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Bulacan State University

City of Malolos, Bulacan

The journey to excellence starts here.

UNIT TITLE: Mechanics



DURATION: One (1) Week


Physics is based on measurement. We start learning physics by learning

how to measure the quantities that are involved in the laws of physics.

In order to describe a physical quantity, we start with the definition of a

unit, that is, a measure of the quantity that is defined to be exactly 1.0. Then we
define a standard, that is, a reference to which all other examples of the
quantities are compared.

Scientists seek to find relationships among physical quantities that can

be measured, in the quest to understand the world around us. In Physics, there
are so many physical quantities that organizing them is a problem. Fortunately,
they are not all independent. We define all other physical quantities in terms of
base units and their standards.

Physical quantities are specified relative to a particular standard or unit,

and the unit used should always be stated. The commonly accepted set of units
today is the Système International (SI), in which the standard units of length,
mass, and time are the meter, kilogram, and second.


1. To discuss the nature of Physics and its relation with other health sciences.
2. To understand the relationship of Physics to other sciences and industries.
3. To convert units given the appropriate numerical conversion factors and
perform mathematical operations using scientific notation and significant

1.1 Physics In The Health Science

Physics is closely associated to the other natural sciences and in a sense

encompasses them. The following concepts are some application of physics in
different areas in the health science:

Athletics. One important area of study in modern athletics in kinesiology,

literally the study of motion. It is based on the relationship between distance,
time, velocity and acceleration as well as on concepts of force, work, energy
and power.

Traction System. In the care of orthopedic patients, a traction apparatus is

often used to exert a force on one of the patient’s extremities. It makes use of
several forces to achieve the desired net force.

Nutrition and Exercise. In humans, work converts stored food energy into
heat, motion and other forms of energy. Work, energy, power and efficiency will
be related to food energy and human exercise.

Body Temperature. Humans and some warm blooded animals maintain a

constant body temperature by changing food energy to heat. Heat as a special
form of energy has various methods of transfer.

Physical Therapy. Patient undergoing physical therapy that takes place in

water greatly reduces his effective weight and of his limbs, making it possible for
him to perform exercises. The underlying principle is called Archimedes’
Principle of fluids, which has a tremendous number of applications in the
biological system.
Blood Flow and Respiration. Liquids and gases can be made to move by
means of pressure. The heat creates blood pressure by exerting force on the
blood with a muscular contraction. Body’s use of pressure includes breathing,
maintenance of reduced pressure in the chest cavity to keep lungs from
collapsing, and pressure in the eye to maintain its shape.
Hearing. Hearing is the perception of sound which is a wave phenomenon.
Loudness is perceived intensity of sound waves. However, humans do not
perceive ultrasound at all, so loudness is not a perfect indication of intensity
because human hearing is limited only at a certain range.
Ultrasound Scanners. Sound waves are used routinely in medicine to probe
different organs of the body using ultrasound scanners. In most instances, the
reflected waves are used to determine the location of some interface between
two media and not to determine the impedance of the reflecting medium. The
scanners are ideal for detecting and diagnosing tumors, cyst, foreign bodies, the
altered location of interfaces.
Electrical Safety. Certain medical procedures make hospital patients extremely
sensitive to electrical shock. Proper grounding of appliances, the use of circuit
breaker, and prevention of octopus wiring are some procedures in electrical
Nervous System. The nervous system is a complex biological circuit that
controls the muscles, among other things. Electrocardiogram ECG, and
electroencephalogram, EEG are recording devices to obtain data on electrical
impulses by the heart and brain functions respectively.
Vision. Most people consider their most important sense is vision. The laws of
optics explain how the eye forms an image on the retina and the correction of
common vision defects. Optics also deals with the study of lenses, mirrors,
microscopes and a lot of sophisticated medical equipment used to probe human
organs both externally and internally.
X-rays. X-rays are part of the electromagnetic spectrum used as diagnostic
tools in medicine. The study of the effects of radiation on biological organisms
will show that x-rays are hazardous and involve a calculated risk.
Radiotherapy, Radiation Diagnostics and Protection. Nuclear and modern
physics explain the concepts of radiation and other interrelated principles as
well as the hazards of radiation. The energy and other characteristics of
radiation and the physical laws governing it give insight into these problems and
help one gain the ability to assess for oneself the risk versus the benefits.

