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The system

procedure of the
The Iraq education process is run by the Iraqi Ministry of
Education. According to the UNESCO report, Iraq in the period
before the second Gulf War in 1991 had a system of education is
one of the best education systems in the region where the
percentage of those able to read and write in the seventies and
eighties of the time past is so high that the government at that
time almost eradicates illiteracy entirely through the
establishment of illiterate warrior campaigns. But education has
suffered a lot because of Iraq's wars and siege and the
destruction of security so that the percentage illiteracy now to
unusual in the history of modern education in Iraq. and The
setbacks of wars and political interventions and complex
curricular behind the deterioration in Iraq's level and the lack of
the simplest standards of quality in it. and This is confirmed by
the Davos index of 2018 from Iraq's exit from the classification
of the quality of global education.

1- The student graduated from this school has a recognized
international certificate, And certified by the donor
country Which allows studying at any university in Europe
and America as a student graduated from the donor
2- Work respect to achieving an educational renaissance that
will integrate Iraqi education with international education
and create a new, developed curriculum that will positively
affect society and keep with scientific and technological
3- Provide a distinguished education and modify the students'
behaviour according to their abilities and readiness to
reach personality balanced, polite. tolerant, educated and
respectful different opinions. And work to take out the
stored energy of the student and use it to develop his skills
and abilities.
4- Use the latest methods in education to deliver the
information to the students to easily understand.
5- Developing the skills and competence of all employees by
activating the training and quality unit.
6- Support communication between the school and the
surrounding social environment Through special and
Several programs

Structure of the school

General Manager

The Secretary The Special Files Manager Manager Assistant Financial






Technical Department Administrative Department

Department of Academic Supervision Department Service Managers Personnel Affairs

Manager the clinic Registration
Manager of Academic Supervision
Education social Public Relations
High school Basic school Kindergarte Humanitarian specialist
Students Affairs
n Supervisor
Assistant Assistant Teachers
Scientific specialist
Teachers Teachers Activities supervisor Receptionist
Advisor Advisor baby sitter Languages Maintenance
Activities Supervisor
Activities The guard
library library Bathrooms
Material Material The Toilets
Coordinator Coordinator
Laboratorie Laboratorie Cleanliness
s s
The school management:
Assessing the success of school management in the
performance of its functions and objectives and require that the
school management work to achieve the following aspects,
which are a criterion for the successful performance of effective
school management.
General principles of effective school management.
1- The ability of the school management to lead the school work
towards achieving the educational goals:

The educational policies entrusted to them, and under the

leadership and implementation of educational programs and the
school with a high degree of consistency and effectiveness. This
requires the school principal as the leader and head of the school
work to be aware of the general objectives of the educational
system and the objectives of the school and the stage in which it
works, and be able to develop the spirit of the leadership of the
management and educational staff at the school.
2- Its role in adding an atmosphere of human relations and work to
raise the spirit of the team of school staff :
The school management has a great role in creating
psychological conditions that are comfortable, satisfactory and
stimulating to work for all elements involved in school work.
The school environment or the educational and social
environment in the school is a result of the school management
process. And drawn up and implemented by the school principal
and the school management.

3- The skill of the school management to organize the work and
create the spirit of teamwork:
One of the most important functions of the school management
is the function of organizing the human efforts at the school to
achieve the educational goals that the school seeks to achieve.
4- The responsibility of the school management is to provide the
conditions for the performance of the work:
The responsibility of the school management is to create the
right conditions and to help the school perform its duties

5- Ability to use appropriate strategies when making a decision:

The decision of the school principal is the main task of the
school principal. Therefore, the school management process is
no exception to the decision making process. The decisions are
taken by the school principal affect the performance of the
school and the achievement of the educational goals on the one
hand and the type of human relations between the principal and
his teachers.
6- Keeping pace with change and the ability to use management
The success and development of educational institutions are
measured by their management progress and their ability to
manage and innovate. The school as a community institution is
influenced by changes in different aspects of life in society.
7- The ability of the school management to carry out the
evaluation process:
One of the basic skills that determine the success of the school
principal in performing his management tasks is his skills in the
assessment process, and that the principal needs the evaluation
process in most of his duties.

