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I believe that companionship is one of the secrets to happiness.

Humans desire friendship, concern for one another, and reciprocate love . I
get my energy from interacting with people . I have to admit that even
though many people , including myself, have had some unpleasant team-
related incidents, I have had some of the most thrilling experiences of my
life while acting as a member and/or team leader. Whether they are a part
of a sports team, work team, church group, class project team, or any other
type of team that cooperates to achieve a common goal , I adore the close
relationships one can develop with teammates. One gains discipline ,
knowledge of how to manage various personality types, and sharing of
various skill . It occasionally seems as though the team's members and
leaders communicate in a different language .

Then I realized in that we must learn from each o8ur endeavor and
reflect on what we’ve done , it may be positive or negative .

Team buildings are always what I’m looking forward to in every

school year.

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