An Application of Elastic Wheelrail Bi-Contact Theory To The Hunting of Bogie

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12th IFToMM World Congress, Besançon (France), June18-21, 2007

An application of elastic wheel/rail bi-contact theory to the hunting of bogie

Tr. Mazilu*
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
Bucharest, Romania

Abstract—The hunting of bogie is simulated. The elastic depends on the running speed - at low speeds, this
wheel/rail bi-contact theory is applied. The limit cycles for bogie movement is stable and at high speeds, this movement
hunting are analyzed. The hunting movement on a track which becomes unstable. The actual speed for which the
has random alignment irregularities is studied. movement loses its stability is also known as critical
hunting speed. As long as the movement is stable, the axle
Keywords: bogie, hunting, limit cycle, bi-contact wheel/rail
will follow approximately the rail’s alignment
I. Introduction irregularities without touching the interior rail flanges.
When becoming unstable, the magnitude of the lateral
The hunting movement occurring in case of the railway movement increases in a manner in which the axle’s
vehicles is a consequence of the reversed conic shape of lateral displacement is consumed. The exterior flange of
the rolling surfaces. If the axle is transversally displaced, the wheel will smash the interior rail flange thus
the wheel that finds itself closer to the rail will have a producing shocks that will affect severely the vehicle’s
larger rolling diameter than the other one, which rolls on a running quality, the mechanical strenght for both, the
smaller diameter (fig.1). * vehicle and the rail and never the less the circulation
safety. Because of this loss of stability the hunting
movement is one of the main factors of speed limits for
railway vehicles.

Fig. 1. The axle hunting.

The wheels are fixed in a rigid manner to the axle’s

body and therefore, the wheel rolling on a larger diameter
will advance quicker than the other one, which will
always stay behind. The axle spins compared to the Fig. 2. The wheel/rail contact point: a) mono-contact; b) bi-contact.
vertical axis and eventually will approach the track’s
middle axis. When reaching that point, the axle’s spinning This movement that we present here is an interesting
angle will be at its highest value and both wheels will roll example of non-linear vibration. The movement’s non
on even diameters. Next, the axle will continue its linearity is governed by the laws of geometry and friction.
movement, leaving the center position to the opposite side Generally, the wheel/rail contact is represented by a point
form the initial lateral displacement, forcing the wheel to on the rolling surface (the so-called “mono – contact”), as
roll on smaller and smaller diameters and the other one on it may be seen in fig. 2a. If the axle consumes its lateral
increasingly larger diameters. Both wheels will reach the displacement, the attacking wheel’s flange will touch the
same level at the precise moment when the axle center is rail’s interior flange. This particular situation is known as
situated at the maximum distance from the rail’s “bi – contact” and occurs when there are two actual
longitudinal axis. From now on, the movement will repeat contact points between the wheel and the rail (see fig. 2b).
itself in reverse. The axle center’s trajectory is a hunting On the other hand, the friction force has a non – linear
curve. variation, which depends on the so-called “creepage”
This movement is passed over to the bogie and to the (which is the ratio between the wheel’s slip speed and the
vehicle’s body through suspension elements. During the wheel’s transport speed) when the wheel approaches to
circulation, this hunting movement is also sustained by the appropriate rail.
rail’s alignment irregularities; therefore its intensity will This type of movement was studied since late 19th
be influenced by the size of these irregularities. In century – Klingel determined for the first time the
addition to that, the regime of this hunting movement wavelength for the hunting movement [1]. Also bringing
major contributions to the study, we mention Wickens [2,
E-mail: 3] and Joly [4], who analyzed the movement’s stability