1.2 Physical Quantities

1.2.1 Measurement is a quantitative observation or comparison of how much

larger or smaller a unit is based from the standard.
Unit is a value or quantity in terms of which other values or quantities
may be expressed. It provides a standard of comparison for a
Standard is the physical embodiment of a unit.
1.2.2 Fundamental quantities are basic measurable quantities that have no
connection with each other. They are:
1. length 5. electric current
2. mass 6. luminous intensity
3. time 7. amount of substance
4. temperature
1.2.3 Derived quantities are dimensions that are expressed as a combination
of the fundamental quantities. Examples are:
1. volume 5. energy
2. density 6. work
3. velocity 7. power
4. force 8. Pressure
1.3 System Of Units

1.3.1 A complete set of units, both fundamental and derived, for all kinds of
quantities is called system of units. There are two systems of units: The
Old British or English System and the Metric System, which in the current
version is the SI (Systeme International d’Unites) and basically includes
MKS and CGS.

The three systems based on the fundamental units are:

1. MKS (meter-kilogram-second)
2. CGS (centimeter-gram-second)
3. FPS (foot-pound-second)

1.3.2 The SI or Metric Units

Table 1.1 The SI or Metric Units

Symbol for Symbol for

Basic Quantity SI Units
Quantity Units
Length l Meter M
Mass m Kilogram Kg
Time t Seconds S
Temperature T Kelvin K
Electric Current I Ampere A
Luminous Intensity IV Candela Cd
Amount of
n Mole N

1.3.3 Common Prefixes for Measurement Units

Table 1.2 Common Prefixes for Measurement Units

Prefix Symbols Factors Example

Atto a 10-18 2 attosecond = 2.0 x 10-18 s
Femto f 10-15 1 femtogram = 1.0 x 10-15 g
Pico p 10-12 1 picometer = 1.0 x 10-12 m
Angstrom Å 10-10 1 Angstrom = 1.0 x 10-10 m
Nano n 10-9 2 nanograms = 2.0 x 10-9 g
Micro  10-6 3 microamperes = 3.0 x 10-6A
Milli m 10-3 6 milliseconds = 6.0 x 10-3 s
Centi c 10-2 5 decimeters = 5.0 x 10-2 m
Deci d 10-1 1 deciliter = 1.0 x 10-1 L = 0.1 L
Deca da 101 4 decavolts = 4.0 x 10 V = 40 V
Hecto H 102 3 hectometer = 3.0 x 102 m = 300m
Kilo k 103 1 kilojoules = 1.0 x 103 J = 1000 J
Mega M 106 3 Megawatts = 3.0 x 106 W
Giga G 109 7 Gigabytes = 7.0 x 109 bytes
Tera T 1012 1 terajoules = 1.0 x 1012 J
Peta P 1015 2 Petameters = 2.0 x 1015 m
Exa E 1018 3 Exagrams = 3.0 x 1018 g
Note: Angstrom is a unit of length that is used to compare sizes of atoms:
1 Å = 10-8 cm or 1 m = 1010 Å

1.3.4 Conversion of Units. To promote uniformity, the following are some

suggested conversion factors:

Length Mass
2.54 cm = 1 inch 2.2 lbs = 1 kg
3.28 ft = 1 m 1 slug = 14.59 kg
5280 ft = 1 mi 1 lb = 454 grams
0.6214 mi = 1 km 1 oz = 28.35 grams
1 Angstrom = 10-8 cm 1 lb = 16 oz
1 micron = 10-6 m 1 ton = 1000 kg


