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Applied Food Research 2 (2022) 100241

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Applied Food Research

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Utilization of pumpkin, pumpkin powders, extracts, isolates, purified

bioactives and pumpkin based functional food products: A key strategy to
improve health in current post COVID 19 period: An updated review
Ashiq Hussain a,∗, Tusneem Kausar a, Sawera Sehar b, Ayesha Sarwar c, Abdul Haseeb Ashraf d,
Muhammad Abdullah Jamil a, Saima Noreen a, Ayesha Rafique a, Khansa Iftikhar a,
Jawed Aslam a, Muhammad Yousaf Quddoos a, Muhammad Abid Majeed a, Mehwish Zerlasht e
a Institute of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan
b Department of Zoology, University of Sargodha, Pakistan
Institute of Chemistry, University of Sargodha, Pakistan
Department of Physics, University of Lahore, Pakistan
Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Progression of today’s world has been given setback due to the adversity of a novel, viral and deadly outbreak
Pumpkin COVID 19, which raised the concerns of the scientists, researchers and health related officials about the inherent
COVID 19 and adaptive immune system of the living body and its relation with healthy diet balanced with pharma foods.
Pharma food
Choice of right food can help to build and boost adaptive immunity and pumpkin due to excellent profile of
functional and nutraceutical constituents must be the part of both infected and non-infected person’s daily diet.
Food products Vitamins, minerals, phenolic acids, essential oils, peptides, carotenoids and polysaccharides present in pumpkin
could accommodate the prevailing deficiencies in the body to fought against the pathogens. Pumpkins are well
equipped with nutraceuticals and functional ingredients therefore, consumption and processing of this remarkable
fruit must be encouraged as pharma food due to its antihyperlipidemic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antihyper-
glycemic, immunomodulatory, antihypertensive, antimicrobial and antioxidant potential, and these pharmaco-
logical properties of pumpkin are directly or indirectly related to the COVID 19 outbreak. Utilization of pumpkin
has a domain in the form of powders, extracts, isolates, and pumpkin incorporated food products. A wide range of
healthy, nutritious and functional food products has been developed from pumpkin, which includes juice, soup,
porridge, chips, biscuits, bread, cake, bar and noodles. In recent times some innovative and novel technologies
have been applied to process and preserve pumpkin for its enhanced shelf life and bioaccessibility of nutrients.
Need of healthy eating in current post COVID 19 period is very crucial for healthy population, and medicinal
foods like pumpkin, and bioactive compounds present in this functional food could play a vital role in developing
a healthy community around the globe.

1. COVID 19 pandemic, impact on population and need of against common viruses and novel corona virus improving the immu-
pharma foods nity all around the world (Arshad et al., 2020). This ongoing outbreak
is a major global challenge. People with compromised immune system
The COVID 19, a pandemic declared by World Health Organization, and existing metabolic, respiratory and cardiac problems are more vul-
is usually caused by a novel corona virus, which normally attacks the nerable to this infection or even death. The pharma foods generated
people with fragile immune response. Population with weak immunity from functional food plants with antiviral and immunomodulatory po-
is more vulnerable towards novel coronavirus. Plant based foods rich in tential, might not only boost the immune system and cure respiration
vitamins, minerals and proteins play crucial role in boosting immunity related infections but also can impose positive health impacts on pub-
as they promote beneficial bacteria in human body. Food combinations lic (Yang et al., 2020). Beside the development of allopathic drugs and
containing immunity boosting nutrients are needed to be explored and vaccines the use of medicinal foods as dietary supplements or nutraceu-
marketed in current post COVID 19 period, which can play vital role ticals could be a useful strategy to improve overall health by lowering
the risks of other related diseases. Foods derived antioxidants, vitamins,
∗ minerals, peptides and metal chelating agents, prevent inflammation
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Hussain).
and oxidative stress, the conditions which play a major role in advance-
Received 27 April 2022; Received in revised form 7 October 2022; Accepted 18 November 2022
Available online 19 November 2022
2772-5022/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
A. Hussain, T. Kausar, S. Sehar et al. Applied Food Research 2 (2022) 100241

