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Ecological Modelling 81 (1995) 3-29

Validity of agroecosystem models

A comparison of results of different models applied to the same
data set
B. Diekkriiger av , D. Sijndgerath a, KC. Kersebaum b, C.W. McVoy a

a Institut fir Geographicund Getikologie, Lunger Kamp NC, 38106 Brat.uwhwi~, Gwmuny
b Zentrum fir Agrarlandschafts-urtd Landnutzungs.forschcmgCALF), 15374 Miinc~, Gmnany


The simulation resultsobtainedfrom 19 participantsof the workshop“Validation of AgmecosystemModels”

werecomparedanddiscussed.Althoughail modelswereappliedto the samedataset,the resultsdiffer significantly.
From the results it can be concludedthat the experienceof a scientistapplyinga model is as important as the
differencesbetweenvariousmodel approaches.Only one model simulatedall main processeslike water dynamics,
plant growthand nitrogendynamicswith the samequality, the othersare ableto reproducethe measureddynamic
only in parts.

Keywo&; Agricultural ecosystems;


1. Introduction After developing a model it is commonly applied

to a limited number of simulation periods or
Simulation models have been developed for simulation sites, often the same sites on which
decades. Considering the amount of published the model was developed. In this case it can be
models it seems that it is much easier to develop expected that modelcalibrationandvalidationis
a new model than verifying or validating existing successful.
computer codes. This is mainly due to the fact Testing a model on an independent data set is
that laboratory and field measurements necessary often not possible becauseusually those data are
for model verification are expensiveand that it is not available, unpublished, or not documented.
easier to obtain money for model development Stimulated by a former model comparison(de
than for experiments. The other reason is that WiIligen, 1991)the idea was to provide modeAers
not all models are in the public domain and with a data set which covers the processeswater
therefore are not accessible for potential users. dynamics, nitrogen dynamics, plant growth and
pesticide dynamics. These data were collected by
members of the Collaborative Research Program
(CRP) 179 “Water and Matter Dynamics in
l Corresponding
author. Agro-Ecosystems” which was established in Jan-

0304-3800/95/$09,50 Co1995 Elsevier ScienceB.V. Ail rights reserved

SSDI 0304-3800(94)00157-X
4 Il. Diekkfiispr el al. /Ecological Mudelling 81 (1995) 3-29

uary 1986 at the Technical University of Braun- The field research is carried out in the
schweig, Germany, by the Deutsche Forschungs- Krummbach catchment near Neuenkirchen, and
gemeinschaft (German Research Society). in the Eisenbach catchment near Nienwohlde in
The main objective of this long-term program Southern and Eastern Lower Saxony. In both
is the analysis and forecasting of effects which catchments intensive measurement sites were es-
farming and natural properties of specific sites tablished on which all data necessaryfor model
have on enerm fluxes, water fluxes, matter dy- development and validation like soil properties,
namics, microclimate and soil organisms. The dif- water content, soil suction, nutrient content, pes-
ferentiation of water and matter dynamics in ticide concentration were coIlected. These data
space and time is analyzed. The atmosphere, the were provided by the Institute of Geography and
soil surface, the saturated and the unsaturated Geoecologyof the Technical University of Braun-
zones of the soif are the main compartments to schweig. Data were available from
be analyzed. Therefore all investigations are fo- - the Intensive Loam Site (IL) for the years
cused on the soil. 1987-1991,

Table 1
List of processesanalyzed by the participants
No. Author Simulated site and period Water Nitrogen Plant growth Soil temperature Pesticide
01 Claus et al., 1995 BS (911, BS, (91) b
02 Frank0 et al., 1995 IL (87-9l);IS (89-911, C + X
IS, @o-91), BS (90-911,
BS, (90-91)
03 Morgenstern and Kloss, 1995 IL (89-91) R -
04 Mirschel et al., 1995 IL (89-911, IS @O-91), c -
IS, (911, BS (911,
BS, (91)
05 Schultz and Mirschel, lY9.5 IL (89,911, BS (911, L + B +
BS, (91)
06 Kersebaum, 1995 IL (89-911, IS (89-91) c + B
07 Botterweg, 1995 IL (89-91) R -
08 Blombiick et al., 1995 IL (89,91) R + B
09 Bacsiand Zemankovics, 1995 IL t89,91), BS (911, c - B
BS, (91)
10 Smith, 1995 IL (87-91) R -I-
11 Jarvis, 1995 IL (87-91) R -
12 Grant, 1995 IS (90-91) R +
13 Vanclooster et al., 1995 IL (89-911, IS (89-91) R +
14 Svendsenet al., 1995 fL (89-911, IS (X9-91) R +
15 Schaaf et al., 1995 IL (89,911,BS (91), c +
BS, (91)
16 Schriider et al., 1995 IL (89,911,BS (911, (R)cf. (+I B -
No. 17
BS, (91)
17 Diekkriiger and Aming, 1995 IL (89-91). IS (89-91) R - X
18 Diekkriiger et al., 1995 IL (87-88) IR)cf. - X
19 Whitmorc, 1995 IL (89-91), IS (89-911, C + B
BS (911, BS, (91)
IL = Intensive Loam site, IS = Intensive Sand site, BS = Bockschlag, subscript r = reduced fertilization, C = Cascade model,
R = Richards equation, L = one layer model, b = simulation of plant development without biomass, B = simulation of plant
development including biomass, x = simple description of plant development, 0 used but not reported, * only evapotranspiration
B. Diekkriiger et al. /Ecological Modding Xl (1995) 3-29 5

- the Intensive Sand Site (IS) for the years For Richards’ equation, information on the
1989-1991, retention curve and the hydraulic conductivity
- the Intensive Sand Site with reduced fertiliza- curve are obligatory. Because hydraulic conduc-
tion (IS,) for the year 1991, tivities were not available, the participants had
- a loamy site called “Bockschlag” (BS) for the either to calibrate the model or to estimate the
year 1991,and conductivities from basic soil properties. Differ-
- a loamy site called “Bockschlag” with reduced ent approachescan be found in the papers.
fertilization (BS,) for the year 1991, Because good comparison between simulated
A detailed description of the data set is given and measured water contents does not imply that
in this issue by McVoy et al. (1995). In this paper the water fluxes are correct, computed percola-
we will compare and discuss the model results. tion and evapotranspiration will also be dis-
For this comparison the participants were asked cussed.
to prepare model outputs in a given format, Be-
2.2. Nitrogen
cause not every datum could be discussed and
du.e to the dynamics of the processesinvolved, it Apart from their differences describing water
is necessaryto give more information than mean dynamics and N uptake by plants, which may
errors or correlation coefficients. Nevertheless, have an important influence on the results of soil
evaluation can never be objective. Therefore, it is mineral nitrogen, the participating models vary
recommended that the reader should also study also in their complexity to simulate the nitrogen
the other papers of this issue. transformations in the soil. Approaches for nitro-
gen mineralization/immobilization differ mostly
in their way to separate the organic nitrogen into
2. Model description different fractions. While most of the models
coupled nitrogen transformations to the carbon
In addition to this paper and the description of dynamics, the models of [05], [06], and [U] con-
the data set, 19 papers deal with model applica- sider only nitrogen. The main effect is that in
tion to the data provided by the CRP 179 Table those model approacheswhere carbon is included
1 summarizes the names of the authors, the simu- also net immobilization can occur while the oth-
lation sites and periods, and the processes ana- ers describe net mineralization. The number of
lyzed. In the following we will refer to the num- active organic N pools rangesfrom one pool <[05])
bers given in Table 1. Nearly all participants to 6 pools ([14)X Microbial biomass is considered
simulated the Intensive Loam Site except [Oil by [12], [ 141and [ 191.Decay of organic pools is
who analyzed only the Bockschlag and [12] who commonly described by first-order kinetics except
investigated the Intensive Sand Site. for [05] who usesa zero-order kinetic. All models
Each model is described by the authors. consider a dependency of the decay coefficients
Therefore, in this paper only a brief summary of on temperature and soil water content. The model
the simulated processesis given. of [14] considers additionally the influence of clay
2.1. Water dynamics Denitrilkation is considered by all models ex-
cept for [053.The models of [OS]and 1061use only
Except [Ol] who simulated only evapotranspi- one pool (nitrate) for mineral nitrogen while all
ration, all participants computed water fluxes in the others simulate also ammonium. For trans-
the soil. Eleven participants solved Richards’ port of nitrogen [Ofi], [OS],[121,1131,[141 use the
equation for water transport, six participants used convecticn-dispersion equation, the others use
cascade models. Because the model of [OS]con- only convection ([02] makes some assumptions on
siders the root zone as one layer, the simulated dispersion and [lo] uses onIy numerical disper-
water contents cannot be compared with the re- sion). Additionally [13] and 1191reported the con-
sults of the others. sideration of mobile and immobile soil solution.
6 8. Diekktiiger et al. /Ecological ModeIIing 81 (1995) 3-29

