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Applied Food Research 2 (2022) 100130

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An overview on ultrasonically treated plant-based milk and its properties –

A Review
Ashwin Kumar Sarangapany a, Amirtha Murugesan a, Amrutha Sri Annamalai a,
Azhagendran Balasubramanian a, Akalya Shanmugam a,b,∗
Food Processing Business Incubation Centre, National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management, Thanjavur, India
Centre of Excellence in Non Thermal Processing, National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management, Thanjavur, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Milk is one of the most familiar words to individuals of all age groups whose essential requirement ranges from
Plant-based milk neonates to senior citizens. It has become an unforgettable part of our diet. In spite of our self-sufficiency, people
Ultrasound started drifting to another reliable option called vegan milk or non-dairy alternative which has been in limelight
for quite some time. There were many factors involved in the shift and the most prominent being lactose intol-
Physical stability
erance, prevention of animal exploitation, carbon footprint, etc. Despite this beverage seeming similar to dairy
Dairy Alternatives
milk, in reality it is far from it. Dairy milk is a natural emulsion, which is highly stable unlike the non-dairy milk
alternative which sediments easily. In order to increase the stability and consumer desirability of the product,
researches are being organized in this area. One such modern technology is ultrasonication and this proved to
be an impacting preservation and processing technique for a wide range of food products. Thus, this review will
highlight the effect of ultrasonication on plant-based milk beverages taking into effect various properties of the
beverage such as physical, functional, microbial and organoleptic properties of several non-dairy milk alternatives
constituting of peanut, almond, soy, coconut milk, etc.

1. Introduction dairy research, the review papers on ultrasonic processing of non-dairy

milk or dairy alternatives (i.e. plant-based milk or plant milk) are only
Currently, ultrasound (US) plays a major role in food processing tech- scarce. This paper aims at providing a detailed review of various aspects
nology. Ultrasound is a non-thermal processing method in food process- of ultrasound processing tools on non-dairy milk or plant-based milk.
ing, where it is used separately or in combination with other food pro- The drinkable extracts of plants also called plant-based milk are
cessing techniques like dehydration, microwave, supercritical Co2 , etc. nowadays emerging due to their nutritional functions. These act as a
Sound is a travelling wave that is transmitted through elastic media substitute for dairy-origin milk, especially for people having lactose in-
such as gases, liquids, and solids as longitudinal waves. Longitudinal tolerance and who are highly sensitive to cow’s milk (Iorio et al., 2019).
sound waves are waves of alternating pressure oscillating through their To avoid the high risk of the development of cardiovascular diseases,
mean positions and cause regions of compressions and rarefactions. The plant-based milk is highly preferred (Feyza et al., 2020). According to
ultrasound is part of sound waves and is represented in Fig 1 and is Jenna Blumenfeld, the consumption of non-dairy alternatives like ice
classified into two: 1) Low-intensity ultrasound (with power intensity cream, yogurt, creamer, butter, and dressings got a yield of 697 million
of <1 Wcm−2 and frequency of 5-10 MHz); and 2) High-intensity ultra- USD in 2018, and the creamer industry is growing at the rate of 1per-
sound (with power intensity of 10-100 Wcm−2 and frequency of 20 – cent (Bartholemew, 2021) and thus plant-based milk envisages a huge
100 kHz), where the former is used in material science and the latter in market potential and requires a more number of newer processing tools
food processing technologies. High-intensity ultrasound is used in var- like ultrasound technology for extension of stability, shelf life and other
ious food and dairy processing operations for homogenization, extrac- properties of processed food.
tion, degassing, emulsification, frying, cutting, mixing, brining, pickling, To reiterate, the plant-based substitutes or the plant milk are the
degumming, and also in meat tenderization (Tiwari & Mason, 2012). aqueous extracts of legumes, cereals, seeds, nuts, etc., that resembles
Though employment of ultrasound in varied research areas of dairy pro- animal-based milk. According to Diarra, plant-based beverages are sus-
cessing is widespread with huge compilations of review materials on pensions that consist of dissolved plant materials. The preparation of

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Shanmugam).
Received 2 March 2022; Received in revised form 27 April 2022; Accepted 14 May 2022
Available online 19 May 2022
2772-5022/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
A.K. Sarangapany, A. Murugesan, A.S. Annamalai et al. Applied Food Research 2 (2022) 100130