1 min = 60 sec 1 J = 106 ergs

1 hr = 3600 sec 1 J = 0.239 cal
1 day = 86400 sec 1 BTU = 252 cal
1 year = 365.25 days 1 cal = 4.18 J

Power Pressure

1 Hp = 33,000 ft-lb/min1 atm = 1.01 bar

1 Hp = 550 ft-lb/sec
1 atm = 1.01x105 N/m2
1 Hp = 746 watts 1 atm = 14.7 lb/in2
1 atm = 760 torr
1 atm = 760 mm Hg

1 lb/in2 = 6.9 x 103 N/m2

1 Pa = 1.45 x10-4lb/in2
1.3.5 Scientific Notation. It is a convenient way of expressing very small or
very large numbers. In scientific notation, a number is written as M x 10n
where M is a decimal number with one nonzero digit before the decimal
point; and n is a whole number. For example, 123,456,789 is written as
1.23 x 108 in scientific notation because
108 = 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10
= 100,000,000 (one hundred million)
Therefore: 123,456,789 = 1.23 x 100,000,000 = 1.23 x 10 8
Rounding Off. All factors should be rounded off after computation. To round
off a decimal to a given place value, look to the right of the place being
rounded off:
➢ if it is 5 or more than 5, round up or add 1 to the digit to be
rounded and drop all the digits to the right. Example: 74.568 is
rounded to 74.6 if rounded to the first decimal place.
➢ if it is less than 5, round down and drop all the digits to the
right. Example: 968.84368 is rounded to 968.84 if rounded to
two decimal places.

1.3.6 Percent Error. Measurements can never be made with absolute

precision. Physical quantities obtained from experimental observation
always have some uncertainty. This uncertainty maybe expressed in
terms of percent error otherwise known as fractional error.
T.V. – E.V
%E = x 100

where: T.V. = Theoretical value

E.V. = Experimental value
% E = Percent Error

Sample Problems:

Example 1.1. Write the corresponding numerical values of the following

quantities expressed in its prefixes:
a. Eight and three hundredths tera-hertz atomic vibrations of infrared
radiations. = 8.03 x 1012 hertz
b. Six hundred nanometer slit of laser incision in the retinal tissue.
= 600 x 10-9 m slit of laser
Example 1.2. Mt. Everest in Asia is the highest mountain in the world. It is about
8,863 meters. Express it in miles.

8,863 meter x 1km x 0.6214 mi = 5.5075 mi
1000 meters 1km

Example 1.3. To reach the moon or any of the planets, a spacecraft has to be
launched away from the earth at a speed called escape velocity. This is 11
km/sec fast enough to go once around the world in an hour. Express it in km/hr.

11 km x 3600 sec = 39,600 km/hr
sec hr

Example 1.4. A floor area measures 4.50 m x 4.05 m. Express its area in ft 2.

Area = 4.50 m x 4.05 m = 18.225 m2

Area = 18.225 m2 x (3.28 ft) 2 = 196.07 ft2

1 m2

Example 1.5. Express 0.75 gal. of blood to mL.

0.75 gal x 3.785 L x 1000mL = 2,838.75 mL
1 gal. 1L

Accuracy. It refers to how close the measurement is to the true value.
Base Quantity. It is defined in terms of a standard quantity. These
standard/base quantities are length, mass, time, temperature, electric
current, amount of substance, and luminous intensity.
Derived Quantity. It can be defined in terms of these seven base quantities.
Measurement. It is a process of expressing size or quantity of the same kind
into a known standard unit.
Precision. It refers to the repeatability of measurement using a given

Scientific Notation. It is a convenient way of expressing very small or very

large numbers.
Significant Figures. It is the number of reliability known digits in a number.

Unit is a value or quantity in terms of which other values or quantities may be

expressed. It provides a standard of comparison for a measurement.

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