Table 2
Results of the plant growth simulation of the Intensive Loam Site. Linear correlation between simulated and measured biomass
above ground (y = ar + 6). R* = coefficient of determination
No. 1989 1990 1991
a b R2 a b R2 a b R2
05 0.99 1142 0.966 1.18 -24 0.937
06 0.88 6% 0.987 0.68 1568 0.975 1.01 166 0.925
OS 1.05 94 0.986 0.99 442 0.985
09 0.78 780 0.939 0.86 354 0.989
10 0.38 3857 0.486 0.67 1390 0.875 0.98 243 0.976
13 1.11 -WI0 0.985 0.71 1205 0.974 1.06 -102 0.946
14 1.06 -248 0.98g 1.01 1084 0.962 1.18 -271 0.952
15 0.74 3629 0.963 1.00 692 0.970
I6 1.01 -17 0.982 1.22 -425 0.955
19 0.87 914 0.961 0.92 1244 0.958 0.87 760 0.977

2.3.Plant namics. Additionally we compare the computed

biomass production and N-uptake with the mea-
For the IL and the IS there are 11participants sured ones.
whichgivemodelsfor plant developmentinclud-
ing biomass,one paperpresentsa modelwithout 2.4. Soil temperature
regardingthe biomassexplicitly(cf. Table11,four
authorsconsideronly a very simple description The simulation of soil temperaturesis re-
e.g.of the leaf areaindexor the rootingdepthin ported in eightof the papers,althoughten of the
order to satisfy the demands of other model participantsappliedmodelswhich alsocalculate
parts. The remaining three papers deal with soil heat flow. Usually simulatedsoil tempera-
biomassor LAI data as input variablesof their tures comparewell with measurements and large
modelswithout makingan attempt to modelthe differences between simulation and measure-
time courses, ments are only observednear the soil surface.
Most of the applied modelsare well estab- Therefore,computedsoil temperatureswere not
lished and have been used in the past by different requested for model comparison. The individual
research groups. The approaches are similar. the results can be found iu the papers indicated in
dry matter production is considered as a function Table 1.
of environmental conditions, e.g. irradiation, tem-
perature, water content, and nutrient supply. Table 3
Apart from [lo], all the other authorsregardthe Results of the plant growth simulation of the Intensive Loam
Site. Linear correlation between simulated and measured leaf
development statusof the plantsadditionally.For area index &Al) (y = ax + 6). R* - coefficient d detertnina-
details of the model approaches the reader is tion
referred to the detailed papers in this issue. No. 1989 1990 1991
In order to comparethe observedand the
a b R’ a b RZ a b R2
simulatedbiomassand L4I we calculateda re-
gressionanalysis.The results(seeTables2 and 3) 06 1.20 0.84 0.840 1.47 1.07 0.792 0.78 2.47 0.437
08 1.01 - 0.18 0.957 0.91 0.50 0.945
of this analysisare the slopeand the interceptof 09 0.52 2.45 0.547 0.47 0.70 0.784
the linearregressionfunctionaswell as the coef- 10 1.07 -0.31 0.955 0.98 0.32 0.838 0.39 2.17 0.219
ficient of determinationwhich givesan impres- 13 1.40 - 1.13 0.938 0.94 0.86 0.868 0.88 0.54 0.936
sion of how good the regression line represents 14 0.39 -2.83 0.301 0.82 0.15 0,924 0.44 2.26 0,356
the data. Theseresultsgivefirst hints to system- 15 0.62 1.58 0.328 0.72 0.70 0.744
16 0.41 3.85 0.357 0.47 3.31 0.464
atic under- or overestimationand of proper dy
B. Diekkriiger et al. /Ecological Modeiling 81 (199513-29 7

2.5.Pesfkide 01/07/91-08/14/91; Intensive Sand Site

Only three ([10],[11],[18]) of all participants Different statisticmeasurescan be calculated,
simulatedthe dynamicsof the pesticidesSima- e.g. mean squarederror, standard deviation of
zine, Metamitron, and Methabenzthiazuron. In the error, correlation between measurement and
all three papersthe degradationis describedas simulation. All n&rods suffer from svme draw-
first-order kinetic in which the parametersde- backs:the dynamics involved is considered only in
pend on soil temperatureand soil humidity.The parts. Therefore, in addition to mean errors and
transport of the pesticidesis calculatedby the correlationcoeffkientsthe simulatedtime courses
classicaiconvection-dispersion equation. are describedand discussed.

3.1. intensive loam site

3. Results
In 1989the comparisonwas restrictedto the
Becauseeachmodelproducesan hugeamount vegetationperiod,in 1990to the beginningof the
of output it is not possibleto discusseverysingle vegetationperiod until end of the year. In 1991
result. The participants were askedto provide the comparisonperiodlastedfkom the beginning
- water cOntent at the depths of O-30, 30-60, of the year until harvest.Therefore,in 1989as
60-90 and O-200 cm, welt as 1990 the period of replenishment of soil
- soil suction at the depths of 15, 45 and 75 cm, water wasnot includedin this comparison.Wsu-
- water fluxesat the depthsof 90 and 200cm, ally this is the period in which peraAation and
- potentialandactualevapotranspiration and in- nitrogen leaching take place.
terception, Although all participants received the same
- nitrogencontent at the depthsof O-30,30-60 data set, the model quality can not be evaluated
and 60-90 cm, without providing further information. It is im-
- net minerafizationand denitrification, portant to know if a modelwas &&rated using
- nitrogenleachingat the depthsof 90 and 200 part of the measuredstate variablesor if the
cm, model parameterswere derived only from the
- plant biomassaboveand belowground, data set. While[OlJ,[@I],[Osj,[ML [U9L[IO], 1121,
- total nitrogenuptakeby plants, [15], [171and[18] did not calibratetheir modelby
- root water uptake at the depthsO-39, 30-60 minimizingthe deviationsbetweenmeasuredand
and 60-90 cm, simulatedtime courses,the othersmainlytried to
- pesticideconcentrationsat the depth of O-10 improvethe simulationof the water dynamicsby
cm. modifyingthe appropriatemodelparameters.Be-
Due to limited numberof pagesonlyresultsof causesoil hydrauliccouductivitieswere not pro-
the IntensiveLoam Site (IL) and the Intensive vided this parameterwas often call&rated.The
Sand Site (IS) were presented here. For all other calibration procedure and which parameter have
information the reader is referred to the original been akered is discussedin the individual papers.
papers in this issue. Due to the fact that each Furthermore, it is important to notice whether
participant chose another simulation period, it the whole periodwassimulatedwithout interrup-
to limit the comparisonto a period tion or if onlya part of this period was computed.
whichwassimulatedby al1participants: While 1021,[03], WI, WI, WI, IlOl, IIlL [131,[141,
- Water transport: Intensive Loam Site [17], [19] calcuIated the entire period of the In-
03/25/89-08/09/89, 04/12/90-12/31/90, tensive Loam Site WS9-1990, [OS], [OS], [091
01/01/91-08/03/91; Intensive Sand Site [15], [16] simulated only 1989 and l!Bl. Because
04/01/90-11/30/91 and simulation errors may have a lastingeffect and
- Nitrogen dynamics: Intensive Loam Site the winter periodis most importantfor replenish-
01/01/89-08/09/89, 03/24/90-10/25/90, ment, percolationand nitrogenleaching,it could
8 [cm31cm~]
0.12 ,

02 03 04 06 97 08 08 10 11 13 14 t5 17 18

n O-30 cm 0 30-80 cm q 60-90 cm

0.12 ,

,,084 - _. . . . . _. _ -; _ _ _ -. -. . . -. . -. -. -. . -. - 1

02 03 04 06 07 08 09 10 11 13 14 15 17 19

IO-30 cm 0 30-60 cm q 60-90 cm


02 03 04 06 07 08 09 10 11 13 14 15 17 19

l O-30 cm 0 30-60 cm 6 60-80 cm

Fig. 1. Square root of the mean squared error between simulated and measured water contents of the Intensive Loam Site for the
Years 1989 (a), 1990 tb) and 1991 W. For an explanation of the model numbers see Table 1.
B. Diekktiger et al. /Ecological Modelling 81 (1995) 3-29 9


03 07 08 10 11 13 14 17

115 cm 045 cm El75 cm

60 ,

03 07 08 10 11 13 14 17

I15 cm 045 cm E75 cm



* , . __ _ _.

