becomes simply

A=0 B = j Zo
C = j Yo D=0

which implies that I2 = V1/j Zo independent of V2 or I1.

• Similarly, if sin βl = 0 (that is, for βl =, a half wavelength or
multiple) the ABCD matrix becomes simply

A = -1 B=0
C=0 D = -1

which implies that V2 = -V1 and I2 = -I1 independent of the

terminating impedance at end 2.
ELEC4630, Shu Yang, HKUST

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Matrix Conversion

ELEC344, Kevin Chen, HKUST 14

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Discontinuities in Transmission Lines

• Discontinuities in transmission lines cannot be avoided in

practical implementation.
• Mechanical or electrical transitions from one medium to another
(e.g., a junction between two waveguides, or a coax-to-
microstrip transition).
• Sometimes, discontinuities are deliberately introduced to
perform a certain function.
• Usually, a transmission line discontinuity can be represented as
an equivalent circuit at some point on the transmission line.
• Analysis of discontinuities requires complicated field solution,
which is usually performed by sophisticated CAD tools.

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Equivalent Circuits for Microstrip Line Discontinuities

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Microstrip Discontinuities
90o bend or corner
(1) Capacitance arises through additional charge accumulation at the corners ---
particularly around the outer point of the bend where electric fields
(2) Inductance arise because of current flow interruption.
(3) The impedances of these additional components can be comparable to the
line characteristic impedance at microwave frequencies.

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Matched microstrip bends: compensation techniques

Using curved and mitered bends to reduce the effect of the additional
capacitance --- mitered bends are as good as, or better than curved
bends at frequencies up to 10 GHz.

Typical value for the mitering fraction is

1  0.6 b  0.57 w

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Compensation schemes

Microwave Circuits Design Dr. Vahid Nayyeri

Two Port Network Synthesis

T equivalent

 equivalent


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