Social Media: Regulations

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Social media can be defined by
interactive applications and sites that
facilitate the sharing of information
and worldwide communication.

Ideas, opinions, and interests are

expressed and documented through
mediums such as images, videos,
written pieces etc.

“The Influence of Social media is being

used in ways that shape politics,
business, world culture, education,
careers, innovation, and more.”
(Sanders, 2023)

Hate and negativity are often perpetuated online

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, there
through fake news and cyberbullying.
has been an exponential increase in
Cyberbullying is especially degrading to the health
the usage of social media amongst
and safety of Canadians which inevitably links
Canadians as we have relied on our
itself to the political issue of threatening citizens’
devices and social networks to
rights to feel safe. Both fake news and
communicate.(Home, n.d.)
cyberbullying have profound impacts on politics in
Citizens who actively use social
media ought to be aware of how it
Fake news can be classified into misinformation
heavily impacts our perspectives
and disinformation. Misinformation can be defined
and decisions regarding things from
as the sharing of information someone may find
interests to politics.
true but is fake. Disinformation is the purposeful
sharing of false information, intending to
As teenagers are proven to be the
negatively influence and cause harm.
most active demographic utilizing
social media, they are impacted
The range of fake news can start from hoaxes to
most heavily. They are particularly
propaganda and are often hard to identify in the
susceptible to cyberbullying.
vast realm of content on social media. (Home, n.d)
Political events are essentially playgrounds for
disinformation and misinformation in this day and
age. In Canada, the majority of the country relies
on their devices to retrieve new information
regarding political events.(Home, n.d.)

As a result of increased information pollution

(false news) and cyberbullying occurring within
social media platforms throughout the past few
years, the implementation of social media
restrictions has been widely considered in Canada.
The developments of social media regulation
bring both advantages and disadvantages as
while they can prevent the sharing of harmful
information, some argue that it infringes on
RELATION TO CHARTER our right to freedom of speech. (Ghosh, 2021)

Bill C-18 is an act that respects online communication platforms that make news content available to
people in Canada. The bill is constructed with restrictive policies, in an attempt to regulate prominent digital
platforms in Canada’s news media ecosystem. The government’s goal for the implementation of this bill is
to enhance fairness in the digital news market. (Bill C-18: An Act Respecting Online Communications
Platforms That Make News Content Available to Persons in Canada, 2022)
Bill C-18 operates as negotiations and deals between social media companies and the Canadian
government. Criteria from the government determine what news and businesses in the media are eligible to
be published. This bargaining framework proves to be efficient as it prevents power imbalances within the
media, thus proactively tackling harmful content or disinformation in the media.(Bill C-18: An Act Respecting
Online Communications Platforms That Make News Content Available to Persons in Canada, 2022)

Examining legislation for inconsistency with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, is
amongst the Minister of Justice’s most important responsibilities. Bill C-18 in particular was
shown to potentially conflict with citizens’ rights to freedom and speech.(Bill C-18: An Act
Respecting Online Communications Platforms That Make News Content Available to Persons in
Canada, 2022)
However, section 1 of the charter suggests that The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
can only be entirely violated when additions are not- as stated in the article for Bill C-18 by the
government of Canada, “demonstratively justifiable in a free and democratic society.”(Bill C-
18: An Act Respecting Online Communications Platforms That Make News Content Available to
Persons in Canada, 2022)
Although the restriction of particular content on social media in other countries around the
world such as North Korea, seem dictatorial, Bill C-18 will seemingly never reach those lengths.
Rather than completely controlling what citizens can say to maintain styles of governing,
Canada promotes its own democracy by letting citizens share content online with minimal
regulations. (Bill C-18: An Act Respecting Online Communications Platforms That Make News
Content Available to Persons in Canada, 2022)


The Canadian government has begun to
The content on social media carries invest in an invisible regulatory framework The implementation of Bill C-18
the ability to heavily influence social for social media in Canada.(The involves conflicting perspectives on
and political spheres, given the Government’s Commitment to Address whether it actively protects us from
mass amount of people who utilize Online Safety, 2023). Bill C-18 is an act that being exposed to false news or
it. Unwanted content online has respects online communication platforms infringes on our freedom of speech
been perpetuating harmful that make news content available to and expression. However,
ideals/beliefs such as racism, people in Canada. This bargaining according to the charter of
sexism, misogyny, homophobia and framework proactively tackles harmful Canadian rights and freedoms,
more. These issues threaten the content and or disinformation in the media. these regulations are not violations
safety of Canadians affected as (Bill C-18: An Act Respecting Online of our liberation as they are
they contradict democratic values Communications Platforms That Make justifiable democratically. Canada
and our rights to feel safe in our News Content Available to Persons in promotes its own democracy by
community. Thus, from this issue Canada, 2022). This action plan will initiate letting citizens share content online
stems an objective for the positive long-term effects on Canadian with minimal regulations. After all,
government to politically build social media users, by ensuring the something that ensures the safety
upon. termination of harmful/misinformative of citizens must be restrictive in
content. some manner.
Government-initiated social media regulation
proves to be politically significant, as it
affects the majority of the Canadian
population, particularly the youth. As digital
communication has advanced and will
continue to exponentially expand into the
future, the effects of social media regulation
also prove to be particularly long-term. From
identifying causes that initiated the objective
to improve the issue, implementing action
plans, and observing the results, the topic of
social media regulation sustains everlasting
political significance.

