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3. Inserte los siguientes registros según las tablas que se presentan a continuación: Utilizando la
tecla apostrofe.

Insert into profesor

(docprof, nomprof, apeprof, cateprof, salprof)

Values ('63502720','Martha','Rojas',2,690000),('91216904','Carlos','Perez',3,950000),


Select * from profesor;

technologies of the fence, as there are few, I chose
this one, but it is something I like because it has to
do with technology, I like the programming subject,
my expectation for now is to finish the technology
and develop the practices successfully, learn a lot
and be an excellent programmer, software
developer. , contributing my grain of sand to the
world of work and providing economic stability to
my family.

create table compañia (

comnit varchar (11) not null,

comnombre varchar (30) not null,

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