Fig. 1. Classification of sound waves with their


Fig. 2. The principle of cavitation effect during

ultrasound treatment.

plant-based beverages consists of milling of raw material (wet/dry), fol- pea, mung bean, chickpea, faba bean, green pea, etc. Hence this review
lowed by preparation of slurry and filtration of slurry to the consistency would broadly cover the processing effect of ultrasound on the various
of cow milk followed by addition of other ingredients like sugar, flavor, pulse or legume-based milk. Ultrasound, which is seen as a modern tech-
etc., continued by homogenization and pasteurization to improve the nique is primarily for its physical effects called acoustic cavitation. This
microbial and storage stability of the beverage (Diarra et al., 2005). Even produces changes in food matrices (Shanmugam & Ashokkumar, 2017)
though the plant-based beverages are low in saturated fat, some have a by the growth and collapse of microbubbles in turn causing localized
high caloric value and some have as much energy as full milk because of incremental temperatures, turbulence, shockwaves and pressures and
its sugar and carbohydrate (Mäkinen et al., 2016). Plant proteins have is represented in Fig 2. The equipments which are primarily used for
lower nutritional values when compared with animal proteins because ultrasound application include sonotrode as illustrated in Fig 3 A and
of limiting amino acids and poor digestibility (Friedman, 1996). How- ultrasonic water bath system as represented in Fig. 3B. Thus, the main
ever plant-based beverages have some health effects like when low-fat objective of this paper is to review the effect of ultrasound on changes to
cow’s milk is replaced with oat or soy milk it has decreased the plasma the properties of plant-based milk or extracts such as physico-chemical
cholesterol and concentration of low-density lipoproteins after consum- properties, functional properties, microbial stability and organoleptic
ing it for 4 weeks (Önning et al., 1998). The isoflavones of soy milk, properties upon processing.
has the effect of preventing cardiovascular disease, prostate cancer, and
osteoporosis (Patisaul & Jefferson, 2010). The seed of plant sources 2. Effects of ultra-sonication on physical properties of plant milk
even though contains antinutritional factors like inositol phosphates and
trypsin inhibitor (reason for the decrease of protein digestibility), they 2.1. Change in total soluble solids
can be inactivated by appropriate heat treatment (Friedman, 1996).
When the nutrients are deficient in plant-based beverages, it can be In a study Maghsoudlou et al., 2016 has developed almond based
fortified with fortificants like ascorbic acid and likewise the mineral plant milk with additives, viz., modified starch, lecithin and agar us-
bioavailability can be increased by germination, fermentation, or by us- ing ultrasound treatment at 20 kHz and 300 W process time of 0 min,
ing chelating agents as mentioned by Reddy et al., 1982. The commonly 2.5 min and 5 min. The results showed that the brix value of sonicated
consumed plant-based beverage is soy milk which originated 100 years samples showed a decrease in comparison to unsonicated sample. The
ago (Mäkinen et al., 2016). Soy milk received the approval of the Food decrease in brix upon increase in sonication time was correlated to de-
and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1999 due to its tendency to lower crease in the amount of modified starch in sonicated samples. This was
coronary heart disease and due to its nature, it was introduced into the in turn correlated to decrease in the viscosity of sonicated samples with
market (Patisaul & Jefferson, 2010). When soy products play a major increase in sonication time from 0 to 5 min. The decrease in brix value
role in western countries, other products like coconut milk, oat milk, with increase in sonication time was attributed to disruption of cell walls
and almond milk also emerged and decreased the market share of soy and hydrolysis of polysaccharides, i.e. modified starches, by the shear
milk (Mintel, 2011). 15 % of European consumers avoid dairy products forces of ultrasound caused by acoustic cavitation.
because of lactose intolerance, allergy to cow’s milk, and also cholesterol In a different study conducted by Salve et al., 2019 showed that there
effects (Mäkinen et al., 2016). Thus, in this review, we focus to bring out was an increase in total soluble solids from untreated of 9.1° B to 11°
the value of other pulses/legume milk leaving soybean, which is already B in sonicated peanut attributed to partial cooking or water absorption
much explored. The other pulse or legume-based milk includes cow- particles at high temperature, leading to swelling of the same. The phys-

A.K. Sarangapany, A. Murugesan, A.S. Annamalai et al. Applied Food Research 2 (2022) 100130

Fig. 3. Different ultrasound system (A) is

sonotrode and (B) is an ultrasonic water bath.

