Taiwan Professor Gives Good Advice

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Greetings, my esteemed students in Taiwan!

As you embark on your academic journey, I am here to

impart a vital lesson that can make or break your academic success: the importance of citing your
sources in a homework assignment.

You might think that citing your sources is a tedious task that can be easily skipped. You might even
think that your professor won't notice if you forget to cite your sources. But let me tell you, my dear
students, that citing your sources is not only important, but it is also the hallmark of a responsible and
honest student.

Imagine this scenario: you spend hours researching and writing your homework assignment, but you
forget to cite your sources. Your professor reads your paper and notices that some of the ideas and
information you presented are not your own. What will happen? Your professor will assume that you
have plagiarized and will give you a failing grade. How embarrassing!

But don't worry, my students. Citing your sources is not rocket science. All you have to do is follow a
simple format, such as APA or MLA, and include the author's name, publication year, and page number
in your in-text citation. And in your reference list or bibliography, list all the sources you used in
alphabetical order.

Now, some of you might wonder why we bother with such a tedious task. Can't we just copy and paste
information from the internet and call it a day? Well, let me tell you, my dear students, that plagiarism is
not only unethical, but it is also illegal. And in this age of technology, it is very easy for your professor to
catch you if you plagiarize. We have software that can detect plagiarism in a matter of seconds. So, don't
even think about it!

Moreover, citing your sources has many benefits. First, it shows that you have done your research and
that you have a thorough understanding of the topic. Second, it allows your professor to verify the
accuracy of your information and evaluate the quality of your sources. And third, it gives credit to the
original authors of the information you used, which is not only respectful but also helps you avoid
copyright infringement.

Let me expand on these benefits a little further. Citing your sources shows that you have done your
research and that you have a thorough understanding of the topic. It demonstrates to your professor
that you have taken the time to read and analyze the literature on the topic. This not only shows your
professor that you have a good grasp of the subject matter, but it also shows that you are interested
and engaged in the topic.
Citing your sources also allows your professor to verify the accuracy of your information and evaluate
the quality of your sources. Your professor may not be an expert in the topic you are writing about, so
by citing your sources, you are allowing your professor to check the accuracy of your information and
ensure that you are using high-quality sources. This helps to strengthen your argument and make your
paper more persuasive.

Finally, citing your sources gives credit to the original authors of the information you used. This is not
only respectful, but it also helps you avoid copyright infringement. Using someone else's work without
giving them credit is a violation of their intellectual property rights, and it can result in legal action being
taken against you. By citing your sources, you are acknowledging the original author's contribution to
the field and showing that you respect their work.

Now, I know some of you might be thinking, "But Professor, what if I can't find the author's name or the
publication date?" Well, my dear students, there are ways to handle these situations. For example, if
you can't find the author's name, you can use the title of the article or the website as the author. And if
you can't find the publication date, you can use "n.d." (short for "no date") in your citation. But
remember, these situations should be rare. In most cases, you should be able to find the necessary
information to cite your sources properly.

Now, let's move on to the fun part of this essay. I promised to make it funny, didn't I? So, let me tell you
a story about a student who didn't cite his sources and paid the price.

Once upon a time, there was a student named Tom. Tom was a lazy student who never bothered to do
his homework on time. One day, Tom was assigned a research paper on the history of Taiwan. Tom
didn't know anything about Taiwan, so he decided to do a quick Google search and copy and paste
information from the internet.

Tom didn't bother to cite his sources because he thought his professor wouldn't notice. But little did he
know that his professor was a master of detecting plagiarism. When the professor read Tom's paper, he
immediately noticed that some of the information Tom presented was not his own. The professor ran
Tom's paper through a plagiarism checker and found that almost 90% of the paper was plagiarized.

Needless to say, Tom received a failing grade and was embarrassed in front of his classmates. But that's
not all. The professor also reported Tom's plagiarism to the university's academic integrity committee,
and Tom was put on academic probation. Tom learned his lesson the hard way: always cite your
So, my dear students, let Tom's story be a lesson to you. Don't be like Tom. Always cite your sources and
be a responsible and honest student. Not only will it save you from embarrassment, but it will also help
you excel in your academic career.

In conclusion, citing your sources is not only important, but it is also essential for academic success. It
shows that you have done your research, allows your professor to verify the accuracy of your
information, and gives credit to the original authors of the information you used. So, always cite your
sources and avoid the embarrassment and consequences of plagiarism. And remember, if you ever need
help with citing your sources or any other aspect of your homework assignment, don't hesitate to ask
your professor. We are here to help you succeed!

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