12th IFToMM World Congress, Besançon (France), June18-21, 2007

using linear models. Non – linear models were used by De yrij (axle i, wheel j). The sleeper standing right under the ‘i‘
Pater [5], van Bommel [6] and Cooperrider [7]. Pascal [8] axle moves transversally with ysi. The sleeper and the rails
and Shabana [9] developed their own methods for are moving together in the vertical zsi movement and in
calculating the wheel/rail contact forces. the roll ϕsi movement.
This work uses a calculus method for contact forces, All elastic and damping elements have linear
which is based on the theory of the elastic bi-contact [10, characteristics.
11]. The limit cycles for bogie hunting are analyzed. We The equations of motion are resulting through the
also study the hunting movement on a track which has application of the Lagrange equations method. The
random alignment irregularities. following were obtained:
1. The equations of motion of the bogie:
II. Theoretical analysis
m&y& + c y (2 y& − y& 1 − y& 2 ) + k y (2 y − y1 − y 2 ) = 0, (1)
Next we study the hunting movement for a two-axle
bogie. The mechanical model is presented in fig.3. The m&z& + c z (2 z& − z&1 − z& 2 ) + k z (2 z − z1 − z 2 ) = 0, (2)
movement is considered to be reported to the fixed
referential ωξηζ. The bogie moves along the ωξ axis at a && + c ϕ (2ϕ& − ϕ& 1 − ϕ& 2 ) + k ϕ (2ϕ − ϕ1 − ϕ 2 ) = 0,
I xϕ (3)
constant velocity, V. The bogie’s suspended mass is
considered to be a rigid with 5 degrees of freedom: two
 z& − z& 2   z − z2 
translations – shaking y and lifting z; three rotations – roll I y &θ& + c θ  2θ& + 1  + k θ  2θ + 1
  = 0, (4)
 a   a 
ϕ, gallop θ and hunting ψ. The bogie’s mass center is
situated at axle level. Usually, modern passenger coaches I zψ && + c ψx (2ψ& − ψ& 1 − ψ& 2 ) + k ψx (2ψ − ψ1 − ψ 2 ) +
fulfill this requirement.  y& − y& 2   y − y2  (5)
+ c ψy  2ψ& − 1  + k ψy  2ψ − 1  = 0,
 a   a 

where m stands suspended bogie mass, Ix, Iy and Iz for the

inertia moments, kx, ky and kz for the elastic constants, cx,
cy and cz for the damping constants, 2a for bogie
wheelbase, 2b for transversal suspension base and cϕ=
czb2, kϕ= kzb2, cψx= cxb2, kψx= kxb2, cψy= cya2, kψy= kya2, cθ=
cza2 and kθ= kza2;

2. The equations of motion of the axle ‘i’

m 0 &x&i + c x ( x& i − x& ) + k x ( x i − x ) = X i1 + X i 2 , (6)

m 0 &y&i + c y y& i − y& + (−1) i aψ& + ] (7)
[ ]
+ k y y i − y + (−1) i aψ = Yi1 + Yi 2 ,
Fig. 3. The mechanical model for a bogie hunting.

The axles are rigid bodies with four degrees of freedom:

m0 &z&i + c z z& i − z& + (−1) i aθ& + ] (8)
two translations – bumping back xi and shaking yi – and [ i
+ k z z i − z + (−1) aθ = Qi1 + Qi 2 − 2Q,
two rotations – the revolution θi and hunting ψ i with
i=1÷2. The axle’s lifting zi and roll ϕi movements are not I 0 &θ& = -r ( X i1 + X i 2 ), (9)
independent. The corresponding movement equations are
though written, in order for them to be used in the calculus && i + c ϕ (ϕ& i − ϕ& ) + k ϕ (ϕ i − ϕ) − I 0 e (V / r )ψ
I 0e ϕ &i =
for reaction forces on the rolling surfaces. Also, we took (10)
in our consideration, the axle’s gyroscopic effect. = -r (Yi1 + Yi 2 ) + e(Qi1 − Qi 2 ),
The track is considered as a 3 rigid bodies system,
elastically connected together and to the ground. In && i + cψx (ψ
I 0e ψ & i − ψ& ) + k ψx (ψ i − ψ ) + I 0 e (V / r )ϕ& i =
parallel to the elastic elements, damping elements were (11)
considered as well. The periodic variation of the rail’s = -e( X i1 − X i 2 ),
lateral stiffness caused by the periodic sleeper support is
negligible. The rails have lateral independent movements

