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Late Mr Daniel Ugwuogbodo Nvene was the son of Nnaekwo, the son of
Nvene. He was born in March 1950. He lost his father at a very young age
and had to struggle through life to make ends meet. He did not finish his
primary school due to family background. He joined the boys camp of the
Biafran Army and fought the Nigerian Civil war from 1967 to 1970. After the
war he came back to Enugu and stayed with his brothers for a while before
going back to Assakio in Lafia which is now the capital of Nassarawa state.
He learnt to repair bicycle which was prevalent in those days and was good
at it.
He got married to Christiana Amuche, the daughter of Mbah Ugwu and God
blessed them with three children, late Ngozi, Emeka and Ifeanyi. He was a
quiet man and loved to keep to himself. He struggled as others of his
contemporaries to do his bit as life demands. He died on 3 rd March 2023
after a brief illness.
Left to mourn him are
Chukwuemeka Chukwubuokemmuo Paul DANIEL Son
Ifeanyi Peter Nvene Son
Chinaza Loveth Chukwubuokemmuo Daughter in Law
Udoka Nvene Daughter in Law
Paschal Nvene Grand Son
Theresa Nvene Grand Daughter
Ifunaya Chukwubuokemmuo Grand Daughter
It is always a painful experience to loss someone, let alone a father. The
pain is more when you wake up to the reality that you will not meet the
person again on earth till you go to the world beyond.
Dad, you have been a covering unto us and your absence have
automatically included us in the imaginary list of the fatherless and exposed
my mom to widowhood. One can have many guardians, foster fathers,
mentors but there are no two biological fathers because DNA speaks.
We all came to the earth someday, and we will all go one after another.
Father, you have started a journey through the corridor of eternity, with pain
in my heart I stand to wave you a final good bye till we meet to part no
more. I pray unto God the father of the fatherless for wisdom and guidance
for leadership.
Farewell Father
Chukwuemeka Chukwubuokemmuo Paul Daniel

E Sincerely Expree pour profound gratitude to the Almighty God
for his infinite mercy and goodness towards us, we thank
everyone, friends and well wishers from far and near who have
condoled and supported us in several ways during this period of grief. Your
phone calls, text messages, visitations and constant prayers, presence and
support have been a tremendous source of strength encouragement to us.

Our special thanks also goes to the Bishop of Agbani Diocese Methodist
Church (Nig.) Enugu Area, Umueze Christian Union and entire Ogbodo-
Oha family for seriously stand by us and made our burden more bearable.
May you all be bless and God grant you all journey mercies to your
respective destinations in Jesus Name, Amen.


1. Opening prayer and choruses
2. Congregational hymn
3. Lying in state
4. Bible reading 1 cor. 15:50-58
5. Congregational hymn
6. Funeral oration/tributes
7. Choir piece
8. Message
9. Prayer for the family
10. Announcement

11. Congregational hymns
12. Prayer and dedication of the grace
13. Scripture reading 1 Thess 4:13-18- rev 20: 11- 15
14. Brief exhortation
15. Interment
16. Closing prayer
17. Benediction

We are gathered here for the funeral of sister chiazonam Dinah Ani we
know that when sister chiazonam Dinah Ani was alive she fully
identified herself with the deeper life Christian ministry. Since as a
church the bible is our guide in matters of faith and conduct and
having received commandments from the lord to do all things in
honour of his name, we now perform this ceremony according to the
principles of the Holy Scripture.

When someone dies, the incident brings sorrow, this is because

death creates a vacuum that may not be easily filled Death is an
experience that is universal , it can happen to anyone at anytime ,
hence there is need to – appropriately prepare for its occurrence.
The scripture however reveals that there are different experiences
beyond death, those arm shown in the parable of the lord Jesus Christ
in Luke chapter 16 Jesus revealed that when one live for the pleasure
of the world with disregard to God, one goes to the great beyond to
face pun and torment form God. But when one lives in God, even
though one may live in temporal adversity, sickness and sorrow, one
enter into the great beyond of bliss,”__ Blessed are the dead who died
in the Lord…”(Revelation,14:13KJV).
God has set aside a day when all the dead in Christ shall come out
from their graves with heavenly bodies to glory above. The ungodly
also shall be raised from their graves but to shame and
contempt .Every one of us must choose where he or she wants to be
after living here.

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