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Prof. A. Tartaglia, G. Muciaccia


Gabriela Bacchi, Julia Ferreira Duarte, Andrea Foscaro, Simone Totino

1. Introduction

1.1. Project description

1.2. Structural design

1.3. Schematic drawings

2. References and material properties

3. Criteria adopted for preliminary design

4. Design method

4.1. Adopted verification method (criteria for ULS and SLS) and assumed material

safety factors

4.2. Load combinations, partial factor for loads and combination factors

5. Load analysis

5.1. Weight of structural elements (G1)

5.2. Weight of non-structural elements (G2)

5.3. Live loads

5.3.1. Imposed loads

5.3.2. Snow Loads

6. Structural analysis and Verifications

6.1. Beams

6.2. Columns

6.3. Foundations

7. Structural details


1.1. Project Description

The definition of the concept design started from a smaller scale analysis of the site context in the city
of Lodi. A land use analysis revealed that the site is surrounded mainly by industrial and residential
buildings. Although it is not located near the city center, the nearby Viale Milano, located north of the
site, is an important connection point with bus stops and cycle paths.

The southern part of the site is not as strongly connected to the public transport lines, however, we
identified other strengths that were useful for the development of this side. It is possible to notice its
residential character, attracting nearby inhabitants to use the space; the use of Via del Pugliano as an
important bicycle itinerary meaning the approach of users through this street; and the agricultural fields
which constitute an important feature of the local landscape. The elaboration of maps was carried out
synthesizing this information: location of the train station, bus lines, cycle paths, main city accesses
used by commuters and even crosswalks. It was important for us to understand how our building could
be safely approached by students and other citizens to develop our urban strategy. Considering the
importance of Viale Milano, a main square was positioned at the top right corner of the site in Via
Giuseppe Fè, leading to an important entrance of the school. In this same corner an entrance for cars
is located, separated from the square by using vegetation. The proposal is to have 70 parking spaces
to serve the staff located close to the main entrance, while using vegetation to diminish the visual
presence of cars and preserve the pedestrian-friendly aspect we want to achieve. As the importance
of Via del Pugliano has also been recognized, a path has been created connecting the site from North
to South. The aim is to connect the main square and the final view of the agricultural fields and create
an axis of importance not only for the students but also for the community, as along this path different
sport spaces can be accessed. Two other important paths were defined at the left of the site, allowing
users coming from this side to enter either the school or the auditorium, which should also have an
important public character. Smaller secondary roads were also designed to improve the circulation in
the site. The landscape is designed to concentrate vegetation mainly in the West and South parts of
the site, where there is a concentration of residential buildings, creating a buffer zone.

Moving towards the design of the building, the proposal is to locate different functional blocks
interconnected by an open space receiving light from two different courtyards. The ground floor
contains functions that can be of public use such as the auditorium, the gym, and a restaurant / bar
that also serves as a practice lab for students of the course of “Food and Wine Services and Hotel
Hospitality”. This floor also contains other labs, offices and a canteen. The canteen is split in two
floors, allowing it to open towards the terrace on the first floor. The terrace on the first floor is another
important feature of the general concept, allowing better opportunities for use of daylight and open
relaxing and gathering spaces. On the First and Second floor, clusters of 6 classrooms were arranged.
Some first considerations were made about the position of a structural grid and a possible choice of
material. Finally, some considerations can also be made regarding the application of the LEED
Certification guidelines. Three optional topics have been selected to be further explored in the next
steps: Indoor Water Use Reduction, Interior Lighting, and Quality Views. For interior lighting, some
initial research revealed the importance of controlling the types of light and interior finishing in the
project, while “Quality Views” can be further explored controlling the openings towards the exterior
spaces and the proposed courtyards.

1.2. Structural Design

The building consists of three levels. During the concept design the shape was established to
guarantee that specific requirements for earthquakes were met. Three cores of shear walls were
placed symmetrically in the plan.

The design of the school is characterised by a language of regularity. In fact, the building’s shape and
functions are designed according to a grid system. The axes created by the grid served to create the
division of the functions inside the school and to place the structural elements.