Educational Policy:
The policy is based on scientific and Literary education
Basic Curriculum:
2- Science
4- Physics
5- Chemistry
6- Languages (Arabic, English, Swedish)
7-Arts (painting and music)
8- Computer
9- Geography (Iraq, the Arab World and the World)
10- History (Arab and World)
11- Religions
12- Sports (health and physical)
The English language is the basic language in education and
these materials and additional materials distributed on working
hours so that the programs of education is complementary to the
main curriculum to get the student on the integrated program
includes science and entertainment and knowledge together.

Psychological Counseling Program:
Psychological guidance is one of the essential services that
should be available in educational institutions in order to
activate learning and access to sound and integrated growth and
social and personal harmony. And school guidance is
characterized by attention to the student in all aspects of
physical, mental, social and emotional in order to achieve the
developmental goals and psychological health of the student to
be a Successful out of his own consciousness There are
mentoring programs that can be followed such as the Montana
Association of Psychological Counselor, which achieved a high
level of effectiveness compared to other programs.
The most important stages adopted to build this
psychological guidance :
The concept of school extension programs with an indication of
their importance and need.
There is a definite need for guidance programs in the school
environment, it is not a luxury for the life of the study, but a
necessity, as it is one of the implications of modern human life
in the general and special characteristics of the mental health
and educational school, and perhaps the designation of Perhaps
this era is the age of pressure and anxiety is an introduction
that justifies the urgent need for programs Psychological
counselling, as the ultimate goal is to achieve psychological
compatibility of individuals and we can identify the most
prominent reasons why the need for guidance programs and
highlight it:

1- Continuing changes in individual growth:
Especially in the critical transitional stages so that the student
undergoes physical, psychological, social and even academic
changes, often accompanied by problems of adjustment and
merger with the new situation and thus seeking alternatives and
external assistance to overcome them.
2- Renewals and educational changes:
The need for extension programs is increasing in the
educational community due to the increase in the number of
students in all levels of education and the diversity of study
disciplines, the distancing of the curriculum content from the
human and spiritual aspect and its connection to purely
empirical and material aspects which contributed to the
exacerbation of behavioural and emotional problems within
Schools, and impact on the quality of educational outputs and
their lack of conformity to the goals planned, and make
educational systems, especially in developing countries are
floundering in different problems at the level of behaviourally
and emotionally and knowledge .
3- Family changes:
The family has undergone many changes. The change in the
structure, functions of its members, their links to each other and
the dimensions of the father or mother about their children have
long changed, Which result in thinking of finding alternatives to
childcare such as babysitting and nurseries, which often result
to the failure to meet the psychological and social demands of
children. In the emergence of behavioural and emotional
problems have made the need for urgent guidance programs to

4- Social changes:
The various societies have undergone rapid changes. Some of
them include customs, traditions and social norms of behaviour
as well as means of social control and changes in some of the
principles that produced a conflict affecting the social relations
and lifestyle of the contemporary individual.
5- Rapid technological changes:
work of scientific and technical progress and the great scientific
achievements and inventions that entered the home, school and
institutions, which affected the ideas, styles, relationships and
concepts, and worked off the spread of psychological problems
and social diseases affect cohesion and social participation,
which has created an urgent need for guidance services to
counter the negative outcomes of this era, The specificity of the
school environment, particularly after the educational systems
have been used to focus on the pragmatism and the market
economy, and the absence of emotional and moral aspects in the
educational curricula led to a sharp rise in the proportions of
psychological and educational problems in the school space,
reason to hindering the school in achieving its goals and making
it unable to achieve the goals of educational philosophy that
aims to create a good citizen to seeks to change for the better.

