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Name : Aina Syamira

NIM : K011201080
Unit 7-Exercise 16

Ear Infections In Children

1. Doctor have noticed an increase in the number of children who are treated for ear infections.
This could mean that more children get infections than in the past. Such an increase could be
caused, in part, by an increased use of day care. In day-care centers, little children
Main Idea : there are several explanations for the increase in number of ear infections in children

Cause : Increased use of day care Effect : More ear infections

2. A young child’s untreated ear infection can lead to serious consequences. The infection can
spread to the throat and cause a general illness. It can also do permanent damage to a child’s
hearing ability. Perhaps the least-known consequences of untreated ear infection involves
language development. Language learning depends on good hearing. Children with frequent or
untreated ear infections cannot hear well. The result is a delay in their ability to speak and use
language effectively.
Main idea : An untreated ear infection can lead to several serious consequences.

Cause : Untreated ear infection Effect : Cause general illness damage to hearing
ability delay proper language
3. The greater numbers of reported ear infections could result from social and economis factors.
Parents may be more aware of the importance of treating the condition. Doctors may have more
time for such simple ailments, now that more dangerous diseases are controlled by
immunization. And there may be economic causes. Some doctors who are paid for each visit
might have an economic interest in paying attention to ear infections. Economic factors may
influence parents as well, since some health centers change very little for visits. Thus parents are
encouraged to bring in their children more often for lesser problems, such as ear infections.
Main Idea : The greater numbers of ear infections could result from social and economic

Cause : parents aware of importance of Effect : bring children in more often

treatment doctors have more time
to find the infections doctors might
want to make more money
Unit 7-Exercise 17
How Disease Spread
1. When people move from one city or country to another, the spread of diseases may result.
People often bring in germs which may not have been present there before. These new
germs can spread quickly and cause previously unknow disease. If a germ is completely new
to a region, people have no natural protection agains it. They become ill more easily and die
more often. In turn, Newcomers may catch disease which were not present where they came
from. If they go back, they may carry the disease with them and start an epidemic there, too.
Main idea : when people move from place to place, new disease may be spread.

Cause: people move from one city or country Effect : spread new germs, catch new germs
to another
2. Changes in heating systems of buildings can also lead to disease. In the 1970s, there was a
worldwide shortage of heating oil. To save fuel, hotels in the unites states lowered the
temperature in their heating systems. This lower temperature was just perfect for deadly
germ which grows in heating pipes. When the heated air was blown into the rooms of hotel,
it carried the germs. Many visitors became ill and several died
Main idea : of heating oil can have several effects.

Cause : changes in heating systems Effects : lower temperature in heating

systems>growth of germs>illness
and death
3. Pollution of the oceans can also result in the spread of disease. Phosphates and nitrates from
fertilizers plus human waste eventually flow into the oceans. These pollutants result in the
increased growth of tiny plants called algae. These plants provide a home for cholera, a
deadly disease. The infected algae can stick to ships, which then carry the cholera germs all
around the world. Germs of the disease recently rode on ships going from india to south
America. There, thousands of people have died from the resulting epidemic of cholera.
Main idea : pollution of the oceans can also result in the spread of disease

Cause : pollution of oceans from human Effects : growth of algae>growth of

waste and chemical fertilizers cholera>germs in algae>algae
sticks to ships> germs are
carried around the world

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