ment of COVID 19. The presence of chronic diseases might enhance the related to body immunity and in current situation protection of body
potential risk of defective immune system resulting in attack of novel from viral diseases can only be done with the use of immunity booster
virus on a fragile defense system of the body Lammi & Arnoldi, 2021). diets. Pumpkin has been included prominently in the selection of veg-
The consequences of COVID 19 are long term even for those patients etables to be preferred during and after COVID 19 pandemic, due to its
who have recovered from this outbreak so it is necessary to visualize in role as immunity booster (Komarayanti et al., 2020).
a comprehensive manner the, relationship between COVID 19 and other Conversion of agricultural wastes into valuable food products is
diseases. It is need of time to develop a relationship between COVID 19, an area of interest of industrialists. Pumpkin wastes are composed of
diet, lifestyle and other diseases, this will definitely help the caregivers peels and seeds byproducts, which are loaded with beneficial nutri-
to attend the patients for better course of medication and recommen- ents. Pumpkin peels are extraordinary sources of polysaccharides, pectin
dations (Toor & Chana, 2022). Significant evidences are present that and carotenoids while pumpkin seeds are equipped with bioactive com-
COVID 19 resulted widespread fear, depression, anxiety and mental ill- pounds including tocopherols, phenols, carotenes, essential oils, pro-
ness. This pandemic affected billions of people around the globe lead- teins, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Pumpkin wastes are capable of pro-
ing to millions of deaths apart of mental health illness. The impact of viding health benefits directly or through production of valuable nutri-
this viral disease on global economy shows its destruction on commu- tional food products (Noh et al., 2022). By products of seed used pump-
nities, infrastructure and institutions. Now along with the application kin include peel, flesh, seed cake and seed coat, these parts instead of
of vaccine and curing measures it is important to investigate pharma wasting can be utilized to develop feed and food products, which could
foods, which can boost immune system and mental health of popula- play health promoting role due to their nutritional values (Li et al.,
tion (Chakraborty, 2020). The outbreak of COVID 19 has evolved world 2022a). Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) peel, flesh and seeds were dried to
health crises and with current rising prevalence of obesity, diabetes and obtain fine quality powders and ethanolic extracts of these three pump-
other such complications may lead to persistent derangements in im- kin parts were tested for total phenolic, flavonoid, carotenoid, mineral
mune system of humans. The role of healthy diet can eliminate these and 𝛽 carotene contents. The results revealed that all three fractions of
risks by minimizing the immune defections (Zhou et al., 2021). pumpkin were well equipped containing comparable amounts of phy-
Nutrition, a key factor affecting humans health must be the key tochemicals responsible for health promoting activities (Hussain et al.,
strategy to encounter the attack of COVID 19. That is why the popu- 2021a).
lations with poor diet and bad eating habits have greater chances to Pumpkin is considered an important vegetable all around the world
be affected by viral diseases especially the novel coronavirus. Food ob- due to its special nutritional profile promoting human health. Peel,
tained from plant sources are excellent sources of essential vitamins and flesh and seeds of pumpkin are excellent sources of carotenoids espe-
minerals, the agents responsible for boosting immunity off all the pop- cially 𝛽 carotene. Different techniques have been applied to analyze the
ulation (Ahmad et al., 2022). Both infected and uninfected persons in 𝛽 carotene in pumpkin parts and results were found satisfactory with
the current outbreak of COVID 19 and post pandemic situation, have higher values of 𝛽 carotene in pumpkin peel as compared to flesh and
been advised healthy eating habits in all over the world and inclusion seeds. The contents of 𝛽 carotene in all parts of pumpkin are compa-
of pumpkin in their diet could be the positive gesture for human health rable with varied amounts in different species due to several factors