We can identify the objectives of school extension programs

Modifying the behavior of students, which contributes to the

achievement of the goals of the school and the goals of the
educational system, in general, using one of the three strategies
of psychological guidance:
 Developmentally Strategy:
The guidelines are applied to samples that do not have
problems, The objective of the program is to develop
positive characteristics to achieve effectiveness and quality
in school performance or quality in general, such as
programs that provide students with good learning habits,
self-confidence, social skills, effectiveness in
extracurricular activities, etc.
 Preventive Strategy:
The guidance programs are applied to samples whose
purpose is to protect participants from psychological,
social or educational risk, or so-called risk-prone students
such as students at risk of dropping out, school delays,
school failures, etc.
 Therapeutic strategy:
The program is applied to students who suffer from
behavioral, emotional or educational problems that prevent
their effectiveness and psychological, social and
educational compatibility, such as the guidance programs
offered to those who are late in school, those with learning
disabilities, aggressive students, .etc.

The foundations that must be taken into account when
building an indicative program
The foundations on which the indicative program depends are
intertwined and overlapping, but we can divide them To two
types of foundations, foundations related to the nature of human
behaviour, and foundations related to the theoretical framework
of the program. In terms of the nature of human behaviour, the
growing demands of participants must be taken into account.
The guidance programs presented to children in preschools and
primary education differ from those presented in middle and
secondary education, because of the different characteristics of
growth between these stages, And the nature of the problem
experienced by participants in the program if we are preparing a
treatment program, or preventive. As well as the possibility of
modifying human behaviour and flexibility, the mentor can
modify the psychological behaviour of students and therefore he
must understand this behaviour and study how to modify it.
In the context of the theoretical framework of the program, the
field of psychological counselling is full of theories, and this
multiplicity is useful in confronting the problems of individuals
or their development or prevention according to the overall
objective of each program. The orientation program can rely on
one theory of extension, In terms of age group, the nature of the
problem, the overall objective of the program, etc.).

Planning the school psychological program:
Planning is a conscious and comprehensive mental process that
involves the formulation of a clear vision and vision on the
guidance program in terms of the individual and group
counseling approach, and the guiding strategy that is
implemented (developmental, preventive, remedial)Which is
determined according to the needs and demands of the
participants in the program, which makes the objectives of the
program guidance more procedural and applicable. During this
stage to determine the means and methods to achieve the
objectives of the program as the program requirements are
determined from the physical and human potential to determine
the outlines and Avoid deviating from its goals.

Design of the indicative program:

After clarity Vision, the design of the program becomes more
solid in the mind of the mentor, helping to determine its content,
which is later used as a means to achieve its objectives and to
design a program that relies on

Several sources include:

The theoretical framework that sheds light on the problem or
Experiences of the program and Previous studies or prior
guidance on the content of the program. The content of the
program may be placed in the form of points or skills to be
trained during the extension sessions, in addition to the
reference techniques mentioned and from among the indicative
program requirements during design, the identification and the
clarification of temporal and spatial boundaries, Determining the

program time span, number of sessions and time spent per
session, where the program will be implemented and the number
of participants. And then documenting the program so that the
researcher can assess it.

Evaluation of the indicative program:

The evaluation of the indicative program is one of the basic and
methodological steps in constructing any guidance program. The
evaluation aims at revealing the effectiveness, success or failure
of the program. The evaluation also determines the strengths and
weaknesses of the program. It is a collaborative group process in
which program administrators participate in the planning and
implementation of the school's actors. A guiding principle is to
involve the participants in the evaluation process. The
evaluation process should be continuous throughout the program
so that the shortcomings can be remedied, And the promotion of
positive aspects. There are different methods of evaluation of
the indicative program, including the distribution of a form to
the participants in the program to evaluate the use of the
program. and the evaluation depends on reports from parents
about their observations on the behaviour of their children
during and at the end of the application of the program
Indicative Two types of criteria are used in evaluating the
indicative program, internal and external. The Internal standards
include the extent to which outreach services are provided to the
largest number of students in the school and the range of
services provided by the mentor through its mentoring program.
The external criteria relate to the effectiveness of the
counselling program in facing the students' problems, their
contribution to their psychological and educational
development, the satisfaction of their psychological and

educational needs and their contribution To an educational or
psychological risk, that is, to include the effectiveness of the
pilot program in achieving the developmental, preventive and
curative objectives for which it was designed.

