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Evening slot

Writing task 2
29 April 2023
Idp & BC
Ielts , evening slot, 29 April 2023
writing task 2

Nowadays, more and more people decide to

have children later in their life. What do you
think are the reasons for this? Do the
advantages of the trend outweigh the
These days, the vast majority of
individuals are having children at
an advanced age / at later stages of
their life. This essay discusses
various reasons behind this
mentality and why this practice has
more drawbacks than benefits.
To commence with, people are having kids at later stages of
life due to their personal and professional pursuits. Firstly,
young individuals are focused on their careers and are
interested to achieve higher position and status in their life
before taking up their family responsibilities. Secondly, the
vast majority of young adults believe that their 20’s and early
30’s should be spent on various pleasure activities like
traveling and having a child at a young age will hinder them
from doing it. Thirdly, financial problems are also thought to
be one of the factors encouraging people to delay parenthood.
Thus, these are the reasons people choose not to have children
at an early age. However, having children at a late / advanced
age is disadvantageous for both people and the society.
Studies have shown that women have higher risk of
having miscarriages when they conceive after a
certain age. Moreover, in countries where the birth
rate is low, there is a shortage of young workforce.
For instance, countries like Japan are experiencing
very high shortage of young people as most people
marry late and many of them fail to conceive. Also,
women who conceive in the late 30’s or 40’s are more
likely to have babies with genetic defects like downs
syndrome. Another downside is the greater age gap
between parents and children.
In conclusion, people are having
children at an advanced age because
they want to focus on their career
and achieve financial stability. I
believe that this development is
largely detrimental for the
individuals and the community.

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