Why Do We Communicate?: To Generate The Message

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Why do we communicate?

Ans: The human is a social creature. We live in society with others

for the following reasons.
1. We exchange / communicate / share our problems with others
to find out the solution of our problems.
2. We have some feelings and emotions which we express /
communicate / exchange with others.
3. We have some ideas and thoughts which we give to others and
sometimes, we take the ideas and thoughts from others. It is
done through communication.
4. We have some suggestions which we give to others and
sometimes we take the suggestions from others. This is done
through the process of communication.
5. We have some knowledge and information which we give to
others and sometimes take from others. This is done through
the process of exchanging /sharing / communication.
Definition of communication:
Communication is the two-way process of sharing or exchanging information
with others. It needs two persons; the sender of the message and the receiver
of the message.
Responsibilities of the sender of the message:
1. To generate the message: The sender has to generate the
message according to his needs and situations. He selects a
topic, thinks about the topic, and collects ideas, points and
information, data.
2. Objectives of the message: Every message has an objective. For
example, the advertisement of any company may have these
objectives; 1. To advertise the products 2. To inform the
customers 3. When the customers are informed, they purchase
the products (Increase the sale graph), and finally, the
company earns the profit and benefits.
3. To encode the message: It means to give written or verbal
shape to the message. (It means to translate your ideas into
written or verbal codes)
4. Language: The sender selects a familiar language which may
be understandable to the receiver of the message. This
language must be easy.
5. Channel: The sender must select a suitable channel which may
carry the message to the receiver. For example, the written
message must be sent through letter /memo/circular/ report,
for the verbal urgent message, telephone call / meeting/ face-to-
face communication will be required.
6. Send the message.
Responsibilities of the receiver (Decoder) of the message:
1. To receive the message.
2. To decode the message: It means that the receiver should
understand the message. If it is written message, he will read it
first but if it is verbal message, he will listen to it carefully.
3. Feedback: It means the response given by the receiver to the
sender of the message.
Communication is the ever-present feature of both commercial and
personal life. The communication is initiated both consciously and
Conscious communication: Doing Conscious communication, we use
our thinking. Such communication is according to the human
planning. Such communication may bring the desired results
Sub-conscious communication: Such communication happens
automatically. Thoughts come in the mind regularly and
automatically. We cannot control our thoughts. Such
communication may not bring desired results (Feedback).
So, the effective communication is critical / essential in business /
personal life to achieve its objectives. The effective communication
has an impact on the profitability of an organization / life. The
effective communication makes the difference between the success
and failure of the organization.
The importance of communication: (Imp)
Communication is the essential ingredient of an organization.
Communication is the life blood of every organization. No
organization can exist without effective communication. The success
or the failure of the organization depends upon the effective
communication. The effective communication has an impact on the
profitability of an organization. The business models heavily
depend on team work which requires greater coordination and
communication skills to get things done from the subordinates.
Therefore, managers are required to have excellent communication
skills. The effective communication skills help managers to establish
strong links with the external world of the organization.
Effective communication means good and profitable business.
Communication serves many functions. (Imp)
1. It controls the behavior of employees.
2. It encourages and helps members to interact socially.
3. Effective communication helps in better decision making.
Effective communication helps to understand a person or the
situation in the best way.
4. Effective communication helps the coworkers to resolve
differences and to build trust and respect in the organization.
5. Training and guidance is provided through effective
6. Effective communication reduces the potential for
7. Effective communication adopts technology, systems and
procedures that reflect current best practices and keep the business