Social Researcher:
The tasks of the social researcher are divided into
1- The first stage of the age of 6 - 15
His task is to prepare a study for each student and stored in the
student register, including follow-up of the student in terms of
his behaviour and ways of dealing with his peers of students and
speech disorders and difficulties of speech and psychological
cases and study cases of emotional disorder and behavioural
deviation and the problem of absence from school and weakness
in academic achievement and non-adaptation and must be put
plans to appropriate treatment and training and uses scientific
and psychological measures in his work to assist in diagnosing
problems and suggesting an appropriate method for treatment
and treatment in order to overcome all difficulties and prepare
the student for secondary fun.
2- The second stage of the age of 16-18
His mission at this stage is with the help students to choose the
appropriate study programs, And their readiness and abilities
and the work of individual and collective interviews with them
with a view to instructing them educationally and professionally
and propose the most appropriate for them in addition to solving
their psychological problems of these ages.
There is another task for the social researcher the of help the
school administration in clarifying and the explanation problems
that exist in general and which hinder the progress of the
educational process and in the dissemination of the school
atmosphere to suit the needs of students psychological and
educational and in dealing with individual cases that need put to
a plan to treat teachers with this case to reach the best results
for the student And work on development of student personality
integrated and the development in its several physical, mental,
psychological, social, moral, professional and other to achieve a
better level of compatibility and mental health. All through the
development of an integrated program includes the diagnostic
stage and the therapeutic phase and the preventive phase.

Plan for the future development of the stages and avoid

mistakes for each stage:
The development plan is based on the development of
curriculum and educational methods by introducing new ideas
for the curriculum covering all aspects to make it easier for
students to keep abreast of the development in developed
countries so as to achieve the educational goals that we seek to
add to our society by making changes including the scientific
and literary aspects and instilling principles that remove all their
fears from everything Is a new and This can happen only by
introducing everything that is modern and accepted by the
curriculum developers. So we can avoid mistakes, problems and

This plan is divided into

1-Subject Knowledge
Is to help the teacher in understanding the objectives to be
presented to the student through the development of teaching
methods and means used and The development phase is carried
 Delete material that does not meet the desired
development goal.
 Replacement or development of the material by replacing
one subject with another in line with scientific facts and
new discoveries reached by modern science.
2-Subject Application
Focusing on the scientific study material and applying it in
laboratories to achieve educational goals.
This application is only realized

 Stay away from focusing on teaching methods by

indoctrination and reduce dependence on the textbook as
the sole source of knowledge.
 Adopting the self-education method based on the
formation of small groups of students in which the
individual is responsible for learning and contributing to
the learning of the members of his group.
 Work on the cooperative education system.
3- The Class Management
The concept of classroom management is the process that
aims at providing effective organization by restructuring the
classroom by organizing the students in groups for learning
purposes and providing all the necessary conditions for the
student to effectively learn through a range of activities by the
teacher to create a positive interaction between the teacher
And students within a study atmosphere dominated by human

relations together and a psychological and social atmosphere
characterized by affection and compassion and harmony.
So the grade management aims to:

