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A. Tick the correct answer:
1. Transpiration in plants takes place through the: a) Roots b) sepals c) leaves d)
2. The male reproductive part of a flower is: a) stamen b) petal c) pistil d) ovary
3. Blow holes are present in: a) crabs b) frogs c) whales d) octopus
4. In the given figure ‘X’ stands for:
5. Tick the option with the abiotic components of environment: a) plants and animals
b) water and soil c) Bacteria and fungi d) air and fungi
6. Select the incorrect pair from the following: a) Cactus-Desert b) Waterlily- Sea c)
Deer- Grassland d) Frog- Pond
7. The rotation of the earth on its Axis is an example of: a) rectilinear-motion b)
periodic motion c) non-periodic motion d) none of these
8. The standard unit of measurement created by the French in 1790 is the: a) cubit
system b) metric system c) foot system d) decimal system
9. At what time will the shadow cast by a pole under the sun be the shortest? a) 8:30
am b) 10:00 am c)12 noon d) 5:00 pm
10. Which letters of English Alphabets will not show lateral inversion? A) I, O, U b) N,
Z, X c) L, X, E d) A, E, I
11.To prevent electric shock metallic wires are covered with: a) paper b) cotton c)
aluminium d) plastic
12. Which among the following uses a chemical reaction to produce electricity: a) dry
cell b) windmill c) electric generator d) All of these
13. A bulb has: a) two terminals and single filament b) single terminal and two filament
c) multiple terminals and single filament d) single terminal and single filament
14. A magnet is not used in a/an: a) stapler b) audio-tape c) video-tape d) ATM card
15. Temporary magnets are made up of: a) brass b) soft-iron c) aluminium d) lead
16. The coming down of water in the form of rain, hail or snow is called: a) evaporation
b) condensation c) precipitation d) transpiration
17. Catch water where it falls is the basic idea behind: a) recycling water b) rain water
harvesting c) making dams to store water d) condensation of water vapour
18.Wells are fed by: a) pond water b) lake water c) rain water d) underground water
19. Which among the following activities release carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere? A)
respiration b) burning c) photosynthesis d) both (a) and (b)
20. Which of the following is not a characteristic of air? a) occupies space b) is
transparent c) is a compound d) is present everywhere
B. Fill in the blanks:
1. The burning of fuels produce ………………………..
2. Air is present in atmosphere, water and …………..
3. Air helps in dispersal of seeds and ………………………….. of flowers.
4. Land covered with concrete ………………… the seepage of rainwater into ground.
5. In a Bar magnet the magnetic strength is …………………..
6. Soft ……………… pieces are placed across the ends of bar-magnets, when stored.
7. Human body is a ………………….. of electricity.
8. The metal cap is the ……………………. Terminal of an electric cell.
9. Electric current flows from ………………. Terminal to ……………… terminal.
10. ………………….. objects cast no shadow.
11.A ………………….. object emits light of its own.
12. In a plane mirror our left hand looks like the right hand. This phenomenon is
called ……………………………………
13. A thread can be used to measure the length of a ……………….. line.
14. The eye must be exactly in ………………. Of the point from the measurement is to
be taken.
15. Trees on hills are usually …………….. shaped.
16. …………………. Shape of fish helps it to move inside water.
17.The ability of an organism to adjust to its environment is known as
18.Very soft plants with soft stems are called ………………….
19.The ……………… system consists of the parts that grow above ground.

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