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First records of leucism in Leontocebus nigricollis graellsi (Primates:


Article · December 2022


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2 authors, including:

Diego G. Tirira
Universidad Yachay Tech


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ISSN 2697-3286

Mam m alia æ q ua to r i a l i s
The Ecuadorian Journal of Mammalogy

Number 4 December 2022


Mammalia æquatorialis 2022(4): 35–37 ISSN 2697-3286
AEM The Ecuadorian Journal of Mammalogy

Submitted: 2022-12-01 Accepted: 2022-12-14 Published: 2022-12-30

Short communication

First records of leucism in Leontocebus nigricollis

graellsi (Primates: Callitrichidae)
Primeros reportes de leucismo en Leontocebus nigricollis
graellsi (Primates: Callitrichidae)

Diego G. Tirira*, 1, 2, 3 and Diego Prado-Lita4

Universidad Yachay Tech, San Miguel de Urcuquí, Imbabura, Ecuador
Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Quito, Ecuador.
Fundación Mamíferos y Conservación, Capelo, Rumiñahui, Ecuador.
Waita Amazon Lodge, Quito, Ecuador.

* Corresponding author:

Leucism is an atypical condition of recessive there are only a few reports for the genus Calli-
genetic origin that occurs as a consequence of thrix (Aximoff et al., 2020; do Vale et al., 2018).
mutations that affect the generation, distribu- Therefore, in this short communication, we
tion, and aggregation of the melanin pigment present the first reports of leucism in the genus
in the skin of many vertebrates and is particu- Leontocebus.
larly noticeable in mammals (Lamoreux et al., In November of 2021, we observed two
2010). Although this condition has been fre- black-mantled tamarins (Leontocebus nigri-
quently mentioned in various orders of mam- collis graellsi) with leucism in the Reserva de
mals (Tirira & Arbeláez, 2020), reports in pri- Producción Faunística Cuyabeno, Sucumbíos
mates are extremely rare (Aximoff et al., 2020; Province, Ecuadorian Amazon. We sighted
Barros-Diaz et al., 2022; Ramos-Luna et al., the first individual (Figure 1) on the Novem-
2022), even though they comprise a conspic- ber 21, 2022, at Waita Amazon Lodge, located
uous group that is frequently sighted (Mitter- along the middle of the Cuyabeno River course
meier et al., 2013). (00°12’17” S, 75°55’31” W, 205 m a.s.l.); the
The few known reports of leucism in pri- specimen was observed while it was feeding in
mates have been documented mostly in large a tree together with 12 other individuals. The
species, particularly in the genus Alouatta (Ax- second record occurred on November 26, 2022,
imoff & Vaz, 2016; Barros-Diaz et al., 2022; at the mouth of the Aguas Negras river in Cuy-
López-Platas et al., 2021), but also in Ateles abeno (00°04’55” S, 76°09’09” W, 220 m a.s.l.),
(Guzmán Caro et al., 2018); in small primates, 29 km NW in a straight line from the previous

This is an open access article under the terms of the

Creative Commons license: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
36 Mammalia æquatorialis No. 4

of the largest in Ecuador (5,901 km2) (MAE,

2014) and its relative distance from areas of
contamination suggests that the area remains
largely pristine.
It has also been indicated that individuals
with leucism have a negative survival out-
look (Parsons & Bonderup-Nielsen, 1995;
Rodrigues et al., 1999), especially in species
with diurnal habits, since they can be sighted
by their predators with greater ease (Geiger &
Pacheco, 2014). These arguments indicate the
need to continue reporting observed cases of
leucism so that we can understand the origin of
this genetic anomaly and the consequences for
the individuals with leucism.


Aximoff, I., & Vaz, S. M. (2016). Bugio-ruivo

Figure 1. Black-mantled Tamarin (Leontocebus ni- (Primates, Atelidae) em campos de altitude
gricollis graellsi) with leucism in the Cuyabeno e com anomalia na coloração no Parque Na-
Wildlife Reserve. Photograph by D. Prado-Lita. cional do Itatiaia, sudeste do Brasil. Oeco-
logia Australis, 20(1), 122–127. https://doi.
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graphed) was moving through the forest along P. A., De Assis Morais, T., Alves Da Rosa,
with other five individuals. C., Oliveira, L. C., Simonini Teixeira, D.,
Leontocebus nigricollis graellsi is a spe- & Vale, M. M. (2020). Anomalous pigmen-
cies with a blackish brown coloration (Tirira, tation in invasive and native marmosets,
2017); therefore, the two individuals with leu- Callithrix jacchus, Callithrix penicillata
cism that we report here were clearly observed (Primates, Callitrichidae), and their hybrids
by presenting white areas on their bellies. in Brazil. Folia Primatologica, 91(2), 149–
L. n. graellsi is one of the three species of tam- 158.
arins that inhabit Ecuador; it is present in the Barros-Diaz, C., Vela, S., Gallo-Pérez, A., Chiq-
northeastern Amazon, north of the Napo River uito, M., Cornejo, X., Mosquera-Muñoz, D.,
(Tirira, 2017). & Perez-Correa, J. (2022). Hypopigmenta-
According to the scientific literature, leu- tion in Mantled Howler monkeys Alouatta
cism in monkeys may be caused by two pro- palliata (Gray 1849): First documented cas-
cesses: inbreeding because of isolated popu- es of whole-body leucism in South America.
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a species frequently sighted in the Cuyabeno Zoociências, 19(3), 181–187.
Reserve, which means that its population is Geiger, D., & Pacheco, S. M. (2014). Registro
large. In addition, this protected area is one de albinismo parcial em Nyctinomops lati-
2022 Tirira & Prado: Leucism in Leontocebus nigricollis graellsi 37

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