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Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with the right determiners.

Complete the sentences given below with the suitable determiners given in brackets.

1. Meg used ___ sketch pens to complete her project. (this/these)

2. I had ___ rice today. (enough/all)
3. ___ picture was painted by Picasso. (that/those)
4. The book belongs to ___. (her/hers)
5. Can you give me ___ notebook? (the/an)
6. Sam stood ____ in the class. (first/one)
7. Mave is ___ honest man. (a/an)
8. ___ students were called to the principal’s office. (any/some)
9. Do you know ___ scarf this is? (whose/their)
10. ___ Qutub Minar belongs to the Sultanate Period in India. (an/the)
11. __ box of chocolates belongs to Rachel. (these/that)
12. Is there ___ food left in the fridge? (many/any)
13. Can I get ___ hot bowl of soup? (a/an)
14. There aren’t ___ boys in the park. (some/any)
15. Freya got ___ beautiful souvenir from Paris. (a/an)

Possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns exercise 1

Choose the correct word.

1) Is this cup 

(your / yours)?

2) The coffee is 

(my / mine).

3) That coat is 

(my / mine).

4) He lives in 

(her / hers) house.

5) You might want 

(your / yours) phone.

6) The new car is 

(their / theirs).

7) She cooked 

(our / ours) food.

8) Don't stand on 

(my / mine) foot!

9) She gave him 

(her / hers) suitcase.

11) Is this 

(their / theirs) coffee?

12) Is the flat 

(her / hers)?

13) The grey scarf is 

(my / mine).

14) That red bike is 

(our / ours).

15) We should take 

(our / ours) coats.

Choose the correct reflexive pronouns from the menu.

myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves

1. Robert made this T-shirt                   .

2. Lisa did her homework                  
3. We helped                    to some Coke at the party.
4. Emma, did you take the photo by                   ?
5. I wrote this poem                   .
6. He cut                    with the knife while he was doing
the dishes.
7. The lion can defend                   .
8. My mother often talks to                   .
9. Tim and Gerry, if you want more milk, help                  
10. Alice and Doris collected the stickers                   .

Complete With The Right Demonstrative

1. (Talking about a book in your hand) How could you buy something

like   ?

2. (With a bowl of cherries on your lap)   cherries are delicious!

3. (During a long walk) I should have worn   shoes I bought in Greece

last year;   have never been comfortable.

4. Could you bring me   book I left in the garden?

5. (From the marriage vows) To have and to hold from   day forward.

6. I hate   books which tell you: "   is what you have to do
to become rich.".

7. (About a picture hanging on the wall)   are my children.

8. (About a picture you've just taken from your wallet)   is my wife.
 Choose the ‘ed’ or ‘ing’ form of the adjective
1.She's a big dog but you don't need to be ___.

Frightened frightening
2.The instructions for my new coffee machine are really ___.

Confused confusing
3.I loved my maths teacher! Lessons with her were never

Bored boring
4.That shop never has any customers. I'm ___ it's still there.

Surprised surprising
5.The battery on my phone only lasts about two hours. It's really ___.

Annoyed annoying
6.I was ___ that I didn't get the job.

Disappointed disappointing
7.I'm reading a really ___ book.

Interested interesting
8.The children were so ___ they couldn't sleep.


Complete the following sentences using a gerund or infinitive. Learn
about verbs that can be followed by ing forms here. 
1. It is beginning ………………….

a) to rain b) raining

2. I enjoy …………………..

a) sailing b) to sail

3. I don’t want ………………… him again.

a) to see b) seeing
4. They don’t allow people …………………..

a) smoking b) to smoke

5. I didn’t ask you …………………….. for the meal.

a) to pay b) pay

6. The dentist suggested …………………… the brush.

a) changing b) to change

7. The doctor asked him ………………….. up fast food.

a) to give b) giving

8. You were advised ………………….. early.

a) to come b) coming

9. He has finished ………………… the car.

a) to mend b) mending

10. I have given up ………………….

a) to smoke b) smoking

11. I look forward …………………… from you.

a) to hear b) to hearing

12. She started …………………. when she was twenty.

a) teaching b) to teach

Complete the sentences with the bare or to-infinitive

of the verbs in brackets.

1. They saw him   (jump) from the bridge.

2. He was seen   (jump) from the bridge.

3. For two weeks she did nothing but   (bask) in the


4. Do you know how   (phone) to the USA ?

5. He'd rather dine out tonight. Why not   (go) to the

Cafe Royal ?

6. I prefer   (stay) at home rather than...

7. ...  (go) to that stupid show.

8. Her parents won't let her   (go) to the dance. It's so


9. We made them   (apologize). They were so rude!

10. They were made   (apologize) because they were


Fill in the blanks with an infinitive with or without to.

1. She didn’t allow

me……………………………….her computer.
to use use

2. We can’t let them…………………………….

Go to go

3. You ought .................................. to her.

Apologize to apologize

4. I was unable ................................... my

Control to control

5. Mother made me ……………………………. my

Clean to clean
6. I forgot ................................. her on her
Wish to wish

7. I heard them ....................................... in the

Laugh to laugh

8. You needn't ....................................... any

Wait to wait

9. She was encouraged …………………………….

her passion.
Follow to follow

10. I was forced ..................................

Surrender to surrender

11. They coaxed the child

………………………………. the milk.
Drink to drink

12. He refused ..................................... to me.

Listen to listen
Read the following sentences and convert them into indirect speech.

1. Rahul told to me, “When are you leaving?”

2. “Where do you live?” the stranger asked Aladdin.
3. The teacher said to Shelly, “Why are you laughing?”
4. Dronacharya said to Arjun, “Shoot the bird’s eye.”
5. “Call the first convict,” said the jury.
6. “Call the ambulance,” said the man.
7. Bruce said to me, “I shall do the work.”
8. My mother said to me, “You were wrong.”
9. Mr Richard said to me, “Please wait here till I return.”The captain said to me,
“Bravo! You have played well.”
10. Raj said, “Alas! My pet died.”
11. Ruchi said, “I may go there.”
12. Bucky said to Steve, “Do you hear me?”
13. The boy said, “Let me come in.”
14. Granny said to me, “May God bless you.”
Convert the following sentences into Indirect Speech:
1. He said to her. “Do you want to go home ?”
2. He said to you. “Where are you going?“
3. I said to him, “What brings you here ?”
4. You said to us, “How do you solve this sum ?”
5. She said to me, “How are you getting on with your studies ?”
6. I said to my friend, “Have you been to England ?”


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