ical effects of acoustic cavitation enhanced mass transfer of proteins out sound treated sample may be due to the reduction in the particles size,
of cells giving rise to increase in values of protein and soluble solids. paving a way for reactions between molecules. The reduction in particle
size by ultrasound results in a larger interfacial area and a reduced mean
2.2. Physical Stability distance between particles, resulting in stronger inter-particle interac-
tions and thus stability of plant milk against phase separation (Bi et al.,
The main drawback in the formulation of plant milk is its stabiliza- 2015; Vela et al., 2021). Also the denatured proteins resulted by open-
tion. Maghsoudlou et al., 2016 used US treatment to stabilize the al- ing up of protein molecules showed enhanced surface hydrophobicity
mond extract in the preparation of almond milk. Extract was treated by and thus increased stability of extract. As ultrasound treatment’s power
US 300 W with a treatment time of 0, 2.5 and 5 min, respectively, and and time is increased, there is increased possibility of opening up of
constant treatment using 20 kHz frequency at 300 W for 4.9 min gave protein structure resulting in increase in hydrophobicity of proteins by
physically stable almond extract. The calculation of physical stability of partial denaturation at the bubble-liquid interfaces of acoustic cavita-
almond milk was done by measuring the total sedimented solids during tion and making them a surfactant followed by adsorption of protein
a period of time. The sedimentation of particle reduced with increase at the oil and water interfaces, resulting in higher zeta potential value
in the treatment time due to the high shearing effect prevailing during and thus stability of plant milk against phase separation. (Aslan et al.,
cavitation that fragmented colloidal pectin molecules into much smaller 2018; Vanga et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2020; Shanmugam et al., 2014a;
particle, which in turn aided in the stabilization of the colloid system. As Shanmugam et al., 2014b).
we know that the sedimentation of particle is inversely proportional to
stability, we can see that the stability was increased from 20% at 0 min 2.3. Particle size
to 90% at 5 min during US treatment. Sedimentation characteristics of
plant milk is regarded as an important functional property among oth- The higher shearing effect because of the extended US time during
ers like viscosity, colour, appearance, turbidity, etc. It determines the the preparation of almond milk caused a reduction in the particle size.
overall sensorial acceptability of non-dairy plant milks in the market. Particle size was about 300 μm initially which got reduced to 45 μm
Usually addition of excessive amounts of stabilizers and emulsifiers ad- after 5 min of US time (Maghsoudlou et al., 2016).
dresses the instability issues of commercial non-dairy plant milks, other- Peanuts comprise of 40–45% fat (Salve & Arya, 2021), which is par-
wise these non-dairy milk alternatives undergo phase separation result- tially extracted during plant milk synthesis in addition to protein. Four
ing in an unstable inhomogeneous undesirable product. Such instability different kind of samples were taken of which one is untreated sample
issues are solved by novel physical techniques like ultra-high pressure and other three samples were 200 W, 300 W and 400 W with treatment
homogenizer, ultrasound, high pressure homogenizer, etc (Dhankar & time of 3 min. Sonication at the intensity of 200 W for 3 min, decreased
Kundu, 2021; Manzoor et al., 2021; Vogelsang-O’Dwyer et al., 2021). the fat globules size and the intensity of decrease is more in 300 W and
The sedimentation mechanism can be explained according to stokes law 400 W respectively, denoting the effectiveness of treatment on peanut
that is the unsonicated samples will have large particle size which will milk (Marchesini et al., 2015). It is caused because of the fragmenta-
sediment faster with gravity than sonicated samples with smaller parti- tion of particles generated by the high intensity ultrasonic cavitation
cle size upon storage (Rojas et al., 2016). Even a small amount of sed- (Shanmugam et al., 2012). Here a well-defined matrix comprising of
imentation reduction is a big achievement in a market sample such as smaller suspended particles is generated leading to lower sedimentation
a plant-based milk. Thus, US is seen as a good tool for reducing the against the sedimentation observed in unsonicated samples with larger
sedimentation. sized particles (Guimaraes et al., 2018).
Salve et al., 2019 treated peanut extract at 20 kHz for 3 min. All the Lu et al., 2019 conducted research to study of the effect of high in-
sonicated milk samples at powers of 200 W, 300 W and 400 W with tensity US on coconut milk composite system which has maize kernels
treatment time of 3 min did not show any phase separation and were and high amylose maize starch in the formulation. In the study, the pure
stabilized. The improvement of sedimentation index value in the ultra- coconut milk without ultrasonic treatment showed particles of sizes in

