Problem Set 2 (Part I)

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Problem Set 2 Part I (15 marks)

Submit your typewritten solutions in MS Word file. Name your file as first name_last name.doc. Show
your complete solution to get full marks and work independently. Each day of late submission will merit
a deduction of 2 points from your raw score. Deadline: 22 April 2023 11:59 pm

1. (2 Marks) In the context of our discussion, explain the concept of market efficiency.

2. (3 Marks) Discuss and differentiate the three forms of market efficiency. Do statistical tests of
market efficiency prove or disprove each of the three forms?

3. (2 Marks) Describe the investment strategy of buying small and short-selling large stocks.
Explain how it violates the principle of market efficiency.

4. (2 Marks) Describe the investment process behind contrarian strategy. Explain how it violates
the principle of market efficiency.

5. (2 Marks) Describe the investment process behind momentum strategy. Explain how it violates
the principle of market efficiency.

6. (4 Marks) Pick two of the behavioral biases we discussed in class. Show how it applies in your
daily life.

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