(Abushal, 2021). including age, environment and species (Hagos et al., 2022). Physical,
chemical and cooking quality parameters of freshly harvested pumpkin
2. Pumpkin; a healthy pharma food with excellent nutritional and pumpkin stored at ambient conditions were compared and a sig-
profile nificant decrease in quality parameters of stored pumpkin was noticed.
Freshly cultivated pumpkin was found good sources of starch, pectin,
Pumpkin is a gourd-like fruit native of tropical and subtropical re- lipids, carotenoids and minerals, the attributes of interest for consumers
gions, well known for its excellent nutritional profile. Pumpkin belongs and food processors (Theanjumpol & Maniwara, 2022). Impact of differ-
to the genus Cucurbita and family Cucurbitaceae with three economi- ent household cooking techniques on color, antioxidant capacities and
cally common species namely Cucurbita maxima, Cucurbita pepo and Cu- sensory properties of pumpkin was studied to find out the best possible
curbita moschata, with major producers in the world including United method for good nutritional food products from pumpkin. Steaming of
States, China, Russia and India. Most common natural phytochemical pumpkin reduced the loss of total phenolic contents and stir frying re-
present in sufficient quantities in pumpkin are carotenoids, phenolics, duced the loss of total flavonoids thus improving the antioxidant poten-
vitamins, minerals, polysaccharides, pectins, fibers, tocopherols, phy- tial of pumpkin (Mashiane et al., 2021). Pumpkin flesh is a rich source
tosterols, essential oils, proteins, peptides and amino acids. These wide of carotenoids and upon investigations 25 different types of carotenoids
range of bioactives present in pumpkin have been found involved in sev- and carotenoid esters have been identified in pumpkin flesh and some of
eral pharmacological and biological activities including antimicrobial, them are heat sensitive and others are stable towards heat. Carotenoids
anticancer, antioxidant, cardioprotective, antiaging, anti-inflammatory play positive role as antioxidants and anticarcinogenic agents and can
and prebiotic activities (Ezzat et al., 2022). Production of pumpkin have protect the body from viral infections (Ouyang et al., 2022).
been recorded 22.90 million tons in 2019 with leading producers China, Oil from pumpkin seeds (40 mg/kg) and zinc (4 mg/kg) were ap-
United States, India and Russia. Natural pigments present in pumpkin plied in experimental stressed rats along with reference drug venlafaxine
are responsible for appearance, colors and flavors of food products de- (20 mg/kg), and pumpkin seed oils have been found involved in low-
veloped with pumpkin incorporation. Nutritional value of developed ering oxidative stress and neuroinflammation caused by chronic mild
foods is also improved by addition of pumpkin. Pumpkin is considered stress in rats. Pumpkin seed oil and zinc improved the antioxidant ca-
a versatile food due to its nutraceutical and functional food properties pacity and anti-inflammatory status of rats resultantly acting as anti-
(Sharma & Sogi, 2022). depressant by producing the serotonin and norepinephrine in the blood
Vegetables like pumpkin, which are loaded with antioxidant compo- (El-Azma et al., 2022). Pumpkin seed oil is naturally loaded with a
nents such as Vitamin C, A, E, zinc and 𝛽 carotene have high impact on number of bioactive components participating in human health. Phe-
COVID 19 patients. Instead of consumption of fast foods possessing bad nolic compounds, fatty acids, tocopherols, minerals, carotenoids and
cholesterol and saturated fats, these types of vegetables improve innate phytosterols have been found involved in cholesterol lowering, anticar-
and adaptive immune system of the body (Tanmoy et al., 2020). In con- cinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic and antimicrobial activities
text of outbreak of COVID 19 the use of food as medicine has gained (Gedi, 2022). Pumpkin seeds and kernels of different cultivars were
importance worldwide and pumpkin containing immunity boosters like nutritionally tested for protein, fiber, fat, minerals, vitamins, sterols,
omega-3 fatty acids, zinc and selenium is a remarkable food to be used tocopherols and carotenoids, which explores their further use in food
(Parikh & Kumar, 2021). Relation of COVID 19 pandemic is very closely and nutraceutical industry. Broad spectrum antimicrobial and antiox-

