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Kindly study the following rules and regulations carefully:


1. Exceedingly casual leisure wear
2. Use of alcohol or medication containing a high level of alcohol by invigilators just prior to or
during an invigilation shift.
3. Discourteous, unfriendly behaviour towards students.
4. Eating and drinking in the examination venue during an examination session
5. Reporting late at venues for duty
6. Passive invigilating, e.g. not moving around among examination candidates.


1. In the event of fire

In the event of a fire which cannot be put out with the available extinguishers, the students must
leave their scripts as they are on the desks (as well as their bags in the front of the room) and leave
the venue through the nearest safe exit as quickly as possible, but in an orderly fashion. In such an
event the examination will in all probability be cancelled and moved to the first free day after the
examination period.

If the fire can be put out in time without undue disruption for the students, the examination can be
continued and, subject to the approval of the Exams Office at NJA, extra time may be granted.

2. Riotous disruption:
Should any disruption of an examination session occur as a result of disorderly behaviour in or
outside of the venue:
• Students must be requested to close their examination books immediately and keep them
on the desks in front of them, while they remain in their seats.
• Order must be maintained as far as possible.
• If at all possible, the doors to the examination venue must be closed immediately to keep
rioters out.
• Should rioters succeed in gaining access to the venue, the action described above must be
adhered to as far as possible and physical or violent contact between students and rioters
must be avoided as far as possible.
• The doors can be closed after the rioters have been removed.
• The invigilator will determine whether the examination can continue or be cancelled.

3. Indisposition or illness during an examination session

If a student becomes indisposed or ill while writing an examination, the invigilator must:
• explain to the student that, even if he/she were to obtain a medical certificate, no second
opportunity for writing that particular examination is possible. The student must continue
writing and try to finish the paper, provided this does not adversely affect his/her health any
further. The student may not be forced to continue writing, as this could lead to a claim
against the school and the invigilator if the student becomes seriously ill as a result.
• try to alleviate the student’s discomfort, e.g. by offering water to drink, reviving or making
the student comfortable (e.g. by letting him/her sit or lie down comfortably on the floor). No
medication of any kind whatsoever may be administered, except medication of which the
student him-/herself is in possession of, and which has been medically prescribed, as the
student may be allergic to certain types of medication and unauthorized administering may
also lead to a claim against the school.

In the event of a serious indisposition, e.g. an epileptic seizure or similar episode:
1. Remove the indisposed student from the room as quickly as possible and make him/her
comfortable in the passage.
2. Take care to maintain order in the examination venue itself.
3. Do not contact any teachers - to prevent them from unwittingly making promises to the
student which cannot be realized and thereby placing the school in an awkward situation.
Please contact the Examination Coordinator at your soonest convenience.


The following preparations must be made:
Invigilators must be at the exam venue at least 30 minutes before commencement of an
• Take a quick walk through the venue and remove all papers, books etc. which may be lying
• Check whether all question papers, as well as all accessories, such as graph paper, tables etc.
are present.
• Count out enough examination books and place a question paper in each book, except in
cases where the answers must be filled in on the question papers themselves. In such cases
examination books are provided only if this is called for on the question papers.
• Check the correct duration of the question papers, as the time indicated on the papers may
differ from that on the timetable. The time indicated on the paper determines the duration
of the examination session for the module in question.

Accept the duration indicated on the question papers in your parcel as correct.
• Before the session starts, invigilators must make sure of the instructions to students as set
out on the examination books and question papers and ensure that these are complied with.
• Invigilators must never be too preoccupied with other matters for students to get the
impression that their attention is far away.
• It is important that invigilators remain vigilant and discreet at all times while supervising the
examination writing.
• Invigilators’ behaviour must be aimed constantly at preventing offences. However, students
may never be treated as if they are already guilty of violating the examination rules.
• Courtesy and consideration towards students is non-negotiable and complaints in this
connection will be regarded in a very serious light.
• Invigilators please note - the following behaviour is not acceptable:
i. Unnecessary talking, knitting, reading of books/newspapers, staring out of the
window, etc.
ii. Reading examination papers in detail
iii. Reading students’ answer papers while they are writing or after they have handed
them in.
iv. Use of refreshments in the room.

As students enter the examination room the invigilator must stand at the door and hand out the
name slips, while at the same time comparing each student who enters with a photo-identification
presented by the student.

The primary method of photo-identification is the student card but an ID document, a passport or a
driver’s license is acceptable, providing that the student’s name and photo appear on it.