A.K. Sarangapany, A. Murugesan, A.S. Annamalai et al. Applied Food Research 2 (2022) 100130

two groups of 60–300 𝜇m, 0.01 𝜇m and 1–20 𝜇m. However, post the Medium adhered to the dispersed particle denotes the physical stabil-
US process, the particle size was reduced and size ranged majorly be- ity of the product (Y. Li & Xiang, 2019). Higher 𝜁 -potential (over 60
tween 0.01-0.7 𝜇m and 2–30 𝜇m. But, in case of coconut milk emulsion mV) either negative or positive signifies good stability, below 20 mV
stabilized using maize, the distribution was monomodal and the magni- means limited stability and below 5 mV causes aggregation and coagu-
tude of size reduction was higher in comparison to pure coconut milk lation (Mahbubul et al., 2014). The 𝜁 -potential of the ultrasonic treat-
samples after US treatment. The electronegativity of the maize kernel ment of peanut milk incremented from −27.6 mV (untreated) to −30
and high amylose maize starch added to coconut milk contributed to mV (Ultrasound treatment at 300 W). Four different kinds of samples
the stability of the system and thus improved the particle distribution were taken of which one is untreated sample and other three samples
curve from bimodal distribution to monomodal distribution. were US treated at 200 W, 300 W and 400 W all of which were hav-
ing treatment time of three minutes. This implicates higher stability of
2.4. Colour the treated peanut milk further substantiated by the separation index.
The Ultrasound intensity of 400 W with significantly reduced 𝜁 - poten-
Color is an important attribute that affects consumer satisfaction and tial (−11 mV) created instability generating aggregates produced due to
plays as a visual indicator to judge the quality of any beverage. The super cavitation (Salve et al., 2019).
sonication treatment had a noticeable effect on lightness (L∗ ) and yel- Lu et al., 2019 noticed that the absolute 𝜁 -potential electro nega-
lowness (b∗ ) of almond milk. Initial values of L∗ and b∗ was 60.4 and tivity number of pure coconut milk was enhanced from -0.446 mV to
-1.8 respectively and finally they were 82.6 and 1.1 respectively. It can -9.396 mV by ultrasound treatment due to the cavitation caused by the
be hypothesized that dispersed particles increase by diminishing their ultrasonic bubbles, generating dissociation of water molecules, produc-
size on US treatment, which brought an increase in light scattering and ing and hydrogen, hydroxyl radicals and other free radicals. In the same
higher lightness values of the samples which in turn caused change in study the electronegativity of the maize kernel coconut milk composite
the process parameters such as L∗ and b∗ (Maghsoudlou et al., 2016). In system was – 34.573 mV and high-amylose maize starch coconut milk
a contrast study conducted by (Lu et al., 2019), ultrasonic radiation did system was -26.286 mV which varied remarkably, which lead to the
not affect the L∗ value, a∗ value, b∗ value or ΔE Lab (colour difference) improved stability of the system. The reason behind this might be the
value of the coconut milk system having maize additives. potential change of starch granule surface proteins from hydrophilic to
Likewise, the colour attributes of the peanut upon ultrasonication has hydrophobic nature after heating. Thus the electrostatic stability of co-
improved, especially the lightness or L∗ value and is mainly attributed conut milk was changed significantly by the adding maize kernels and
to the dispersion and reduction in size of the particles of fat globules maize starch to it. The Table 1 shows the effect of ultrasound on physical
and pea proteins (Salve et al., 2019). and functional properties of different plant milks.