. _. _ _ _

. _. , _.

03 07 08 10 11 13 14 1r

n l5 cm 045 cm q 75 cm
Fig. 2. Square root of the mean squared error between simulated and measured soil suctions of the Intensive Loam Site for the
years 1989 (a). 1990 (b) and 1991 Cc).For an expIanation of the model numbers see Table 1.

a2 oi 0.4 OS oe a’7 0’8 0; 1.3 1s 1; IS

n l989 [3lSSO ElSSl


02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 tQ 11 13 14 15 17 19

I1950 cl19e0 ElSSl




. . * _. . . . - - .._- I

. . . _ -. . . - -. --El..

_. . _-
__ - - . . . . . - - -

n *..
. __

. . .



0 L
. .


03 04 05



08 OS
_. _



13 14 15 17

Fig. 3. Cumulative potential (aI and actual (b) evapotranspiration and interception (19 of the Intensive Loam Site. For an
explanation of the model numbers see Table 1.
6. Lbkkriiger er al. / Ecolugical Modelling XI (1995) 3-29 11

be expected that the simulation quality increases errors are computed by cascademodels. In 1990
in caseswhere the simulation is interrupted and the mean errors are generally smaller than in
restarted using appropriate initial conditions de- 1989while in 1991the error is larger than 1989.
rived from measurements. Analysing the differences between the simula-
tions, it can be concluded that
Soil water content, soil suction, euapotranspirution, - the cascade models show higher errors than
interception,percolation models basedon Richard’s equation,
- calibrated models are not better than uncali-
Soil water content and soil suction. The square brated models,
root of the mean squared error (SRMQE) be- - the results of models simulating the whole
tween simulated and measured water contents period without interruption are not worse than
are presented in Fig. 1. In 1989 the SRMQE is models only applied for 1989and 1991.
larger for the depth O-30 cm than for the depths Because general over- or underestimation of
30-60 and 60-90 cm. In this year the largest the water content with correct dynamic can not

02 03 04 06 Q7 Orl 09 10 it 13 14 15 17 19

I1989 q *990 Hl991

,SQ _ . . - . . .
,QQ _... b . . . . . _. . . .

-200 I I I t * s 1 r 1 0 ’ 1 ’ ’
02 03 04 06 97 08 09 1Q 11 13 14 15 17 19

m19as 01990 El991

Fig. 4. Cumulative percolation in the depth of 90 (a) and 200 (b) cm of the Intensive Loam Site. No data were submitted from the
simulations of 1021, [041, and IO91 for the depth of 90 cm and of [02], [04], [06], [09], [lS], and [I91 for the depth of ZOO cm. Positive
values are given for upward fluxes. For an explanation of the model numbrs see Table 1.
12 B. Diekkriiger et al. / Ecologica! Modelling 81 (1995) 3-29

be differentiated from those simulations showing higher than for the evapotranspiration, about one
wrong temporal pattern, the error calculation was order of magnitude between smallest 1141and
repeated with mean corrected simulation results largest [08] values. In opposite to others the model
and measurements. Because different simulation of [14] simulated the 1989 interception much
periods have to be compared, this is not an accu- higher than for 1990 and 1991.
rate evaluation method but it shows that the
results of 1061,[OS],and [19] include a bias in the Water flues at the depths of 90 and 200 cm.
simulated water contents. Water fluxes in the soil are difficult to compare
Only models solving Richards’ equation are because looking at the cumulative fluxes at a
able to compute the dynamics of soil suction. certain key-date may lead to wrong conclusions
Therefore, only eight models can be compared on due to the fact that the dynamics of the water
this site. Reminding that the comparison period fluxes is ignored; e.g. time-lags between two simu-
was limited to the vegetation period and that soil lations may be important when they are com-
suction can be measured only up to 80-90 kPa pared at a key-day but unimportant for evaluating
only few measurementswere available. As can be the model quality. Another reason is that capil-
found in Fig. 2 the mean errors are higher in lary rise can only be computed when Richards’
1991 than in 1989 and 1990. Even the smallest equation is solved.
error of about 10 kPa is quite high, the largest of Large variations in computed water fluxes at
about 55 kPa unreasonable. Only two of the the depth of 90 cm are presented in Fig. 4. The
models were not calibrated ([lo] and [171) but simulation of [19] shows the largest cumulative
their results are not worse than those from cali- percolation at this depth, which is in agreement
brated models. If the mean error is calculated with small values for actual evapotranspiration
from the logarithm of the soil suction the order of (cf. Fig. 3). Nearly the same behaviour can be
the models remains the same. found in the simulation of [07] although Richards’
equation was solved. Capillary rise for all three
Euapotranspiration/interception. The results of periods is calculated by the model of [lo]. Be-
the evapotranspiration and interception calcula- cause this comparison is limited to the vegetation
tions of the Intensive Loam Site are given in Fig. period the percolation in winter is not included,
3. All potential evapotranspiration values for the The simulation of [lo] shows distinct seasonal
three periods are in the same range except 1071, variation with high values for capillary rise during
whose values are always much higher, and [OS], the vegetation period and for percolation in win-
whose values are smaller than others. It is inter- ter and early spring. Because the 1990 period
esting to note that [07] used the same model as lasts until the end of the year the capillary rise is
[OS]but computed total different potential evapo- almost compensated by the winter percolation.
transpiration values. Differences occur not only This is illustrated in the paper of [lo] who pre-
in the magnitude but also in ranking the different sented monthly water fluxes.
periods. Most of the models computed evapo- Except the results of [lo] the water fluxes at
transpiration values for 1990 which were larger the depth of 200 cm are all downwards. The
than for 1989 and 1991, which is mainly due to variation between the different results is high, the
different lengths of the simulation periods. Only smallest values for cumulative percolation is com-
[7], [lo], and [13] showed another ranking of the puted by [17], the largest by [07]. Due to the
years. Nearly the same results can be found in the model approach the percolation rates are com-
results of the actual evapotranspiration values. monly much higher in cascade models (up to 40
Although the magnitude of differences is smaller mm/day) than in models solving Richards’ equa-
there is still a large range, e.g. 262-455 mm for tion (maximal 2-5 mm/day).
Only seven models simulated interception (cf. General description of the results. Because mean
Fig. 3~). The differences among one another are errors and cumulative fluxes do not provide
B. Diekkriiger et al. /Ecological Modeihg RI (1995) 3-29 13

enough information to evaluate the model re- all years is much higher than that simulated by
sults, the single results will be discussed in this others.
chapter. In order to avoid hundreds of plots the [OS]:A good agreement between simulated and
reader is referred to the original papers in which measured soil suction can be found in the results
much more details are published. of [08]. The adsorption as well as the desorption
[02]: The authors of [02] only submitted simu- phase is well described. The actual evapotranspi-
lated water content for the model comparison. ration is as small as simulated by 1031and there-
The simulation show the same dynamic as the fore more than HMI mm less than reported by
measured water contents, The mean error is small others. This may be due to overestimation of the
(about 3% vol.). interception, which is more than double of the
[03]: The simulated water contents and soil results of others.
suctions compare well with the measurements, [09]: Only data for the depths of O-30 and
although the range of the simulated water con- 30-60 cm were submitted for model comparison,
tent is too low in the upper layer (O-30 cm). The no water fluxes were available. At both depths
actual evapotranspiration is always more than 100 the water content is underestimated about 10%
mm smaller than the results of the other authors. vol. The range betweenminimal and maximal
[041:Although the mean error in water content water content is much lower for the simulations
is low, the time course of this simulation shows a than for the observations.
behaviour typical for cascade model. During the [lo]: The range of the simulated water content
vegetation period the water content in the lowest is smaller than observed which leads to time
layer is constant for a long time and the replen- courses with over- (O-30 cm) or underestimation
ishment takes place instantaneously. Therefore, (30-60 and 6G-90 cm) of the water contentsbut
the dynamic is not well described. with a correct temporal pattern. The simulated
1051:Onfy simulated evapotranspiration and soil suctions at the depth of 45 and 75 cm are
interception values were submitted for the model much too low, the soil is never wetter than -30
comparison. The actual evapotranspiration is kPa. The water fluxes are characterized by high
lower than most of those reported form the other percolation rates in winter and high capillary rise
authors. in summer times. This is the only simulationin
[06]: This simuiation shows the same temporal which the actual is as high as the potential evapo-
pattern as the result of [04]. At the lower depth transpiration.
the dynamic of the water content is characterized [ 1l]: The simulated time coursesof soil suction
by fast drying and rapid rewetting. Between both and water content compare well with the mea-
periods the water content is more or less constant surements. The desorptionaswell as the adsorp-
at a lower or an upper limit. Only the water tion phase is described satisfactory.
content of the upper layer (O-30 cm) shows higher [13]: During the rewetting phase in winter
temporal variability. Percolation takes place only 1989/1990 the simulatedwater contents of all
on a few days at high rates which is typical for depths are much lower than those measured. In
cascademodels. 1991the desorption due to plant growth is about
[07]: This simulation is characterized by rapid 50 days earlier than observed.
changes in soil suction and water content which 1141:The simulated temporal pattern of water
may be due to overestimation of saturated hy content and soil suction compare well with the
draulic conductivity. While in the upper layer the measurements although the range of simulated
soil does not dry out sufficiently during the vege- water contents at the depth of 60-90 cm is lower
tation period the water content in the lower layer than obsened. The soil never dries out enough in
is too low in 1990 and 1991. These low water the upper layer and during summer 1991 at the
contents agreewith high percolation rates in 1990. depth of 30-60 cm.
The cumulative potential evapotranspiration for [IS]: Becausethe simulation was run only until
14 B. Diekkriiger et al. /Ecological Modelling 81 (1995) 3-29