If a student card is presented on which the face of the student is not clear, one of the above proofs
of identity may be asked for.
• All rucksacks, very large ladies’ handbags, books, documents, etc. must be placed in the
front of the venue. Only students writing open-book examinations may be in possession of
books. Emphasize that no valuable items or money should be left in the bags placed in the
front of the venue.
• Cell-phones and other electronic communication devices are becoming increasingly
sophisticated and communication to the outside without speaking is becoming easier and
easier, making effective control over this more and more difficult. Request students to
switch these devices off and not simply set them on “mute” - and place them on the writing
surfaces in front of them, face down. Do not ask the students to place them on the table in
the front of the venue or leave them in their bags. Should these possessions be stolen,
claims may be instituted against the invigilator and the school.
• If a student is caught communicating by means of his/her electronic device and the
invigilator is very sure of her/his case, this must be regarded as an attempt to act dishonestly
and the procedure described later on these pages should be followed. This should be
emphasized strongly right at the outset.


The invigilator obtains complete silence before he/she makes only the following minimum
• Pay attention everybody:
• Make sure that all cell phones and similar electronic communication devices are switched off
and placed on the writing surface in front of you.
• They must be switched off and may not simply be set on “mute”. Any attempt to use these
devices can be regarded as an attempt to be dishonest and lead to measures against you.
• Please make sure that you have no books, notes, study material, or any bits of paper, ruler
or any other items on which is written, on or under your table/desk, next to you, in your
pockets or in your immediate vicinity. If so, please remove it immediately and bring it to the
• Cases of dishonesty, or attempted dishonesty during the examinations, will be referred to
the Disciplinary Committee of the school. Candidates found guilty will be suspended or
expelled from the school.
• Please complete the name slips fully and pass them on to the nearest aisle.
• If you move to another seat, you must take the name slip with you.
• Read the examination instructions on the examination book and place your signature on the
front page.
• Please read the rules on the back page of the examination book and make sure that you
understand what you sign for.
• If you are feeling ill and unable to write this examination, please leave now before the
papers are handed out.
• Should you have any doubts, uncertainties or a problem, please consult me.
• Make sure that, if needed, you use the correct pocket calculator according to your
examination instructions.

The announcements should be made in both English.

Now, hand out the examination books and question papers, as well as tables, graph paper and other
aids which are called for on the question paper, promptly and swiftly. Question papers may be
placed in the examination books before the examination starts, but at the end of the session please
remove unused papers from the books which were not handed out. Please note: Extra copies of
each question paper are usually available in the room where the students whose names come last in

the alphabet are. If students are required to answer the questions on the question paper itself, do
not hand out books to them, unless there is an instruction in this regard on the question paper.

All unused question papers remaining must preferably be returned to the Examination Office at NJA.
No question papers may be left in the examination room.

As soon as all the books, question papers, etc. have been handed out, the invigilator announces:

• Pay attention everyone:

• Is there anyone who did not receive a question paper?”
• If all candidates have everything they need: “You now have five minutes to read calmly
through your paper. After this, your writing time begins as indicated on the question paper.
You may not begin writing yet and I will announce when the writing time officially starts.”
(Now set the clock to 5 to 9 or five minutes before the exam starts).
• As soon as the five minutes have expired, the invigilator announces: “Pay attention
everyone, writing time now officially begins.”

Guidelines regarding pocket calculators have been reaffirmed by the Board. Make sure that you
make the correct announcement as to which pocket calculators may be used (consult the question

If a student requires further examination books, he/she must be given the amount necessary. There
is no limit to the number of books which may be used. Upon handing in, all books must be separated
and placed in two different cover sheets. Ensure that the student’s name and number appears on all
books handed in.

If a student needs to leave the room to visit the toilet, the convenor or an invigilator must
accompany him/her 7/8 of the way if possible. Where possible, let a female invigilator accompany
female students and a male invigilator male students.

Teachers must be contacted only in connection with matters related to the question paper. The
Examination Office must be contacted regarding all other matters (illness, insufficient papers,
dishonesty, etc.).


Even if only one module is being written in the venue, the name slips must be completed and
Collection of name slips usually takes place about 15 minutes after the start of the examination

Afterwards, the invigilator must sort and count the name slips, but he must at no stage stand with
his back to the students.

Check that the total number of students in the venue tallies with the total number of name slips. It is
not necessary to arrange the slips alphabetically.

At the end of the session, the invigilator has to check the number of answer books (sheets). The
numbers must tally.

The name slips of each module are then placed in a separate envelope and sealed. This envelope
then has to be placed in the relevant brown envelope (with the yellow page on the outside) which,

in turn, is then placed in the school bag (supplied together with the exam material from NJA) for the
return trip to the Exams Office at NJA.

On the outside of the abovementioned envelope containing the name slips, the following must
a) Name of module
b) Number of slips in envelope
c) Venue
d) Name of invigilator
e) Date


Students may arrive up to three-quarters of an hour (45 minutes) late and during this time nobody
may leave the venue.

Students who arrive late are not granted any additional writing time.

A student who turns up late may not be reprimanded or disadvantaged in any way.

Let him/her take a seat where he/she will not disturb the other students.

Access to the examination venue must be denied to a student who turns up more than three-
quarters of an hour late.


The students must be warned 15 minutes before writing time expires that they have only 15 minutes
left to write.