A. Hussain, T. Kausar, S. Sehar et al. Applied Food Research 2 (2022) 100241

Table 1
Functional constituents present in pumpkin and their pharmacological activities related to COVID 19 pandemic.

Sr. No. Functional constituents of pumpkin Pharmacological activities related to COVID 19

1 Vitamin C Destroys free radicals in the body and boost immune system
2 Vitamin E Act as antioxidant by scavenging the free radicals in the body
3 Vitamin D Encounter the viral infections, especially respiratory tract infections which are common in
COVID 19 outbreak
4 𝛽 carotene Powerful antioxidant, reduces inflammation by increasing the production of diseases fighting
cells in the body
5 Zinc Increases the production of white blood cells in body, the agents defending body against
6 Iron Necessary for normal functioning of biochemical processes in the body, Homeostasis risk of
7 Selenium Boost both innate and adaptive immune system
8 Polysaccharides Reduce level of oxidative stress in cells and tissues and play role as antioxidant,
antimicrobial, antiviral, antidiabetic and antitumor
9 Proteins (peptides, amino acids and enzymes) Act as antimicrobial, inhibit growth of melanoma, counteract intoxication,
10 Lipids (fats, oils, fatty acids, sterols) Play role as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, anticarcinogenic,
anti-parasitic and hypotensive
11 Phenolic acids Alleviate the oxidative stress by acting as antioxidant agents

idant activities of selected cultivars seeds and seeds kernels were also plication of different techniques to produce pumpkin pulp flours did not
observed. Valuable nutritional contents of pumpkin seeds and seeds ker- affected the shelf life of flour (Adelerin et al., 2022). Foam-mat drying
nels could provide the new valorization in food processing industry for of pumpkin puree provides 50% faster drying rates than conventional
development of nutritional food products (Singh and Kaur 2022). The drying and also the preservation of carotenoid contents was smoothly
use of pumpkin seed was tested against blastocystis, the unique proto- achieved through this innovative technique. Dried flour through this
zoa involved in infection in gastrointestinal tract and satisfactory results modern technique exhibited excellent water holding capacity and higher
were observed comparable with standard drug for the treatment of such solubility index as compared to conventionally dried flour. For develop-
parasitic infections (Salman & Ardalan, 2022). Pumpkin seeds are excel- ment of different food products when hydration of this dried pumpkin
lent source of protein especially free tryptophan with promising antiox- puree flour was done it presented the same firmness and adhesiveness
idant capacity, which supports the potential of utilization of pumpkin as the fresh pumpkin puree. This innovative process added value to
seeds as a functional food ingredient for development of nutraceuticals the traditional pumpkin puree and pumpkin flour providing the base
(Vargas et al., 2022). The presence of biologically active components for development of nutritional pumpkin-based food products with good
valorize pumpkin seeds an attractive choice for the pharma industry. quality attributes (Panato & Muller, 2022). Pumpkin slices were un-
Oil extracted from pumpkin seeds have been found involved in many dergone three pre-treatments blanching, freeze thawing and ultrasound
biological activities due to its unique fatty acid composition and toco- pre-treatment before far-infrared drying and these treatments influenced
pherol contents responsible for anti-parasitic activities (Chellini et al., positively on the quality parameters of pumpkin. These conditions led
2022). Important functional constituents of pumpkin and their pharma- to the increased polyphenols and total carotenoid contents of the pump-
cological activities related to COVID 19 have been presented in Table 1. kin slices as compared to untreated pumpkin. Resultantly it can be con-
cluded that pre-treatments before drying of pumpkin could be the ef-
3. Pumpkin powders; concentrated sources of nutrients and fective processing techniques to obtain good quality pumpkin products
phytochemicals with enhanced nutritional parameters (Chao et al., 2022). Pumpkin peel,
flesh and seeds powders contain good quality protein and oils, contain-
Pumpkin powder can be obtained by different combination of dry- ing essential amino acids and fatty acids (Hussain et al., 2022a).
ing techniques including connective drying, microwave drying and Pumpkin seeds, which are usually discarded but are excellent source
microwave-connective drying, the obtained powders from different of fiber, protein, oil, minerals and phenolic compounds. Nutritional
pumpkin fruits when were tested for physicochemical properties, color, quality of pumpkin seeds can be best retained and improved through
bioactive compounds and antioxidant potential, optimal results were different pretreatments before drying (Zalazar-Garcia et al., 2022). Seed
found, which indicates that pumpkin powder can be added in differ- used pumpkin was tested for influences of different drying techniques on
ent food products without any negative physicochemical changes but functional properties of pumpkin and sufficient quantities of polyphe-
on the other hand the bioactive compounds will definitely enhance the nols, carotenoids and ascorbic acid were found, which was a clear in-
nutritional status of the food products (İzli et al., 2022). Pumpkin peel, dication of antioxidant and anticancer potential of pumpkin, the two
flesh and seeds were separated and dried using hot air drying to obtain conditions which are directly or indirectly related to infectious dis-
fine quality powders and these powders from three fractions of pumpkin eases (Chao et al., 2022). Seed used pumpkin flesh was dried to ob-
were tested for total phenolic, flavonoid, carotenoid and mineral con- tain fine quality powder and carotenoids were detected in developed
tents. The results revealed that every part of pumpkin is heavily loaded powder. Particle size of the powder was important for bioaccessibility
with bioactives (Hussain et al., 2021b). Pumpkin was dried by hot air of carotenoids during in vitro study. Addition of corn oil and smaller
oven and grinded to obtain fine quality powder, which possessed pleas- particle size improved the antioxidant capacities of the pumpkin pow-
ant color, smell and texture. This powder could be used as a concen- der (Lyu et al., 2021). Pumpkin parts powders were found capable of
trated source of nutrients like fiber, minerals, vitamins and proteins to antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic activities in alloxan induced
fortify food products especially bakery and dairy products (Johari et al., diabetic rats, in a controlled clinical trial (Hussain et al., 2022b).
Pumpkin pulp flour was produced using different techniques and 4. Pumpkin extracts, isolated and purified bioactives
physicochemical and nutritional analysis of developed flours were car-
ried out in a comparative manner. Fermentation technique positively Pumpkins are extensively grown in the world and mostly consumed
impacted the protein, fiber, total carotenoids, vitamins and mineral con- in cooked form by the population. Cooked texture of the pumpkins is
tents, while boiling improved the crude fiber contents of the flours. Ap- directly related to the contents and properties of the starches present