Ensuring the safety of Canadian social media users,

the Canadian government believes that online
POLITICAL services themselves should be held responsible for

PERSPECTIVES addressing harmful content that is shared on their

platforms.(The Government’s Commitment to Address
Online Safety, 2023)
A survey conducted during the spring of 2022 reveals
that 49% of Canadians believe that the use of social
media is a good method of maintaining democratic
values in our country. (2. Views of Social Media and Its
Those who negatively Impacts on Society, 2022)
view the sharing of From these surveys, it is also shown that the people
false information are
MARKETwho believe social media is a good thing for
As the Canadian government feels
negative about this issue and proven to be less democracy are less likely to say that the spread of
recognizes that it is a serious
issue that could take a likely to think social false information online is a serious issue (2. Views of
detrimental toll on the social and media is a good thing Social Media and Its Impacts on Society, 2022)
political spheres of the country;
they've begun to invest in an to sustain democracy

invisible regulatory framework

for social media in Canada. (The in our country (2.
Government’s Commitment to
Address Online Safety, 2023) Views of Social Media

and Its Impacts on
Society, 2022)

The Digital Citizen Initiative aims to support

democratic values and social inclusion in Canada
by utilizing a multi-component, citizen-centred
strategy. This initiative includes strengthening
citizen resilience against disinformation online
and building trustful partnerships that support a
genuine information-sharing system.(The
Government’s Commitment to Address Online
Safety, 2023). Through the implementation of
funded programs inclusive of; Canada History
Fund, Canada Periodical Fund, and Youth Take
Change, The Digital Citizen Initiative promoted
the awareness of civic, news, and digital media
literacy.(The Government’s Commitment to
Address Online Safety, 2023)

The critical thinking and perspectives of

Canadian citizens directly correlate to what
online content we are exposed to, thus, as part
of Canada’s approach to protecting its
democracy in 2019-20, The Canadian Heritage
Department contributed a total of 7 million
dollars over 9 months to 23 projects run by the
Canadian civil society stakeholders to
simultaneously strengthen citizen’s resilience
against online disinformation and get them
involved in democratic processes. The projects
reached millions of individuals from youth to
seniors across Canada.(The Government’s
Commitment to Address Online Safety, 2023)

Educate Others

HOW WE CAN HELP Utilizing social media platforms, raise

awareness about digital manipulation
and educate others on how they can
identify and manage fake news.

Get involved
Volunteer and participate in
community programs and activities
that advocate for online safety and
digital democracy.

Raise Funds
Contribute financially to Canada's
mission to sustain democracy by
donating to organizations such as the
Digital Citizen Initiative. Help fund
online safety programs.

Identify the ways that you are negatively Dedicate 1-2 reposts/created
influenced by social media by carefully posts to the issue of fake news
observing your activity and reactions to every week.
news content posted on social media Spend a few hours each week
platforms. communicating with your family,
Report any digital content you see on social friends, and community members,
media platforms that violate community educating them about online
guidelines and perpetuates false safety.
information. For however many hours you
Raise awareness of fake news in your local spend online each day, be aware
community by speaking up once you and or of the issue of fake news and
others are exposed to it. keep the consequences in mind.
Educate others on how to identify fake news Encourage at least 5 friends and
and manage it responsibly. the majority of your close family
Repost accurate information and create to join community programs and
your own posts regarding the issue of fake online initiatives that strive to
news frequently. improve online safety such as The
Donate and fund both community programs Digital Citizen Initiative or media
and online initiatives that strive to improve programs funded by The
online safety. Canadian Heritage Department.

The goal is accomplished once you

have established a consistent posting Given this is an issue set in Typically, it takes about a year for
routine regarding the issue and the digital realm, and a social media account to grow in
solidified habits of communicating the considering the prevalence popularity, thus the digital
issue with people in your community. of social media in the advocacy portion of this action
everyday lives of Canadians, plan would take consistent effort
Create a social media account on these goals are effective and to post and repost throughout 12-
your preferred platform if you worthwhile. Over a time 14 months.
haven’t already. period of about a year, there It takes a collective effort to raise
Grow the account by posting would be a feasible amount awareness about the prevalence
information regarding online of impact online from your of fake news in popular social
safety issues frequently. social media account and media platforms in Canada. Thus,
Create polls and petitions that will influences made upon your it is encouraged that everyone
aid in funding online initiatives community. who decides to involve themselves
that strive to improve online The resources can be easily in this action plan to be consistent
safety. accessed online and is not with informing/educating others
Get out to your community and necessarily inclusive of about online safety and putting in
advocate for online safety physical materials or sufficient effort to convince others
through participating in programs finances as the majority of to do the same. After all, a goal of
and online initiatives that strive to the goals gravitate towards any size can be achieved through
improve online safety such as The spreading awareness of the consistent efforts and ambition
Digital Citizen Initiative. issue. shared by many.
The results of my action plan should initiate
sufficient change in regards to social media safety.
RESULTS OF ACTION PLAN As people begin to identify the ways they are
affected by exposure to fake news online they will
feel obligated to educate others about online safety
. This action can be done by raising awareness
digitally, within your community, and financially
supporting organizations that strive for a safer
online environment in Canada. Not only should the
Canadian government respond to the prevalence of
fake news and other harmful content on social
media by implementing regulations, we as citizens
are encouraged to contribute to building a safer
online environment, sustaining democracy in this
country in all forms.

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