Do not announce the time repeatedly.

When the writing time of a module has expired, the invigilator must announce clearly:

“Pay attention everyone, the writing time for the module(s) (name the module(s) unless the time for
all modules being written in the room expires simultaneously) has expired. Please stop writing
immediately and hand in.”

Please note: No extra writing time to answer the question paper may be granted to students who
arrived late.

If a violation of the examination regulations or any incident has occurred which, in the opinion of the
invigilator, was irregular, she/he should point this out to the Examinations Office at NJA at the end of
the examination session in question.

Measures relating to dishonesty on the part of students

1. Copying from others

It is often difficult to say with certainty whether a student “stole” from another’s answer book with
his/her eyes. Therefore, please be very careful before taking action. As soon as a suspicion to this
effect arises, the invigilator must approach the student and ask him/her to: please make it easier for

everyone by not behaving in a suspect manner, or not to sit sideways in the seat, or if need be, move
to another seat. Usually, this puts an end to the problem.

2. Possession of illicit notes

Make absolutely sure that a student is, in fact, copying from notes. They are sometimes past masters
at concealing this. This type of student usually sits:
• either in the back row
• or in a place against the side wall of the venue.
• and mostly appears nervous and fidgety.

As soon as the invigilator has established beyond doubt that the student is making use of illicit,
previously-prepared notes, she/he must:
• approach the student and, without disturbing the other students, declare that note has been
taken of what she/he is doing
• confiscate all the evidence (the notes, answer book and question paper)
• allow the student to continue with the examination by supplying him/her with another
question paper and examination book (yellow/green as the original), as the Disciplinary
Committee may find him/her not guilty
• record the incident in writing
• at the end of the examination session obtain all relevant details from the student.
• the invigilator must deliver a full written report regarding the incident to the Examinations
Office at NJA as soon as possible.

If the student in concerned still has to write further examinations, he/she must be allowed to do so,
as he/she may be found not guilty, or the Disciplinary Committee may conclude that he/she should
be punished only with regard to the module in question.


Code of Conduct
• Students should observe silence at all times during the examination
• The teacher-invigilator reserves the right to expel any students from the room or hall if
he/she misbehaves during the examination.
• Unauthorised materials are not allowed.
• Any student who attempts to cheat will be dealt with severely.
• Students sitting for the examination must adhere to the school rules with regards to attire,
hairstyle and accessories.

Before the Commencement of the Examination:

• Remove all books and scraps of papers from the desks and classroom (check under the
table-top covers and class notice board). Unauthorised materials are not allowed.
• Students sitting for the examination must adhere to the school rules with regards to attire,
hairstyle and accessories.
• First paper for each day will begin punctually at 9.00 am.
• Be seated according to the register numbers (starting with no.1 in first seat in front of the
classroom - the seat nearest to the teacher's table) Students sitting for their papers in the
multi-purpose hall will follow the seating plan for the hall.
• All bags and files are to be placed neatly in the front of the classroom or side of the hall.
• All students are to be in their seats 10 minutes before the commencement of the

• Students are to check their pockets to ensure that there are no scraps of papers, notes and
books in their possession.
• Electronic gadgets and communication devices such as hand phones are not allowed. Only
non-programmable calculators and approved dictionaries are allowed for certain papers.
• No extra time will be given to the latecomers. Students who report 45 minutes after the
paper has started will not be allowed to sit for the paper.
• There should be absolute silence before the question papers are distributed and during the
collection of the papers.
• Read the instructions carefully immediately upon receiving the question papers.
• Students are to ensure they have been given the correct subject papers.

During the Examination

• Do not communicate with other students. If there are queries, students are to raise their
hands and clarify with the invigilator.
• Students are not allowed to borrow any stationery from each other.
• Students are not allowed to go to the toilet unless absolutely necessary.
• Do not leave any sheet of your answers or diagrams in such a position that another student
can read them.
• Students who are caught cheating or attempting to cheat will be severely dealt with.
• Students must stop writing immediately when told to do so by the invigilator at the end of
the paper.

After the Examination

• At the end of each paper, remain quiet and ensure that all scripts are handed in as
instructed by the invigilator.
• No student is allowed to take any writing paper, used or unused, out of the examination
• Ensure that the examination hall/rooms are clean before you leave the examination venue.
• Students are reminded to leave quietly and do not disturb the other students who might still
be sitting for their papers.
• No one is allowed to leave the examination room/hall before 45 minutes has passed.
• However, after the last paper of each day, students are to leave the school. Do not loiter
around the school or neighbourhood.

Attendance during the Exam Period

• All students are to note that they will need to produce valid medical certificates in the event
they fall sick and have to go on medical leave. Report to the Examination Officer
immediately upon your return to the school with your medical certificate: Mrs (Name of
• A student who is absent for any paper without a medical certificate will get zero mark for
that paper. Letters of excuse from parents/guardians are not acceptable in the event of
• Students with valid medical certificates will be scheduled for supplementary papers.
However, if a student reports sick again with a medical certificate on the day of the
scheduled supplementary paper, he will be receive a VR (Valid Reason) for the subject/s
affected in his result slip.

