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 Egyptian sports: from 2000 BC
PHYSICAL EDUCATION  Greek athletics: 8th century BC
 The extended games: 7th century BC
 1 Polo: 6th century BC
 Hockey: 6th century BC
 Boxing in Rome: 1st century BC - 5th
century AD
 Sport has been recorded for centuries
 Dominoes and playing cards: 9th - 19th
 The documented history of sports goes
back at least 3,000 years.
 Bowls: from the 13th century
 Involved the preparation for war or
training as a hunter, which explains why
 Horse-racing: 17th - 18th century
so many early games involved the
throwing of spears, stakes, and rocks,
and sparring one-on-one with
opponents.  Is an activity that requires physical
 Study of the history of sport can teach actions and skills where individuals or
lessons about social changes and about teams compete under a set of rules.
the nature of sport itself, as sport seems  Sports is undoubtedly an activity that is
involved in the development of basic fun to do, but it has many other positive
human skills. effects on a person's life as well.
 The Ancient Greeks introduced formal  Sport pertains to any form
sports to the world.  of competitive physical
activity or game.
 The first Olympic Games in 776 BC—  It can improve one's physical health.
which included events such as foot and  Is generally recognized as system of
chariot races, wrestling, jumping, and activities based in
discus and javelin throwing physical athleticism or
 A wide range of sports were already physical dexterity.
established by the time of Ancient
Greece and the military culture and the
development of sport in Greece
influenced one another considerably.
 Sport became such a prominent part of
their culture that the Greeks created
the Olympic Games, which in ancient
times were held every four years in a
small village in
the Peloponnesus called  LESSON 2
Classifications of Sports, Benefits from
engaging in Sports and Different kinds of
Games and Team Sports


 Senet in Egypt: 3000 BC  DUAL SPORTS
 Backgammon in Mesopotamia: 2500  TEAM SPORTS
INDIVIDUAL Are played by one • Snowboarding
participant on each • Running
competing side. • Swimming
• Bouldering
DUAL SPORTS Are played by two
• Archery
competing pairs.
• Gymnastics
TEAM SPORTS Are played by one • Weightlifting
competing players.
THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN  Practicing a sport individually requires
INDIVIDUAL/DUAL SPORTS VS. plenty of motivation in order to develop
TEAM SPORTS the skills that are needed to progress in
the activity.
 Along with gaining additional skills,
- foster a higher amount of discipline self- two other main benefits of individual
confidence, focus, and passion. sports are self-discipline and mental
TEAM SPORTS  The more you practice, the better you
- many variables are considered to determine can get, and you’re the one who’s
the success or failure of the team. It depends responsible for reaching your goal.
on the collective effort of all its players.
 Disadvantage of individual sports is that
same responsibility
What Is the Difference Between  if you take competitions seriously
Individual and Dual Sports? and lose, you’re responsible

 the number of athletes who compete on

the same side.
 and it can be hard to push yourself
 However, each sport type comes with
to keep improving at times when
plenty of benefits and challenges.
you’re only holding yourself

What Are Dual Sports?

 Dual sports can take several different
What Are Individual Sports?  A single athlete competes against
another single athlete; there’s no team,
 defined as activities in which competing just two athletes against each other in a
as a part of a team isn’t required. one-on-one match.
 The athlete is on their own and is the  Two athletes on the same team
one who’s responsible for bringing competing with two athletes of the
home the win. opposite team, known as two on two.
 Although individual sports can be
competitive, the athlete is also in Examples of some of the most popular
competition with themselves. dual sports include:
Examples of popular Individual Sports • Chess
include: • Table tennis
• Tennis
• Skiing • Badminton
• Racquetball 
The main benefit of team sports
• Fencing EDUCATION is teamwork
• Beach volleyball  Working together encourages
communication, problem-solving and
Benefits of Dual Sports putting aside your differences to reach
the common goal, which is to win.
⮚  encourage a lot of discipline  Friends
⮚ utilizing analytical skills  Self confidence
⮚  studying what’s needed in order to beat
your opponent.
Some of the consideration that will guide
⮚ Cooperation is extremely important in
an individual in their choice of sports
dual sports include:
What Are Team Sports? 1. Weather extremities (hot or cold) for an
outdoor sports activity.
 involve a larger group of people
working together and competing against
another large group (or several).