12th IFToMM World Congress, Besançon (France), June18-21, 2007

where m0 stands for axle mass, I0 and I0e for the inertia κν x N κν yz N
moments, 2e for the distance between the wheel/rail Tx = − , T yz = − (18)
contact points, r for wheel radius and Xij, Yij, Qij for the 1 + (κν / µ ) 1 + (κν / µ )2
projections of the resultant of the wheel/rail contact force;
3. The equations of motion of the track as it follows where νx and νyz stand for the components of the creepage
- the equation of motion of the rail under wheel j of axle i known as ν, κ is the creepage coefficient determined in
accordance to Kalker’s theory [14] and µ is the coefficient
m r &y&rij + c r ( y& rij − y& si ) + k r ( y rij − y si ) = −Yij + (−1) j Qtgγ , of adherence. The creepage is determined mainly by
(11) axle’s kinematics.
- the equation of motion of the sleeper under axle i The equation system may be solved numerically using
the Runge – Kutta method. If both wheels of the same
m s &y&si + c sy y& si + c r (2 y& si − y& ri1 − y& ri 2 ) + axle are in a mono – contact position, the normal forces
(12) are calculated from the algebraic system formed by the
+ k sy y si + k r (2 y si − y ri1 − y ri 2 ) = 0, axle’s lifting and roll movement equations. These
equations were obtained by substituting the accelerations
(m s + 2m r )&z&si + c sz z& si + k sz z si = 2Q − Qi1 − Qi 2 , (13) of the dependent movements (zi and ϕi) with the
accelerations of the independent coordinates. The
corresponding formulas result from the axle’s kinematical
(I s + 2m r e 2 )ϕ
&& si + c sz e r2 ϕ& si + k sz e r2 ϕ si = −e(Qi1 − Qi 2 ), analysis. If one wheel is in a bi – contact position, the
(14) reaction force on the flange is an additional unknown
where mr stands for the rail mass, ms for the sleeper mass, value. The problem may be solved iterative, using the
Is for sleeper’s inertia moment, kr, ksy and ksz for the elastic formula for the flange elastic deformations (Hertz). The
constants, cr, csy, and csz for damping constants and 2Q for elastic deformation of the flange is correlated with the
static axle load. axle and rail positions, which are known for each
integration step. The elastic deformation of the flange is
calculated according to the elastic bi – contact theory.

III. Numerical application

Next we analyze numerically the hunting movement for

a bogie. The bogie and track main parameters are: m =
3680 kg, Ix = 3680 kgm2, Iy = 1200 kgm2, Iz = 3800 kgm2,
kx = 40 MN/m, ky = 6 MN/m, kz = 1.25 MN/m, cx = 27
Fig. 4. The wheel/rail contact forces
kN/(m/s), cy = 10.5 kN/(m/s), cz = 8.6 kN/(m/s), m0=
1310 kg, I0 = 740 kgm2, I0e = 210 kgm2, 2e =1.5 m, 2a =
The wheel/rail contact forces are presented in fig.4 2.56 m, 2b = 2 m, r = 0.445 m, 2Q = 110 kN, mr = 60 kg,
(mono – contact): the normal force Nij and the friction ms = 240 kg, Is = 135 kgm2, kr =70 MN/m, ksy = 70
force Tij with its components Txij and Tyzij. The MN/m, ksz = 65 MN/m , cr = 100 kN/(m/s), csy = 300
components of the resultants of the contact forces are kN/(m/s), csz= 140 kN/(m/s). The CFR S 78 wheel profile
and UIC 60 rail are considered.
( )
X ij = T xij + σ δ fij T fij , (15) Before solving the movement equations numerically,
the critical hunting speed was calculated (linear model).
( ) (
Yij = m N ij sin γ ij ± ϕ si + T yzij cos γ ij ± ϕ si + ) The linear equation system has the following matrix
( )[ ( )
+ σ δ fij m N fij sin γ f ± ϕ si + T fyzij cos γ f ± ϕ si , ( )] (16) structure:

{q& } = A{q}
( ) (
Qij = N ij cos γ ij ± ϕ ti ± T yzij sin γ ij ± ϕ ti + )
( )[ ( ) (
+ σ δ fij N bij sin γ f ± ϕ si ± T fyzij sin γ f ± ϕ si , )] in which {q} is the column for state parameters and A is
the system matrix. The A matrix’ own values were
calculated compared to the speed. The real part of these
where γij stands for the contact angle, δfij for the wheel’s
values is negative at low speeds, which means that the
elastic deformation in case of flange contact (subscript f)
bogie is stable. When this part becomes positive, the
and σ(.) is the Heaviside function. bogie becomes unstable and the critical speed may be
The friction force depends on the creepage in a non – determined. In this particular case, the critical speed is V
linear matter. Chartet’s modified formula [12] was used = 69.6 m/s.

12th IFToMM World Congress, Besançon (France), June18-21, 2007

The existence of this unstable limit cycle shows that the

hunting instability may occur even at speeds below the
critical hunting speed (linear model). The vehicle’s top
speed must be small enough in order to avoid instability
debut on accepted geometrical irregularities.

Fig. 5. The lateral displacement of the first axle (local

sinusoidal defect, V = 65 m/s ).

In case of the numerical simulation (non – linear

model), the bogie is supposed to pass over a local
sinusoidal alignment defect with its length equal to the
wavelength. Figure 5 presents the lateral displacement of
the first axle for V = 65 m/s, defect amplitude: u = 2 mm Fig. 8. The lateral displacement of the first axle (u=2.05 mm,
and defect wavelength λ = 18 m. The movement is λ=18m, V=66.2m/s).
damped and the hunting of the bogie is stable.
The speed and the amplitude of the unstable limit cycle
are depending directly on the defect amplitude (defect
length remains constant): high speed – low amplitude of
the limit cycle – low defect amplitude. The unstable limit
cycle disappears at the critical speed (linear model).

