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Name : Aina Syamira

NIM : K011201080

Unit 7- Exercise 5

1. Main Idea : There are many things to do to prepare for a trip to another country. Because, this
paragraph is tells us about a planning if we want to trip to another country that it’s in the first
sentence of this paragraph.
Signal Words Example
- First - Decide where you want to go
- Next - Look at maps and books.
- Then - Find out what kind of documents you’ll need.
- In the meantime - Learn about the language of the country.
- Finally - Make a packing list.

“Because in this text includes plans that must be prepared before traveling to other countries and
there are several signal words in it”
2. Main Idea : In the last seventy-five years, passenger planes have carried increasing numbers of
passengers at faster and faster speeds. Because, this paragraph tells us about how planes’s
increasing numbers of passengers in the last seventy-five years that it’s in the first sentence of
this paragraph
Signal Words Example
 1919  Passenger service began in Europe.
 1927  U. S. air travel began.
 1950  Planes could carry 100 passengers.
 1989  U. S. airlines carried 452 million passengers.
 1990  Than 300 passengers in a plane.

“Because the essence of this pararaf discusses the history of the creation of the aircraft from the last
seventy-five years and includes sign words which are all numbers”
3. Main Idea : The process of traveling by plane is much the same no matter where you travel.
Because this paragraph tells us about how the process that we do if we travel by plane that it’s in
the first sentence of this paragraph.
Signal Words Example
- At least an hour - Arrive at airport.
- Right away - Check in with agent.
- Then - Go to the gate.
- As you walk there - Make last-minute purchases.
- When at the gate - Security examines bags and people.
- Finally - Your flight is ready to depart.
“Because the content in this paragraph describes the things you will do before traveling by plane and
there are several signal words in it”
Name : Aina Syamira

NIM : K011201080

Unit 7- Exercise 6

1. Main idea : Kareem Abdul-Jabbar had a long and very successful career as a professional
basketball player,because the paragraph describes how Kareem Abdul-jabbar's achievements
became a basketball star in the United States
Signal words
Signal words Examples
 1946  Born in New York
 In the late 1960s  Studied at UCLA
 At the time  Led basketball team to three championships
 During his  Converted to Muslim faith,changed his name
 1969  Began professional career on Milwaukee Bucks
 1975  Joined Los Angeles Lakers
 1989  Retired with several records and awards

“Because this paragraph explains a little about the life journey or biography of Karreem Abdul-
Jabbar. in it there are also several signal words along with the examples that I have mentioned
2. Main idea : Although Maya Angelou had many difficult experiences whilw growing up,she became
a successful and famous author,because The paragraph describes how Maya Angelou became a
famous African-American writer and got many awards
Signal Word Examples
 1929  Born in California
 When she was 3  Parents separated
 Then  She and her brother ;ved with grandmother
 Later on  She lived with mother and grandmother
 When she was 8 years old  Mothers boyfriend hurt her
 Often  Badly treated due to racial prejudice
 In her childhood  Learned of love form grandmother and brother
 As she grew older  Loved literature
 Afer junior high scholl  Included all her experiences in her writing
 1993  Wrote and read official poem for presidential

“Because the content of this paragraph is the biography of an afro-American writer, Maya Angelou.
In this paragraph there are also some sign words and examples”
3. Main idea : Spike Lee is young but he is already a famous film director,because The paragraph
describes the African-American director Spike Lee who became a famous director and has
directed, written, and produced films
Signal Word Examples
 1957  Born in Atlanta
 When he was two  Moved to Brooklyn,New York
 As a youngster  Spike became interested in movies
 After college graduation  Studied film-making at NYU
 Soon after that  Made “She’s Gotta Have IT”
 Since that movie  Made five more successful movies
 Latest achievement  Teach at Harvard

“Because in this paragraph describes the life of an African-American film director, Spike Lee, this
paragraph also contains some hint words in it.”
Name : Aina Syamira
NIM : K011201080
Unit 7 - Exercise 7

1. Page 82, Exercise 4, Paragraph 1

Main idea : When a blow-out occurs,it can be very dangerous if you do not know a few important
Signal Words Examples
 The first thing  Hold the steering wheel tightly
 Next step  Get off the road carefully
 After  Move to the side of road
 Then  Turn out your flashing light
“Because this paragraph discusses what we should do if you get a blow-out or a broken tire while
you are driving. and there are some sign words in it”
2. Page 95, Exercise 5, Paragraph 2
Main idea : A newborn panda is small and helpless for over a year
Signal Words Examples
 Newborn  Tiny,helpless
 5 months old  Begin to walk
 At least a year  Only food is mother’s milk
 By the time they are a year old  Weigh 55 pounds
 Around that time  Eat bamboo
 18 months old  May weigh over 100 pounds

“Because this paragraph discusses a panda that is just born and looks like a little pink pig and in this
paragraph there are several sign words”

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