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English Literature : A Christmas Carol GCSE

How does Dickens present the important of family?

Family was very important in the Victorian era because they relied on each other a lot.
Dickens condemns anyone who chooses wealth over family; Dickens celebrates those
who cherish family and don't take it for granted and Dickens ridicules those who try
stray away from partaking in their family's life.
Dickens portrays family life as being more important than wealth. In the novella Belle
says a golden idol has 'displaced' her, this verb indicates how Belle feels that Scrooge
cares more about money than her. When the Cratchits are having a Christmas dinner it
is described as being 'eked' out with apple sauce, this verb highlights the Cratchit
family's ability to have fun and good food even though they don't have any money. Mrs
Cratchit is also described to be dressed out but 'poorly', this adjective conveys that the
Cratchits are barely scraping by but still manage to have more fun than scrooge who in
contrast has lots of money but does not have any fun. Dickens does this to teach the
reader how important family is, he is showing people that in old age you will need
people to rely on and if you are not kind to your family, they will leave you and you will
have no one to help you.
Dickens depicts family love and support as shaping who you are as an adult. It is shown
to us in Scrooge's early life that he is all alone and has been left at school. Scrooge's
sister Fan says that their father is much 'nicer' than he used to be. This adjective implies
Scrooge's father was nasty to him and this has taken an effect on him that has lasted
until his adulthood and shaped his personality. In contrast to scrooge Peter is shown to
have unconditional love from all his family which is implied will give him a very good
upbringing, when they are having dinner they talk about Peter being a business man and
Peter pulls his 'collars so high' this phrase shows that Peter has a lot of self-esteem even
being from a poor family and when they discuss his wages its disclosed he will only make
'five-and-sixpence weekly' which isn't a lot but Peter is content with it unlike Scrooge
because Peter has been brought up not to value money so much. Dickens does this to
show that if you bring up your child correctly then they will have an amazing life but if
you fail to do that then they will live a bad life.
Dickens shows that if you are reluctant to join family life you will be isolated for the rest
of your life. Dickens uses Fred to show Scrooge's reluctance to join in with Fred and his
own family, he has the choice but still chooses not to. Fred tells scrooge he wants
'nothing from him' and asks 'why cannot we be friends?', the pronoun 'nothing' shows
that all Fred wants is companionship and Scrooge is too stubborn to even give that. The
fact that scrooge doesn't even want to be friends with his own nephew shows how
isolated he will be if he continues down this path. Dickens does this to show the reader
that you need to have your family there for you especially in the Victorian era where lots
of people died young so you would need family to care for you but if you didn't have
that and refused that you would suffer.
Dickens expresses his ideal that anyone can change and be part of family life if not
already. Dickens shows at the end of the novella that even the most stubborn people
can change and realise that they need family. Scrooge after seeing the fate of Tiny Tim
vowed to live 'in the past, present and future' this phrase shows that he will be grateful
for the family he has got and knows now that he has to be a better person to those close
to him. Scrooge even sends a 'turkey to the Cratchit family' which reinforces the idea
that Scrooge has changed and wants to be a part of family life because he is trying to get
involved in family traditional. In the end Scrooge goes to Fred's house and is invited in,
after everything Scrooge is welcomed into his home with open arms. Dickens does this
to connect with readers who are like Scrooge and try and get them to change for the

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