The following instructions must be carefully noted and observed in every detail.

1. Identification – Candidates should bring their student card to the exam. Candidates should
retain their candidate number(s) to check exam results. All candidates will be required to
sign in and show identification upon entering the test centre as follows: One current form of
photo identification with signature (e.g., driver’s license, passport, school or work
identification, etc.) or, in the absence of photo identification, two current forms of
identification with signature, and at least one of these forms should have a physical
description (height, weight, colour of hair and eyes, etc.).

Anyone unable to meet these requirements will NOT BE PERMITTED into the test centre.
Supervisors have the authority to ban candidates with improper identification from writing.

Candidates who have not registered for the exam will not be allowed to write. Walk-ins are NOT

2. Exam Room Opens – The exam room will be open at least 30 minutes prior to the start of
the exam to allow for check-in procedures. Exam centres with large attendance may require
additional time to check-in candidates. Once check-in procedures and verbal instructions are
completed the exam will begin. Candidates will be given the full amount of time to write the
exam. Exam times do not include check-in, reading of instructions, or the collection of exam
materials at the conclusion of exams. No one will be admitted more than 45 minutes after a
session begins. Candidates are required to remain in the exam room for a minimum of 45
minutes, or the duration of the exam.

You should be at your desk ten minutes before the start of the reading time for each exam. It is your
responsibility to:
a) Make sure you sit at the correct desk by checking that your desk number matches the
desk number on your admission advice for that paper. Please note that your desk
number may change with each paper you sit.
b) Fill in the attendance slip before the start of each exam. This is a two-part slip – the
bottom half is your receipt as confirmation that you attended the exam. Retain the
completed receipt for four months from the date of the exam.

3. Personal Belongings – Candidates must provide their own pens or pencils. For multiple-
choice exams a #2 pencil or HB lead is recommended. Hats, caps, and earphones may not be
worn during the exam (except for religious observance). Simple foam earplugs are allowed
and must be checked in with the Supervisor upon entrance to the exam. The ability to hear
all verbal instructions, including exam start and stop times is the responsibility of the
candidates, regardless of the use of earplugs. The only materials you are allowed to have at
your desk during the exam are writing instruments and approved calculators. Any other
personal items must be set-aside (out of candidates’ view) prior to the exam start.

4. Electronics –All electronic devices (including cell phones) are prohibited. All cell phones
must be turned off and stowed away during the exam. In the event that a cell phone is left
on and rings during an exam the Supervisor will be required to report the incident to the
Examination Office. This may result in the exam being disqualified.

5. Smoking – Smoking is prohibited in the exam room.

6. Food and Drink – Only beverages are permitted in the examination room. For the
consideration of other candidates, please do not bring beverages that may cause a
disturbance. Consumption of any food is prohibited except for medical situations where the
Examination Office has provided authorization.

7. Absence – No additional time will be given to candidates who are absent for part of the
exam, regardless of the reason for their absence.

8. Candidate Number – Is given by the invigilator. The candidate number must be written on
every answer sheet. Candidates should retain their candidate number(s) to check exam

9. Calculators

We allow the following types of calculator:

• scientific calculators, including those with basic programming functions
• those with standard memory functions
• solar powered (at your own risk).

We do not allow the following types of calculator:

• those with alpha-numeric keyboards (an alphanumeric display of stored data – including
text- equations or alphanumeric formulae)
• personal organisers
• checklists and memo pads
• those that make a noise
• those that are programmable from other sources by detachable modules, barcodes,
tapes or cards
• those that feature graphical displays (can often be identified by model types that end in
the letter ‘G’ and typically have larger screens)
• those that do not have their own internal power supply
• those that allow text to be saved in their memory
• calculator functions on watches or mobile phones
• those with symbolic algebraic capability.

You cannot use your calculator instruction booklet during the exam. It is your responsibility to check
the functionality of your calculator before you use it in the exams.
Please remember that, in your answer book, you must show the steps you took to arrive at your

For all exams: the following Texas Instrument calculator models may be used:
• BA-35 TI-30Xa
• BA II Plus* TI-30XIIS*
• BA II Plus Professional Edition* TI-30XIIB*
• TI-30XS MultiView* TI-30XB MultiView*
* Upon entrance to the exam room, candidates must show the supervisor that the memory has
been cleared. For the BA II Plus and the BA II Plus Professional Edition, clearing will reset the
calculator to the factory default settings.

Candidates may use and have on their desktop more than one of the approved calculators during
the examination. The supervisor must check all calculators used during the exam. Candidates are
encouraged to bring a spare approved calculator and additional batteries to the examination.

Calculator instructions cannot be brought into the exam room.

Candidates are responsible for resetting their calculators.

