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CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy

that can help you manage your problems by altering your thinking and behavior.

It is most commonly used to treat anxiety and depression, but its uses have now expanded to

include the treatment of a wide range of mental health conditions.

CBT is based on the idea that your thoughts, feelings, physical sensations, and actions are all

linked, and that negative thoughts and feelings can trap you in a downward spiral.

CBT aim to assist you in dealing with overwhelming problems in a more positive manner by

breaking them down into smaller parts.

Types of CBT : -Multimodal therapy : According to multimodal therapy, psychological issues

must be addressed through seven distinct but interconnected modalities: behavior, affect,

sensation, imagery, cognition, interpersonal factors, and drug/biological considerations

-Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) : Cognitive therapy is an evidence-based therapy that

employs strategies such as problem solving and acceptance.

-Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) : REBT is an active-oriented therapy approach that

teaches you to replace negative thoughts with healthier, more productive beliefs by helping you

identify irrational beliefs such as self-defeating feelings and thoughts

-Therapy for acceptance and commitment (ACT) :ACT's goal is to change how you react to your

inner experiences. Emotions, thoughts, and impulses are examples of inner experiences. Physical

sensations teach you how to stop denying, avoiding, and resisting your inner emotions.. Once

you understand this way of thinking, you can begin to accept the difficulties and problems you're


Therapeutic Techniques of CBT

1-Exposure therapy To confront fears and phobias, exposure therapy can be used. The therapist

will gradually expose you to the things that cause you fear or anxiety, while also advising you on

how to deal with them in the moment.

2-Cognitive restructuring/reframing :reframe your negative thought patterns into more

productive, positive ones by taking an in-depth look at them.Perhaps you have a tendency to

overgeneralize, to assume the worst, or to place far too much emphasis on minor details.

3-Journaling:You may be asked to write down negative beliefs that arise during the week as well

as positive beliefs that can be substituted for them.

4-Playing a role When you can act out scenarios that would normally cause stress or fear in your

life, you can learn how to change your behavior. Role play has been shown to be effective in

developing healthy problem-solving skills and boosting confidence.

5-Positive activities. Including a rewarding activity in your daily routine can help boost your

overall positivity and improve your mood.

6- Identifying Negative Thoughts : It is critical to understand what thoughts, feelings, and

situations contribute to maladaptive behavior.

7-Self-Monitoring :Also known as diary work, self-monitoring is an important cognitive

behavioral therapy technique. It involves tracking behaviors, symptoms, or experiences over time

and sharing them with your therapist.

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