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Paper Size and Quality

 8.27” x 11.69” (A4 size)

 Manuscripts printed on better quality paper will look more professional and will archive

Paper Layout

 Manuscript must be printed in portrait mode. Landscape mode is not allowed except for
purposes of accommodating unusually large tables, illustrations and the like.


 To provide allowance for trimmings during binding and later ease in microfilming and
copying, every page of the manuscript must meet these minimum margin standards:
 Top margin: 1.8” (note: pagination is at header 1.25” from top of page)
 Bottom margin: 1.25”
 Right margin: 1.25”
 Left margin: 1.5” (binding edge)
 All manuscript materials must fit within these margin requirements (including tables,
figures and graphs)

Fonts and Font Size

 Any legible font, except script, italic or ornamental, is acceptable for the body of the text.
A 12-point font size is recommended for Times New Roman.
 A consistent font and size must be observed throughout the manuscript.
 Italics may be used for quotations and words in a foreign language.


 Top margin: 1.8” (note: pagination is at header 1.25” from top of page)
 Bottom margin: 1.25”
 Right margin: 1.25”
 Left margin: 1.5” (binding edge)

 Each page of the entire manuscript must be numbered except for the title page, and the
black-bordered certificate or panel approval page.
 Preliminary pages are numbered consecutively in lower-cased Roman numerals; the first
page to be numbered is the Abstract page which is marked iii.
 The text and back matters are numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, beginning
with 1 (unmarked) on the first page of the text.
 Page numbers must appear in the same location (upper right-hand corner 1.25” below the
top edge and 1.25” from the right edge) on each page except on the first page of each
Chapter where the page is counted but unmarked.
 Page numbers must be consistent with the text in font size and style.

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