The project is mainly divided in four macrostructures: the system of the gym, the auditorium,the
canteen and the main the central one where the classrooms are located. The latter was chosen to be
analysed in the report. The portions corresponding to the canteen, auditorium and gym also contain
shear walls to sustain the basic requirements of bi-directional resistance and stiffness.

Columns and beams will be realized in reinforced concrete. Specific solutions were studied and
developed for other important constructive elements, such as the slab of hollow bricks. The façades
consist of a double chamber ventilated system with terracotta panels in cladding. This solution brings
good thermic results but has a significant weight which was accounted for in the calculation process.

1.3. Schematic Drawings

Ground floor

First floor

Second floor


Reinforced concrete:
- Concrete: C25/30
- Steel: B450C


- D.M. 17/01/2018 sull'edilizia scolastica.

- NTC 2018: Actions on construction


● Classification of actions

Representative values of permanent loads G

G1 = self-weight of all structural elements; and fully defined permanent loads carried.
G2 = self-weight of all non-structural elements. and permanent loads carried not fully defined.
Representative values of variable loads Q
The Qk characteristic value of a variable action is a defined value corresponding to a fraction equal to
95% of the maximum population, in relation to the period of reference of the variable action itself.

Variable loads-actions (Q):

Code - Reference: D.M. 17/01/2018 sull'edilizia scolastica.

variable loads for classrooms: 3 kN/mq
variable loads for accessible terraces: 4 kN/mq
variable loads / snow loads: 1,5 kN/mq in “Zona I – Mediterranea”

● Partial safety factor

Code - Reference: NTC 2018: Actions on construction

Fundamental combination (ULS) Fd = γG1G1 + γG2G2 + γPP + γQ1QK1 + ∑ [γQi( ψ0iQki )]

EQU limit state of equilibrium as a rigid body

STR limit state of resistance of the structure including the foundation elements
GEO limit state of soil resistance

Loads Coefficient γF EQU A1 STR A2 GEO

Permanent favorable γG1 0.9 1.0 1.0

unfavorable 1.1 1.3 1.0

Permanent non structural favorable γG2 0.0 0.0 0.3

unfavorable 1.5 1.5 1.3

Variable favorable γQi 0.0 0.0 0.3
unfavorable 1.5 1.5 1.3

Category / Variable action ψ0j ψ1j ψ2j

Category C: Environments susceptible to crowding 0.7 0.7 0.6

Wind 0.6 0.2 0.0

Snow (≤ 1000m s.l.m.) 0.5 0.2 0.0

Thermal variations 0.6 0.5 0.0

Characteristic combination (SLS) Fd = G1 + G2 + P + Q k1 + ∑ [ ψ0iQki ]
Frequent combination (SLS) Fd = G1 + G2 + P + ψ1,1Q k1 + ∑ [ ψ2iQki ]
Quasi-permanent combination (SLS) Fd = G1 + G2 + P + ∑ [ ψ2iQki ]

G1 is the self-weight of all the structural elements;

G2 is the self-weight of all non-structural elements;
P is the prestress
Qk1 is the characteristic value of the main variable action;
Qki is the characteristic value of the other variable actions;
ψ0i is the combination coefficient which gives the rare (or combination) value of the variable action
Qi defined as “the value of short duration but still significant in regards of the possibile concomitance
with other variable actions";
ψ1i is the combination coefficient that gives the frequent value of the defined variable action Qi
as "the value corresponding to the 95% fractile of the temporal distribution of intensity and so that is
outdated for a limited fraction of the reference period";
ψ2i is the combination coefficient that gives the quasi-permanent value of the variable action Qi
defined as "the average of the temporal distribution of intensity".


5.1. Weight of structural elements (G1)

The starting point for the calculation of a structure is the pre-sizing of structural elements.