[kg N ha.‘]

02 05 66 08 10 13 14 15 19

ml989 01990 El991 n l989-9l

Fig. 5. Net mineralization calculated by different models for separated time intervals at the Intensive Loam Site. For an
explanation of the model numbers see Table 1.

harvestthe rewettingof the soil is only calculated content in the upper and the lower layer are
for the winter period90/91. The simulatedwater alwaystoo low during the rewettingphases.The
contentsfor the remainingshort comparisonperi- samebehaviourcanbe foundin the simulationof
ods are generallyoverestimatedat the depthsof the soil suctionwhich compareswell with mea-
O-60cm. surementsduring the desorptionphasebut dur-
[17]: The dynamicof water content and soil ing the adsorptionphaseonly valuesup to - 15
suctionis describedwell but the simulatedwater kPaare computed.

[kg N ha.‘]
/ -J
300 - /-


200 -



--732 852 972 1092 1212 1332 1452 1572 1592

elapsed day8

x02 m 06 + 10 A13 l 14 +19

Fig. 6. Cumulative net mineralization of selected models on the Intensive Loam Site. For an explanation of the model numbers see
Table 1.
B. Diekktiger et al. / EcologicaI ModelIing 81 (1995) 3-29 15

[191:This simulationis characterizedby low [19]) which simulated the lowest net mineraliza-
actual evaporationvaluesand high percolation tion in 1989show the highestnet mineralization
rates(up to 40 mm/day). Due to the low evapo- during the 1990period. As can be seenin the
ration the water contentsare too highduringthe time coursesof the net mineralization (Fig. 6)
vegetationperiod. During the rewetting period thesearethe onlyoneswhichsimulated phasesof
the water contentsare filled up until an upper net immobilization.Sothe higher mobilizationof
limit is reached.Afterwardsthe water contentsat nitrogenin 1990may be an effect of remineral-
all three depthsare constantfor more than 150 izationof immobilized nitrogen caused by wheat
daysuntil the nextvegetationperiodstarts. straw incorporation. Summing up the results of
both years, net mineralization during the growing
Soil nitrogen content, nitrogen leaching seasons variesonly between 128and 138’kg N/ha
Soil mineral nitrogen is the only measured except [lo] who computed very low mineralization
state variable availablein this data set for the ratesin all years. The cumulative net mineralii-
validationof nitrogenmodels.Sincemineralni- tion in Fig. 6 shaws that the differences between
trogen content in soil is the result of multiple those models which simulated the whole 3-year
simultaneousprocesses,it is difficult to valuate period becomeevident.The highest deviations
nitrogen modelsseparatefrom their codesde- betweenthe models occur after harvest of winter
scribingsoil water and plant N uptake.Because wheatin 1989.Model [02] started with a phase of
their validity are discussedin the other sections, net immobilization.After straw incorporation a
we wit1focus here on the most important trans- short period of irmnobilization/remineralizatiun
formation processesof nitrogen and on the N results.While the results of [19] shaw a rapid
transportin soil. immobilizationof nearly all mineral nitrogen in
soil followedby a relatively fast remineralization
Net minerakation. Fig.5 showsthe simulatednet during autumn, the model of [14] simulated a
mineralizationof each model for the different smoothbut long-term immobilization up to end
years.Large differencesbetweenthe modelsoc- of May when remineralization starts. In contrast
cur during 1991where net mineralizationranges to this dynamicbehaviour, [13] computed a linear
between38[IO] and 148kg N/ha [15].During the cumulativenet mineraliition throughout the 3
1989period net mineralizationvariesbetween28 years,which is very cioseto the time courseof
and 96 kg N/ha. Thosemodels([02], 1141and [19] over a long time. Cumulated net mineraliza-

[kg N ha.‘]






02 05 06 06 10 13 14 15 19

ml989 ~1990 al981 ~1989-91

Fig. 7. Denitrifkation losses calculated by different models for separated time intervals at the Intensive Loam Site.Forafi
explanation of the model numbers see Table 1.
16 B. Diekkriiger et al. / Ecological Modelling 81 (1995) J-29

(kg N h8-‘1
80 -1

, ,-
02 05 06 08 10 13 14 15 19

ml989 al990 81991 ~1989-91

Fig. 8. Nitrogen leaching ~490 cm depth calculated by different models for separated time intervals at the Intensive ham Site, For
an explanation of the model numbers see Table 1.

tion of modelswhichsimulatedthe wholeperiod seemsto be surprisingbecausethree of them

without interruption vary between193kg N/ha (1021,[M] and [19]) use capacityapproachesfor
[lOI and 340 kg N/ha [19] within the regarded the water dynamics.The amountscalculatedfor
periodof 33 months. the whole period indicatethat denitrification is
estimatedalsooutsidethe growingseasonduring
Denittific~tion. Considerableamountsof denitri- late summerand autumn, The highestnitrogen
fication losseswere simulatedby [02], [06], [OS] tossesby denitrificationare calculatedas 105kg
and [19] while the amounts simulatedby the N/ha within about 3 yearsby [06] where about
other models are negligible(see Fig. 7). This one third is from outsidethe growingseason.

[kg N ha’]


02 06 08 10 13 14 15

m O-30 cm 0 30-60 cm E/ 60-90 cm

Fig. 9. Square root of the mean squared error between simulated and measured mineral nitrogen contents in three depth during a
selected time intetvaf in 1989 at the Intensive Loam Site. For an explanation of the model numbers see Table 1.
8. Oiekkriiger et 01. / Ecoiogical ModeIIing 81 f 1995) 3-29 17

Leaching of nitrogen. Variation in the amounts of mineral N at this time. Nevertheless,Fig. 9 shows
simulated nitrogen leaching in 90 cm (Fig. 8) the square root of the mean squared error
reflects mainly the differences in the soil water (SRMQE) between measuredand simulated min-
fluxes at that depth. Because the comparison of era! nitrogen contents of the single 30 cm layers
the single years is restricted to the growing sea- in 1989. This figure is typical also for the other
son, the main period for nitrogen leaching in years, where the highest deviations occur mostly
winter is only partly included. So the amounts of in the upper 30 cm. This could be expected
nitrogen leaching are mostly very low, except for becausethe upper 30 cm is the layer where most
1191who simulated also high drainage. Corre- of the transformation processestake place. The
sponding to the high capillary rise computed by nitrogen dynamic was influenced mostly by high
[lo] for the growing season,nitrate is coming up variation in the soil moisture and in’ the soil
from deeper soil layers into the root zone in this temperature as well as by tillage and fertilization.
simulation. Apart from the seasonal differences Regarding the whole measured profile (Fig. 10)
between the models the cumulative leaching over the SRMQEs are mostly smaller than the sum of
the whole 3-year period is nearly the same for all the single layers because errors are partly elimi-
models which computed this period without inter- nated due to inaccurate simulation (or measure-
ruption. Only [19] simulated extraordinary high ment) of the mineral nitrogen distribution in the
lossesby leaching corresponding to the high esti- profile. Generally the SRMQEs were highest in
mations of drainage water. 1990because the increase of mineral nitrogen in
spring can not be explained neither by natural
Mineral nitrogen in soil. The comparison of the nitrogen transformations nor by the given man-
mineral nitrogen courses is difficult because the agement data. Probably there is an error in the
models started at different times and used differ- management data provided by the farmer, which
ent initial values. So in 1989 the first measured may have lasting effects on the results of the
nitrogen content has only been used by [06], [13], following period of 1991.Nearly all models which
[15] and [19]. Lower values have been estimated simulated the whole period without interruption
by [02],[OS]and [14] while [lo] overestimates
the show a higher SRMQE in 1991 than the models

