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Health,  Safety  &  Environment  (HSE)  
  Sadiq  Kha@ak  
Dr.  Muhammad  
Associate  Professor  
Department  of  Mechanical  Engineering  
UET  Peshawar  
Chapter  1      
 Course  Book  
OccupaLonal  Safety  and  Health  for  
Technologists,  Engineers  and  Managers  

 7th  EdiLon  by  David  L.  Geotsch  

IntroducLon  to  Safety  and  Health  
•  Following  are  the  most  relevant  technical  terms  used  
for  this  subject:  

–  OccupaLonal  Safety  and  Health  (OSH)  

–  OccupaLonal  Health  and  Safety  (OHS)  
–  Workplace  Health  and  Safety  (WHS)  

•  The  subject  is  a  mulLdisciplinary  field  concerned  with  

the  safety,  health  and  welfare  of  people  at  work  
Health  VS.  Safety    
•  Health  
–  Health  is  described  as  the  level  of  efficiency  of  the  
funcLoning   of   an   individual’s   body.   A   good   state  
of  health  implies  lack  of  illness  pain  or  injury.  
•  Safety  
–  Safety   refers   to   a   state   of   being   safe,   that   is   a  
condiLon   whereby,   one   is   protected   against  
physical,   social   and   all   types   of   undesirable  
Health  VS.  Safety    
Health   Safety  
Delayed  Results  (Coalmine  workers)   Immediate  Results  (ConstrucLon  industry  
worker,  if  not  safe,  may  fall)  
May  not  always  be  understood  or  well   May  be  very  clearly  defined  (Cause-­‐effect  
defined  (Cause-­‐effect  relaLon  is  complex)   relaLon  is  very  simple)  
Very  specific  and  may  vary  person  to   Quite  generic  
Takes  long  Lme  and  needs  history   May  be  carried  out  instantly  
Disease  causing  condiLon/situaLon   Injury  causing  condiLon/situaLon  
Health  hazards   Environment  Hazards  
Health  VS.  Safety    
•  In   many   cases,   both   health   and   safety   are  

•  Example:   Stress   may   cause   physiological   and  

psychological   problem,   which   may   further  
effect  the  health  (Health  Concern)  
•  A   stressed   worker   may   lose   concentraLon  
over   the   safety   and   an   accident   can   happen  
(Safety  Concern)  
Workplace  Safety:    
Importance,  Benefits,  And  Ways  To  
Incorporate  It  
A  work  environment  free  from  injuries  and  accidents  a@racts  employees.    
Employees  are  more  saLsfied  and  producLve  in  such  an  environment.  
A  safe  work  environment  is  important  for  both  employees  and  employers  
alike.  It  is  the  right  of  all  employees  to  have  safety  in  the  workplace.  
Workplace  safety  is  important  regardless  of  the  size  of  a  company.  All  
companies,  big  or  small,  need  to  incorporate  safety  in  their  workplaces.  
Well  implemented  safety  measures  keep  employees  safe  and  also  protect  
industry  equipment.  It  is  the  responsibility  and  duty  of  employers  to  protect  
their  employees  and  keep  them  safe.  
What  is  the  Need  for  Safety  in  the  Workplace?  