A. Hussain, T. Kausar, S. Sehar et al. Applied Food Research 2 (2022) 100241

in pumpkin. Starches were extracted from pumpkin and it was ob- other meat formulations (Ebert et al., 2022). Nutritionally well-balanced
served that strong resistance towards enzymatic hydrolysis was exhib- proteins have been found abundantly in pumpkin seeds. Protein isolates
ited by starch granules (Yuan et al., 2022). Pumpkin polysaccharides and protein fractions from pumpkin seeds were tested for biochem-
intake through oral administration is primary and basic way to utilize ical, functional, and nutritional properties and essential amino acids
these bioactives. Pumpkin polysaccharides are clinical medications due were predominantly present in pumpkin proteins. Results conformed
to their health promoting properties (Li et al., 2022a). Pumpkin de- the potential application of pumpkin seed proteins in functional food
rived polysaccharides have been found involved in antioxidant, anti- products (Vinayashree & Vasu, 2021). Pumpkin protein foods with high
tumor, hypoglycaemic, hepatoprotective and immunoregulatory activi- nutritional values can be developed. Different peptides from pumpkin
ties. Structural analyses, extraction methods and pharmacological activ- seed proteins were purified, characterized and evaluated for their zinc-
ities of pumpkin polysaccharides have been investigated to explore the chelating capability. Effective zinc transportation and absorption in gas-
vast medicinal uses of these phytochemicals (Ji et al., 2021). A novel trointestinal tract was observed in an in-vitro study experimenting on the
low molecular mass polysaccharide with molecular weight 3.5 kDa have pumpkin seed peptide-zinc chelates (Peng et al., 2022). Pumpkin seed
been detected, isolated and purified from pumpkin, displayed strong an- protein isolates were treated with high intensity ultrasonic treatment to
tioxidant and hypoglycaemic activities. This polysaccharide alleviated improve the physicochemical, structural and foaming properties of pro-
oxidative stress in tested animals (Li et al., 2021). Pumpkin paste with tein isolates. This novel technique proved helpful in contributing the
high content of pectin was produced with preservation of nutrients and functional and nutritional properties of the protein (Du et al., 2022).
with capacity to remove heavy metals, radionuclides and toxins from Clinical studies have proven that plant extracts are useful tradi-
human body. This study explored the use of pumpkin paste with high tional medicines to treat mild to moderate lower urinary tract infec-
amount of pectin for the therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition of peo- tions. Pumpkin seed extracts were used in a randomized controlled study
ple (Sukhenko et al., 2019). A new polysaccharide was extracted and to investigate their healing effects on urinary tract symptoms and re-
purified from pumpkin, having local rod like conformation and was sults revealed the health promoting capacity of pumpkin seed extracts
found involved in anti-diabetic activity in alloxan induced diabetic mice (Vahlensieck et al., 2022). Pumpkin peel, flesh and seeds methanolic
(Thanh et al., 2021). extracts were tested for antimicrobial and antioxidant activities and re-
Pumpkin seeds used for the production of oils, contain minute quan- sults were found very promising, encouraging the use of pumpkin ex-
tities of 𝛼-linolenic acid, bioactive phytoprostanes and phytofurans the tracts as complimentary medicines (Hussain et al., 2021a). Copper oxide
agents known for nutritional claims especially the antioxidant poten- nanoparticles were synthesized using pumpkin seed extract and were
tial. Due to nutty smell and taste pumpkin seed oil is well known green tested for their anticancer activity in human colon cancer. This study
colored oil used in food industry for extraction of bioactives and devel- opened the advancements of pumpkin seed extracts in medical, phar-
opment of pharma foods (Vigor et al., 2022). Evaluation of pumpkin maceutical and biotechnological fields (Tabrez et al., 2022). Fig. 1 sum-
seed oil and fatty acids present in it was done for traditionally grown marized the possible applicable ways to utilize the pumpkin.
pumpkins and organically grown pumpkins, and results explored highest
percentage of linoleic acid, linolenic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid and 5. Pumpkin based pharma and functional food products
stearic acid in organically grown pumpkin. From these results it can be