5.1.1. Slab

Simplified pre-sizing of slab of the school:

The height of the slab is a function of the span L (L=770cm) it has to cover.
H of slab = 1/30 Lmax
H of slab = 770cm / 30 = 25.66 = 29 cm

Element Norm Minimum size required (cm) Chosen size (cm)

h slab h ≥ L/30 25.66 29

h ≥ 12cm

h hollow tile h ≥ 12 cm 12 cm 25 cm

s screed s ≥ 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm

i joist spacing i ≤ 15s i ≤ 75 50 cm

length of joist b0 ≥ 1/8i 8 cm 12 cm

b0 ≥ 8 cm

bp hollow tile bp ≤ 52 cm bp ≤ 52 cm 25 cm

From the table above, choosing H = 24 + 5 the weight of the slab is 3,38 kN/m2

Simplified pre-sizing of slab of the gym:

Total H of bi-directional waffle slab 1/20 Lmax :
2370 cm / 20 = 98.75 cm = 118.5 = 119 cm
H of slab 1/30 Lmax :
2370 cm / 30 = 79 cm

5.1.2. Beam

The height of the slab is a function of the span L (L=770cm) it has to cover.
H of beam = 1/20 Lmax
H of beam = 770 cm / 20 = 38,5 = 40 cm

5.1.3. Columns

The minimum area of column must be 25x25 cm

5.1.4. Roof

Permanent - Dead load calculations (G) kN/m2

G: permanent actions divided in:
GK1 permanent structural;
GK2 permanent non-structural.

Material Action Thickness Density Weight (kN/m2)

(mm) (kN/m3)

Gravel Gk2 50 14.71* 0.74

Separation membrane Gk2 8 - -

Reinforced slope screed Gk1 60 25.00 1.50

Extruded polystyrene Gk2 150 0.28 0.04

Vapor - impact resistant Gk2 8 - -


Brick and concrete floor Gk1 290 11.66 3.38

Plaster Gk2 15 14.22 0.22

Space for technical - 300 - -


False ceiling Gk2 40 1.5 0.06

tot 92 cm

* considering the specific weight of gravel as 1500 Kg/m3

GK1 = 4.88 kN/m2

GK2 = 1.06 kN/m2

Variable - Live load calculations (Q) kN/m2
Code - Reference: D.M. 17/01/2018:
Zone 1 - Mediterranea, Lodi:
qsk = 1,5 kN/m2 as ≤ 200m
qsk = 1,35 kN/m2 as ≤ 200m

Area Qk (kN/m2) snow in Lodi γG partial safety factor for

variable actions

Roof 1.5 1.5

5.1.5. Floor

Permanent - Dead load calculations (G) kN/m2

G: permanent actions divided in:
GK1 permanent structural;
GK2 permanent non-structural.

Material Action Thickness Density Weight (kN/m2)

(mm) (kN/m3)

Flooring Gk2 20 22.56 0.45

Screed - heating system Gk2 50 21.57 1.08

Extruded polystyrene Gk2 30 0.28 0.01

Vapor - impact resistant Gk2 10 0.39 -


Screed Gk2 60 22.07 1.32

Brick and concrete floor Gk1 290 11.66 3.38

Plaster Gk2 15 14.22 0.22

Space for technical - 300 - -


False ceiling Gk2 40 1.5 0.06

tot 81.5 cm

GK1 = 3,38 kN/m2

GK2 = 3.14 kN/m2

The total amount of Gk2 should be done also considering a given value g2 that takes account of
the distributed internal walls.

Code - Reference: D.M. 17/01/2018:

The self-weight of the internal partitions can be considered as a permanent uniformly distributed load
gk2 defined considering the self-weight per length unit G2 in this way:
internal partitions with 3.00 < G2 ≤ 4.00 kN/m2 : gk2 = 1.60 kN/m2

Material Action Thickness Density Weight (kN/m2)
(mm) (kN/m3)

Gypsum board Gk2 10 7.23 0.07

Cavity for technical - 180 - -


Perforated bricks Gk2 120 7.52 0.90

Gypsum board Gk2 10 7.23 0.07

Total Gk2 tot 32 cm 1.04

G2 = ( total Gk2 x net interfloor distance ) = 1.04 kN/m2 x 3.40 m = 3.54 kN/m2
as 3.00 < G2 ≤ 4.00 kN/m2 : gk2 = 1.60 kN/m2 (considered as an equally distributed load)

GK1 = 3.38 kN/m2

GK2 = 3.14 kN/m2 + 1.60 kN/m2 = 4.74 kN/m2

Variable - Live load calculations (Q) kN/m2

Code - Reference: D.M. 14/01/2008

Category qk ( kN/m2 ) QK (kN)

uniformly distributed load concentrated load

C: Environments 3.00 3.00

susceptible to crowding

5.1.6. Ground floor

Permanent - Dead load calculations (G) kN/m2

G: permanent actions divided in:
GK1 permanent structural;
GK2 permanent non-structural.