It  is  not  possible  to  measure  the  effects  of  human  casualLes.    
They  can  have  grave  consequences  for  employees  and  their  families    
and  friends  as  well.  
This  is  why  workplace  safety  and  health  measures  are  necessary.    
They  are  important  for  the  wellbeing  of  employers  and  employees    
The  feeling  of  assurance  that  one  has,  knowing  that  he  will  return    
safely  from  work  is  greater  than  anything  else.  
There  are  occupaLonal  safety  and  health  risks  in  every  company.    
Factors  affecLng  workplace  safety  include  unsafe  working  condiLons    
and  environmental  hazards.  
It  can  also  include  substance  abuse  and  workplace  violence.  
For  example,  employees  working  in  an  IT  company  may  
have  to  work  with  faulty  wires  or  electronics.  Whereas  in  a  
construcLon  company,  employees  may  be  exposed  to  the  
dangers  of  operaLng  heavy  equipment.  
To  combat  these  risks,  employers  should  create  strategies  
that  ensure  and  promote  safety  in  their  workplaces.  
Employers  should  also  learn  the  desired  aspects  of  their  
employees  in  terms  of  safety  and  protecLon.  This  will  help  
increase  producLvity  and  the  quality  of  the  products  and  
Here  are  some  Benefits  of  a  Safe  and  Healthy  
  Work  Environment  -­‐  
The  safer  the  work  environment,  the  more  producLve  it  is.    
ProducLve  employees  are  an  asset  to  all  companies.  For  
instance,  producLve  employees  can  produce  more  output  in  less  
Lme,  reducing  operaLonal  costs  for  a  company.  
Workplace  safety  promotes  the  wellness  of  employees  and  
employers  alike.  Be@er  safety  equates  to  be@er  health.  
Healthier  employees  do  tasks  more  efficiently  and  they  are  
happier  in  general.  
There  are  very  few  accidents  in  a  safe  working  environment.  This  
results  in  less  downLme  for  safety  invesLgaLons  and  reduces  
costs  for  worker’s  compensaLon.  This  also  reduces  the  Lme  
needed  for  employees  to  heal  from  injuries.  
Damage  to  industrial  equipment  creates  costs  for  
replacement  and  repair.  Avoiding  workplace  injuries  
and  damage  to  industrial  equipment  will  incur  fewer  
expenses  and  increase  profit.  
If  employers  are  concerned  about  the  safety  of  their  
employees,  the  employees  are  more  confident  and  
comfortable  in  general.  Also,  absenteeism  rates  drop  
and  employees  are  more  focused  on  doing  their  tasks.  
Ways  to  Create  a  Safe  Working  Environment  
Being  Aware  and  IdenLfying  workplace  Hazards  
This   is   the   first   step   to   create   a   safe   working  
environment.   Employers   need   to   idenLfy   workplace  
hazards  and  safety  issues  and  must  take  measures  to  
address  them  accordingly.  
Workplace   safety   hazards   can   include   mechanical  
issues,   dangerous   chemicals,   hazardous   electrical  
equipment,  etc.  
Mechanical   problems   can   occur   at   any   Lme   while  
operaLng   machinery   in   the   workplace.   Also,   working  
with   heavy   equipment   is   very   risky   and   can   cause  
If   employees   need   to   work   with   chemicals   they   have  
to   be   very   cauLous.   Dangerous   chemicals   can   burn  
or  poison  employees.  Inhaling  or  ingesLng  them  can  
even  cause  death.  
Also,   working   with   electronic   equipment   can   have  
risks   as   well.   Faulty   electrical   equipment   can  
electrocute  employees  causing  serious  problems.  
Employees   should   be   aware   of   the   types   of  
equipment  and  know  the  hazards  in  their  workplace.  
This  enables  them  to  stay  clear  of  such  hazards  and  
unfortunate  situaLons.  Also,  employers  should  train  
employees  in  the  proper  operaLon  of  machinery  and  
ImplemenEng  Workplace  Safety  Programs  
The  first  step  in  building  a  safety  program  is  to  get  
all  employees  to  commit  to  workplace  safety.  One  
way  to  do  this  is  to  include  workplace  safety  in  the  
company’s  mission  statement.  It  should  be  the  duty  
of  every  employee  to  carry  out  the  safety  policies.  
Employers  should  invesLgate  all  accidents  in  the  
workplace.  They  should  encourage  employees  to  
follow  all  safety  procedures.  
Moreover,  the  hazards  of  not  following  them  
should  be  clearly  stated  in  wriLng.  This  reduces  the  
chances  of  mistakes.  
Providing  Proper  Safety  Training  to  Employees  

