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What is the most popular trend at this time? Absolutely, Cryptocurrency. And what's NFT?

NFT or Non-
Fungible Token is an of kind cryptocurrency that has very unique so other tokens can't be represented.
For example, I have a computer then you rent my computer. You must return the computer that rents
me only because of the brand or information, or the file's position of the computer makes it very unique
so you can't buy a new computer with the same brand to return it b ฺ ecause in a new computer doesn't
have anything like same my computer.

Lessons why NFT becomes popular, First, the first tweet on Twitter was sold for 2.9 million dollars and
many NFTs were sold at a good price. Second, NFT can be touchable more than other cryptocurrencies.
You can see them in many types like artwork, cards, items in the game so it attracts many people to
invest with it. Last, NFT base on Blockchain that many investors believe that Blockchain will change the
financial world.

Everyone can sell and buy NFT. As long as you have digital wallet for cryptocurrency, you can do it.

Some may wonder why would someone want to own something that isn’t real, but so does buying
digital games, digital music, digital literature. Some people just collect them for the sake of collecting.

NFT trend is supported by many trends such as Cryptocurrency, Games, Art and these trends will be a
trend for a long time because these trends can make money for you and can entertain you at the same
time. In vice versa, NFT also supports those said trends too, the blockchain can prove your ownership of
those and because it’s on internet that mean you can use it worldwide! Even NBA make collectible cards
that base on it.

Num opinion's: For me, I think NFT is very interesting. I can bring NFT to apply for my work in the future
to make more money or popular game. Such as if there is someone sell NFT items in my game for
millions. My game will be news without having to pay for promotion. and it gonna be a good thing if the
game that you play every day can make money for you.

Prompt’s opinion: I believe that this trend is going to get bigger and bigger as the time goes by. Artists
are going to, and considerable amount already do their work online, being able to transfer rights online
is a very attractive trait. And when the other supporting trends grow, so will NFT.

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