Material Action Thickness Density Weight (kN/m2)

(mm) (kN/m3)

Flooring Gk2 20 22.56 0.45

Screed - heating system Gk2 110 21.57 2.37

Technical screed Gk2 100 22.07 2.21

Reinforced concrete Gk1 70 25.00 1.75

Extruded polystyrene Gk2 160 0.28 0.04

Vapor - impact resistant Gk2 8 0.39 -


Reinforced concrete Gk1 50 25.00 1.25

Igloo Gk2 350 - 0.07

Reinforced lean concrete Gk2 110 22.16 2.44

Compact and rolled - - - -


Distributed internal walls gk2 = 1.60 kN/m2

GK1 = 3.00 kN/m2

GK2 = 7.54 kN/m2 + 1.60 kN/m2 = 9.14 kN/m2

Variable - Live load calculations (Q) kN/m2

Code - Reference: D.M. 14/01/2008

Category qk ( kN/m2 ) QK (kN)

uniformly distributed load concentrated load

C: Environments 3.00 3.00

susceptible to crowding

5.1.7. Facade (North)

Permanent - Dead load calculations (G) kN/m2

Material Action Thickness Density Weight (kN/m2)

(mm) (kN/m3)

Gypsum board Gk2 10 7.23 0.07

Cavity for technical - 120 - -


Mineral wool insulation Gk2 50 0.18 0.01

Perforated bricks Gk2 120 9.83 1.18

Extruded polystyrene Gk2 60 0.28 0.02

Ventilation chamber - 50 - -

Extruded polystyrene Gk2 15 0.28 0.01

Ventilation chamber - 50 - -

Terracotta panels Gk2 30 - 0.35

Total Gk2 tot 50 cm 1.64

Considering openings bearing as 50% :

Gk2 = total Gk2 x net interfloor distance = 1.64 kN/m2 x 3.40 m = 5.58 kN/m
50% Gk2 = 2.79 kN/m

Considering the additional terracotta bands (50% density) covering part of the openings (13.5 m2 =
13,3%) :

Gk2 = terracotta panels Gk2 x net interfloor distance = 0.35 kN/m2 x 3.40 m = 1.19 kN/m
Considering now density and covered portion 13,3% : Gk2 = 1.19 kN/m x 0.5 x 0.133 = 0.08 kN/m

Gk2 = 5.58 kN/m - 2.79 kN/m + 0.08 kN/m = 2.87 kN/m

5.1.8. Facade (East - Gym)

Permanent - Dead load calculations (G) kN/m2

Material Action Thickness Density Weight (kN/m2)

(mm) (kN/m3)

Gypsum board Gk2 10 7.23 0.07

Electrical system - 50 - -

Perforated bricks Gk2 120 9.83 1.18

Extruded polystyrene Gk2 50 0.28 0.01

Ventilation chamber - 50 - -

Extruded polystyrene Gk2 15 0.28 0.01

Ventilation chamber - 50 - -

Terracotta panels Gk2 30 - 0.35

Total Gk2 tot 37.5 cm 1.62

Considering openings bearing as 36% :

Gk2 = total Gk2 x net interfloor distance = 1.62 kN/m2 x 6 m = 9.72 kN/m
36% Gk2 = 3.50 kN/m

Considering the additional terracotta bands (27.8% density) covering all the openings (36%) :
Gk2 = terracotta panels Gk2 x net interfloor distance = 0.35 kN/m2 x 6 m = 2.1 kN/m
Considering now density and covered portion 36% : Gk2 = 2.1 kN/m x 0.278 x 0.36 = 0.21 kN/m

Gk2 = 9.72 kN/m - 3.50 kN/m + 0.21 kN/m = 6.43 kN/m


6.1. Primary Beams

Design of midspan section:

(biggest) Length of the beam = 770 cm
Spacing of the beam = 675 cm
Area of influence = 52 m2