8. Effective communication manages conflicts and politics both
internally and externally.
9. Effective communication encourages and facilitates the
10. Effective communication makes all employees well informed and
up-to-date about their duties and responsibilities.
What are the purposes of communication? (Imp)
The following are the purposes of communication.
1. Acquiring information: The organization collects, analyses,
checks and processes numerous types of communication both
internally and externally to generate new ideas and to find the
solution of the problems.
2. Dissemination of information: In the organization, the
communication is shared to those who perform their jobs and
make decisions or solve problems.
3. Maintaining relationship: The organization needs to establish
strong relationship between co-workers and with the suppliers.
This is done through the effective and appropriate
communication. This strong relationship ensures continuity of
operations and profitability of the organization.
What are the characteristics of effective communication? (Imp)
The following are the characteristics of effective communication.
Accurate: The business message must be accurate. The message
must contain facts, figure, date and name.
For example:
Incorrect message: Please, send me the invoice.
Correct message:
Mr. Saleem
Please send the bill of Rs.5000 for the purchase which I made on
June 23, 2020.
Appropriate media and channel: The sender should select the right
type of channel. The suitable channel depends on the sensitivity of
the message. For example, Letter should be written if the official
record of the message is required. Email should be sent if immediate
feedback is required. Telephone call will be suitable if the verbal
message is to be sent. Meeting should be conducted for the face-to-
face communication.
Clear: The message should show the objective. The message should
be written in simple, easy and understandable language.
Appropriate language: The sender should write simple sentences in
his message. He should use tables, graphs and images to make the
message easy and understandable.
What is internal communication?
The communication which is done between the members of the same
organization such communication is done inside the organization.
Such as, the communication between team colleagues, management,
and other members of the staff.
Internal communication has three types.
1. Upward communication: The communication which is done by
the lower employees with the top management. Such as, the lower
employees communicate to the managers or directors. It is formal
2. Downward communication: The communication which is done by
the top management with the lower employees. Such as, the
manager or the director communicate duties and responsibilities to
the lower employees. It is formal communication.
3. Horizontal communication: The communication which is done
between the peer groups. Or the communication which is done
between the members of the same designation. Such as, manger
communicates to the manager. Director communicates to the
director. It may be formal or informal according to the situation.
There are three directions of communication in the organization.
1. Vertical: The combination of upward and downward
communication is called vertical communication.
For example. The managers communicate downward while
communicating instructions, directions and briefing their teams. In
the response, the employees report back to their managers with
updates and results on work performed in the form of upward
2. Horizontal or Lateral: This communication occurs between peer
groups and people of similar standing. Such communication may be
formal or informal depending upon the situation. For example.
When the two managers communicate to each other during recess
time, they may talk informally but when the same managers talk in
a meeting, they will talk formally.
3. Diagonal: The combination of vertical and horizontal
communication is called Diagonal communication.
Q: Why don’t employees communicate information to the managers
in the organization?
Ans: 1. Sometimes, the subordinates (lower employees) consider that
the seniors would not be interested in the opinion, ideas and
information being given by the subordinates.
2. Subordinates think that the seniors are busy and facing
information overload and so they would not have time to consider
the problems or suggestions given by subordinates.
3. Subordinate may fear that to report any problem or to
communicate any grievance may oppose or disappoint the seniors
which may cause an adverse consequence.
Q: What is the communication model (Process of communication)?
1. To generate the message
2. Transmitter / Encoder / Sender encodes the message
3. The encoded message is transmitted
4. The encoded message is received by the receiver
5. Receiver decodes the message
6. Receiver provides feedback

