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Chapter 3: Tutorial


Thermodynamics 1
(3.33/3.33) Fill out the following table for substance

0.001002 Undefined
151.86 0.532
0.14302 Undefined

(3.34/3.34) Place the four states a-d listed in Problem

3.33/3.33 as labeled dots in a sketch of the P-v and T-v

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 2
(3.41/3.42) A sealed rigid vessel has volume of 1 m3
and contains 2 kg of water at 100oC. The vessel is now
heated. If a safety pressure valve is installed, at what
pressure should the valve be set to have a maximum
temperature of 200oC? 431.28 kPa
V 1
State 1: v1 = = = 0.5 m3 /kg, T1 = 100o C
m 2
From table B.1.1(22) Þ it is 2-phase ( v f < v1 < vg )
Process: Constant volume Þ v1 = v2 = = 0.5 m3 /kg
State 2: v2 = 0.5m3 /kg, T2 = 200o C
From table B.1.1 Þ it is superheated (v2 > vg = 0.1276 m3 /kg )

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 3
(3.42/3.44) Saturated liquid water at 60oC is put under
pressure to decrease the volume by 1% while keeping
the temperature constant. To what pressure should it
be compressed? 23 MPa
State 1: T1 = Tsat = 60o C, P1 = Psat = 19.941kPa
From table B.1.1 (22) Þ v1 = v f = 0.001017 m3 /kg

Process: Constant temp Þ v2 = 0.99 ´ v1 = 0.0010068 m3 /kg

State 2: v2 = 0.0010068 m3 /kg, T2 = 60o C

Þ it is compressed liquid (v2 < v f @60o C )

From table B.1.4 (37) Þ between 20 MPa and 30 MPa

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 4
(3.53/3.59)A boiler feed pump delivers 0.05 m3/s of
water at 240oC, 20 MPa. What is the mass flow
rate (kg/s)? What would be the percent error if
the properties of saturated liquid at 240oC were
used in the calculation? What if the properties of
saturated liquid at 20 MPa were used?
o 41.5 kg/s
State 1: T1 = 240 C, P1 = 20 MPa 2%
Compressed liquid B.1.4 (37) Þ v = 0.001205
41%m /kg

V! 3
0.05 m /s
m! = = 3
= 41.5 kg/s
v 0.001205 m /kg

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 5

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