(based on previous calculations)

q = 3 kN/m2 variable load = 3 x 52 = 156 kN = 20.26 kN/m
g = 7 kN/m2 permanent load = 7 x 52 = 364 kN = 47.27 kN/m

pd = 1.4 x 47.27 + 1.5 x 20.26 = 66.18 + 30.39 = 96.57 kN/m

MEd = (pd x L2) / 10 = (96.57 x 7.72) / 10 = 572,56 kNm

fck = 20 N/mm2
fcd = fck x γc = 20 / 1.6 = 12.5 N/mm2
fyk = 450 N/mm2
fyd = fyk / γs = 450 / 1.15 = 391 N/mm2
εyd = fyd / Es = 391 / 200000 = 0.00195

Effective depth
(assuming as example b = 30cm)
d = 2.5 √(MEd / (fcd x b)) = 2.5 √(( 572,56 x 106 ) / (12.5 x 300)) = 436.87 mm = 44 cm
d1 = 3 cm
h = 50 cm

Steel area
As = MEd / ( 0.9 dfyd ) = ( 715.7 x 106 ) / (0.9 x 440 x 374)) = 4832 mm2 = 48.32 cm2
10ф25 , As = 49.09 cm2


1. Bending Moment Check

M - (at supports): 477,13 ; 572,56 ; 572,56 ; 477,13 (KNm)

M+ (at midspan): 458,05 ; 190,85 ; 238,57 ; 190,85 ; 458,05 (KNm)

Design the cross-section to resist the Maximum bending moment 572,56 KNm.

MEd = 572,56 kNm
b = 30 cm
d = 57cm
d’ = 3 cm
fcd = 12.5 N/mm2
fyd = 391 N/mm2
As = 49.09 cm2

Limit line: ξ=0,259

y = ξd = 0,259 x 57 = 14.76 cm
εs = εsu = 0,01 - σs = fyd = 391 N/mm2
εc = εcu = 0,0035 - σc = αfcd = 0,85 x 12.5 = 10.62 N/mm2
εs’ = εcu (ξ - δ) / ξ = 0,0035 x (0,259 - 0,064) / 0,259 = 0,00263 > εyd = 0,00195 - Plastic range
σs = σs’ = 391 N/mm 2
δ = d’/d = 3/57 = 0,052

In the limit line:

β = 0,8
k = 0,4

First we need to verify the following equation:

-σcβbyn - σ’s A’s + σs As = 0 (at the moment we only have steel reinforcements in the bottom)
-σcβξ + σs ρs = 0
ρs = As / bd = 4909 / 300 x 570 = 0,026
-(10.62 x 0,8 x 0,259) + (391 x 0,026) = 0
12.36 = 0

Tension on the section should be reduced. Y should increase and the neutral axis should go
down. Here we can propose to introduce steel reinforcements also in the top.

We consider the following boundary conditions:

h = 60 cm
d = 57 cm
ξ = 0,259
As = ?
As ’ = ?
yn = ξd = 0,259 x 57 = 14.76 cm

We have the following systems:

-σcβbyn - σ’s A’s + σs As = 0
MEd = MRd
572,56 x 106 = αfcd βbyn (d-kyn) + σ’s A’s (d-d’)
572,56 x 106 = 10.62 x 0,8 x 300 x 147.2(570 - 0,4 x 147.2) + 391 x A’ s (570-30)
A’s = 1801.34 mm2 = 18,01 cm2 4ф24 , As = 18,10 cm2

-σcβbyn - σ’s A’s + σs As = 0

-(10,62 x 0,8 x 300 x 147.2) - (391 x 1801) + 391 As = 0
As = 2760,55 mm2 = 27,63 cm2 4ф30 , As = 28,27 cm2

-σcβbyn - σ’s A’s + σs As = 0
-σcβξ - σ’s ρ’s + σs ρs = 0
ρs = As / bd = 2827 / 300 x 570 = 0,021
ρ’s = A’s / bd = 1810 / 300 x 570 = 0,016

- (10,62 x 0,8 x 0,259) - (391 x 0,016) + (391 x 0,021) = 0

0,32 = 0 ( VERIFIED)

