Lightcraft Brief3

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Umeå University
(5ID098) Interaction Design MA2
INTERACTION CONCEPT_ IXD Transportation Design MA2
VEHICLE INTERIOR_TPD Week 41- 50/ 2009
(5ID091) Course Responsibles:
Thomas Degn (APD)
Niklas Andersson (IxD)
Demian Horst (TpD)

Project Advisor:
Dr. Leik N. Myrabo
Lightcraft Technologies, Inc.

Lightcraft Project
design and visualise the experience of travelling with an alternative,
future way of transport: beam propelled vehicles


This project is a collaboration between the 3 MA Programmes at UID and Lightcraft Technologies
2nd year students will work in multi-disciplinary groups to visualise a new type of aerospace vehicle.
1.) Background

When the Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur flew the

first powered, controlled, heavier-than-air airplane at
Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on December 17, 1903, it
was hard to imagine that man could set a first foot on
the moon just 66 years later in 1969. Today even space
tourism has become reality for some people.
At the same time, thinking ahead and looking into new
technologies for air and space transport is getting
increasingly into focus. One of the reasons may be that
our traditional fuel resources are limited.

One possible solution for future aerospace transport could be beam powered propulsion:
Lightcraft are vehicles powered by remote laser and/or microwave power-stations, employing either “tractor
beams” (from above) or “pusher beams” (from below), and exhibiting hyper-energetic performance.
Lightcraft will boost out of the atmosphere, coast through the space vacuum, then re-enter the atmosphere
and glide in for landing.
They have no onboard fuel which reduces their weight, no wings as the Lightcraft thrust-to-weight ratio is
greater than one, and the on-board expendable coolant/propellant can be water, liquid nitrogen, LH2, etc.
The prices for traveling on a Lightcraft should be compatible to today’s flights with commercial airlines.

The design of a Lightcraft’s axis-symmetric exterior geometry is driven

by aerodynamics and engine considerations, but “tractor-beam”
versions can invoke the Directed Energy AirSpike (DEAS) for active
control of aerothermodynamics to reduce drag and heat transfer at
hypersonic speeds; hence, DEAS gives the designer great flexibility in
creating new Lightcraft aeroshells. The axis-symmetry makes some
Lightcraft aeroshells suitable for tensile structures—i.e., ultra
lightweight “inflatables”.

In a future where flying can become unaffordable to the masses due to

shortage of fossil fuels, Lightcraft make the idea of green aerospace
transport possible.
The questions are: How would travelling feel like? Will this be the new
technology allowing intercontinental point-to-point personalised mass
transport? Will it be possible in the future to call a “cab” that will carry
you to the other side of the planet in 45 minutes time while you are
paying with your credit card? To travel in 6-8 minutes into low Earth
Orbit and 5.5 hrs to the moon? Would the passengers have to wear space and g-suits or would it be a
shirtsleeve environment? These and many other questions should be addressed by the design students in this

2.) Aims and Approach

The objective of the project is to visually present scenarios

and designs for a Lightcraft that is able to accommodate
up to 5 passengers on point-to-point, personalised mass
transit around the planet at hypersonic speeds based upon a
full-sized laser propulsion engine segment that is actually
being tested throughout the hypersonic regime.

Students are asked to design the experience of travelling

in the vehicle. The entire vehicle architecture should
be addressed, including exterior and interior design,
structural layout, ergonomic considerations,
materials, landing gear, and external/internal lighting
Possible further topics to be covered by the students can include:

• Requirements during flight in zero-g

• Entering and exiting the craft in emergency situations
• Traveller interface and interaction with the craft/
• Policy issues (passport, luggage handling, customs,
and immigration)
• Optional gear for the passengers, g suits, space suits...
• Lightport architecture, environmental design of
Lightports to accommodate Lightcraft transport fleet
• Special features for docking in space to off-loading
cargo and passengers
• Special or different applications for the technology
• etc.
The project can be divided into these phases : :

1. Kick off Workshop

• Introduction to LightCraft technology by Dr.
• Brainstorming Workshop resulting into 11
group briefs. Each group will be defining the
areas they want to explore and what should
be their expected outcome in the project.

2. Research
Students will investigate the Lightcraft
technology and combine that information with
lectures providing applicable knowledge that
could be specific to one or more of the MA

3. Concept - Groups are developing ideas,

concepts and scenarios

4. Remote Review
• Week 45 remote review with Dr. Myrabo
5. Testing
• ergonomic considerations
• Lo-Fi Full Scale testing
6. Review/ Tutoring
• Week 47 T Dr. Myrabo is at UID
7. Refinement
• Refining the concepts
• preparing short commercials/videos showcasing
the design and concept

8. Final Presentation( week 50)

• Internal presentation
• External presentation (including filmed
documentation for publishing purposes)

Throughout the project each group will update a blog documenting their progress and approach in the
project. The intention is to generate a website featuring the process and result from this project. The
student’s projects will be accessible online, including research material, comments, sketch books, the videos
featuring each group design ideas as well as a their final on-stage presentations.
3.) Participants

Course Responsibles:
Thomas Degn (APD)
Niklas Andersson (IxD)
Demian Horst (TpD)

Project Advisor:
Dr. Leik N. Myrabo (Lightcraft Technologies International LTI)