Short definitions: (Imp)

Sender / Encoder/ Source of message / Transmitter: The person who
generates the message. He is also called encoder or the transmitter
of the message.
Receiver: The person who receives the message. He is also called
decoder of the message.
Encoding: The give a written or verbal shape to the message. (Imp)
Decoding: To understand the message. What the message is about
and what action is required. What feedback is required. (Imp)
Channel: The channel is the route by which the message is
transmitted from the sender to the recipient.
Medium: The message by itself is a medium.
Distortion: Distortion means that the message is not being fully
understood by the recipient. It means the misinterpretation of the
complete message and not to understand the objectives of the
Q: What is Noise? Ans: Any kind of interference that damages the
actual message that is being sent by the sender to the receiver is
called noise. TYPES: Noise has four types.
Physical Noise: It is something external to the speaker and to the
listener that makes it difficult to hear what is being said. For
example. The loud background music in the restaurant. High or dim
Psychological Noise: It refers to the inert qualities that impact how
we communicate and interpret others. It means the loss of
concentration, preoccupation of mind with other problems, and
battling with prejudice.
Physiological Noise: The interference to either the sender or
recipient from any physiological issue that interferes with
communication. For example. Migraine, hunger, and fatigue etc.
Semantic Noise: This noise describes the lack of shared meaning in
communication which arises from using terminologies or jargon. It
means when the sender and the receiver understand the message
differently giving different meanings to the words used in the
(Jargon): The words which give different meaning in different
professions. Such as Strength, Value
What is formal communication? (Imp)
The communication which follows the rules, laws and policies of the
organization is called formal communication. It is done through the
recommended channel of the organization. OR. The formal
communication is the process of exchanging information between
two or more persons by following the prescribed or official rules,
procedures, systems, formalities and chain of command in the
organizational structure. For example. Letter, Report, Memo,
Circular, Meeting, Notification.
Features of formal communication
1. It is authentic and comes from the authority. Everybody has to
obey it. 2. It has an audit trail (official record).
3. It is used as a legal document. (Proof, witness)
4. Authority can be delegated towards subordinates
through formal communication.
5. It is essential for planning, organizing and controlling of an
6. It is used as a future reference.

What is informal communication?

The communication which does not follow the rules, laws or policies
of the organization. It does not follow the officially recommended
channel. It is also called grapevine. The management cannot control
it. It spreads very fast.

1. Un-official channel of communication: Since an informal

communication network does not follow any rules or
formalities. So, it uses an unofficial channel of communication.
2. Not controlled by management: The grapevine is not
controlled by management. 3.Flexibility: Informal
communication is more flexible than formal communication
because it is free from all type of formalities.
2. Oral way of communication: Informal communication
technique  uses oral way of communication rather than written
communication. 5. Rapid communication: Informal
communication transmits very fast. 6. It has no official record.
(Audit trail) 7. It cannot be used as a legal document.
Chapter 3 7Cs (Very Imp)
The 7Cs are the rules which make the communication easy and
It means that the communication must include all the necessary and
appropriate information to achieve the desired response. It should contain all
the facts required by the receiver.
1. The complete message includes the 5Ws checklist. (who, what, when
where, why)
2. The complete message develops and enhances the reputation of the
organization and builds its goodwill.
3. The complete message addresses all the questions previously raised and
it attempts to address the subsequent questions that may arise as a
result of this communication.
4. The complete message persuades the receiver.
5. The complete message helps the receiver in better decision making.
Examples: Incomplete message
1. The meeting will be held tomorrow. (Needs the Completeness)
Complete message: The AGM will be held tomorrow at 11 o’clock in the
conference hall to discuss the general issues with the director.
2. Incomplete message:
3. Please, send me the report. (Needs the Completeness)
Complete message: Please send me the soft copy of the financial report 2020
on November 27, 2023 so that it may be discussed with Finance Manager in
the meeting on November 29,2023.
It means to give a lot of information in a few words without forging
the other 7Cs of communication. The message should be brief but
1. In the concise message wordy expressions are removed. Use
single words instead of long words or phrases.
2. Always stick to the point and include only relevant
3. Avoid un-necessary repetition of points. (No redundancy)
4. Concise message is more appealing and understandable to the
Examples of Conciseness
1. We make use of this letter for the approval of holidays.
Concise: We use this letter to approve holidays.
2. This letter provides justification for increment.
Concise: This letter justifies increment.
3. I shall visit your office in due course.
Concise: I shall visit your office soon.
4. In spite of the fact that we can win the match.
Concise: Although we can win the match.
5. Visit my office at this time.
Concise: Visit my office now.
6. The organization will conduct a meeting on weekly basis.
Concise: The organization will conduct weekly meeting.
It means to be careful and not to inconvenience or harm others. In business
communication, it means to empathize with others. The sender of the message
should consider the receiver’s view point, mind-set, education level, mood,
desires and needs.
Q: What is “You Approach”? Which of the 7Cs of communication suggests
the use of this approach? Also mention when one should avoid using this
Ans: Business messages should focus on how the recipient will benefit. For
example, what they will receive or what they will learn. This is called as
“You” approach.
Consideration among the 7Cs of communication suggests the use of this
When the “You” attitude gives negative impact, write the message in passive
voice. For example; The report was not received. The report is yet to be
Always avoid WE and I attitude and use YOU attitude.
Examples; 1. I or We attitude:
We are sure that our new discount policy will attract you.
You attitude: You will appreciate new discount policy.
2. I or We attitude: I am happy to hear that you have selected our firms.
You attitude: Thank you for giving the opportunity to serve you.
3. I or we Attitude: I will give 10% discount to my customers.
You attitude: You can get 10% discount.