[kg N hr’]

02 06 06 10 13 14 15

It969 01990 al991

Fig. 10. Square root of the mean squared error between simulated and measured mineral nitrogen contents (O-90 cm) during
selected time intervals at Intensive Luam Site. For an explanation of the model numbers see Table 1.
18 B. Diekktiger et al. / Ecological Modelling 81 (1995) 3-29

[08] and 1151which were restarted in 1991 with main growing period of winter wheat well. The
new measured initial conditions. increase of the mineral N content at the end of
the growing seasonis not simulated by the model.
General descriptionof the results. The correlation [lo]: The model overestimates the mineral ni-
between measured and simulated minerat nitro- trogen content especiatly at the end of the grow-
gen does not seem to be an appropriate method ing season and after harvest. Due to high losses
to evaluate model resuhs. Highest coefficients of by leaching the differences between simulation
determination (R’) were found for all models in and measurement decreasesin spring 1991. Due
1990 where management data are doubtful and to the general problems of 1990 the simulated
were the errors are highest. The coefficients of nitrogen content is too low in the beginning of
determination vary between 0.473([06]) and 0.387 1991. The dynamic of the mineral nitrogen con-
([lo]). Because all models underestimated the tent described by the mode1is just the opposite of
mineral nitrogen the slopesof the regressionlines the observed data which is also reflected by a
are generally low, The lowest P-values were high negative correlation.
observed in 1991except for the model [15] (0.918) [13]: The simulated time courses in 1989 are
which was restarted in October 1990 and [13] similar to the results of [06]. Due to the relatively
(0.440)which was calibrated during the first year. high mineralization the simulation compare well
Additionatly some short descriptions of the model with the measurements at the beginning of 1991.
results of the single participants are given: During the growing season the simulated nitro-
[021: Although the model underestimated the gen dynamic correspond with the measured pat-
first measurement, the mineral nitrogen during tern although the nitrogen content is slightly
the growing season is generally overestimated overestimated.
probably due to a lag in the N uptake. At harvest [14]: The model shows a very good agreement
simulated and measured nitrogen agree well. In during the 1989 period, but in spring I990 in-
autumn mineralization is slightly overestimated creaseof nitrogen is not reflectedby the model
but in general the dynamic is reflected satisfac- due to long immobilizationperiod. In 1991the
tory. The content of mineral N during the grow- model first underestimatesthe mineral nitrogen
ing seasonof sugar beet is significantly underesti- content whereas it overestimates it during the
mated like in all other models probably due to growing season. The dynamic of the nitrogen
missing management data. Results for 1991 were content is described well.
not provided. [W]: Because the nitrogen uptake by plant
[06]: The decreaseof mineral nitrogen content started too early, the model does not reflect the
at the beginning of 1989 is not reflected by the measured nitrogen dynamics. The mineral N con-
model. Therefore, the nitrogen content in the soil tent during the growing seasonof winter wheat in
during the growing season is generally overesti- 1989 is underestimated. Simulation data after
mated although the dynamic is described satisfac- harvest were not provided. In 1991the simulation
tory. After harvest the release of nitrogen from compares we11with the measured data, only at
manure seems to be too fast. During the winter the end of the growing season the nitrogen con-
time up to ApriI measured and simulated values tent is underestimated.
compare well. Due to the discussed problems [191: During the growing season in 1989 the
within 1990the nitrogen content is clearly under- model overestimated the mineral nitrogen con-
estimated at the beginning of 1991.Apart a little tent. After harvest and straw incorporation a
lag in the F uptake the dynamic of mineral rapid immobilization of nearly all mineral nitro-
nitrogen content is described satisfactory in 1991. genis simulatedfollowedby a rapid remineraliza-
[08]: The model describes well the course of tion which leads to higher nitrogen content than
mineral nitrogen during the whole year of 1989. observed. Due to the high nitrogen leaching the
The model was restarted in 1991 and apart a lag model compares relatively well with measure-
in the N uptake it reflects the dynamic during the ments in spring 1990. In 1991 the differences
[tow hr’]

05 06 06 OS 10 13 14 l6 19

- measured

[tonr ha-* ]

OS 66 06 OS 10 13 14 16 19

- measured





05 06 06 09 10 13 14 16 19

- mmamured

Fig. 11. Simulated (bar-s) and measured (solid line) biomass of the Intensive Loam Site at the end of the growing Seasons for the
years 1989 (a), 1990 (b) and 1991 (~1. For an explanation of the model numbers see Table 1.
20 3. Diekkriiger Ed al. /Ecological Modelling 81 (1995) 3-29

[kg N ha-l]
400 ,

05 06 06 09 10 13 14 15 16 19

- measured

[kg N ha-l]
400 ,

06 06 06 OS 10 13 14 15 16 1s

- measured

[kg N ha-l]
400 ,

06 06 06 09 10 13 14 16 16 19

- measured
Fig. 12. Simulated (bars) and measured (solid line) nitrogen uptake by plants of the Intensive Loam Site for the years 1989 (a), 1990
(b) and 1991 W. For an expIanation of the muclel numbers see Table 1.
8. Diekkdger et 01./Ecological Mndellin~ RI f 199513-29 21

between simulation and measurements are signif- Generaldescriptionof the results.[Ml: The dynam-
icant. ics of the biomass given reflect the behaviour of
the data, although for 1991 the mode1 results in
Plant growth, biomassproduction, nitrogen uptake an overestimation of the total biomass. A time
by plants course of LA1 is not given. The computed N-up
The Intensive Loam Site was cultivated in 1989 take is in the right order of magnitude.
and in 1991 with winter wheat and in the year [06]: The time courseof the biomassresembles
1990with sugar beets. Half of the papers dealing that of the data but with an underestimationfor
with the IL gaveresults only for cereals([OS],[OB], 1989and 1990 and an overestimation for 1991.
1091,[151,[SD, so the year 1990is missing. Two of For eachof the two yearsthe LAI is muchtoo
them ([05] and [19]) did not submit results con- high with a different dynamic than observed. The
cerning the leaf area index. N-uptake is about 5% too high. Remarkableis
The results of the regression analysis for the that in all three years the biomass as we1 as the
biomass (cf. Table 2) show - with the exception N-uptake are nearly the same (biomass about
of one case ([lo] for 1989) - very high R’-values 18000 kg/ha and N-uptake about 290 kg).
indicating a good correspondence of simulations [08]: The time course of the biomass as well as
and observations. But regarding the parameters the one of the LAI are quite good with the right
of the regression line it can be seen that the dynamic and right values. There are some oscilla-
results of most of the models differ from the ideal tions in the LAI in the year 1991 which are
1:l line. So, with the exception of e.g. [05], [OS] incomprehensible. The computedN-uptake lies
and (141,all other models result in a slope which about 100 kg over the measured one. It has to be
is significantly different from one, leading to a noticed that nearly the same uptakes result from
systematic over- or underestimation of the data. quite different biomasses in the two regarded
Looking at the time courses this first impres- years.
sion is confirmed. In most cases (except [09] for 1091:For the year 1989the computedplant
1989, [lo], [13] for 1990, and [15] for 1989) the biomassincreasestoo earlyand too slowin oom-
dynamic is describedmore or less in the right parison with the data, for 1991the result looks
way. But, with the exception of [OS] and [M] quite good. In both casesthe total amount of
which produced time courses with the right dy- biomass is in the right order of magnitude.De-
namic and in the right order of magnitude, all spite these results the LAI time course is given
others do over- or underestimate the measured only for 1989 almost correctly. The computed
biomass (cf. Fig. 11). N-uptake is 80 kg for 1989 and 180 kg for 1991,
It has to be noticed that four of the partici- both values being too low compared with the
pants([OS],[06], [W] and 1131)did not regard any measured ones. The question arises why in 1989
decrease of biomass before harvest, the others the N-uptake is only one half of the uptake in
deal with senescencephenomena in a more or 1991,while on the same time the biomass in 1989
lessmarkedway. is greater than in 1991.Another result has to be
Obviously (cf. Table 3) the modelling of the mentioned: in 1991 after reaching a maximum
leaf area index caused much more problems to value, the cumulative N-uptake decreases again.
the participantsthan modellingthe biomass.So [lo]: For 1989 and 1990 the biomass is in no
only three of them ([OS],[lo] for 1989and 1990, sense satisfactorily given by the model, the de-
1131)were ableto producetime courseswith the crease is too early and too sharp and the total
dynamic and the order of magnitude shown by biomass producedis significantlyunderestimated.
the data. Opposite to theseresuItsthe time courseof the
The N-uptakecalculated by the different mod- IA looks quite good for 1989and 1990,whereas
els varies between80 kg and over 700 kg, the for 1991 the increasein the LAI is computedtoo
measured values are in the range of about 240 kg late. The biomassas well as the N-uptake are
(cf. Fig. 12). nearly the same in all three years, the latter one
22 B. Diekktiger er al. / Ecologiwl Modelling 81 (1995) 3-29