Candidates who neglect to purchase an approved calculator or who forget to bring one to the test
site must write the examination without one. Candidates using a calculator other than the
approved models will have their exam disqualified. Candidates can purchase calculators at any
office supply store.

10. Completing the front cover of your answer book

1. You will be issued with an answer book at the start of the exam.
2. You must write your candidate number on the front of your answer book. Your candidate
number is on your admission advice. The invigilators will tell you when and where to
complete these details on your answer book.

11. Completing your answer book

a) Write your answers in blue or black pen. You may use a pencil to draw diagrams or graphs.
b) Begin the answer to each question on a new page and write the question number in the
boxes provided at the top of the page. You must clearly show the marker where a question is
continued later in the book.
c) Any rough workings must be included in your answer book and then crossed through with a
single line.
d) Supplementary answer books will only be handed out when you have completed your initial
answer book. You must state that you are also using a supplementary answer book on the
front cover of your answer book and ensure they are fastened together before collection at
the end of the exam.

12. Permitted exam materials

a) Any personal belongings such as briefcases, mobile phones, books, dictionaries, revision
notes or written material of any kind must be left in an area designated by the invigilators.
They should not, under any circumstances, be left near your desk.
b) You must switch off all mobile phones prior to entering the exam room.
c) You may bring a bottle of water into the exam room.
d) Calculators must be clearly visible on your desk so that invigilators can inspect them.

13. Scratch Paper – Candidates are not allowed to bring scratch paper into the exam room. Blank
paper is provided for scratch work in the exam book. For multiple-choice exams, left-handed
candidates may request additional paper, if needed, from the supervisor.

14. Reading time

5 minutes reading time is added to the exam time for all exam papers.

During the 5 minutes you are not allowed to:

• make notes on or highlight your question paper
• write in your answer book
• use your calculator.

15. Conduct during Exams
a. If you need to leave the room to go to the toilet you must be accompanied by an

b. Eating, unless for medical reasons, is not permitted in the exam room.

c. Smoking is not permitted.

d. If you contravene exam rules by, for example, cheating, helping another candidate to
cheat or by having materials or items with you that could give you an unfair advantage,
you will be reported to school’s Examination Office. This is likely to result in your exam
paper being voided. It may also result in the school taking disciplinary action against you.
The following are deemed to be examples of contravention of exam rules:
i. Having any book, notes, documents or a mobile phone on you at any time during
the exam
ii. Having any book, notes or documents in a situation which suggests you could
have used them during the exam
iii. Talking to, copying from, or in any way communicating with, another candidate
iv. Using a mobile phone, including the calculator function
v. Leaving the exam room without the permission of an invigilator
vi. Removing answer books and/or question papers, whether used or blank, from
the exam room, during or after the exam.

This list is not exhaustive.

e. Disruptive conduct during exams will not be permitted. The invigilator has the right to
terminate the exam of any candidate whose behaviour is disruptive and to have the
candidate escorted from the exam room. In such cases a full report will be made to
school’s Examination Office.
f. Your answers must be written in the answer book. This includes answers to the objective
questions. Any answers written on your question paper will not be marked.

g. Do not write any personal communications to the examiner or marker in your answer
book. Any such communication, particularly where it contains vulgar or threatening
language will be reported to the Examination Office.

16. At the end of the exam

a. You must stop writing as soon as you are told to do so. If you do not stop writing when
told, the invigilator will report your actions to the school.
b. You must ensure that you fasten all supplementary answer books and pieces of graph
paper inside your answer book before the invigilator collects it.
c. At the end of the exam you must stay in your seat until all answer books, question
papers and any other materials provided have been collected by the invigilators.
d. If you wish to leave the exam before the normal finish time you must notify the
invigilator who will collect your answer books, question papers and any other provided
materials before permitting you to leave the exam hall. You cannot leave the exam room
during the 45 minutes or the final 15 minutes of the exam.

17. Special Information or Tables for distribution – will be distributed with the exam books.

18. Meaning of Questions – Candidates may not consult the supervisor as to the meaning of any

19. Sign your sheets – Candidates must sign their multiple-choice answer sheets and/or written-
answer envelopes. Candidates who fail to do so will have their exams disqualified.