2. Enjoyment derived from the activity.

3. Previous activities tried and enjoyed.
4. Financial capacity or budget. Activities
like skating, golf, and scuba diving
require financial investment of
 often the most popular sports to play equipment and actual activity.
and the most entertaining to watch, team 5. State of health and level of fitness.
sports such as football, basketball and Demand of physical activity may be
baseball have large fan bases that cheer excessive for the body, having a
on their favorite squads. conditioning is recommended.
For more info… 6. Other alternative activities that will give
An individual or dual sport can
cross over to a team sport. For example, WAYS TO AVOID SPORTS INJURIES
when you’re playing tennis at the Olympics, - For all sports, achieving personal goals and
you’re competing on an individual level. But claiming sweet victory requires training hard
your score also contributes to your country’s and playing even harder. But when athletes
team score as a whole. push themselves too hard, they risk injury
that can make them unable to play the game
Examples of some of the most popular they love. That's why sports safety is so
team sports include: important.

• Basketball Below are sports safety tips, to prevent

• Football sports injuries:
• Baseball
• Handball
• Hockey • Wear safety Equipment
Benefit of team sports • Stay hydrated
• Don’t eat to much before the game
• Get enough rest

decisions in other areas of life as well.

BENEFITS OT SPORTS IN DAILY  Teamwork:  Many popular sports like
Cricket, Kabaddi, soccer, basketball,
 The benefits of sports in day-to-day life
volleyball, Hockey, etc., are played in
are amazing.
teams. This inculcates values and skills
 Many people are starting to be
like leadership, communication, and
concerned about their health and one
sacrifice. Not only does this benefit the
way that they do is
person but also helps in developing a
better Teamwork.
 Builds Character: All sports have an
outcome. One entity wins, and the other
 engage themselves in different sports
loses. Winning and losing is a part of
life. Sports inculcates this lesson in
 If you want to have a healthy body you
people. Some people glide along as long
should start by picking the right kinds of
as there are no hardships in life.
food to eat and of course it will be more
 Source of Entertainment: Sport is a
effective if you will exercise too.
major source of entertainment with
 However, many people specially the
spectator sports drawing large crowds
older or more matured ones are too lazy
and reaching wider audiences through
to go to the gym to exercise. One good
sports broadcasting.
form of exercise that will be more
enjoyable and fun is by having a sport.
 Stress Buster: A healthy mind in a
healthy body might be a clichéd adage,
but it is so because it is true. It is no
surprise that since most sports usually
involve exercise.
 Health: Regularly indulging in sports
helps in keeping the immune system
strong, and hence, helps in preventing
any kind of disease from occurring. It
also increases the appetite of the person.
 Many diseases and disorders can be
prevented through a variety of means.
These include proper nutrition and
adequate exercise.
 Self-confidence: When something is
improving your health, making you
physically fitter, earning you respect
among people and generally making
you feel better about yourself, it is safe
to say that such a thing does a whole
 Decision-making: In sports, a person
has to make quick decisions depending
upon the situation that he is in. Thus, a
person who is involved in sports is able
to make wise and quick
FITT 4 
On the dawn of April 27, 1521
PHYSICAL EDUCATION -Ferdinand Magellan was defeated by
a native warrior chief named Lapu-
 Forty years after that event, on April
of 1564 another warrior navigator
from Spain named Miguel De Legaspi
landed in Abuyog Leyte Philippines
 Years have passed by Spain was able to
colonize the Archipelago thru the use of
religion and what was then regarded as
modern weapons such as Muskets and
 The Spaniards claimed the
Archipelago and named it
“Philippines” in honor of the King
Philip of Spain.
 It was also during these periods when
the natives were able to develop the
stick fighting techniques of the art,
which was proven to be as versatile as
the bladed weapons technique.
 Even the Moro-Moro stage play to
entertain the colonizers was utilized as
an excuse to practice the fighting

DARK AGE OF KALI - 1764 the Spanish

overlords banned the practice of Kali to the

 The natives, hidden from the

watchful eyes of their colonizers,

practiced Kali secretly. Due to some cultural

influence of the Spaniards the term Escrima,
Estoque, Fraile, and Kaliradman were used
to regard the native fighting system

