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Topic 1

English Test

1. In this text all punctuation marks have been omitted. Write the missing
punctuation marks and, whenever appropriate, include a capital letter:
Don’t even think about leaving your smartphone at home this summer if you are
traveling to a foreign country.
As much as we despise our attachment to our phones, we can’t deny it is an
indispensable travel companion that solves many problems, from showing us maps
when we get lost to displaying restaurant recommendations when we are hungry.
So, what are the routes to being able to use your smartphone while in a foreign
country, given that your wireless service doesn’t generally extend to international
To cut to the chase: There is a cheap way, which involves a lot of work. Or there is
an easier method that will most likely cost you a pretty penny.
Let’s start with that latter path. All it involves is contacting your phone carrier, like
AT&T, to set up international roaming for access to wireless service abroad. It’s
simple. But here’s the rub: The charges for data, minutes and texts can easily
exceed $100 (in addition to your regular phone bill) over a two-week trip.

2. Fill in the gaps with the Past Simple, the Continuous, the Past Perfect Simple or the
Past Perfect Continuous:

It was 8 o’clock and at last I was ready. I 1 had been spending hours deciding what to
wear. This was a special occasion and I 2 wanted to look my best. I 3 was walking to the
bus stop when a friend 4 passed me in his car. He 5 was driving into town. He 6 offered to
give me a lift. We 7 stopped the car opposite the restaurant. I could see the people inside.
They 8 had already started eating.

3. What’s the difference between...?

Be fond of and be mad at:

4. Complete with the right adjective + preposition

I’m fed up with the neighbours. I’ve had enough of them.
She was fascinated by the dancers. They moved so good.
He is hooked on the new TV programme.

5. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of Be or Get where appropriate:
Topic 1

a. f. He was used to travelling on the train to work every day. He’d been doing it
for years and always took a book with him.
b. g. They soon got used to the new routine and really enjoyed the change.
c. h. Moving to a new town can be quite stressful, but I’m sure I will get used to it
pretty quickly.
d. At the beginning, I wasn’t (not) used to working nights and I found it very
difficult to adapt
6. Complete with the correct preposition:
I hope my dress is ready in time for the party.
Where do you think you’ll be in five years’ time?
He’s always on time.

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