20. Activities requiring disciplinary action – Candidates must not give or receive assistance of any
kind during the exam. Any cheating, any attempt to cheat, assisting others to cheat, or
participating therein, or engaging in such improper conduct as listed below is a serious violation
and will generally result in the Examination Office disqualifying the candidate’s paper, and such
other disciplinary action as may be deemed appropriate. Examples of improper conduct:
• Gaining access to exam questions before the exam.
• Using an unauthorized calculator or other mechanical aid that is not permitted.
• Looking in the exam book before the signal to begin is given.
• Marking or otherwise writing on the exam book or answer sheet before the signal to begin is
• Making any changes, additions, deletions or otherwise marking, erasing or writing on the
exam book or answer sheet after the time for the exam has expired.
• Having access to or consulting notes or books during the exam.
• Looking at or copying from another candidate’s paper.
• Enabling another candidate to copy from one’s paper.
• Talking or otherwise communicating with another candidate during the exam or during the
read through period.
• Disturbing other candidates during the exam.
• Consulting other persons or resources outside the exam room during the exam.
• Copying questions or answers either on paper or with a calculator to take from the exam
• Taking an exam book or other exam materials from the exam room.
• Taking an exam for another candidate.
• Arranging to have another person take an exam for the candidate.
• Threatening or verbally abusing a supervisor or proctor responsible for curbing or reporting
improper conduct.
• Unprofessional and/or unruly behaviour towards any Examination Office staff, supervisors,
proctors, or volunteers at any time.
• Disclosing the contents of an exam to any other person.
• Presenting false information on an exam application.
• Failing to remain in the exam room for a minimum of 45 minutes, or the duration of the
• Failing to follow other exam instructions.
• Accessing or using a communication device (PDA, cell phone, etc.) during the exam or while
at the exam site.

The Examination Office will pursue any evidence that a candidate has cheated or failed to follow
exam rules, in either letter or spirit. Any irregularity or suspected violation will be investigated.
When a violation is confirmed, disciplinary actions may include, but are not limited to,
disqualification of the candidate’s exam paper and a prohibition against writing exams for a specified

These standards may seem stricter than those to which candidates are accustomed in other exam
environments. The school maintains these strict standards because the exams are such a significant
part of a candidate’s career. Therefore, equitable administration of the exams and enforcement of
the highest standards of conduct cannot be emphasized too strongly.

21. Special Instructions for Multiple-Choice Exams: Detailed instructions are on the covers of the
multiple-choice exam books. All written computations must be made in the exam books. Left-
handed candidates who are given extra paper for their calculations must turn the paper in along
with the exam books. Clearly indicated answer choices in the test books can be an aid in grading
an exam in the unlikely event of a lost answer sheet. Candidates attending exam will be allowed
a read-through time prior to the start of the exam. Writing, highlighting or the use of a calculator
will not be permitted during the read-through time.

Note: All answers to multiple-choice questions must be marked on the separate answer sheet during
the allotted time. The supervisor will announce when 15 minutes and 2 minutes are remaining for
exams (paper and pencil version), and when 5 minutes are remaining for all other exams.

Candidates may not leave the examination room from the time the 15-minute announcement is
made until time has expired. It is the candidate’s responsibility to complete the answer sheet within
the proper exam time, regardless of whether or not the supervisor makes the time remaining
announcement. No additional time will be allowed for coding your answers after time has been
called. If a candidate codes any answers before or after time is called, the exam will be

A candidate’s score will be based on the number of questions answered correctly. No credit will be
given for omitted answers, and no credit will be lost for wrong answers; therefore, a candidate
should answer all questions, even if the candidate needs to guess. Before handing in their exam
books and answer sheets, candidates should make sure they have correctly written and coded their
candidate number and centre number in the appropriate places.
22. Special Instructions for Written-Answer Exams: Candidate numbers should be written clearly
and legibly on all answer sheets. Candidates are not permitted to write their candidate numbers
on the written-answer sheets before being told to begin work or after time has expired. Paper
will be provided on which to answer the questions. Be sure to write the question number that is
being worked on and your candidate number on each answer sheet.

Candidates will be allowed time before the exam begins to tear apart the bound answer pad (if they
choose to do so). Candidates attending written-answer exams will be allowed a read-through time
prior to the start of the exam. Writing, highlighting or the use of a calculator will not be permitted
during the read-through time.

Candidates should confine their answers strictly to the questions as set. Unnecessary remarks and
explanations should be omitted. When finished, the candidate must insert all papers into the
Written-Answer Cover Sheet, write the candidate number on the outside and sign it. The candidate
should be sure to include all papers in the cover sheet since they cannot be accepted later. A
candidate’s original cover sheet may not be returned after it has been collected.

23. Released Exams – For exams that will be released, questions will be available on the school’s
website after the exam session.

24. Defective Questions – Occasionally, through an inadvertent error or a difference in

interpretation, an exam question is found to be defective. Examples of defects might include

typographical errors, ambiguities or questions relating to material that is no longer covered in
the Course of Reading. Candidates who believe that a question is defective should write to
exams department within two weeks of the date the exam was administered. This letter should
explain in detail why this question seems to be defective. The school’s Examination Office will
investigate all questions brought to its attention in this way, and may make allowances in the
grading process, if appropriate. The committee cannot consider correspondence that does not
reach the Examination Office within two weeks after the exam administration.

Grade release: Approximately 3-4 weeks after the exam is administered. The finalized grade
release date will be posted on the school’s webpage.