concluded that pumpkin is a medicinal plant and can be grown organi- Natural pigments such as carotenoids present in pumpkin improve
cally to obtain required bioactives in sufficient quantities (Ahmed et al., esthetic value and antioxidant potential of the pumpkin-based food
2022). Bioactive compounds, especially 𝛾-aminobutyric acid in pump- products. Peel and pulp of pumpkin were explored for carotenoids and
kin seeds was enhanced by optimizing the germination parameters and polyphenols, the agents responsible for antioxidant capacities of pump-
ultrasonic assisted extraction, the economical and effective methods for kin, using different technologies and results were exhaustive for these
optimal extraction yield of bioactives. These medicinal food components phytochemicals presence (Sharma & Bhat, 2021). Cereal based food
are associated with reduced risk of lifestyle-associated diseases like di- products including porridge, cookies and sponge cake were enriched
abetes hyperlipidemia (Liang et al., 2022). Pumpkin seed oil due to its by carotenoids rich pumpkin powder. Bioaccessibility and cell uptake
nutritional value acquires high market value and is occasionally adul- of carotenoids from these bakery products were investigated using in
terated with cheaper oils especially sunflower oil. Authenticity of re- vitro studies models and significantly high bioaccessibility of 𝛼 carotene,
tailed pumpkin seed oils was investigated through sterol composition lutein and 𝛽 carotene were noticed (Rosul et al., 2022). Pumpkin flour
analysis (Balbino et al., 2022). Pumpkin seed oil extracted by different was used as functional ingredient in formulated food, flat noodles to in-
techniques from pumpkins of different origins exhibits different total crease antioxidant activity of the developed product. Improved aroma,
phenolic contents and antioxidant capacities. Among these techniques flavor, taste, texture and overall accessibility of pumpkin powder incor-
hot pressing was found the most suitable method with good physico- porated noodles were observed (Indrianti et al., 2021).
chemical properties suitable for industrial application of pumpkin seed Good and acceptable formulated complementary porridges can be
oil (Irnawati et al., 2022). Pumpkin seed oil is an excellent source of developed from blends of pumpkin seed powder, amaranth grains, soy-
vitamin E, powerful antioxidant involved in anticarcinogenic and anti- bean and sweet potato. These functional food porridges when evaluated
inflammatory activities. Non refined, organic pumpkin seed oil was used for their nutritional analysis proved excellent sources of iron, zinc, pro-
to detect, isolate and structure verify the rare vitamin E compound 𝛾- tein, vitamin A and vitamin C, the elements responsible to compete nu-
tocomonoenol. Countercurrent chromatography enabled the detection tritional requirements of children especially in current post COVID 19
of 18 different tocochromanols in pumpkin seed oil, responsible for an- period as the healthy and boosted immune system could only be the key
tioxidant capacities of pumpkin seed oil (Kropfl et al., 2022). strategy to combat viral and infectious diseases. The usage and market-
Pumpkin seed protein isolates can be extracted from pumpkin seeds ing of such formulated foods must be promoted in our societies to de-
and their functional and physicochemical properties could be improved velop a healthy community (Marcel et al., 2022). Pumpkin based snacks
by high intensity ultrasound processing. Functional properties of pump- after freeze drying of pumpkin puree were obtained with higher shape
kin seed proteins can be enhanced by ultrasound technology to meet fidelity and controlled crispness. These innovative food products meet
the complex requirements of the food processing industries (Du et al., specific texture requirements with new sensory perception and could
2022). Texturized protein isolates from pumpkin seeds could be the open the new market of pumpkin-based nutritional and healthy food
alternatives of meat. These meat replacers are the agents responsible products for consumers (Chen et al., 2022). Pumpkin chips were de-
for favorable organoleptic changes and creating the products with high veloped supplemented with some aromatizing spices and significantly
consumer acceptability. Hybrid meat sausages incorporated with pump- increased antioxidant capacities of pumpkin snacks were noticed due to
kin seed proteins presented a promising, more sustainable alternative to high total phenolic contents especially phenolic acids. These pumpkin-