1853 - fighting system was renamed

Arnes - means colorful trapping on
ARNIS defensive armors used on the Moro-Moro
Kali - is being taught in a school like
training grounds, which was called Bothoan
 Some of the heroes of the Philippine
revolution EDUCATION
were also practitioners of
 The Filipinos fought side by side with
the Americans. Natives with skills in the
fighting art signed up to be freedom
fighters known as “Guerillas”
Name: Remgio Amador Presas
ARNIS Born: December 19, 1936
 Is the system of Filipino martial arts Hinigaran, Negros Occidental
founded by the late Remy Presas as a Died: August 28, 2001 (brain cancer)
self-defense system . Victoria, Canada
Occupation: Teacher and Martial artist
 His goal was to create an injury-free
Known for: founding Modern Arnis
training method as well as an effective
and he is brother of Ernesto Presas
self-defense system in order to preserve
the older Arnis systems.
 The term Modern Arnis was used by
Remy Presas’ younger brother Ernesto WHAT IS ARNIS?
Presas to describe his style of Filipino • The word Arnis was used by Filipinos
martial arts ; since 1999 Ernesto Presas during the 18th century Spanish colonial
called his system period.
Kombatan . • It refers to the system of skirmish using
sword, stick and empty hands.
 It is derived
from the traditional
Presas family style
of the
• It means similar to common folks’
Bolo(Machete) and the stick-
word of ‘espadahan’ or swordplay.
• It was derived from the Spanish word
“arnes,” which means harness, armor,
or weapons.
• In other regions Arnis is known as
eskrima, baston, garrote and estocada.
dueling art of Balintawak Eskrima,
with influences from other Filipino and REPUBLIC ACT 9850
Japanese martial arts.
• Decelerating Arnis as National Martial
 Arnis is a Philippines’ national Art and Sport of the Philippines.
martial art or sport , After President
• Arnis is an indigenized martial art and
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo signed the
sport characterized by the use of one (1)
Republic Act. No. 9850 in 2009.
or two (2) sticks or any similar
 The act mandates the Department of
implements or with bare hands and feet
Education to include the sport as a
also used for striking, blocking, locking
Physical Education course.
and grappling with the use of the same
 Arnis will be included among the
principle as that with the cane.
priority sports in Palarong Pambansa
(National Games) beginning 2010. THREE FORMS OF PRACTICES IN
 Solo Baston - which only one stick is 
Practices typically follows
used EDUCATION procedures (bow, warm-up, including
stances, basic attacks, defenses,
 Doble Baston’ or “Sinawali - which freestyle etc.)
two long sticks are utilized
 started to wear uniform for training, and
 Espada y Daga’ (sword and dagger) - most of them tried to standardize
wherein one long and one short stick are uniform for students.
used by the performers
 The wearing of belt showing students’
Additional rank is typical to these practitioners
 Mano-mano at buno’ (hand to hand
and grappling) are also integral part of
anis training.

DECS Order No. 25, s. 1975

- which allowed exhibition and

demonstration of arnis in the Palarong
Pambansa (National Games),

DECS Order No. 58 (1990)

TRADITIONAL PRACTICES OF - known as the Guidelines and Standards for
College Service Physical Education which in
effect, included arnis in the “dual sport’
 is a form of practices which focuses category
more on the effective response to actual
DECS Memo No. 294, s. 1995
self defense combat.
- that issued instructors’ training to PE
 Technical skills were based on
teachers for teaching arnis in physical
experiences of old masters or how the
way they were taught by the older
generations. Philippine Eskrima, Kali, and Arnis
Federation (PEKAP) which united most
 Typical training started from
of the arnis practitioners in the country.
mimicking the movement of the master,
independent maneuvering, some have VALUES OF TRAINING ARNIS
their partnered drill, and some
practicing controlled free spar using a
live stick. Arnis Stick

 Traditional arnis practices mostly in the • The stick usually used in practicing
backyards of the masters, no prescribed arnis is made of rattan.
uniform, and selection or acceptance of • It is advisable to use rattan stick other
students were based on affinity than hardwood, which is flexible and
MODERN PRACTICES OF ARNIS lighter compare to other hardwood.

• Length of the sticks:

