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Question: The great lesson learned by people, government and

corporate house during COVID -19 is the diffusion of

technology, digitalization and use of artificial intelligence to
make easy of human life. Being particular to COVID-19
pandemic, state and explain the changes of technological
environment, changes of technological factors adoption and their
impacts to the business management.
Answer: COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the
SARS-CoV-2 virus. It was first identified in Wuhan, China in
December 2019 and quickly spread to become a global
pandemic, affecting millions of people worldwide.
The pandemic has had significant impacts on global health, the
economy, and the technology. During that period, various
technology had been acknowledged which helps to make the
human life more convenient.

As this is the era of digitalization, most of the organization adopt

diffusion of technology and artificial intelligence during the
pandemic to cooperate with the changing environment.

For example: covid19 is a communicable disease. So, to

maintain the social distance various digital wallet had been
widely used for the payment of their bill such as Paywell ,
Moru , IME Pay , PrabhuPAY , CG Pay , CellPay , QPay , iCash
, EnetPay , D-पै सा. esewa, Khalti etc, virtual classes had been
operated through various applications like Microsoft team, zoom
The technological environment is part of the company's external
environment related to developments and changes in technology.
The technological environment is constantly changing and
evolving, driven by advancements in science, engineering, and
innovation during the pandemic.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the

technological environment in several ways. Some of them are
mention below:
 E-commerce
 Virtual events
 Artificial intelligence
 Online education
 Remote work
 Development of autonomous vehicle

1. E-commerce: To maintain the social distancing, e-

commerce has seen a significant increase in demand.
Online shopping platforms such as Amazon and Walmart
have seen a surge in sales, and smaller businesses have had
to quickly adapt to selling their products and services
online. Similarly, digital wallet had been widely used for
the bill payment.
2. Virtual Events: People had found the alternative ways to
communicate with each other. Conferences, concerts, and
other events have shifted to virtual platforms, allowing
people to attend from the comfort of their own homes. This
has led to the development of new virtual event platform
using the various applications such as webex meet.
3. Artificial intelligence: Artificial intelligence is the
simulation of human intelligence processes by machines,
especially computer systems. Specific applications of AI
include expert systems, natural language processing, speech
recognition and machine vision. Artificial intelligence are
being used in various fields, from healthcare to finance
and transportation. Such as Maps and Navigation. AI has
drastically improved traveling, introduction of ChatGPT
4. Online Education: With schools and universities closed or
limiting in-person attendance, online education has become
more important than ever before. Online learning platforms
such as Microsoft team, zoom, webex meet have seen a
surge in demand, and schools and universities have had to
quickly adapt to offering online classes.
5. Remote Work: With many businesses and organizations
forced to close their physical locations or limit capacity,
remote work has become more prevalent than ever before.
This has led to a surge in the use of video conferencing
platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, as well as
collaboration tools such as Slack and Trello.
6. The development of autonomous vehicles: Self-driving cars
and other autonomous vehicles are being developed and
tested, with the potential to revolutionize transportation and
logistics. Similarly, there is an introduction of electronic
vehicle developed by Elon musk.

Overall, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption

of many new technologies and ways of working,
communicating, and socializing. It has forced people and
businesses to adapt quickly to cooperate with the changing
environment, and has highlighted the importance of technology
in our daily lives. The effects of COVID-19 are having a
significant impact on the technology sector, affecting raw
materials supply. There is always the advantage of assessing the
technological environment and embracing the new technology.
This can make the product better, bring down costs, edge out the
competition, increase production capacity, etc.
Similarly, Technological factors include production techniques,
information and communication resources, production, logistics,
marketing, innovation, culture, speed, cost of ownership etc.
These affect how an organization operates, sells its products,
interacts with, and gathers intelligence on customers, suppliers,
and competitors.
Technological factors are constantly evolving, and their
adoption rates can vary depending on a number of factors, such
as the type of technology, its usefulness, its cost, and its level of
Some of the changes of technological factors adoption are
mention below:
The changes of technological factor adoption are mention

 Innovation
 Learning
 Requirements
 Cost
 Usability
 Security

1. Innovation: Innovation refers to the successful introduction

of new outcomes by a firm. During the pandemic, various
innovation in the technology has been occur to cooperate
with the changing environment. The level of innovation
and novelty of a technology can impact its adoption. If a
technology is seen as innovative and groundbreaking, it
may be more likely to be adopted by early adopters and
tech enthusiasts.
2. Learning:
3. Requirements:
4. Cost: The cost of a technology can also influence its
adoption. If the cost is too high, it may be difficult for
individuals or organizations to justify its adoption,
especially if there are cheaper alternatives available.
5. Usability: The ease of use of a technology can also impact
its adoption. If a technology is intuitive and easy to use, it
may be more likely to be adopted by users.
6. Innovation: The level of innovation and novelty of a
technology can impact its adoption. If a technology is seen
as innovative and groundbreaking, it may be more likely to
be adopted by early adopters and tech enthusiasts.
Security: The level of security of a technology can also impact
its adoption. If a technology is seen as insecure or prone to data
breaches, it may be less likely to be adopted by users and
organizations concerned about data privacy.

Overall, Technological factors are constantly evolving, and

their adoption rates can vary depending on a number of
factors, such as the type of technology, its usefulness, its cost,
and its level of complexity.

Similarly, their impact to the business management are

mentioned below:
 Remote work
 Digital transformation
 Data management
 Employees are brought together and torn apart
1. Remote Work: The pandemic has forced many businesses
to implement remote work policies, which has led to an
increase in the use of technology tools such as video
conferencing, collaboration software, and cloud-based
systems. This has required businesses to rethink how they
manage their teams, communicate, and collaborate
2. Digital Transformation: The pandemic has highlighted the
importance of digital transformation for businesses.
Companies that had already invested in digital technologies
were better positioned to adapt to the changing business
landscape. Businesses that had not yet embraced digital
transformation have been forced to accelerate their plans
and adopt new technologies such as e-commerce, mobile
apps, and digital marketing.
3. Data Management: With the increase in remote work and
digital transformation, businesses are collecting more data
than ever before. Effective data management is critical to
making informed decisions and improving business
4. Employees are brought together and torn apart: Technology
may be a double-edged sword when it comes to bringing
people together. On the one hand, using email and team-
chat platforms makes it easier for coworkers to interact and
collaborate. Even simple technology like email and text
messaging can speed your response time in an emergency
and provide you more time to deal with less critical
On the other hand, social media platforms can be
distracting when it comes to the truly meaningful behaviors
that build strong and resilient teams, and they can’t
substitute face-to-face contact. For example, in the Human
Resources Department, technology can streamline benefit
solutions and store and scan applications to efficiently
screen prospects. Still, a computerized application process
is rarely a good substitute for a face-to-face meeting to
determine whether an applicant is a good fit for your

We must learn to adapt to technology because it is an

important aspect of our lives. We must accept the benefits
while minimizing the drawbacks because technology is
undoubtedly a two-edged sword.
In recent years, technology has grown at a rapid speed.
Consider how common the internet is in everyday tasks. It
is nearly impossible to execute a task without
using technology. As a result, complete technical
eradication is not feasible nor realistic.

In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the

adoption of technology in businesses and forced companies to
rethink how they manage their operations. Effective technology
adoption and management will be critical for businesses.

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