First check:
MRd ≥ MEd
MRd = αfcd βbyn (d-kyn) + σ’s A’s (d-d’)
MRd = (10,62 x 0,8 x 300 x 147,6 (570 - 0,4 x 147,6)) + (373,9 x 2714 (570-30))
MRd = 740,19 x 106 ≥ MEd (VERIFIED)

Second check:
ξ=0,259 - Because the section is in Failure Field 2, the failure of the section is ductile, so it is


h = 60cm
b = 30 cm
As = 28,27 cm2 - 4ф30
As = 27,14 cm2 - 4ф24

2. Shear Check

The following geometrical dimensions and properties of the section and materials are known:

h = 60cm
b = 30 cm
As = 28,27 cm2 - 4ф30
As = 27,14 cm2 - 4ф24

q = 3 kN/m2 variable load = 3 x 52 = 156 kN = 20.26 kN/m

g = 7 kN/m2 permanent load = 7 x 52 = 364 kN = 47.27 kN/m

pd = 1.4 x 47.27 + 1.5 x 20.26 = 66.18 + 30.39 = 96.57 kN/m

VEd = (pd x L) / 2 = (96.57 x 7.7) / 2 = 371 KN (Max. shear force at the end of the beam)

fck = 20 N/mm2
fcd = fck x γc = 20 / 1.6 = 12.5 N/mm2
fyk = 450 N/mm2
fyd = fyk / γs = 450 / 1.15 = 391 N/mm2
fcdt = 0,7 x 0,27 (fck / 0,83) ⅔ / 1,6 = 0,98 N/mm2
εyd = fyd / Es = 391 / 200000 = 0.00195

A. Check of diagonal compression failure

VEd ≤ 0,3 fcd db

371000 ≤ 0,3 x 12,5 x 570 x 300 = 371000N ≤ 641250 N (VERIFIED)

B. Check of diagonal tension failure

We will obtain different values of maximum spacing between the bars and choose among the smallest:

1. Asw / s ≥ 0,1 (1 + 0,15 d/b) b = 0,1 (1 + 0,15 x 57/30) 30 = 3,85 cm2 / m

Diameter of stirrups: ф8 - 2 legs
Area of 1 bar: 0,5 cm2
Computing the maximum spacing: Smax = 2Abs / (Asw /s) = 2 x 0,5 / 3,85 = 0,26m = 26 cm
Smax1 = 26 cm

2. Vwd,min = 0,9dfyd Asw /s

Vwd,min = ½ VEd = 185500 N
Smax = (0,9 x 570 x 391 x 2 x A bs) / 185500 = 103 cm
Smax2 = 103 cm

3. Vwd,min = 0,9dfyd Asw /s

VCdRM = 0,6 x fctd x db = 0,6 x 0,98 x 570 x 300 = 100548 N
Vwd,min = VEd - VCdRM = 371000 - 100548 = 270452 N
Smax = 0,9 x 570 x 391 x 2 x 50 / 270452 = 74.16 cm
Smax3 = 71.16 cm

4. s ≤ 33 cm or s ≤ 0,8 d = 37,6 cm (we choose the smallest = 33 cm)

Smax3 = 33 cm

So we select the maximum spacing of 26 cm. Therefore we have ф8 - 2 legs; spacing = 26 cm

Two checks must be performed:

1. VRd = Vwd + VCdRM ≥ VEd

Vwd = 0,9dfyd Asw /s = 0,9 x 570 x 391 x 385 / 1000 = 77.22 KN
VRd = 77.22 + 100,55 ≥ 371 = 177.77 ≥ 371 (NOT VERIFIED)

So we can propose to reduce the spacing, increase the area of the stirrup bars, and increase the
number of legs.