 Started from the practitioners of arnis
 24 inches long and not more
which studied other martial arts such as
than one inch in diameter for
shotokan karate, judo, Chinese wushu
school children
and juijitsu.
FITT 4  28 to 30 inches long for adult
 The black belt is traditionally bordered
with red; however, some groups use a
plain black belt.
 In addition to rank, titles such as Datu,
Commissioner, Master of Tapi-Tapi,
Senior Master, Punong Guro, etc., have
Belt Ranks
occasionally been granted to certain
 Isa (pronounced as i- high-ranking individuals. The title
sah or e-sah; which literally Guro is typically given to
means "one") all Lakans and Dayangs.
 Dalawa (pronounced dah-la-
wah; as literally means KINDS OF STANCES
 Tatlo (pronounced as tat-loh; literally READY STANCE
means "three")
 Apat (pronounced as Ah-pat; literally  Stand with your feet apart parallel to the shoulder
with both toes pointing forward.  
means "four")  The knees should be straight, the waist and the
 Lima (pronounced as li-mah;literally body facing forward. 
means "five")  Hands are on waist level and the hands should
 Anim (pronounced as ah-neem; literally hold the sticks on both sides. 
 The ready stance is commonly
means "six") used when standing at ease during
 Pito (pronounced as pi-toh; literally training or tournaments.
means "seven")
 Walo (pronounced as "wah-loh"; ATTENTION STANCE
literally means "eight")  Stand with your feet forming a 45
 Siyam (pronounced as si-yam; literally degrees angle.   
means "nine")  Heels should be close to each
other, knees should be straight, the waist and body
 Sampu (pronounced as sam-po; literally
facing forward. 
means "ten")  Shoulders are dropped to the side and both hands
 Labing-isa (in some organizations) are at waist level.
(pronounced as lah-bing-i-sah; literally  The Attention Stance is commonly used in
preparation for courtesy or “bowing” at
means "eleven") commencement of sparring.
 Many groups use a "zero-degree" black
belt rank as a probationary stage that
comes before Isa.
 The actual name of the ranks is gender-
specific. For men the rank is referred to
asLakan (Tagalog for male) while for
women it is referred to
as Dayang (Tagalog for "female").
 Thus, a first degree black belt in
Modern Arnis would be referred to as
either aLakan Isa or a Dayang Isa,
depending on his or her gender. FORWARD STANCES
 The "zero-degree" rank, if used, is
 Starting with the ready stance, move one foot
referred to as simply Lakan or Dayang. forward until the knee and the toe are in line to
each other. 
 Both toes are pointing in front, the waist and the SIDE STANCE
body is facing EDUCATION
 The body should not be too low or the lead foot • Starting with the ready stance, move one foot
too extended otherwise it will be hard to about two feet (2’) to the left or right direction. 
maneuver.  • Moving foot will be perpendicular to the ground
 Distribute the weight or center of gravity to both while the other leg is extended thereby creating a
legs.  position like that of a side kick. 
 Forward stances can be right foot lead, which is • Both toes are pointing in front, the waist and the
the Right Foot Forward Stance or it can be left body is facing forward. 
foot lead which is Left Foot Forward Stance. • The body should not be too low or extended
 Forward Stance are commonly used with frontal otherwise it will be hard to maneuver. 
striking or blocking techniques. • Distribute the weight or center of gravity to both
legs.  If the left foot moves to the side it becomes
OBLIQUE STANCE Left Foot Side Stance, if the right foot moves to
the side it becomes Right Foot Side Stance. 
• Starting with the ready stance, move one foot • Side Stances are commonly used for strike
forward 45 degrees away from the body until the deflection and evasion techniques.
knee and the toe are in line to each other. 
• Move on the same direction as the lead foot (e.g.  BACK STANCE
for right foot lead, move 45
degrees forward to the right). •  Starting with the ready stance, move one foot
• Both toes are pointing in front, backward 45 degrees away from the body.
the waist and the body is facing • The heels of the foot should form an imaginary
forward.  “L” shape while the legs are in a straddle
• The body should not be too low position. 
or the lead foot too extended • The body should not be too low or extended
otherwise it will be hard to otherwise it will be hard to maneuver. 
maneuver.  • Distribute the weight or center of gravity to both
• Distribute the weight or center of gravity to both legs. 
legs.  • Back stances can be right foot lead, which is the
• Oblique stances can be right Right Foot Back Stance or it can be left foot lead
foot lead, which is the Right which is Left Foot Back Stance. 
Foot Oblique Stance or it can
be left foot lead which is Left
Foot Oblique Stance. 
• Oblique Stances are commonly • Back stances are used for blocking and backward
used for forward blocking and evasion techniques.
evasion techniques.
 The term "Sinawali" refers to the
STRADDLE STANCE activity of ‘weaving’, and is applied to
• Starting with the ready stance, move one foot the art of Philippine martial
about two feet (2’) to the left or the right direction art Eskrima with reference to a set of
until both lower legs are two-person, two-weapon exercises.