25. Liability
NJA will not be liable for any loss of, theft of or damage to personal belongings left in or outside the
exam room. Any personal items brought to the exam are done so at the owner’s risk


NJA wants to test your knowledge and skills fairly. We know that exam conditions can be difficult for
some students so we offer alternative arrangements if you have a short-term or long-term
impairment, disability, health condition or specific learning difficulty.

Who can apply for alternative arrangements?

Students can apply for alternative arrangements if they have a disability, health condition or specific
learning difficulty (SpLD) that’s likely to affect them during exams.
We cannot offer alternative arrangements because their first language is not English. English is the
required language and students are expected to understand all relevant and technical words. We do
not allow students to use a dictionary during exams.

What alternative arrangements are available?

We will do our best to meet students needs. Common arrangements include:
• giving students extra time and/or the use of a word processor for students with Specific
Learning Difficulties (SpLDs) or physical disabilities/illnesses that make writing difficult
• delaying the start time
• sitting in a particular area of the exam hall
• using a computer during the exam
• using a scribe (writer) or someone to read to the students or
• having their exams in braille or large print (enlarged font papers for those with a visual
• written instructions for those with a hearing impairment
• ergonomic or other seating arrangements
• scheduling of examinations at a specific time of day or only one examination scheduled per
day due to fatigue effects caused by some disabilities
• permission to bring of food and drink into an examination – to assist the staff, students are
required to carry a copy of the letter from the Proctors with them into the examination

Please note that this list is not exhaustive. If students have requirements that are not covered here,
they should contact us to find out if these can be accommodated.

Are alternative arrangements available at all exam venues?
We can accommodate most alternative arrangements in all our exam venues. Candidates with
alternative arrangements sit their exams together in a separate room unless otherwise
stated. If the arrangements could disturb other people in the room, students will take their
examinations on their own with a NJA invigilator.

If there are medical reasons that students cannot travel, this will need to be demonstrated in the

Additional time
Students may be given up to 25 per cent additional time (15 minutes per hour) to complete the
written tests in a particular subject if they have a statement of special educational needs or they
meet the criteria for the approval of an application for additional time.

Any recommendation for additional extra time over the standard 25% would need to be fully
justified by an appropriately qualified educational psychologist or specialist teacher with a valid
current practising certificate.

Additional time may not always be the most appropriate access arrangement for a student. An
evaluation has to be made whether the student actually benefits from an extended period of
additional time, or whether rest breaks are more appropriate.

Students must apply to NJA by the end of September if they require additional time at exams.

For students with a statement of special education needs, such an application is not necessary.

These students are granted up to 25 % additional time for written tests at our discretion.

There is also no need to make applications for additional time for the spelling component of the
English grammar, punctuation and spelling test, as this is not strictly timed and the time quoted is
for guidance only.

Eligible circumstances for additional time

Applications for additional time are considered against a profile. To be eligible for up to 25 %
additional time, a student must meet at least three of the criteria outlined in section A, or one of the
criteria in section B. These are described below.

Additional time for mental tests is only for students who have a visual impairment, a hearing
impairment, or accesses the test through sign language.

Circumstances where requests for additional time would not be granted

Additional time will not be granted if:

• The minimum criteria from section A or section B has not been met, as described below; or
• The application form has not been correctly completed and/or received before 1st October.

Applications will also not be granted where provision of additional time is not appropriate, for
• The student’s need would be better catered for by other access arrangements such as rest
breaks, a prompter and/or working in a separate room. This may be particularly relevant for
a child with emotional or behavioural difficulties, or with poor concentration.
• The student is working below the level of the test – additional time is unlikely to be of any
benefit to a student working below or at the lowest level of a test. In such cases, it should be
considered whether teacher assessment alone would be the best way of judging their
• The student has a low reading ability that is in line with his or her general level of attainment
or IQ, verbal or non-verbal ability and it is clear that the child is working below or at the
lowest levels of the test. Additional time is unlikely to be used by children with general lo9w
ability, many of whom do not use all the time allowed.
• The student does not receive additional time on a regular basis in the classroom. If
additional time is not normally provided in the classroom, students are unlikely to find it
useful in the tests.

Students for whom provision is made under the special educational need (SEN) code of practice and
who do not have a visual impairment, a hearing impairment, or motor impairment are not allowed
any additional time for mental tests. In these cases, additional time is unlikely to be helpful.

Making an application
Applications for up to 25 per cent additional time must be made using the enclosed application
form. This must be handed in before October 1st. Late applications will only be considered if they
relate to a student who joined the school on or after 15th September, or whose special education
needs have changed significantly since the application deadline.

All applications for additional time will be responded to by 15th October. Once the application has
been reviewed, the students will receive an e-mail with the outcome of the application.

Additional time for modified tests

Students who have a visual impairment and use modified large print or use Braille versions of the
tests are automatically entitled to up to 100 per cent additional time to complete the tests. This
applies to all of the tests, including mental tests.

Students with a permanent or long-term hearing impairment using the modified version of mental
tests are automatically entitled to up to 100 per cent additional time to complete that test.