Tony Catignani
Karl Forsberg, Propeller Design AB
Taras Czornyj, Mutations AB

NASA - work experience (Matt Cottham)
Ergonomics in extreme Environments
Movie Editing (Daniel Forsgren) - TpD, APD
Automotive Interaction Design - TpD, IxD
Automotive Colour & Trim -TpD
Applied Product Graphics - TpD
Automotive Interior Design (Kristin Fottner) - TpD

4.) Teamwork

Students will be working in multi-disciplinary groups of 3 to 4 students, each from a different MA

The IxD Students will only be involved in the work 50% until week 46. After that they will be 100% involved.
During the first week the students are supposed to brainstorm in their group in order to come up with their
concept and possible scenario. They will be supported by Dr. Myrabo, available at UID to answer questions
and give feedback on the ideas. Also during the first week, a “Lightcraft Pod” will be available. This is a
special space where the groups are invited to brainstorm ideas with their tutors.
By the end of the week each group should have come up with a brief that states their direction and aims for
the project.

The students are encouraged to change old patterns and move their tables within the TpD, APD and
IxD studios to sit and work together as a group during this project.
Students are asked to decide among themselves when they will be meeting, how they are sharing and
distributing the responsibilities.

See attached information about the groups

5.) Location & Time plan

During the whole project - with exception of week 45 - the Art Studio is booked as a flexible working space in
addition to the individual programme studios.
Important: Before Monday, Nov. 2nd the Art Studio must be tidied up as IDI students will need the space
for a week.
From week 46 on the Art Studio is once again dedicated to the LightCraft Project.

See attached schedule

6.) Educational Aims

• Systematic thinking
• Vehicle interior functionality and appearance
• Working with new and emerging technologies
• Innovation, conceptual development and user experience
• Teamwork in a multi-disciplinary environment
• Presentation skills (web/video)
7.) Budget

Each student will be provided with 500 SEK in DOLF credit. Please identify your expenses with materials
by using the project name “Lightcraft”.

8.) Expected Deliverables

Group design brief (to be handed in 12.10.2009)

A design brief is a “description on what is agreed in

advance”. It is thus a description of a product’s or
concept’s expected functions, the conditions,
requirements and the goals each group has for the
final solution. Especially in this case with multi-
disciplinary group work and the involvement of a
number of external tutors, it is extremely important
to be able to agree on the direction and focus of the
concept that should be developed. With a defined
direction, the brief can be used as a constant
reference during the project. It will also be a help
in the communication with internal and external

The minimum contents of the design brief is:

• Front cover (including the number of the group)
• Table of contents
• Background
• Concept direction (Problem description alt. definition of the design opportunity)
• Goals and wishes
• Time schedule
• Source references
• Appendix (if applicable)
• The group members picture (group or individual), names and e-mails addresses

Each group will be provided with a blog where they are asked to document the design progress continuously.
The blog will be also used for of communication with the tutors.

Lo-Fi testing in full scale

Students are required to make evaluations regarding ergonomics, access and proportions - if possible in full
scale. They are asked to document their process for mocking up and the resolutions they have drawn from
the testing.

Verbal / visual presentation material for internal reviews throughout the project and final internal and
external presentation; These include a video about the design/ experience of traveling with the

Group documentation
PDF document including the group brief, project development and final result.

PDF sketch book

Collection of all your individual sketches and ideas.
This could become a downloadable feature on the website.

HIgh-Res and web resolution images

Documenting the process and the final design

NOTE: All material should be handed in digitally. A space on the server will be specified.
9.) References
Thorough reviews of historical spacecraft interiors,
engineering, and ergonomics are encouraged:
e.g., 1 seat Mercury (USA); 2 seat Gemini (USA); 3 seat
Soyuz (Russia); and 3-6 seat Apollo Command Module
(USA). NASA’s new 4-6 seat Orion spacecraft proposal may
also provide inspiration.
Students are also encouraged to have a look at current
space travel and space tourism projects such as EADS
Astrium, Virgin Galactic etc.

Links/ Videos/ Reports >Class folders

There is Lightcraft reference material in the class folder on the server.

Among the documents there is a links collection about Lightcraft, NASA projects and different other topics.


Lightcraft Flight Handbook LTI-20, Hypersonic Flight Transport for an Era

Beyond Oil
by Leik N. Myrabo and John S. Lewis 304 pages Collector’s Guide Publishing, Inc. (May 1,
ISBN-10: 1926592034 ISBN-13: 978-1926592039

10.) Groups

Group 1:
Chris Duff , Andre Marsiglia, Amid Moradganjeh
Group 2:
Daniel Frieg, Earl Pineda, Chao Wang
Group 3:
Daniel Roja (workshop in Denmark w. 43-44), Yong-Bang Ho, Paola Alvarez Gracida (workshop in
Denmark w. 43-44), Linda Bresäter
Group 4:
Jason Battersby , Anna Karin Bergkvist, Jordi Parra
Group 5:
Jea-Woon Cho-Choi “ Theo”, J Antonio Aguilar, George Paravantes
Group 6:
Jonathan Corrie , Markus Stridsberg, Meng Meng
Group 7:
Klaud Wasiak, Matthias Menzel, Lena Edman
Group 8:
Luis Gonzalez Camino, Martin Hanberger, Pierre-Alexandre Poirier
Group 9:
Michael Nicola, Oscar Björk, Sisir Sangireddy
Group 10:
Niklas Palm , Metin Kaplan , Tae-yeol Lim
Group 11:
Ville Lintamo, Robert Lange, Ya-Ting Maggie Kuo

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