4.Me Attitude: I have requested to send your order today.

You will receive your order by Wednesday.

5.We are happy to announce that transaction can be made even after 3.00 PM
till 5.00 PM at the teller-counter.
You can do transactions after office hours, at the Teller counter till 5.00 PM.

6. I wish to tell you that we are sending your new coat tomorrow.
You will receive your coat tomorrow.
7.We expect our members will enjoy the benefits of membership.
You can now enjoy the benefits of membership.
I am delighted to announce that my customer can purchase products with the
same old price.
YOU Attitude: You can purchase products with the same old price.
Our shopping mall will remain open for our customers’ late shopping.
YOU Attitude: You can do late shopping.
We will solve our customers’ problems.
YOU Attitude: Your problems will be solved.
We offer all facilities of discount to our customers.
YOU Attitude: You will have discount facilities.
Note: When the YOU ATTITUDE gives negative effect, write the message in
passive voice.
You have not paid the bill. (Passive voice) The bill is yet to be paid.
You have not returned the products. (PV)The products are to be returned.
You have not sent the report. (Passive voice) The report is yet to be received.
Concrete business message means being particular, clear, vivid, explicit and
1. The Concrete business message shows specific facts and figures.
2. The Concrete business message is understandable.
3. The Concrete business message builds the confidence of both the sender
and the receiver.
4. The Concrete business message conveys the professionalism and builds
the reputation of the organization and the sender.
5. The Concrete business message is more compelling and impactful.
6. No use of complicated language.
1. The prices of certain goods have slightly / largely increased.
Concrete: The prices of ceiling fans have increased by 10%.
2. I shall visit your office soon.
Concrete: I shall visit your office on September 02, 2022.
3. A small number of customers like this product.
Concrete: 10% customers like Vivo 81 mobile.
4. You can visit me anytime.
Concrete: You can visit me by Saturday at 11 am.
Clarity in business communication means to emphasize on particular message
or goal.
1. The total clarity of thoughts and ideas enhance the meaning of the
2. The sender should use exact, concrete, familiar and appropriate words.
3. Clear messages are easy to interpret and understand.
4. Clear messages stimulate the receiver into action.
5. The sender should construct effective sentences and paragraphs.
Always use simple sentences and simple well known and familiar words. No
use of complex sentences.
In simple sentence, the structure is;
Subject verb object + (Any phrase if given in any sentence)
1. Unclear sentence:
Cybercrime, because of the widespread use of computers to store and process
personal information, is increasing rapidly.
Clear sentence: Cybercrime is increasing rapidly because of the widespread
use of computers to store and process personal information.
2. Unclear sentence: Because you invited me to help, I came here.
Clear sentence: I came here to help because you invited me.
3. Unclear sentence: To pass the exam, work hard, I advise you.
Clear sentence: I advise you to work hard to pass the exam.
4. Unclear sentence: The labour, which I do, you should appreciate.
Clear sentence: You should appreciate the labour, which I do.
5. Unclear sentence: Bank loan, because of the widespread business, is liked
today by all businessmen. Clear sentence: Bank loan is liked today by all
businessmen, because of the widespread business.