Training  is  an  important  part  of  every  company’s  safety  

program  to  protect  employees  from  accidents.  Research  shows  
that  new  employees  have  a  higher  risk  of  workplace  accidents.  
It  is  the  lack  of  knowledge  of  workplace  hazards  and  proper  
work  techniques  that  cause  this  greater  risk.  
Employers  should  provide  employees  with  the  necessary  
training  to  reduce  workplace  accidents.  Employees  should  
operate  all  equipment  and  machinery  properly  and  safely.  
For  instance,  the  operaLon  of  heavy  machinery  should  be  
properly  taught  to  employees.  Only  trained  or  cerLfied  
employees  should  operate  such  types  of  equipment.  This  is  
why  it  is  important  to  provide  safety  training  to  employees  by  
Using  ProtecEve  Safety  Equipment  

The  usage  of  equipment  worn  to  minimize  exposure  to  

hazards  that  cause  workplace  injuries  is  very  important.  Not  
doing  so  can  cause  injury  or  even  death.  
Employees  may  have  to  work  with  chemicals,  machines,  
electronics  and  other  potenLal  work  hazards.  Employers  
must  provide  such  employees  with  personal  protecLve  
equipment  (P.P.E).  
P.P.E  should  be  safely  designed,  constructed  and  fit  
comfortably.  Examples  of  P.P.E  are  gloves,  protecLve  
eyewear,  clothing,  earplugs,  hard  hats,  etc.  
ReporEng  Unsafe  Working  CondiEons  

Employees  must  inform  any  kind  of  safety  hazard  

or  work  risks  to  the  management.  Employers  are  
legally  obligated  to  ensure  safe  working  
environments  for  their  employees.  It  is  their  duty  
to  end  workplace  safety  hazards  and  promote  
safety  in  the  workplace.  
PracEcing  Correct  Posture  

Bad  posture  is  one  of  the  main  reasons  for  back  
pain.  It  is  imperaLve  to  pracLce  good  and  correct  
posture  to  reduce  the  risk  of  gebng  hurt.  
For  example,  if  you  have  to  sit  for  long  hours,  use  
specially  designed  chairs.  Also,  always  sit  upright.  
Reducing  Workplace  Stress  

Workplace  stress  can  cause  many  health  problems  

like  anxiety,  depression,  etc.  
Job  insecurity,  workplace  bullying,  high  workload,  
etc.  cause  workplace  stress.  
Learn  how  to  combat  workplace  stress  and  avoid  
its  negaLve  effects.  Workplace  stress  can  have  
drasLc  effects  on  workplace  producLvity  and  
employee  health.  
PromoEng  Regular  Breaks  

Employers  should  encourage  employees  to  take  

regular  breaks.  Taking  regular  breaks  will  
prevent  Lredness  and  faLgue.  This  will  further  
prevent  injuries  or  illnesses.  Breaks  help  
employees  stay  fresh  and  focused.  
Staying  Sober  and  Alert  

One  of  the  major  reasons  for  workplace  fataliLes  is  

substance  abuse.  Substance  abuse  causes  around  
40%  of  all  industrial  workplace  fataliLes.  
Individuals  under  the  influence  of  alcohol  or  drugs  
are  less  alert.  Their  decision-­‐making  ability,  
coordinaLon,  concentraLon,  and  motor  control  gets  
compromised.  This  creates  risks  for  workplace  injury  
and  fataliLes.  
Easy  Access  to  Exits  in  Case  of  Emergencies  

If  there  is  an  emergency,  it  is  important  to  have  easy  
access  to  emergency  exits.  Easy  access  to  emergency  
exits  will  reduce  injuries  and  casualLes.  
Also,  it  is  important  to  have  quick  ways  to  shut  down  
equipment  in  case  of  emergencies.  
Using  Mechanical  Aids  

An  industrial  job  may  need  employees  to  work  with  

heavy  equipment.  There  are  many  injury  risks  involved  in  
trying  to  lih  and  move  heavy  objects.  Employees  can  use  
a  conveyor  belt,  forklih  or  wheelbarrow  instead  of  lihing  

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