2.5. Titratable acidity

3. Effect of ultrasound on emulsification properties of
Salve et al., 2019 observed that there was a slight increase in the plant-based milk
pH of ultrasound processed peanut milk samples when compared to un-
treated sample and it increased from 6.6 in untreated sample to 6.7 3.1. Emulsion stability of ultrasonically treated plant-based milk
in the US treated sample at 400 W for 3 min. The titratable acidity of
peanut milk was substantially decreased from the value of 1.08 in the Emulsions are made by combining two or more insoluble liquids, one
untreated sample to 0.13 in US 400 W 3 min treated samples due to of which is scattered is called the dispersed phase, into the other, the
increasing intensity of US treatment. This is due to the change in the continuous phase as very minute droplets. Different forms of emulsions
charge of the particles induced by cavitation which led further to in- can be created by mixing two liquids. Example: Water-in-oil, initially
crease in the negative charge of 𝜁 -potential, thereby resulting in increase produces an oil-in-water emulsion, in which oil acts as the scattered
in pH. phase and water acts as the continuous phase. They also can form a
water-in-oil emulsion, in which the water acts as the scattered phase
2.6. 𝜁 -Potential and the oil acts as continuous phase (Krasulya et al., 2016). Many sci-
entists have identified that high intensity ultrasound is energetically ef-
The electrical potential difference between the mobile dispersion ficient than any other conventional and modern emulsification methods
medium and the stationary layer of the dispersion is called 𝜁 -Potential. (Shanmugam et al., 2014b; Thomas et al., 2018; Taha et al., 2020). In the

Table 1
Effect of ultrasound on physical and functional properties of different plant milks. Plant milk Physical properties influenced References

1) Peanut milk 1) Microstructure Salve et al., 2019

2) Particle size Salve & Arya, 2021
3) 𝜁-potential
4) Sedimentation index
5) Colour
6) Rheological properties
1) Brix
2) Almond milk 2) Physical stability Maghsoudlou et al., 2016;
3) Particle size Cameron et al., 2009
4) Colour attributes
5) Rheological properties
1) Particle size distribution
3) Coconut milk 2) 𝜁-potential Lu et al., 2019;
3) Break down of fat droplets, Stable emulsion Kentish et al., 2008;
4) Rheological properties Das & Kinsella, 1990;.
Evans et al., 2013;.
Rodsamran & Sothornvit, 2018;.
Liu & Tang, 2011;.
Le & Le, 2015.

A.K. Sarangapany, A. Murugesan, A.S. Annamalai et al. Applied Food Research 2 (2022) 100130

Table 2
Effect of ultrasound on emulsification properties of different plant milk.

US treatment Sample specifications Effects after ultrasound treatment References

1 Coconut milk 2.27–6.82 W/ g for 2.5 Break down of fat droplets, Stable Le & Le, 2015
min. emulsion
2 Almond milk 20KHz for 1, 4, 8, 12, Changes in secondary structure Vanga et al.,
and 16 min. 2020
3 Peanut milk 200W, 300W, 400W Particle size reduction, Stable Salve et al.,
emulsion, Shelf-life extension 2019
4 Soy milk 20 kHz at 1, 5 and 15min Particle size reduction, Stable Preece et al.,
emulsion 2016

Table 3
Effect of ultrasound on microbial properties of different plant milk. Sample Ultrasound conditions Effects after ultrasound treatment Reference

1 Soy milk 35 kHz and 130 kHz frequencies, 35kHz have greater result than 130kHz. Reduced microbial Ronak Fahmi, 2012
20 and 40 ᵒC and 20, 40 and 60 content with increased sonication time from 20 to 60 min and
min temperature from 20 to 40 °C
2 Almond milk 80 % of power, 8 min Reduction of E. coli from 5.12 to 3.81 log CFU/ml and Iorio et al., 2019
and pulse at 6 s for E. coli reduction in growth rate from 1.19 to 0.79 (log CFU/
and power of 80 %; 2 min; 6 s for mL)/day)
L. monocytogenes Complete elimination of L. monocytogene
3 Peanut milk 400 W Log reduction of 1.19 for TPC and 0.9 for yeast Salve et al., 2019
4 Rice milk 130 W, 40-100 % power, 2-10 Reduction of S. enterica about 5-8 log CFU/ml Campaniello et al., 2018
min, 2-10 s pulse rate
5 Oat milk 40 kHz, 11W/cm2 , 3-10min Increased population of L.casei around 7-8.86 log CFU/ml Herrera-Ponce et al., 2021
6 Hazelnut milk 60-80 % amplitude, 15-20 min Complete inactivation with thermal treatment at 85 °C (Total Ilyas Atalar, 2019
aerobic mesophilic bacteria and yeast-mould)