A. Hussain, T. Kausar, S. Sehar et al. Applied Food Research 2 (2022) 100241

Fig. 1. Pumpkin constituents; possible ways to utilize pumpkin pharmacological attributes.

based snacks could be used as excellent alternative snack food for all based colored beverage during storage (Atencio et al., 2022). Pump-
ages of groups due to their health promoting abilities (Aydin, 2022). kin was crushed and processed into pumpkin puree and after extraction
Effects of different drying treatments including hot air drying, freeze of juice pomace was separated. The impact of different processing treat-
drying and explosive puffing drying were studied for their impact on ments on pumpkin juices was studied and findings revealed that 90–98%
physical, nutritional and textural qualities of pumpkin chips. Freeze dry- carotenoids were transferred into the juice from puree due to high pres-
ing and explosive puffing drying were proved the most promising tech- sure homogenization. Instead of artificial juices natural pumpkin juice
niques to produce nutritious pumpkin chips with greater retention of with high carotenoid contents could be the attractive and healthy nat-
color, total carotenoids, total phenolic contents and antioxidant capac- ural product for customers desired with functional and medicinal foods
ities (Koprualan et al., 2021). (Atencio et al., 2022).
Pumpkin juice and nectar are two valuable food products of pump- Pumpkin and whey, potential sources of bioactive compounds, were
kin but due to their microbial count and perishable nature their shorter used as natural ingredients in manufacturing of bread as a strategy to re-
shelf life is problem towards their consumption and marketing. Pulsed duce the usage of artificial preservatives as the presence of mycotoxins
electric filed was used to inactivate Escherichia coli in pumpkin juice in cereals and cereal-based food products has been remained a signif-
and nectar. This preservation technique did not pose any negative cost icant issue for long time. This study provoked the promising applica-
on physicochemical properties of juice and nectar (Dos Santos et al., tion pumpkin in bakery products (Escriva et al., 2022). Yellow pump-
2022). Pumpkin juice as compared to untreated sample, ultrasonic treat- kin powder was produced and composite flours were developed with
ment significantly increased the carotenoid contents, whereas no neg- different proportion of pumpkin powder and wheat flour. Composite
ative impact was observed on color index of treated juice. Moreover, flours were tested for physical, rheological and functional properties.
the storage period did not affect the color and natural pigments of the Breads were also developed from these composite flours and organolep-
pumpkin juice. As ultrasonic processing significantly improved the nu- tic and nutritional analysis of developed breads were performed. The
tritional, physical, rheological and chemical properties of the pumpkin obtained results revealed that composite breads with greater substitu-
juice so this technique could be applied as a potential new technology tion of pumpkin powder exhibited higher total phenolic contents and
for processing of pumpkin to develop safe and nutritious food products higher antioxidant properties as compared to control bread. These re-
(Suo et al., 2022). Pumpkin based beverage was produced by addition of sults provided the base for development of nutritional and medicinal
pumpkin juice concentrate to study the carotenoids retention and degra- food products comprised of pumpkin powders to promote the health of
dation during different storage conditions. Proper air tight packaging people around the globe (Aljahani, 2022). Pumpkin flour was incorpo-
and use of antioxidants optimized the pigments retention in pumpkin rated in wheat flour at different levels to develop nutritional bread and