It means to show politeness, good behavior and attitude towards your
1. Always be sincere, tactful, thoughtful and appreciative.
2. Use expressions and terminologies that show respect.
3. Courteous messages are always positive and focus on the audience.
4. Courteous messages consider view point as well as feelings of the
1. I cannot understand your confusing report.
Polite message: The report needs clarity.
2. The employees should not come late.
Polite message: Late coming should be avoided.
3. All employees are directed to perform their duties.
Polite message: Please perform your duties.
4. You have not understood my message clearly.
Polite message: Perhaps my message was difficult. OR Perhaps my message
was not clear.

There should be no grammatical, punctuation, spelling or other language
mistakes in the message. Correctness also implies that the message is exact
and well-timed.
1. Incorrect:
This organization ken win prophet every ear.
Correct: This organization can win profit every year.
2. Incorrect:
Most outlet’s grow accept Islamabed witch last profit.
Correct: Most outlets grew except Islamabad which lost profit.

Some other examples of 7Cs

Rephrase the following sentences into YOU attitude.
1. To help us process this order, we must ask for another copy of the requisition.

2. We are pleased to announce our new flight schedule from Atlanta to New York, which is any hour on
the hour.

3. We offer MP3 players with 50, 75, or 100 gigabytes of storage capacity.

4. You should never use that type of paper in the copy machine.

5. You must correct all five copies by noon.

1. I or We attitude: We are sure that our view discount policy will attractive to you.

You attitude: You will surely appreciate new discount policy.

2. I or We attitude: I am happy to hear that you have selected our firms.

You attitude: Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you.

3. I or we Attitude: I will give you 10% discount

You attitude: You can get 10% discount

Me Attitude: I have requested that your order is sent out today.

You Attitude: You will receive your order by Wednesday

1. We are happy to announce that transaction can be made even after 3.00 PM till 5.00 PM at the teller-
2. You can do transactions after office hours, at the Teller counter till 5.00 PM.

It is not possible for us to extend locker facility to you since you do not have a fixed / term deposit in our

Extending locker facility will be attended to as soon as we receive an investment in FD/TD from you.

I wish to congratulate you for your success.

Congratulations on your success!

Our products are reliable and long lasting.

You can have reliable and long lasting products.

I need your answers to these questions by the 15th.

Please send your answers to these questions by the 15th.

I must receive your application by the end of the month.

Please send your application by the end of the month.

We cannot send your order until next month.

You will receive your order early next month.
We shipped your order today.
Your order will arrive on Thursday. You will receive your order on Thursday.

I am happy to inform you that we have approved your loan.

Congratulations! Your loan is approved.

We shall give 5% discount on cash price.

You will receive 5% on cash price.

We are proud to announce our new lightweight laptop computers.

You can have lightweight laptop computers.