being about 300 kg each year, i.e. 15% too high Table 4
regarding the measured one. Results of the pesticidesimulationof the Intensive Loam Site.
Linear correlation between simulated and measured pesticide
[13]: For the two years with cereals (1989 and residues(y = u.r + b). RZ = coefficient of determination
1991) the time course is reflected very well with No. Pesticide Ll b R=
slight overestimation of the biomass, especially in
10 Methabenzthiazuron 0.81 0.62 0.984
1991. But for the sugar beet in 1990 the model 11 Methabenzthiazuron 0.89 - 0.24 0.917
increase in biomass is much too late compared 18 Methabenzthiazuron 0.85 0.26 0.980
with the data. Additionally the total amount of 10 Metamitron 0.99 0.03 0.954
biomass is significantly underestimated in this 11 Metamitron 0.76 0.20 0.959
year. The time courses of the LA1 look quite 18 Metamitron 0.90 0.08 0.954
good in all three years, though in 1989 the value 10 Simazine 0.91 0.04 0.987
it Simazine 0.81 0.11 0.992
is about 16% too high. The N-uptake calculated 18 Simazine 0.93 0.02 0.985
for 1989 and 1991 is in the right order of magni-
tude, whereasfor sugar beets the model results in
an unrealistic value of 730 kg.
[14]: This model is the only one which MS able right way but with an underestimation of the total
to produce right dynamics for all three years, biomass in each of the three years. Time courses
although in 1991 the biomass is overestimated. of LA1 are not given by this author and the
The evaluated N-uptakes are in the same order N-uptakefor eachyear is predictedcorrectly.It
of magnitude as the observed ones. Only the has to be noticedthat the uptakeis in the same
computed LA1 does not confirm this good im- order of magnitudein all three yearsalthough
pression, for cereals the descent is too early and the biomassis different, the highestbiomassin
much too sharp, whereas for sugar beets the 1989evenresultsin the smallestN-uptake.
dynamic is reflected well but with values too low.
[IS]: For 1991 the dynamic of the biomass is Pesticides
described quite well, but in 1989the growth starts The results of the pesticidesimulationsare
about 50 days too early and additionally the givenin Table 4, In all casesthe coefficientof
biomass is underestimated. The same holds for determination is larger than 0.9. For the short
the LAI: in 1989 too early and too low, the measurementperiods(about 100 days) the mod-
dynamic in 1991is given in a correct way, but the els produce nearly the same results. In addition
values are too low, also. The model leadsto a to this short period the Shnazine dynamic was
correct value of N-uptake for 1991, but for 1989 simulated for three years.The results are pre-
the simulation results in an underestimation of sentedin the papersof [lo], [ 111,and [la]. Be-
about 25% of the observed value. Regarding the causeno measurementswere available the results
almost identical biomassesin both years this is a can only be compared amongone another. But
strange result. the differences are significant:oppositeto [ll],
[163:This model leads to a correct dynamic of whoseprofile showsonepeakin the depthof 100
the biomass for both years regarded with a signif- cm, two peaks in the depth of 25 cm and of
icant overestimation
of the total biomassproduc- 85-100cm canbefound in the simulationsof [lo]
tion in 1991.The samedoesnot hold for the LAI and [18]. Becauseall simulationsshow at least
dynamic:in both years it increasestoo early, one peakin nearlythe samedepth the transport
decreasestoo late and it seems as if it is trun- part of the modelyieldedthe sameresult. While
catedat the top. The N-uptakefor 1989is in the the simulatedconcentrationsof [lo] and Ill] are
sameorder as observed,for 1991it is 30% less in the sameorder of magnitudethe resultsof [18]
than observed,This result is surprisingbecause are significantlylower at April 1991(about 1%).
the biomassproductionin both years is nearly Thesedifferencescanbe explainedby the differ-
identical. ent approaches for temperaturedependency: [lo]
1191:The dynamic for the biomass is given in a and [ll] use an Arrhenius type, 1181uses a differ-
B. Diekktiger et al. / Ecological Modding 81 (19951 3-29 23

ent approach according to O’Neill (Spain, 1982). creases with depth. Because the water content
[18] showed that both approaches compare well data show high temporal variability which cannot
in the range of about 1%lS°C, the mean temper- be explained by the water dynamics the calcula-
ature of the measurement period. For all other tion of the mean error is questionable on the
temperaturesthe degradationratesdiffer signifi- IntensiveSand Site. The smallest error showsthe
cantly. Due to missingmeasurements this com- simulation of [I21 in the depth of 60-90 cm.
parisonis speculative but it showsthat (a) a good Because1121 simulatedconstantwater contentin
simulationon short periodsdoesnot necessarily this depth without any temporal variation the
lead to appropriatelong-term forecastsand (b) calculationof mean error in water content is
the pesticide data available for this studyare not dubious.
sufficient for model validation. Only two of the participants submitted values
for interception. As reported before at the lnten-
3.2. Intensive sand site sive Loam Site the values of [14] are much lower
In contrast to the IntensiveLoam Site only than those from [17]. The actual evapotranspira-
someparticipantssimulatedthe IntensiveSand tion simulated by 1193is less than 50% of the
Site. Becausebiomassdata were availableonly value reported by others. These underestimation
for 1990 and 1991 this period was chosen for results in art overestimation of the percolation
model comparison. The period was alwayssimu- rate, about four time higher in the depth of 90 cm
lated without interruption and therefore the re- than reported by the other authors.
sults were not divided into different simulation
periods. While [02], [14] and [19] calibrated parts General description of the results. [02]: The simu-
of their model the others simulated the Intensive lated time course ot’ water content shows a small
Sand Site without modifying parameters. range(about 5% vol.). Althoughthe meanerror
is low the dynamicis not well described.
Soil water content, soil suction, evupotranspirution, [06]: The range betweenlowest and highest
interception,percolation water content is 510% vol. which is lower than
All results of this comparisonare given in observed.The dynamicin the depths of O-60 cm
Table 5. The mean error in water content de- is described adequately,the simulateddynamicof