 Helping students to learn to fullest potential and abilities

as well as helping them to work with each other effectively
and take responsibility within the classroom.
 Increase learning time by maintaining student involvement
in appropriate and effective activities.
 Provide opportunities for all students to participate in
learning while ensuring that all students know the rules of
participation in each activity within the classroom
All this is done by the teacher to develop a blueprint showing a
future perception of what will be implemented to achieve the
goals set by him and It includes drafting, setting goals and
drawing strategic plans.
4- Assessment and Recording of students' progress
It is defined as the therapeutic preventive diagnostic process
that targets the strengths and weaknesses of teaching in order to
improve the teaching and learning process and develop it to
achieve the objectives of the subject.
Evaluation is a key part of the education movement. By setting
new higher standards and which each student is expected to
achieve. and The curriculum must be in line with the new
standards. And Students are assessed to see if each student
meets these criteria.
The standard is the average level of performance a student is
expected to attain in order to judge this performance.
The calendar can be classified into four types:
 Primary Valuation
 Continuous Valuation

 Diagnosis Valuation
 Final Valuation

Primary Valuation:
It aims to determine the level of the student in order to
determine its efficiency at a stage of the study, if we want to
determine, for example, whether it is possible to accept the
student at a certain stage we had to process, using the primary
Valuation and the capacity tests or preparations, as well as
personal interviews and data on the student's history. In light of
these data, we can judge the validity of the stage.

Continuous Valuation
The Continuous Valuation is defined as the evaluation process
that the teacher performs during the learning process. It begins
with the beginning of learning and accompanies it during the
course of the course.
The methods used by the teacher include the following
 Discussion in the Classroom
 Monitoring Student Performance
 Homework and follow-up
 Tips and guidance's
Diagnosis Valuation
The diagnostic evaluation aims at discovering the strengths and
weaknesses of student achievement and is closely related to
continuous assessment on the one hand and the final evaluation
on the other. Continuous evaluation helps us to track growth by
obtaining feedback from the evaluation results and to carry out a
corrective process according to it and thus inform the teacher
and student to the degree to which it was possible to achieve the
learning outcomes of successive units of the course.

Final Valuation
The Final Valuation will help us evaluate the final outcome of
learning in order to provide final estimates for students to move
them to a higher level. It also helps us to review the teaching
methods in general.
Diagnosis of stage problems
Other benefits of assessment include seeing the problems of
education, the teacher and the management must address them.
The teacher may see every student in the class as if he has his
own problem. However, there are many common problems
among students in a classroom which helps to classify them
according to these common problems. The teacher must
determine for a student the stage of their growth and the special
difficulties they suffer from, and this is the diagnosis

The School Health

Is an important branch of community health, which is concerned
with the health of students in particular and the school
community in general, and the interest is an effective means to
promote the health of society as a whole, The promotion of
health in schools is the process of activating the school
community to increase their control over their health and
improve them to reach a good level of physical, mental and
social health, And that each student and teacher can determine
their needs and to change or adapt to the surrounding
environment, Health is not only the responsibility of the medical
sector, but it is also beyond that to become a daily lifestyle for
the sense of health completeness, according to the Global
School Health Program.

The goals
 Activating the participation of teachers and students in the
planning, implementation and follow-up of activities and
health programs.
 Raising awareness of the health and environment of
students and teachers.
 Increase the level of personal and public hygiene in
 Improve the health and nutritional status of students and
teachers and monitor them through health indicators.
 Improve and develop the school environment and health
 Prioritizing health needs with the participation of the
school community.
 Raising the capacity of school health workers.
 Activate the role of parents and relevant institutions in the
field of school health

Management axes and programs: four axes

Health services include vaccinations, screening, diagnosis and
follow-up of treatment, oral and dental health care, eye
examinations, and medical glasses for students with vision
problems, all these services and services provided to students
free of charge.
education and health promotion. It includes activities and
health programs, instructions and regulations that enhance
health concepts and life skills so that students can adopt a
healthy lifestyle, as well as interest in topics such as hygiene,
addiction, smoking, nutrition, first aid and physical sports.