I wish to tell you that we are sending your new coat tomorrow.
You will receive your coat tomorrow.
We expect our members will enjoy the benefits of membership.
You can now enjoy the benefits of membership.
 I need my students to be in class on time.
You should be in class on time.
Please enjoy our new and improved Web site.
You’ll enjoy the new and improved Web site.
You have failed to pay the dues for the month of July for your cable connection.
The dues for cable TV connection for the month of July remain unpaid.
You failed to enclose your check in the envelope.
The check was not enclosed.
“We were not able to send the goods in time due to the fact that the truckers were on
“We were unable to send the goods in time because of the truckers’ strike “.
We want to buy chairs which are of the executive types
We want to buy executive type chairs.
Wordy : Please be advised that your admission statement has been received.
Concise : Your admission statement has been received
Wordy : Please find attached the list you requested.
Concise : Find the attachment.
Wordy : There are four rules that should be observed.
Concise : Observe Four rules.
Wordy : It was known by Mr.. Usman that we must reduce size our inventory.
Concise : Mr.. Usman knew to reduce our inventory.
Wordy : She bought desks that are of the executive type.
Concise : She bought executive type desks.
Wordy : The receipt that is enclosed documents your purchase.
Concise : The enclosed receipt documents your purchase.
Wordy : In most cases the date of the inquiry is indicated in the upper right corner.
Concise : The policy date is in the upper right corner.
Wordy : The total balance due will be found on Page 2 of this report.
Concise : The balance due is on page 2 of this report.
Wordy : The reports are to be submitted by employees prior to 5:00 p.m.; which
will be received by Ali.
Concise : Please submit your reports to Ali by 5:00 p.m
Wordy : We hereby wish to let you know that our company is pleased with the confidence
you have reposed in us.
Concise : We appreciate your confidence.
 The letter was written by someone who had not signed his or her name. 
 The letter was anonymous.
 He requested a trial by a jury of his peers. 
 He requested a jury trial.
A watch is an intricate instrument to measure time, which many people consider the gift that is
the most valuable of all. 
A watch measures time, which many consider the most valuable gift. 
He referred to basic and fundamental principles of physics. 
He referred to basic principles of physics. 
It is truth which will prevail, he argued.
Truth will prevail, he argued.
The test revealed conduction activity that was peculiar in nature.
The test revealed peculiar conduction activity.
What is confidential and non-confidential communication?

Confidential communication: It is sensitive information that is only

intended for the particular receiver. It is not communicated to any
third party. For example. Payroll (Salary slip), Explanation letter,
Show cause. It is formal communication and follows the rules of the
organization. It has an audit trail (official record).

Non-confidential communication: The communication which is not

sensitive. It is informal communication. It is not intended for a
particular receiver.

What is urgent and non-urgent communication?

The communication to which preference and priority is given is

called urgent communication. For example. Before travelling in the
airline, air ticket is purchased which is urgent communication.
Before conducting a meeting in the organization, formal notice is
sent to all members of the meeting. This is the form of urgent

The communication to which no preference and priority is given is

called non-urgent communication.

What is an organization?

The organization is an information processing system that collects

and screens information, processes it, deduces it, transforms it and
finally acts upon it. Information within an organization flows
through regular patterns of person-to-person interactions. An
organization develops communication channels in which individuals
occupy responsible positions for effective communication process.
The flow of information is organized, managed and controlled by
the organization.

What is a communication network?

The channels through which messages pass from one person to

another within the entity. These are the pathways along which
information flows to groups and teams throughout the organization.

The choice of the communication network depends on;

Nature of the group task; and

The extent to which group members need to communicate with each

other to achieve group goals.

What are the functions of communication network?

1. It provides the means for organizing the activities of

individuals, groups and other sub-units within the
2. It organizes the activities of the organization as a whole.
3. It facilitates the exchange of information within the
4. It ensures the flow of information between the organization
and the external environment in which it exists.
What are the systems of communication?

There are two key systems of communication.

Internal: The internal communication links the day-to-day

operations in a business entity. It includes upward, downward and
horizontal communication.