Fig. 6. The lateral displacement of the first axle (unstable limit

cycle, u=2 mm, λ=18m, V=66.2m/s).

Figure 6 presents the lateral displacement of the first

axle for V = 66.2 m/s, defect amplitude: 2 mm and defect
wavelength of 18 m. Basically, the movement has a
constant amplitude. The trajectories in phase’s plane are
closed curves - limit cycle. The axles do not touch the rail Fig. 9. The lateral displacement of the first axle (stable limit
interior flange. cycle, u=2.1 mm, λ=18m, V=66.2m/s).

Fig. 7. The lateral displacement of the first axle (u=1.95

mm, λ=18m, V=66.2m/s). Fig. 10. The normal forces: a. on the rolling surface; b. on the
wheel flange.
The bogie movement is damped if the defect amplitude
is smaller, 1.95 mm respectively; although the speed Next we consider the bogie running at the unstable limit
remained the same 66.2 m/s (see fig. 7). cycle speed (66.2 m/s) but this time the defect has a
If the defect amplitude increases to 2.05 mm, the larger amplitude, 2.1 mm respectively. The amplitude of
movement amplitude increases along with the time (see the hunting movement increases until the wheels reach
fig. 8). As a conclusion, the limit cycle (without touching contact with the interior rail flange (fig. 9). The
the interior rail flange) is unstable. movement becomes now periodic and the phase

12th IFToMM World Congress, Besançon (France), June18-21, 2007

trajectories are closed curves – another limit cycle was amplitude is 4.6 mm, the wheel is completely unloaded
reached. When the wheel flange hits the rail, the rolling and as a consequence the derailment occurs.
surface is unloaded and the flange becomes loaded (fig.
10). The guiding force (Y) increases (fig. 11). Also
receiving tremendous shocks are the whole rolling
apparatus and the rail (fig. 12-13).

Fig. 15. The alignment defects.

The hunting on a rail which has random alignment

Fig. 11. The guiding forces on the first axle. irregularities is studied. The studied sector has a length of
500 m and alignment defects of wavelengths from 10 to
82 m (fig. 15). The rail’s geometry is obtained through
integration from the spectral density of the alignment
defects. This spectral density has the following shape

S u (Ω) =
(B + Ω )3
where Ω stands for the wave number, A and B are
constants that minimize the error between the theoretical
Fig. 12. First axle’s lateral acceleration. and the real (measured) spectre. The phases of the
spectral components were randomly chosen between – π
and π. The efficient value for alignament defects is 1.17
mm. The track has two local defects with amplitudes of
+4.25 and -4.22 mm. The quality level of this track is
QN2 [15].

Fig. 13. Rail’s lateral acceleration

Fig. 16 . The lateral displacement of the first axle (random

behaviour, V=45 m/s).

Figure 16 presents the lateral displacement of the first

Fig. 14. The lateral displacement of the first axle (u=3mm, axle when running at V = 45 m/s. By comparing the two
λ=18m, V=66.2m/s). graphs shown in figures 15 and 16 it’s easy to observe
that the axle follows the alignment defects of the rail. The
Figure 14 presents the lateral displacement of the first flange contact does not occur this time. The bogie’s
axle for defect amplitude of 3 mm. After a short period of hunting is stable.
time, the same limit cycle appears. The limit cycle which Figure 17 presents the lateral displacement of the first
is caused by the rail flanges is stable (locally). If defect axle when running at V = 60 m/s. This time, the main
characteristics of the movement are modified. The local

12th IFToMM World Congress, Besançon (France), June18-21, 2007

defects lead to repeated touches between the wheel and accelerations and shocks. The local alignment defects may
the rail. The bogie’s hunting becomes locally unstable. lead to transitory unstable bogie hunting. Thus, the top
speed has to be limited in order to avoid unstable vehicle
hunting. The bogie hunting, the limit cycles and random
regime as well, may be studied using the presented model.
The numeric simulation revealed the same hunting
characteristics as in experimental tests [10].


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IV. Conclusions

The hunting movement of the railway vehicles is caused

mainly by the conic wheel profiles and limits the top
speed because of its instability.
The hunting has two limit cycles: an unstable mono-
contact limit cycle and a locally stable bi-contact limit
cycle. This limit cycle is characterized by high

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