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Neural Network-Based Tunable Microwave Filter Design

for Re-Configurable Biomedical Hardware

A. Ilumoka, Ph.D, Prof of ECE, University of Hartford, West Hartford CT 06117
J.Gaudiana, M.Eng, Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, Stratford, CT 06614

Abstract - A knowledge-based method for the design of tunable In the work reported here, the MLP network with backpropagation
microwave filters for biomedical applications is described. The learning – henceforth referred to as backpropagation network (BNN)
method uses a backpropagation neural network (BNN) for - is used. The BNN typically has an input layer, an output layer and at
mapping RF filter responses to filter resistor, capacitor and least one hidden layer (Fig 1) each layer being fully connected to the
inductor values. The BNN acts as an efficient circuit re- succeeding layer. Backpropagation [5] is a gradient-based learning
configuration tool which when supplied with a set of filter technique that propagates the global output error backward through
responses calculates the required component values with high the connections to the hidden and input layers with the objective of
accuracy. To demonstrate the efficacy of the approach, a minimizing error by modifying network weights. In moving from one
microwave high pass filter was tuned from 7GHz to 10GHz in layer to another, the notation for describing the Backprop learning
steps of 0.2GHz. Filter hardware is reconfigured during tuning rule is as follows (superscript in square brackets is used to indicate
using varactor diodes, MOS resistors and tunable micro- which layer of the network is being considered):
inductors. xj [s] current output state of jth neuron in layer s
Index terms: Tunable microwave filters, RF techniques for wji[s] weight on connection joining ith neuron in layer (s-1) to jth
biomedical implants, neural network-based filter synthesis, neuron in layer s
reconfigurable filters Ij[s] weighted summation of inputs to jth neuron in layer s
A back-propagation element therefore transfers its inputs as follows:
Tunable RF filters have for many years been extensively employed in
microwave networks for wireless communication and reconfigurable
phase array antenna [1-2]. Biomedical systems also utilize
microwaves to monitor vital signs non-invasively and to diagnose
and treat disease in humans. For example, microwave radiometry has
been applied successfully to the identification of internal tissue
temperature anomalies [3] and when coupled with information about
tissue configuration gives good accuracy of anomaly detection. In
[4], hyper-spectral imaging techniques for detection of spectral and
polarization signatures, are available through tunable spectral
filtering hardware such as acousto-optic tunable filters (AOTFs), where f is traditionally the sigmoid function but can be any
liquid crystal tunable filters (LCTFs) and thin-film tunable filter differentiable function. Backpropagation is a form of supervised
(TFTF). The work reported in this paper uses a neural network for learning, a generalization of the least squares algorithm that modifies
automated tuning of microwave filters in biomedical applications. network weights to minimize the mean squared error between the
The neural approach results in a flexible and accurate methodology desired and actual outputs of network. Once trained, the network
for exploring multi-dimensional filter response space to determine the weights are frozen and can be used to compute output values for new
optimal combination of filter component values that achieve input queries.
specification-compliant performance.


Neural networks are mathematical constructs loosely modeled on the
organizational principles of the animal brain. They are networks of
relatively simple processing elements in which global behavior is
determined by the strength of connections between elements [5].
Hundreds of neural net paradigms exist today as a result of extensive
research, each defined by architecture (e.g. multilayer perceptron
MLP) and learning rule (e.g. backpropagation learning). Neural
networks are efficient alternatives to traditional but computationally Fig. 1. Backpropagation Neural Network
more expensive modeling and optimization techniques such as
numerical modeling. They have been used extensively for microwave Given a set of component values, circuit simulators determine circuit
component modeling [6], transmission lines [7] and spiral inductor response based on modeling equations. This relatively simple task
modeling [8] as well as for microwave circuit synthesis [9]. involves a 1-to-1 mapping and can also be carried out by an
“analysis” neural network. The inverse problem of determining

978-1-4799-5447-6/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Sohail Khalid. Downloaded on March 17,2023 at 09:25:13 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
component values given circuit responses is much more difficult
because it is non-unique i.e. a 1-to-1 mapping does not exist. A
neural network can be trained to solve this “synthesis” problem if the
training data is swapped so that the circuit responses become the
inputs and the component values the outputs. In this paper, this is the
approach used to achieve tunability of microwave filters.


The neural network prototyping and development software tool
Neuralware Professional II Plus [10] was used to create, train, test
and deploy neural networks. The BNN was trained to learn the
relationship between filter responses F = F1, F2 , F3 … Fk and
component values p= p1, p2 ,p3, …. pn. This is a complex one-to-many Fig. 3. Seventh Order High Pass Filter Circuit
relationship since a given filter response F(x) can be realized from
many filter component value combinations p(1), p(2) …etc. Training is
accomplished using a database set up to contain hundreds of filter
replicas generated using Monte Carlo analysis within the circuit
simulation tool PSPICE. Each filter component pi, i=1,2,3…n was
assigned a reasonable tunable range ± ti, i=1,2,3…n and Monte
Carlo analysis carried out using PSPICE. An independent database
for testing was established in a similar manner. Once trained, the
BNN was tested by supplying it with filter responses F = F1, F2 , F3 …
Fk from the test database. The correctness of the resulting predictions
for component values p= p1, p2 ,p3, …. pn by the neural net was
verified by re-using p as inputs to PSPICE and comparing
corresponding new filter responses F’ = F’1, F’2 , F’3 … F’k with the
original filter responses F = F1, F2 , F3 … Fk in the test database (see
Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Verification of Neural Net Prediction of Component Values Table 1. Typical Neural Network Inputs and Outputs

