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My thoughts about purposive communication are that it can assist us, particularly
students, in improving our confidence while communicating with people or our communication
abilities. It can also assist us in communicating effectively. We value communication since it is
the only means for us to convey our feelings, thoughts, or what we want to say to others, as well
as the only way for us to comprehend each other.

Purposive communication is critical in human life, especially when it comes to

connecting with others and forming relationships. We must communicate to convey information
and change ideas to see how we can solve what you want and be satisfied with what we are
going to solve. Today, there are engineers, graduates, technicians, and others who want to solve
everything to perfection without effective communication. This is not what should be done. We
must communicate to convey information and change ideas to see how we can solve what you
want and be satisfied with what we are going to solve. Communication is highly useful these
days, and we can utilize it to improve our relationships with people and gain a better
understanding of one another. The importance of communication is that it eliminates confusion,
which can lead to suffering and misunderstanding if communication is not improved.
Communication, I feel, is the sole means or key to unlocking the secret to a better existence.

Communication skills are essential for academic performance and potential employment
opportunities for students. Students in today's competitive environment must not only have
academic expertise, but also the necessary skills to improve their future learning and career
prospects. Writing, speaking, and presenting to various audiences and for various objectives
constitutes purposeful communication in the twenty-first century. It will assist students in
improving their skills in listening, comprehending, critiquing, and responding to live or recorded
discussions, speaking publicly with confidence, explaining authentic passages or text in their
own words with the aid of various illustrations, writing technical reports and academic papers,
and preparing a presentation using PowerPoint or any web-based platforms. Every student's
essential communication ability, such as listening, speaking, reading, writing, observing, and
representing, are examined, and simulated in advanced academic and other multicultural
situations in the core subject Purposive Communication.

Clear communication is the result of good communication. A good and lasting

relationship is built on greater communication. Communication is crucial in any relationship, for
example, to be open to each other and erase doubts. Communication acts as a link between
people, allowing them to understand and listen to each other's thoughts and perceptions. Human
existence and survival, as well as the survival of an organization, are dependent on

Teachers today aren't always so kind we'd like. Our professor, on the other hand,
sometimes is strict. She encourages us to prepare for lessons appropriately and to pay attention in
class. Strict teachers share character and demeanor features that aid in the development of strong
and purposeful persons. Despite her strictness, these teachers frequently gain respect and love
from their students. Students develop a sense of gratitude towards them over time.

As a student, I understand that it would be a beneficial way for us to improve our

communication abilities; after all, whether we admit it or not, we are all bad at it. In terms of
communication, we have various levels of strength. Some people are better at verbal
communication than others, and some people can only communicate with themselves through
nonverbal communication. That is why it is important to continue studying and researching
everything you can about how to effectively communicate with individuals of all types. This was
not a straightforward subject to grasp.

We, as humans, communicate because it is the only way to express your thoughts and
ideas, as well as share your feelings with the person with whom you are conversing. However,
not all of the time we can easily communicate with them because there are times when we are
unable to share our ideas because we lack the confidence to face our fears. Some people can
communicate well, while others do not due to their environment. We must be able to
communicate to be a decent individual, especially since we are Filipinos, who are usually
competitive in any type of challenge or activity. We must apply the high value of
communication's purpose since it helps us develop our knowledge and learning in life, which we
may implement in our daily lives.

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