Table 5
Results of the water flux simulations of the Intensive Sand Site. Negative values for water fluxes in the soil are given for percolation
02 06 12 14 17 19
mean error in water 4.4 4.1 5.9 6.8 5.6 13.6
content O-30 cm (% Vol.)
meanerror in water 3.8 4.2 3+4 4.8 4.6 9.1
content30-60 cm (% vol.)
meanerrorin water 2.8 4.7 2.2 2.9 4.0 8.9
content 60-90 cm (% vol.)
mean error in soil 16.6 15.7 26.8
suction 15 cm (kPa)
meanerrorin soil 20.5 17.0 29.0
suction 45 cm &Pa)
interception (mm) 20.4 89.4
potential evapotranspiration (mm) 1118 1210 1201 1043
(mm) 960 1049 1035 897
waterfluxesin thedepth -74 - 150 -133
of 90cm(mm)
water fluxes in the depth -250 -175
of 200 cm (mm)
24 B. Diekktiiger et al. /Ecological Modding 81 (1995) 3-29

the lowestlayerdoesnot agreewith the measure- as reported for the Intensive Loam Site. The
ments. simulatedrangeof water content is much lower
[12]: Althoughthe dynamicin the upperlayer than observedand the water content is perma-
is describedwell, the water content in winter nentlyoverestimated,During the winter time the
90/91 is overestimated,In the lower layer the water contentis constantfor more than 150days
simulatedwater content and the soil suctionare and the soil doesnot dry out enoughduring the
constant.The time courseof soil suctionis ade- vegetationperiod. This may be due to the ex-
quatelydescribed in the depth of 15 cm but in the treme low evapotranspiration values which causes
depth of 45 cm the dynamic does not correspond high cumulative percolation.
with measurements.
[14]: The dynamic of the water content is de- Soil nitrogen content, nitrogen leaching
scribed satisfactory but the water content is per-
manently overestimated in the depth O-60 cm. Net mineralization. In Fig. 13 the time course of
The soil suction in the depth of 45 cm is too high net mineralization is shown for the four models
during the vegetation period but the dynamic is which provided this site in their data sets. Three
describedweI1. of the models ([02], [14] and [193)show phasesof
[17]: The simulated time coursesof water con- net immobilization whereas [06] describes only
tent are comparablewith the resultsof [14], but net mineralization.Differencesbetweenthe re-
[17] permanentlyunderestimatedthe water con- sults are significant.Over the simulationperiod
tent. Although the meanerror in soil suctionis of abouttwo yearsthe cumulativenet mineraliza-
largerthan that calculatedfor [12] and[14],this is tion of [06] is more than doubleof the amount
the only simulationin which the soil suctionin calculatedby [14].
the depth of 45 cm reachesthose low values
which havebeen observed.The dynamicis de- Denirrificarion,As expectedon a sandysoil only
scribedwell in both depths. small amountsof denitrificationwere computed
[19]: The resultsof [19] showthe samepattern by most of the models.While 1141simulatedno

[kg N ha.‘]

lb97 1217 1337 1457 1577 1697

elapsed days

x02 l 06 * 14 A 19
Fig. 13. Cumulative net mineralization of selected models on the Intensive Sand Site. For an explanation of the model numbers see
Table 1.
B. Diekkriiger et al. /Ecological Modelling 81 (199513-29 25

[kg N hw’]

00 -. . . . . _______.__,__.._..._______

02 06 12 14

n O-30cm q 30-60cm q SO-SOcm 50-QOCm

Fig. 14. Square root of the mean squared error between simulated and measured mineral nitrogen contents at the intensive sand
site in different depth increments for a selected time interval in 1990/91. For an explanation of the model numbers see Table 1.

denitrificationlosses,[06] estimated7 kg N/ha, year simulation.Togetherwith the low errors the

[19] 20 kg N/ha and 102152kg N/ha during the R* value indicatethat the modelof [14] fits the
2-yearperiod. data as the best.Also the simulationof [06] gives
very good resultsduring 1990,but in 1991the
Leaching of nitrogen. No leachingdata for the 90 model overestimatedthe soil mineral nitrogen
cm depth were submitted by [02]. The lowest contentdueto the highmineralization.Due to an
lossesby leaching(79 kg N/ha) were simulated error in the data file, resultsof [19] canonly be
by [14].The leachingof 91 kg N/ha computedby interpretedreferringthe figure in hismanuscript.
[06] canbe explainedmostlyby the differencesin The modelreflectedthe pattern well, but Seems
net mineralizationbetweenboth models.Due to to tend to a slight overestimationof mineral
the high amountsof simulateddrainage[19] cal- nitrogenduring the growing season. Model 1121
culatedlossesof 164kg N/ha for the comparison fits the mineralnitrogen content in the ploughing
period. layer well but the depletion during the growth of
plants is delayed in both years. fn deeper layers
Mineral nitrogen in soil. Generallythe agreement the model tends to overestimatemineral nitro-
betweenmeasuredand simulatedmineralnitro-
gen content in the soil is better than on the
IntensiveLoamSitedespitethe fact that all mod- Table 6
els had problems in simulatingthe water dy- Results of the mineral nitrogen simulations @-!I0 cm) for the
namic. The simulation of 1141has the lowest period of 1990-1991 on the Intensive Sand Site. Linear corre-
valuesfor the SRMQE (cf. Fig. 14). They are lation between simulated and measured values (y = ux + b),
abouthalf of thosefrom [06] and[ 191.The errors R2 = coefficient of determination
of [02] are much higher comparedto the other No. a b R2
modelswhich is mainlycausedby low valuesfor 02 0.71 85.1 0.2%
plant uptakein 1991.The correlationspresented 06 0.87 26.9 0.686
12 0.76 48.7 0.54El
in Table 6 were much higher than on the loam 14 0.81 18.1 0.920
site which is probablyalsoan effect of the whole
26 B. Diekkriiger et al. /Ecological Modelling 81 (1995) 3-29

gen. As describedfor the water dynamicsthe indicatethat different biomasses

modelof [12] computednearlya constantnitro- N-uptakes.
gencontentin the depthof 60-90 cm.

production,nitrogenuptake 4. Discussionand conclusions
The Intensive Sand site was cultivated in 1990 The presentation of the simulation results
with sugar beets, and in 1991with summer barley. shows that except the model of [14] there is no
For each of both years only four data on biomass unique model which simulates all processesin the
and LAI are availabte so that a regressionanaIy- same quality. Although all processesare intercon-
sis makes no senseand emphasis is laid upon the nected and therefore dependent of each other
discussion of the dynamicsand the biomassand nearly all models include simple approaches for
N-uptakevalues. some processes.
OnIy four of the participants(1061,1121,1141 The base of all modelsis the calculationof
and [19]) submittedresultsconcerningthis site, water fluxes. There, two main philosophies are
three of them simulatedtime coursesof biomass presented:the cascadeconcept and Richards’
which decreasein a more or less marked way equation.Both modelshaveadvantages and dis-
before harvest, advantages.Commonlyfast computingtime and
The dynamicof the biomassfor both yearsis lessparameterswere pronouncedas an advan-
calculatedvery web givenby two of the partici- tageof the cascadeconcept.The disadvantageis
pants ([14] and [19]), with a slight underestima- that the applicability is limited to sites where
tion of biomass by [19]. [06] computed a right capitlaryrise can be neglectedand where water
time course with correct values regarding the saturationdoesnot occur. Sometimesthe simu-
data only for 1991,whereas this author underesti- lated time coursesof cascademodelslook like a
mated the biomass for 1990 by about 35%. The square wave with high water contents in winter
increase in biomass computed by [12] is in both and low water contents in summer times. This
years too late compared with the data with an may be sufficient if mainly other processesare to
additional underestimation of the total biomass. be simulated.
The modelling of the time course of LA1 Nowadays due to increasing computer power
yieldeda similar result: El21and [14] submitted available the amount of parameters is more im-
good results regarding the base of only four data. portant than the computer time needed for a
But it has to be mentioned that the decrease in simulation. For water transport parameters of the
1991computed by [14] is too early and too sharp hydraulic conductivity curve and the retention
in comparisonwith the data. The LA1 values curve can be derivedfrom basic soil data like
computed by [06] are twice as high as the data texture and bulk density.Because saturated hy-
and additionallytheir dynamicis not reproduced. draulic conductivitieswere not availabIefor this
[19] did not provide any resultsconcerningthe study,[lo] and[17] estimatedthem from basicsoil
time courseof the MI. data usinga pedotransferfunction.Their results
The amountof N-uptakeis measuredin 1990 are not worsethan thosefrom modelswhichhave
as195kg and in 1991as about 130 kg. For 1990a been calibrated.In addition to the results re-
value similar to the data is computed only by [12] ported here, [17] estimatedall water transport
while all others reported values of about 240 kg. parametersfrom basic soil data using a pedo-
In 1991the computed values vary between 140kg transfer function. The resulting water fluxes are
[19] and 250 kg [06], indicatingthat all models similar to those from the simulation using mea-
calculated a N-uptake which is too high com- suredretentioncurves.
paredwith the measuredone. It hasto be men- The conclusion from these examples is that the
tioned that contrary to the results obtained at the pros and cons concerning the water transport
Intensive Loam Site the results of Cl43and [19] approach are obsolete. From the simulation re-
B. Diekkriiger et al. / Ecdagicol Mudelling 81 (199s) 3-29 27