A 4-30-10 BNN consisting of 4 input nodes, 10 output nodes and 30

IV. SEVENTH ORDER HIGH PASS FILTER RESULTS hidden layer nodes was found to produce the best results. For
For illustration purposes, the synthesis of a tunable 7 order high validation purposes, the 200 test filter responses were presented to
pass filter (Fig. 3) with a 3dB cut-off frequency range 7– 10GHz the trained BNN and predictions of capacitor, resistor and inductor
requiring tunability in increments of 0.2GHz will be considered. All values obtained were used to construct 200 new filters whose
ten components – 3 inductors, 4 capacitors and 3 resistors - are simulated outputs were then compared with the original PSPICE
assumed to have nominal values as shown in table 1 and tunability predictions in the test database (Fig. 2). Scatter plots were created to
ranges of +20% of nominal. In order to establish an accurate BNN compare the BNN filter responses F for the 200 test filters with the
for filter tuning, a comprehensive database of high pass filters was corresponding original test responses. Agreement was very good, in
constructed. A total of 1000 replicas of the filter were generated by fact regression analysis for the plot of actual versus desired responses
Monte Carlo analysis (assuming uniform random distribution for yielded excellent R2 values (Figs. 4-7) in the range 0.87 to 0.99 for all
component parameters) using PSPICE. Four filter response functions four filter response functions. This demonstrates that the BNN
- 3dB frequency, 3dB, 20dB and 40dB bandwidths -were obtained for facilitates filter tunability since given desired filter responses, it was
each of the 1000 instances of the filter. A neural network was able to generate appropriate values for filter components (resistors,
constructed, trained and tested to directly map the four filter response capacitors and inductors). Practical tuning hardware to reconfigure
functions to the 10 tunable resistor, capacitor and inductor values the filter would make use of RF MEMS technology: tunable
(see Table 1). Of the 1000 filter replicas, 800 were employed for capacitors implemented as varactor diodes, tunable inductors as spiral
training the BNN and an independent 200 reserved for testing. micro-inductors and tunable resistors as MOS transistors. As a further
Training involved repeated presentation of the 800 filter responses to test for systematic filter tunability, a filter with 3dB cut-off frequency
the NN accompanied by weight updates as described in section 2 of 7GHz was tuned from 7 to 10 GHz in increments of 0.2GHz.
until the rms training error was minimum.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Sohail Khalid. Downloaded on March 17,2023 at 09:25:13 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
component predictions for each filter response specification, hence
tunability of the filter.

Automated tuning of re-configurable microwave filters for
biomedical applications can be achieved by using neural networks to
compute optimal component values to achieve a desired filter
response. The technique uses a backpropagation neural network to
map RF filter responses to tunable component values with a high
degree of accuracy (on average 95%). Results from a 7th order
Fig. 4. Scatter Plot for 3dB Cut-Off Frequency microwave high pass filter tuned from 7GHz to 10GHz in steps of
0.2GHz confirm the efficacy of the approach. The component values
prescribed by the neural network are realized using tunable RF
MEMS hardware including varactor diodes, tunable micro-inductors,
and MOS resistors.

1. Hussaini et al,”Tunable RF Filters: Survey and Beyond”,
18th IEEE Int Conf on Electronics, Circuits and Systems,
2011, Beirut.
2. Haider et al, “Recent Developments in Reconfigurable and
Multiband Antenna Technology”, Int Jour of Antennas and
Propagation, vol 2013, April 2013.
3. Kelly et al, “Microwave Radiometric Signatures of
Fig. 5. Scatter Plot for 3dB Bandwidth Temperature Anomalies in Tissues”, SPIE Proc, vol. 8313,
March 2012
4. Favreau et al, “Thin Film Tunable Filters for Hyperspectral
Fluorescence Microscopy”, Jour. Biomedical Optics, vol
19(1), Sep 2013
5. Kishan Mehrotra, Chilukuri K. Mohan and Sanjay Ranka,
"Elements of Artificial Neural Network", The MIT Press,
Oct 1996
6. Q. Zhang et al, “Artificial Neural Networks for RF and
Microwave Design—From Theory to Practice”, IEEE
Trans on Microwave Theory & Tech, vol. 51, no. 4, 2003
7. V. K. Devabhaktuni, C. Xi, F. Wang, and Q. J. Zhang,
“Robust training of microwave neural models,” Int. J. RF
Microwave Computer-Aided Eng., vol. 12, pp. 109–124,
Fig. 6. Scatter Plot for 20dB Bandwidth 8. A. Ilumoka, R.J. Srinivasan, “Efficient and Accurate
Neural Network-Based Macro-models for Spiral
Inductors”, Int. Conf on Artificial Neural Networks In
Engineering ANNIE08, Nov 2008, St Louis MO
9. A. Ilumoka, “Automated Synthesis of Tunable Microwave
Filters Using Modular Neural Networks”, Int. Conf on
Artificial Neural Networks In Engineering ANNIE09, Nov
2009, St Louis MO.
10. Neural Computing,Technology Handbook for NeuralWorks
Professional II/PLUS, Oct 2001

Fig. 7. Scatter Plot for 40dB Bandwidth

A set of 16 filter response functions, comprising 3dB frequencies as

follows: 7GHz, 7.2GHz, 7.4GHz, …..10GHz, as well as
corresponding 3dB, 20dB and 40dB bandwidths was generated.
These were fed into the tested BNN and once again, the output from
the BNN re-cycled as input to PSPICE and the output F’ from
PSPICE compared with the original filter responses F. Scatter plots
similar to figures 4-7 confirmed yet again the high accuracy of BNN

Authorized licensed use limited to: Sohail Khalid. Downloaded on March 17,2023 at 09:25:13 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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