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IELTS Essay 189: Map of
the Town of Lynnfield

The maps below shows the town of

Lynnfield in 1936 and then later in
Summarise the information by
selecting and reporting the main
features, and make comparisons
where relevant.
💡 Answer:

The maps detail changes to a town

called Lynnfield between 1936 and
2007. Looking from an overall
perspective, it is readily apparent that
the town became more residential,
commercial, and accessible at the
expense of natural land, agriculture
and smaller shops.
In 1936, to the northwest and
northeast of the town were several
trees and a river surrounded by
untouched land. By 2007, the number
of trees had declined and the land
around the river is now a residential
area. To the southwest of the town, a
cycling path has become a road for
cars and on the opposite side of the
map a museum and golf course have
replaced government offices and farm
In terms of the center of the town
itself, there was a post office, sweet
shop and butcher’s in a single row
with a lane separating those
businesses from the flower shop, bank
and library. In 2007, only the bank
(slightly expanded in size), library,
and post office remain the same. The
flower shop has been removed in
favor of a travel agent, there is a
shopping center in the previously
unoccupied space between businesses,
and the sweet shop and butcher’s
have been combined and transformed
into a large supermarket.

✍️ Total words: 205

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1. Detail - show
2. Looking from an overall perspective,
it is readily apparent that - overall
3. Residential - houses, apartments
4. commercial - businesses
5. accessible - can be travelled to easily
6. expense - interest
7. natural land - nature
8. agriculture - farming
9. smaller shops - local businesses
10. northwest - top left
11. northeast - top right
12. several - lots of
13. surrounded by - around
14. untouched land nature - with no
15. declined - decreased
16. to the southwest of the town - in
the lower left part
17. cycling path - where bikes ride
18. on the opposite side - reversed
19. replaced - taken the place of
20. in terms of - considering
21. butcher’s - place to buy meat
22. single row - one line
23. lane separating - space keeping
24. slightly expanded in size - got a
little bigger
25. remain the same - unchanged
26. removed in favor of - taken away
so that
27. previously unoccupied space -
place where nothing was there before
28. combined - added together
29. transformed - changed

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