sultsit is clear that anotherpoint is most impor- gen models is the same as for pesticide models.
tant: The processknowledgeof the personrun- One result of this comparison study was that for
ning a simulationmodel.This is illustratedby the short-term simulationsall pesticidemodelsbe-
fact that two participantsappliedthe samecom- havein the samemannerbut for longerperiods
puter code but yielded totally different water the resultsdiffer. Althoughlaboratorymeasure-
fluxes. Often the quality of a water transport ments suggestthat a first-order kinetic is not
model is eva!uated by comparing simulated and appropriate for many pesticides,most of the
measured water contents. While the water con- modelsare limited to this approach.In contrast
tent is important only for transformation :::ro- to the pesticidedynamicdue to the complexityof
cesses, the water fluxes dominate leaching ;~f Lie nitrogencycle,it is more difficult to detect
agrochemicals. Unfortunately, it is nearly impos- deviationsfrom first-order kineticsin this case.If
sible to measure water fluxes in the soil and only standard measurements like mineral nitro-
therefore this is the critical point in modelling gen content are availablefor model evaluation,
water dynamics. No unique solution can be ob- complexmodels do not differ from simple ap-
tained if water fluxes have to be derived from the proaches.In this case not all processesunderlying
dynamic of the water content. As a consequence complex models can be validated.
the range of the simulated cumulative evapotran- The results of the simulation of plant biomass
spiration is very high and results in a similar show that the dynamicof plant growth can be
variation in cumulative percolation. described adequatelybut the simulated biomasses
The results of the nitrogen model are signifi- differ from those measured. Because most of the
cantly influenced by the results of the water simulation models were developed for cereals the
transportandthe plant growth model.The differ- biomass of sugar beetswas only roughlysimu-
ences betweenthe modelapproachesare signifi- lated. Most of the modelsdo not describethe
cant only in short periods,e.g. after straw incor- senescence correctly.This maybe due to the fact
poration,but over the whole periodthesediffer- that plantgrowthmodelswere mainlyincludedin
ences are negligible. Therefore, a model which the model systemsto computethe information
used zero-order kinetics for net mineralization neededfor the evapotranspiration and the nitro-
yielded comparable results to those models using gen model.Becausemost of the evapotranspira-
first-order kinetics. The differences in simulated tion models are not very sensitiveto errors in
denitrification lossesare also significant. Because plant height, LA1 and root length distribution,
it is not possibleto measurethoseprocesses,
the simple models are as adequateas complexones.
behaviour of the nitrogen model may be appro- The differences in simulatednitrogenuptakeby
priate while the description of single processes plants are significantand influencethe resultsof
may fail. the nitrogen model more than the denitrification
The time course of mineral nitrogen in the soil lossesor the differencesin the descriptionof the
is a resutt of management, leaching and plant net mineralization.
uptake,Takinginto accountthat small-scale spa- Evaluating all single findings some general
tial variabilitymayinfluencethe measurement of conclusions can be drawn from this comparison:
nitrogensignificantly,it is clearthat for tong-term - a good simulationon short periodsdoesnot
forecaststhe exactdeterminationof the boundary necessarilylead to appropriatelong-termfore-
conditionsis asimportantas the modelapproach casts,
itself. To calibratea modeldataon different time - simple modeIs run by an expert may lead to
scalesare needed.Long-term applicationof a better results than those computedfrom a
modelcalibratedon a short period mayfail. The complexmodelappliedby non-expertusers.
data availablefor this studyare not sufficientto - significanterrors within the calculationof one
provewhichapproachis suitablefor short aswell processmay lead to generalwrong resultsof
as for long period. the wholemodel,
The discussion of simple versus complex nitro- - the processes in the soil mainlydependon the
28 B. Diekktiger el al. / Ecoiogicd Mdelling 81 (1995) 3-29

boundary condition (e.g. evapotranspiration, their encouragementand help this workshop

irrigation, fertilization). Problemsin determin- would not have been possible.
ing these boundary conditions may influence We alsothankafl participants of the workshop
the simulation resufts significantly. for kindly volunteeringtheir model results for
From the resultsit is clear that modelvafida- this comparison.We hopewe havenot misinter-
tion is mainly determined by the availability of pretedanyof their resultsor conclusions.
measurements. Dependingon the point of view it
may be concludedthat nearly aft or nearly no
model is validated using this data set. Because References
the most important processes are difficult or im- Bacsi, Z. and Zemankovics, F., 1995. Validation: an objective
possibleto measure,the validationof singlepro- or a tool? Results on a winter wheat simulation model
cessesis mainlyindirect. Becausein additionto application. Ecol. Model., 81: 251-263.
temporalvariabilitythe spatial variabilityis im- BlombHck, IL, Stlhli, M. and Eckersten, H., 1995. Simulation
portant it seems that it is necessary to improve of water and nitrogen flows and plant growth for a winter
field measurement techniques instead of develop- wheat stand in central Germany. Ecol. Model., 81: 157-
ing new models. BotteMreg, P., 1995.The user’s influence on model calibration
In this comparison simple as well as complex resulks; an example of the model SOIL, independently
models were involved. Usually one argument for calibrated by two users. Ecol. Model., 81: 71-81.
using a simple model is that the results are suffi- Claus, S., Wernecke, P., Pigla, U. and Dubsky, Ct., 1995. A
cient for management recommendations. It seems dynamic model describing leaf temperature and transpira-
tion of wheat plants. Ecol. Model., 81: 31-40.
that the results of this study verify this argument. de Will&en, P., 1991. Nitrogen turnover in the soil-crop
But it has to be noted that the results of the system; comparison of fourteen simulation models. Fert.
complexmodelsare not worse than those from Res., 27: 141-149.
simpIe models.The applicabilityof a model is Diekkriiger, B. and Arning, M., 1995. Simulation of water
fluxes using different methods for estimating soil parame-
limited to those processesand situationswhich ters. Ecol. Model., 81: 83-95.
the modefferbelieveare important.The simpfic- Diekkriiger, B., N%ersheuser, P. and Richter, O., 1995.
ity is often modelinherentanda potentialuseris Modeling pesticide dynamics of a loam site using HERB-
limited to what a modefferhasdecidedfor him. SIM and SIMULAT. Ecol. Model., 81: 111-119.
In future it is moreimportantto developmethods Franko, U,, OeIschlTgel. B, and Schenk, S., 1995. Simulation
for derivingmodelparametersfrom other infor- of temperature, water- and nitrogen dynamics using the
model CANDY. Ecol. Model., 81: 213-222.
mation like hydraulicconductivityfrom soil tex- Grant, R.F., 1995. Dynamics of energy, water, carbon and
ture. Combiningthose transfer functions with nitrogenin agricultural ecosystems: Simulation and experi-
modelsin which the user may decide on the mental validation. Ecol. Model., 81: 169-181.
complexityof modeldescriptionwill leadto tools Jaryis, NJ., 1995. Simulation of soil water dynamics and
which may be sufficient from a scientific as well herbicide persistence in a silt loam soil using the MACRO
model. Ecol. Model., 81: 97-109.
as from a managementpoint of view. Emphasis Kersebaum, KC., 1995. Application of a simple management
shouldbe laid upon a goodtrainingof the model model to simulate water and nitrogen dynamics. Ecoi.
usersbecausethe results of all models are signifi- Model., 81: 145-156.
cantlyinfluencedby the knowledgeof the user. McVoy, C.W., Kersebaum, K.C., Arning, M., Kleeberg, P.,
Othmer, H. and Schrijder, U., 1995. A data set from north
Germany for the validation of agroecosystemmodels: dot-
umentation and evaluation. Ecol. Model., 81: 265-297.
Acknowkdgements Mirschel, W., Wenkel, K.-O. and Koitzsch, R., 1995. Simula-
tion of soil water and evapotranspiration using the model
We would like to thank all scientistsof the BOWET and data sets from Krummbach and Eisenbach,
CollaborativeResearchProgram379“Water and two research catchments in North Germany. Ecol. Model,,
81: 53-69.
Matter Dynamicsin Agroecosystems”which is Morgenstern, M. and Kloss, R., 1995. Simulation of the soil
financedby the German ResearchFoundation water balance on the “Intensive Loam Site”. Ecol. Model.,
(Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft).
Without 81: 41-52.
B. Diekkriiger et al. ,I Ecological Modellin~ 81 (1995~J-29 29

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data from north Germany with simulation of the nitrogen Addison-Wesley, London.
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Schriider, U., Richter, 0. and Velten, K., 1995. Performance of crop production, water and nitrogen balances in two
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Schultz, A. and Mirschel, W., 199% Simulating soil water deterministic evaluation analysis to an integrated m&crop
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