The proper and balanced nutrition of students in schools is an
educational and health priority. In order to achieve this, it is
necessary to follow nutritional policies to provide students with
nutritional and health habits that contribute to the integrated
growth, instilling good habits in the students and activating the
role of parents and the community. This axis provides a diet
supplemented with vitamins in a special restaurant for students
of the school includes all the requirements and conditions of
health and be equipped with appropriate furniture to prepare
students to contribute to raising the level of academic
School Environment The school environment is a safe place for
students to enjoy, a safe and healthy place to spend time for the
benefit of students, and environmental school clubs are the
cornerstone of improving the school environment. And create a
spirit of cooperation between students and through this axis to
rationalize water consumption and activate the concepts of the
school friendly to the student and rehabilitation of health
facilities and the school gardens. And field visits by school
students to environmental places to promote their environmental

Development Conversation
In every semester, at least once, the student, the teacher and the
parents meet together to discuss things in the school and to put
the students in their performance. This is called the development
conversation(Performance Evaluation Conversation) This
conversation gives a comprehensive picture of the student's
cognitive and social development. Talks during the meeting
about the efforts of the school to support and stimulate the
development of the student. This conversation gives the student
and his guardian the opportunity to influence and take
responsibility for the student.
In classes where no marks are given, a plan for individual
development is written during the school year. Includes
individual development plan
1- Written assessments of student performance.
2- future planning.

Methods of integrating new students

There are a number of ways and models for the integration of
new students, the so-called preparatory classes is a model in
which the student is placed in a preparatory class with a group
of new students and are gradually integrated into the classes and
materials, such as given the opportunity to participate in sports
and applied materials.

Electronic systems
The aim of these systems is to make parents be directly
and permanently contact the school and follow up their
children electronically
electronic school systems include:

 Social Researcher System

The purpose of this system is to make the social
researcher communicate permanently with parents in
solving problems that occur to students outside school.

 Teacher System
Includes all aspects related to the teacher's relationship
with the student, the teacher's observations about the
student, the student's level discussion with the parents,
marks, the review of activity in the classroom and absence
from school

 Student System
Includes daily schedule, homework, and degree the

 Transportation system
This includes the follow-up of bus traffic to and from the
school electronically by the school management and

 Student Activities Management System

It aims to make parents aware of school activities the
school's special.

 School Schedule system and Examination System
View the weekly schedule and give the exam dates.

 Library System
Make the school library in the hands of the student outside
the school to benefit from the completion of reports and

School facilities

 school library
A library for the students of the school aims to spread the
reading culture of the student, in addition to the possibility
of borrowing books from them and includes many books,
references and folders in different types of knowledge and
science, and supervised by a specialist.

 Computer laboratory
The aim of this lab is to teach students how to deal with
computer systems and programming languages.

 Laboratory of Physics, Chemistry and Biology

Contains all the materials and devices that enable the
student to conduct various physical and chemical
experiments in addition to all means that concern these
 laboratory Language and sound
The purpose of this laboratory is to Upgrading the level of
the scientific student and learn the basics of language and
pronunciation, especially English and Swedish and make
the student able to these languages and able to complete
his Study.
 Playgrounds, squares and swimming pools
It includes squares and the Playground outdoor for
(tennis, volleyball and football)and an indoor basketball
playground and swimming pools

 Medical clinic
Is the clinic of the competent doctor in which the check up
and follow up students health and prepare a special file for
each student includes the health status from entering the
school to graduate

Art and drawing room

Includes a workshop in which students learn the principles
of drawing and uncover their artistic talents, as well as
teach the art of playing musical instruments.

Sanitary toilets
The school has healthy, well-designed, efficient, safe,
well-ventilated sanitation systems designed to suit girls,
boys and children with special needs (physical disabilities
for example)and suitable for number the students in school
and must be available Special toilets for the girls, and the

The school contains personal bathrooms used by the
student at the end of the sports lesson or if the necessary.

A room for security personnel responsible for the
protection of the school and Includes a camera system and

Civil defence system

The school building contains safety and safety conditions
(fire extinguishers), alarms and an emergency ladder if
more than one floor. And that the main source of electrical
power is in a place far from the reach of students and
insured in the event of natural disasters


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