ф14 - 2 legs; spacing = 22 cm

Vwd = 0,9dfyd Asw /s = 0,9 x 570 x 391 x 2 x 154 / 200 = 28 KN
VRd = 280 + 100,55 ≥ 371 = 380,55 ≥ 371 (VERIFIED)

Maximum spacing near the support:

s ≤ 12 x ф 24 (minimum longitudinal bar in the section) = 288 mm (28,8 cm)
So we can keep the spacing of 22cm

1ф14 / s20

6.2. Columns

Dimensioning of the school - ULS - column most stressed on the ground floor

(biggest) area of influence = 52 m2

weight acting on the pillar = (area of influence x variable load) + (area x indirect loads) + structural
elements (slab, beams and pillar previously assumed)

ground and first floor (based on the previous calculations):

slab load = 8.12 kN/m2 of self load x 52 m2 = 422 kN
beams load = 14,70 m x (24.5 kN x 0,12 m2 ) = 43 kN
pillar load = 3,40 m x (24.5 kN x 0,9 m2 ) = 75 kN
Pg = 540 kN
Pgd = 540 x 1.5 = 810 kN
Pq = 3 x 52 = 156 kN
Pqd = 156 x 1.5 = 234 kN
P1,2d = 810 + 234 = 1’044 kN .

second floor (based on the previous calculations):

slab load = 5.94 kN/m2 of self load x 52 m2 = 308.88 kN
beams load = 14.70 m x (24.5 kN x 0,12 m2 ) = 43.22 kN
pillar load = 3.4 m x (24.5 kN x 0,9 m2 ) = 75 kN
Pg = 427.10 kN
Pgd = 427,1 x 1.5 = 640.65 kN
Pq = 1.5 x 52 = 78 kN
Pqd = 78 x 1.5 = 117 kN
P1,2d = 640.65 + 117 = 757.65 kN ≈ 758 KN .

ptot = 1044 + 1044 + 758 = 2846 kN

fck = 20.75 N/mm2

fcd = fck / γc = 20.75/1.6 = 12.97 N/mm2
fc* = 0.75 x 0.85 x 12.97 = 8.265 N/mm2
fyk = 430 N/mm2
fyd = fyk / γs = 430 / 1.15 = 374 N/mm2
n = fyd / fcd* = 374 / 8.265 = 45.25
β = As / A c = 0.01

Ac = NEd / ( fc*(1+nβ) ) = ( 2846 x 103 ) / ( 8.265 x ( 1+ 45.25 x 0.01 ) ) = 237166.67 mm2 = 2371 cm2

B pillar = 30 cm (previously assumed)

L pillar = 2371 / 30 = 79.03 ≈ 80 cm

As = β x A c = 0.01 x 2371 = 23.71 cm2

14ф17 , As = 25 cm2


fck = 20 N/mm2
fcd = fck x γc = 20 / 1.6 = 12.5 N/mm2
fyk = 450 N/mm2
fyd = fyk / γs = 450 / 1.15 = 391 N/mm2
fc* = 0.75αfcd = 9,97 N/mm2

Ac = 30 x 80 = 2400 cm2
14ф17 , As = 25 cm2

n = fyd / fc* = 49.06

N = fc* (Ac + nAs) = 9,97 (2400 + 49.06 x 2500) = 1246.75 KN (VERIFIED)

6.3. Foundations

For the ground is considered: 0,2 MPa

Considering one single pillar:

A (foundation) = N x 1.1 / σ = 2846 KN x 1.1 / 0.2 = 15.65 m2

Considering an entire band of columns (12 in total) and a foundation with slender plinths connected in
both directions:
N * 11 / 2 = 2846 KN x 11 / 2 = 15’653 KN
A (foundation) = N x 1.1 / σ = 15’653 KN x 1.1 / 0.2 = approx. 86.09 m2
Plinth depth = Total length
Plinth width = Area / depth = 86.09 m 2 / 84.59 m = approx 1 m
Plinth height = (width - 30 (pillar)) / 2 = 0.35 m


7.1. Beams

7.2. Column

7.3. Façade system

1. Plaster finishing - 1cm

2. Gypsum board - 1.5 cm
3. Steel studs
4. Cavity for technical installations
5. Mineral wool insulation - 5.0 cm
6. Hollow bricks
7. Waterproof membrane
8. XPS insulation - 6 cm
9. Self-drilling separator
10. Inlet chamber - 4.5 cm
11. Separation membrane of the two chambers
12. Outlet chamber - 5.5 cm
13. Sub-structure
14. Terracotta panels - 500 x 250 x 25 mm
15. Column


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