emulsification process initially, the outbreak of scattered phase droplets pressure levels from 20MPa to 120MPa. The study was compared based
into the continuous phase is influenced by some interfacial waves and on several factors such as frequency, treatment duration, and volume of
instabilities and finally breaking of droplets through acoustic cavitation the sample. The analysis indicated that ultrasonic amplification had a
takes place. The physical impacts of ultrasound caused by acoustic cavi- greater impact on size reduction than the duration of ultrasound emul-
tation can increase oil droplet breakdown, making it easier to build sta- sification. It was also reported that when working volume increases,
ble oil-in-water emulsions with small droplet sizes (Gallo et al., 2018). the droplet size gets decreases due to a reduction in energy density. The
volume-mean diameters of the three distributions conducted by Li et al.,
3.1.1. Emulsion stability 2017, are 125 nm (US), 128 nm (HPH 101 MPa for 3 passes) and 120
The stability of emulsions can be influenced by a variety of envi- nm (HPH 101 MPa for 4 passes). The author concluded that ultrasonic
ronmental conditions such as pH, temperature, and ionic strength. Food emulsifiers were found to be more efficient than High-pressure homoge-
proteins, particularly those derived from plants, have a high molecular nizers as ultrasound can generate nano-emulsions with minimal energy
weight and dissolution rate, which could contribute to the stability of consumption (Li et al., 2017). The Table 2 shows the effect of ultrasound
plant-based protein emulsions. As a result, these proteins’ emulsifying on emulsification properties of different plant milk.
characteristics must be enhanced (Taha et al., 2020).
Le & Le, 2015 experimented, microencapsulation of ultrasonically 4. Effect of sonication on the microbial property of plant-based
treated coconut milk and gelatin solution mixed with maltodextrin and milk
found that it exhibited lasting stability. A Model VC 750 ultrasonic probe
was used to homogenize a combination of coconut milk and gelatin so- Sonoporation is also called cellular sonication. It is the use of sound
lution for 2.5 minutes at varying power levels (2.27–6.82 W/ g). The typically ultrasonic frequencies which create acoustic cavitation bub-
ultrasonic emulsions were then combined with maltodextrin solution bles, thus employs shock waves from bubbles, modifying the permeabil-
and agitated for 30 minutes at 750 rpm using a magnetic stirrer. The ity of cell plasma membrane. This causes the cell disruption process. Ex-
author concluded that sonication treatment can break fat droplets and tended exposure results in complete rupturing or cellular death. (Zenker
produce stable emulsions, as the result the microencapsulation yield of et al., 2003; Knorr et al., 2004; Ohl, 2006; Lee et al., 2013).
coconut milk fat increases. In soy milk, the limited frequencies of ultrasound at a temperature
Salve et al., 2019 reported the particle size reduction of peanut milk between 20 and 40 °C give a significant reduction in microbial content
at 200 W, 300 W and 400 W using 20 kHz ultrasound with nominal (Ronak Fahmi, 2012). In Almond milk, ultrasound processing makes a
applied power of 450 W. The author reported that the particle size (d50) significant reduction of E. coli and L. monocytogenes (Iorio et al., 2019).
reduced after ultrasound treatment at higher power levels as compared In peanut milk, ultrasound processing increased extended shelf life com-
to the untreated peanut milk (control). They also reported there was no pared to unprocessed one at storage conditions (Salve et al., 2019). In
significant variation found in the particle size of untreated peanut milk rice milk, ultrasound processing decreased the total count of S. enterica
(0.29 ± 0.05 𝜇m) and 200 W sonicated sample (0.22 ± 0.03). However, (Campaniello et al., 2018). In oat milk, a specific frequency of ultra-
the particle size decreased significantly on treating at 300 W and 400 W sound induces the population of L. casei by fermentation of the lactose
US treatment and values are 0.21 ± 0.02 𝜇m and 0.02 𝜇m, respectively content (Herrera-Ponce et al., 2021). In hazelnut milk, the combina-
(Table 1). tion of ultrasound treatment and thermal treatment around 80 °C causes
Ultrasound in the lower frequency (20 kHz), has been identified to complete elimination of all microorganisms (Ilyas Atalar, 2019). Thus
be effective in the development of stable emulsions. Li et al., 2017, per- comparing to most of the plant-based milk and extract after the ultra-
formed a comparative study on energy efficiency and effectiveness of sound treatment with or without combination treatments resulted in the
sono-emulsification to high-pressure homogenization (HPH) at various decrease of microbial activity by the principle of sonoporation and thus

A.K. Sarangapany, A. Murugesan, A.S. Annamalai et al. Applied Food Research 2 (2022) 100130

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