 Sinawali exercise
provides Eskrima
practitioners with basic
almost perpendicular to the ground.   skills and motions
• Both toes are pointing in front, the waist and the
body is facing forward.  relevant to a mode of
• The body should not be too low or extended two-weapon blocking and
otherwise it will be hard to maneuver.  response method
• Distribute the weight or center of gravity to both
called Doblete. Sinawalitraining is often
legs.  Straddle stance are also called Horseback
Riding Stance since it mimics position when introduced to novices in order to
riding on a horse back. develop certain fundamental skills
•   Straddle stances are commonly including: body positioning and
used for blocking the strikes to the
distance relative to an opponent,
side of the body.
rotation of the body and the proper
turning radius, recognition of one’s
center of gravity, eye-hand •
Strike the opponent’s temple with
coordination, target perception and the right hand
• As you retract the right hand to the left
shoulder strike the opponent’s knee with the
left hand
• As you strike a backhand to the opponent’s
temple with the right hand, retract the left
hand to the left shoulder

X Sinawali

• Using the right cane, strike the opponent’s

• Withdraw it and place it below the left
recognition, increased ambidexterity, armpit then strike the opponent’s temple
recognition and performance of with the left cane
rhythmic • Withdraw it then place it above the right
structures for shoulder then strike the opponent’s knee
upper body with the right cane
• Place the right cane above your right
movement, and
shoulder then hit the opponent’s
muscular knee with the left cane then place it above
developments the left shoulder
important to the
art, especially,
the wrist and forearm regions.

Single Sinawali

• Swing the cane to strike the opponent’s

• Withdraw the cane
• Swing it down to strike the opponent’s knee
• Withdraw the cane and place it above your Advance Double Sinawali
• position the left cane under the right armpit
and the right cane above the right shoulder
• strike the opponent's temple with the right
cane and position it above the left shoulder
• strike the left cane downwards then position
it below the left armpit.
Advance Single Sinawali • Swing the right cane forward. Withdraw it
and place it above the left shoulder then
• Strike opponent’s right temple with right swing the left cane to strike knee
cane • withdraw the left cane and place it above the
• Withdraw right hand passing the left left shoulder then swing the right cane to
shoulder to strike opponent’s knee strike temple.
• Withdraw right hand and position it above • this can also be done starting with the right
the left shoulder to strike opponent’s temple cane under the left armpit and using the left
cane to strike.
Double Sinawali
Reverse Sinawali
• Begin with the right hand up and the left
hand tucked under the right shoulder • start with both canes above the right
• swing the right cane to strike the knee. Six Blockings
Withdraw itEDUCATION
and place it under the left
armpit. 1. Outside blocking- performed by bringing
• swing the left cane to strike the knee. the cane forward support ed vy the left hand
Withdraw the left hand and position it above at the middle of the cane
the left shoulder. At the same time, swing 2. Inside block- peformed as an outside block,
the right cane to strike the knee. however, on the right side of the body
• withdraw the right cane and position it above 3. Downward inside block- performed by
the left shoulder. At the same time, swing positioning the hand holding tge cane above
the left cane to strike the knee. the right shoulder then swinging the cane
• withdraw the left cane and place it under the downward to block the opponent’s attack
right armpit. At the same 4. Downward outside block- performed by
positioning the cane behind
the left ear then swinging it
downward to block the
time, swing the right cane to strike the knee opponent's blow
• withdraw the right hand and position it 5. Rising block- performed by
above right shoulder. At the same time, raising the cane over the
swing the left cane it strikes the knee. head to block the opponent's
Redonda 6. Vertical block- performed
by raising the elbow of the
• start with the right cane over the right hand hikding the cane to shoulder levek
shoulder and the other one under the right while the other habd is supporting it at the
armpit middle.
• swing the right cane diagonally forward and
position it above the left shoulder Twelve Strikes
• swing the left cane diagonally forward then
position it above the left shoulder 1. right temple strike- forehand strikes to the
• swing the right cane downward then position right temple
it below the left armpit 2. left hand strike- backhand strike to the left
• swing the left cane diagonally forward and temple
position it over the head afterwards 3. right shoulder strike- forehand strike to the
• swing the right cane diagonally forward then right shoulder
position it above the right shoulder. Position 4. left shoulder strike-backhand strike to the
the other hand under the right armpit. left shoulder
5. thrust to the stomach- straight-on
Solo Baston stab/thrust to the stomach
6. right chest attack- overhand stab/thrust to
• Solo Baston is one of the three major the right chest
fighting system s of arnis. 7. left chest attack-underhand stab/thrust to
• Under this system evolves various system of the left chest
fighting using a long stick weapon. 8. left knee attack- backhand strike to the left
• Though the system is called solo baston it is knee
not limited to using only a stuck. 9. right knee attack- forehand strike to the
• History points out that bladed weapon and right knee
other daily implements like umbrellas and 10. right eye attack-overhand stab/thrust to the
walking sticks are good weapons. right eye

11. left eye attack- underhand stab/ thrust to the

left eye
12. Crown Strike- straight down strike to the
top of the head

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