A. Hussain, T. Kausar, S. Sehar et al. Applied Food Research 2 (2022) 100241

Fig. 2. Pumpkin derived healthy and func-

tional food products.

20% replacement level of pumpkin flour yielded the bread with excel- tating goats and milk obtained from them was used to prepare semi-
lent total phenolic contents and antioxidant activities (Wahyono et al., hard cheese, which was tested for nutritional composition especially
2020). fatty acid profile and it was concluded that addition of oil seeds and
Immunity booster bars have been developed for the athletes, com- their cakes to the diets of lactating goats is an alternative to supple-
prised of pumpkin, flax and sunflower seeds, which proved highly ef- ments. The cheese prepared presented a food with health promoting
fective to fight against the novel virus in this scenario of COVID 19 properties (Klir et al., 2021). Pumpkin fruit is rich source of antiox-
pandemic (Mishra & Singh, 2021). Pumpkin-orange cake was devel- idants such as carotenoids and polyphenols. Reduced fat mayonnaise
oped and different sensory methodologies were implicated to check was developed using pumpkin flour as potential stabilizer. Addition
the shelf life of cake (Miele et al., 2022). Pumpkin puree was added of pumpkin flour in mayonnaise was studied for its physicochemical
in wheat bran sourdough, barley bran sourdough and rice bran sour- and structural effects and positive impact was noticed (Nidhal et al.,
dough to develop bread fermented with lactic acid bacteria and re- 2022). Pumpkin cream soup with addition of tempeh was developed
sults revealed that textural and sensory properties of bread were im- as complementary food product for elderly to combat with their age-
proved. These nutritional breads with different formulations provided related diseases. The developed soup was analyzed for fat, fiber, pro-
new range of functional and medicinal food items with acceptable con- tein, vitamins and minerals and results proved this supplementary food
sumer preferences (Ebrahimi et al., 2022). Peel, flesh and seeds of pump- product as excellent, nutritious diet for elderly people (Setiawan et al.,
kin were incorporated in wheat flour in the form of dried powders to 2021). Pumpkin derived healthy, nutritious and functional food prod-
develop functionalized biscuits with increased total phenolic, flavonoid ucts developed and marketed in recent times, have been presented in
and carotenoid contents, the basic agents behind the antioxidation pro- Fig. 2.
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To combat nutrition related diseases and improve overall physical 6. Innovative technologies based pumpkin processing and
and mental health, believe of consumers in healthy pharma foods has utilization
raised in recent years. Pumpkin powder was incorporated in yogurt to
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A. Hussain, T. Kausar, S. Sehar et al. Applied Food Research 2 (2022) 100241

and less microbial counts in fresh cut pumpkin slices with chitosan Declaration of Competing Interest
coating combined with vacuum packaging stored at low temperature
(Yuksel et al., 2022). Nutritive value of fatty foods reduces due to degra- The authors have declared no conflicts of interest for this article.
dation of polyunsaturated fatty acids resultantly generating toxic alde-
Data availability
hydes, which also poses negative impact on sensory properties of food.
Shelf life of these type of foods is always reduced due to oxidation of
Data will be made available on request.
lipids. Pumpkin oil cake provided a good alternative to plastic pack-
aging due to barrier properties to gasses, natural origin and biodegrad-
ability. Pumpkin oil cake-based films due to excellent oxidative stability Acknowledgments
are good biofilms to preserve fatty foods (Hromis et al., 2022). Vacuum
cooked pumpkin discs fortified with iron and ascorbic acid were eval- No funds were availed for this research work.
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