Criteria for additional time

Section A
A1: The student’s reading score (using a test of comprehension, single word reading or reading rate,
i.e. accuracy with speed) is in the below average range for the student’s age.
• ‘Below average’ refers to a standardised score of below 85.

A2: Student increase their reading comprehension age by nine months or more when allowed 25 per
cent additional time to complete a timed reading test, or there is other evidence of slow reading
• Most students will complete a timed reading test in the time allowed. Students who work
very slowly may benefit from additional time to complete the test and this could be used as
evidence in a request for additional time. Students should not be told at the start of the test

that additional time will be allowed as this may cause them to slow down their work.
Provide students with two different coloured pens and ask them to change pen at the start
of the additional time allowance. It is then possible to check how the additional time has
been used (for example, to continue answering, to proofread or check, or to complete
questions missed out).
• Other specific evidence – for example, some tests specifically test reading rate (a
combination of accuracy and speed).

A3: The student’s free writing speed is 10 words or fewer per minute.
• A recognised test of writing speed should be carried out or a student should be asked to
write for at least 10 minutes and the number of words written per minute calculated.

A4: The student has a phonological processing speed that is in the low range or below average range
for the child’s age.
• ‘Low’ or ‘below average’ refers to a standardised score of below 90.

A5: There is a significant discrepancy between cognitive ability and performance, shown by:
• At least average verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning or quantitative scores alongside
below average literacy scores (as criterion A1). ‘At least average’ refers to a standardised
score of 90 or above and ‘below average’ to a standardised score of below 85; and/or
• A difference of 20 points or more between verbal and performance IQ.
Section B
B1: A student with EAL is on level 1 (threshold or secure) or level 2 of the common scale for
assessment provided in A language in common (QCA/00/584/p).
• These students would be working below the level of the English tests and should not be
entered for them. Additional time will not be granted for them. Additional time will only be
granted in mathematics for these students if they are working at the level of these tests.

B2: An appropriate professional such as a doctor, educational psychologist, physiotherapist,

occupational therapist, qualified teacher of the visually impaired or teacher of the deaf has made a
recent recommendation for additional time because of a physical disability or a medical condition or
sensory impairment that affects the student’s ability to access the tests. Please include the name
and field of expertise of the professional.
• The recommendation must make clear why the condition affects the student’s ability to
work under timed conditions. Any relevant scores in the report should be included.
Recommendations that do not make it clear may be rejected.
• Although the professional’s report does not need to be made within a specified time of the
tests, the content must still be applicable when the tests are taken, and we must be able to
produce this evidence in the event of a monitoring visit.

B3: Other exceptional circumstances.

• There may be a very small number of students who genuinely need additional time to
complete a test but do not meet the above criteria. Appropriate evidence, including details
of how additional time will enable them to access the tests, must be provided.

Applications for alternative exam arrangements
Students who want to apply for alternative exam arrangements because they have a short-term or
long-term impairment, must:
• complete the first section of the form
• pass the whole form to an appropriate doctor, psychologist or specialist teacher
• ask them to complete the second section of the form
• send us the form, a letter from the student and any other supporting evidence.

If the doctor, psychologist or specialist teacher would rather write a letter instead of using the form,
students must make sure they send us all the information we need and that they sign and stamp
their letter. We can’t assess the application without the appropriate supporting evidence.

Students will find detailed guidance on alternative exam arrangements in Alternative arrangements
for exams, including an explanation of who can provide the evidence in support of their application.

How do you apply if you are a carer?

If you want to apply for alternative exam arrangements because you have responsibilities as a carer,
please send us evidence from an appropriate professional about your responsibilities. This could be
a doctor or another professional such as a social worker.



Student name:

Student registration number.

Please attach a letter explaining why you’re applying for alternative exam arrangements and what
alternative exam arrangements will help you. Your doctor, psychologist or specialist teacher will
need to give us evidence about how your condition affects the way you perform in exams.



We will treat any personal information collected on this form in accordance with data protection
legislation. We will use your information for administration, communication and research. To do this
we will share your information with our student and district societies and with organisations that
help us administer our training and exams.


I agree to NJA sharing the personal data I have given in support of my application. I understand that
this information will not be used for any other purpose without my consent.



I do not agree to ICAEW sharing the personal data I have given in support of my application. I
understand that as a result it may not be possible for ICAEW to put any alternative examination
arrangements in place for me.




Summary of student’s illness, injury or condition.

Is the condition permanent or temporary? Permanent Temporary

If temporary, please say how long you expect the condition to last, particularly if it’s to be more than
a year.

How will the condition affect the student’s exam performance?

What arrangements do you recommend to make sure the student is not disadvantaged in the

Please sign and stamp over page

Signature of medical practitioner, practitioner psychologist or specialist teacher.


Print name.

Qualifications and (if appropriate) practising certificate or registration number.

Official practice stamp.


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