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MBA 5006


Muhammed Aslam.K.P
MBA 5006: Managing Organizational Behavior


1 About ASTER .............................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

2. Abstract ..................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3. Introduction .............................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

4. Statemnet of problem ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4

5. Purpose of study ...................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

6. Limitation of study ................................................................................................................................. 5

7. Core Values .............................................................................................................................................. 5

8. Methodology ........................................................................................................................................... 6

9. Statistical analysis ................................................................................................................................... 7

10. Limitation..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...8

10.Recommendation ................................................................................................................................... 8

11.Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................. 8

12. References ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..10


Aster started as a single small clinic in Dubai and now has grown to a successful healthcare
enterprise which is performance driven and has around 308 establishments in 9 countries and is
still in the road of establishing and opening more healthcare facilities serving customers across
the globe and earning their trust. They are spread across networks in Middle East, India and Far

Aster provides a full spectrum of healthcare facilities which includes hospitals, clinics, diagnostic
centers, and retail pharmacy. Aster has around 2860 doctors and 17,594 employees, they also
have several JCI accredited hospitals, clinics and diagnostic center.

They have not rested on their laurels and still on the road to opening even more healthcare
facilities and are driven by the commitment to provide world class health care facility.

An employee opinion survey with 20 question was carried out which is used as data collection.
Both staffs from the management and non-management responded to the questions which was
used to assess the organization culture. The main purpose of this assessment is to check if there
is any differences that is existing between management and non-management in terms of the
perceptions of organizational culture. The non-management employees were 50 which were
female. The basic descriptive statics and statistical significant proportions Z test were included in
this analysis. No large gap in mean difference between management and non-management not
found. The main aim of this case study is to find out the employee’s understanding about the
organization .On the basis of the result of the survey, conclusions were driven and
recommendations made.

Marcic and Seltzer(1998) states that the organizational culture is a blend of beliefs ,values
,customs and practices which is a step further from Schein’s definition of culture.These are
shared among the members of the organization and passed on from one generation to another
.Dr Charles K from university of Wisconsin-Stout stud resulted that 5 important things must be in

place: The organization has to have a well-defined mission and vison, strong leadership qualities,
trust and open communication within all levels of the organization, ability to bring in change, all
decisions must align with the organizations core values.

Aster struggles with getting the employees in understanding the organization’s vision and mission
.This is something very difficult to achieve yet there is nothing that can’t be achieved. The first
step of getting the employees to perceive what culture is all about is by getting through an
assessment ,and it has to start at the top level ie the leaders must carry out campaigns meetings
creating an awareness and holding people responsible of the importance of culture .

The purpose behind this assessment is to understand what the perception of the organizational
culture is at Aster. A survey will be done allowing the employees at Aster to give in their opinions
and perceptions they have on Aster’s organizational culture. The objective of the study in specific
is to see if there is any difference in the perception of what culture is by the management
employee’s ad those in the non-management roles.This survey can help in a variety of ways firstly
the Aster as an organization will get an insight into what its employees perceive about
organizational culture.This will further help the leaders to effectively communicate and
understand the employees which will further make it easy to achieve consistency across different
groups , levels and departments.

Aster stands for quality service to its customers providing health-related service to their
customers however it is important that the employees working in Aster have a healthy mindset
as well as it will reflect on their work and performance and to provide quality care its important
that the people working there have a healthy mind too.


The limitation with this assessment is that the survey it cannot be completely represented by the
organization. The employees surveyed were mainly non-management staff and most of the staffs
were female. There was not enough time to gain more response via the survey.

Just core values is not effective .There should be proper leadership to get it implemented and try
accomplishing the goals of the organization. The leadership needs to see that the employees put
into practice in order to achieve the goals.

A trust is build between its customers and stakeholders because through trust an empire is build
. This will lead to long lasting relationship between the customers or stakeholders.

Every successful organization will know how to adapt to a change ,a change which is planned and
a change due to unforeseen circumstances.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

The people culture survey was sent to 100 employees belonging to Aster group specifically
hospital employees which include both management and non-management staff. The survey also
had a cover letter attached to it which gave a brief on the objective and purpose of this survey.
Once the surveys are done, they will be collected, analyzed, conclusion will be drawn and certain
recommendations will be given.


The survey was carried out online and the topics and questionnaires were randomly selected by
the system and was send to their emails personally. There was also a cover letter attached giving
them glimpse of what the survey is about and how it can help them and the organization. It was
not made mandatory and hence the response rate was 50 % ie out of 100 employees 50 had

Data collection process

In total there were 35 questions in the survey and since it was system generated the application
itself saved the responses and generated a report containing all the information. However the
responses were confidential as stated in the cove letter.


A survey was administered with 20 questions and it is to check if there is any change or
discrepancies in the perception of both management and non-management staff. This
assessment will help Aster to address a lot of issues that must have been undetected this will
surely remove any gaps present and ultimately improve work environment.


Around 100 employees were surveyed of which 50 completed them, in this 94 % were female
and 6 % were male and additionally 72%were non-management and 28 % were management

Descriptive statistics is used in order to carry out a survey on the people’s culture. In the Likert
scale all the items were placed. Where 1 indicates not true ,2 rarely true,3 sometimes true,4
usually true,5 always true,0 do not know. The highest possible mean score is 5.0.

Question Analysis

It has been found that the management employees had higher mean scores as compared to their
non-management employees. The employees in the management had a response of average 0.3
points higher than their counterpart that is their non-management employees. The management
employees were more favorable in the following categories like management follows the
Adaptability, commitment, managers show integrity, and they receive above average salaries and
benefits. On management employees were more favorable on the topic of providing quality
services. The overall result of regardless of whether the employees were management or non-

The key question were related to organizational culture topics such as all people are important,
management follow-through on commitments, wages and benefits, and the need to deliver
quality and service. Table 1 below displays the overall survey category results.

Survey category mean by position level

Category Management Non-management Absolute difference
Trust 3.99 3.48 0.51
Leadership 4.2 3.82 0.38
Managing change 3.61 3.48 0.13
Adaptability 3.64 3.38 0.26
Service orientation 4.21 3.93 0.28
Self-confidence 4.12 3.93 0.19

Category score are between 3.6 to 4.3 and relatively high. This indicates high amount of
favorability towards the survey questions and among the both population and this favorability
was calculated as the responses of either 4(usually true) or 5 (always true). Mean score difference
between management and non- management were not large.

The below table shows the top favorable questions for both management and non- management

Top four favorable survey question by position level

Z-test for proportions was conducted to determine it statically significant differences existed
between management and non-management employee response.

There are several limitations to this study firstly the population comprised mostly of non-
management staff, secondly, a survey requires a good amount of time as it helps a higher

response rate and lastly the survey had to be administered to many organizations so this would
help in comparing the samples getting more robust result.

It is always advisable to carry out a follow-up study on the survey and see to it that there are an
equal number of employees surveyed that is both management and non-management. It is also
good to conduct a linkage study in which the culture is linked to the organization outcomes like
turnover, profitability, and so on.

To conclude the main aim of this survey was to know the employee’s perception on the
organizational culture, both management staff and those not in the management were surveyed.

Among Management staff the trust in adaptability, leadership, etc was more than
nonmanagement staff as per the survey conducted hence it is important to give more focus on
the non management staff and give them solutions to improve the leadership ,adaptability
,trust.Thereby making it a people culture environment.

Survey question

Not true 2.Rarely true 3. Sometime true 4. Usually true 5. Always true 7. Do not know


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