External: The exchange of information and messages that takes

place between organizations and the individuals outsides its formal

What is formal network? (Imp) The formal network is the officially

recommended and sanctioned channel through which the formal
communication takes place. These channels are reflected in the
organizational charts. These organizational charts define the
hierarchical arrangements and the reporting system in the
organization. TYPES: (Imp) Chain network: In this network, the
information is passed straight up or down the formal chain of
command. One person passes information to others up / down
within the line of hierarchy who then passes it up / down their own
chain of authority. It allows only vertical movement. Chain network
has a leader who decides as to what messages are to be sent and how
these messages are to be communicated. Y Network: It is the
variation of chain network. The messages are communicated
vertically between the subordinate and supervisors in the
hierarchical arrangements. The information from the leader is
shared through two channels. The information is disseminated
faster than the chain network. Wheel network: It has a central
leader who plays a key role to disseminate information. The leader
is very important and powerful person because he has the decision
power. The primary communication occurs between the members
and the group leader shares the information with all. In wheel
network, the decisions are made fast but the morale of the group
remains low because they do not take active part in the
communication. Circle network: It has no leader and there is
complete equality. It is the example of horizontal and decentralized
communication. Members can communicate to each other freely.
Each member has the same authority and power to impact the
group. The information moves slowly and the decision-making
process is slow but the morale is high because every member
participates in the decision-making process.


Any circumstance that prevents the message from being

communicated as intended by the sender to the receiver.

Types Barriers

1. Issues in the relationship between the sender and the receiver

that can lead to bias.
2. Noise: Physical interference that damages the message that is
being sent by the sender to the receiver.
3. Confusing and conflicting messages that lead to distortion.
4. Selecting the wrong channel.
5. Suffering interruption and distraction during transmission of
the message.
6. The receiver does not provide feedback.
7. Lack of information.
8. Stereotyping assumptions that the receiver has a particular
level of understanding.
9. Use of technical jargons and complicated language
10. Poor listening skills of the receiver. The listener is lacking
of attention and has poor ability to absorb information.
11. Non-verbal signs that contradict the verbal message.
12. The information is overloaded.
13. There is a difference in education and social background
leading to cultural differences and varying interpretations of
the same message.
14. The speaker and the listener speak different languages.
15. Physical distance between sender and the receiver.
16. Filtering of information.

What is IPC?

The IPC means Inter personal communication. The communication

that continuously takes place in the human mind is called IPC. It is
universal communication because it can be done with all, anywhere
and about any topic. It needs two persons. Sender and the Receiver.

Axioms (Truth) of IPC: (Imp)

1. Inevitability of communication (One cannot not communicate):

It means that the human beings cannot remain
uncommunicative and isolated. Any individual with
expressionless face who is not talking in a group does not mean
that he is not talking. He is also talking because he may be
busy in his own thoughts or he may not be showing any
interest in the message.
2. Content and relationship dimensions of communication: In
certain situation, aside from the contents of the message, the
understanding of the differences in the nature of the
relationship between the sender and the receiver of the
message could lead to a better understanding of the message.
The lack of understanding between the sender and the receiver
creates misunderstanding and it leads to conflict.
3. Irreversibility of communication: It means that what (message)
has once been said (transmitted) that cannot be retrieved,
withdrawn or called back. Therefore, the sender should be
careful about (what the message is about, what is the topic of
the message, is the message correct and relevant, who is the
receiver and what kind of feedback is expected).
4. Digital and analogic: The human communication involves both
digital and analogic components. Digital communication means
words and gestures with generally agreed meanings. It is
digital communication.
Analogic means every act evokes a particular inference. For
example. To shake a fist in someone face would mean
aggression and violence.
5. Defining relationships by punctuation: It means how the
sender and the receiver perceive the communication sequence.
The sender and the receiver of information structure the
communication flow differently and therefore, interpret their
own behavior during communication as merely a reaction on
the other’s behavior. The sender and the receiver think that
the other one is the cause of a specific behavior.
6. Symmetric and complementary: Symmetric means that the
communication is based on equal power between the parties.
Complementary communication is based on differences in
power between the parties.

Universals or components of IPC. (Imp)

1. Source-receiver: The IPC requires at least two persons, the

sender and the receiver of the message.
2. Encoding-decoding: The IPC requires that the message should
be given written or spoken shape (encoding) and after sending
the message to the receiver, it should be decoded
(Understanding) by the receiver.
3. Compliance and performance: The competence in a common
language is necessary for the encoding and decoding of the
message. Furthermore, the sender and the receiver must be
skillful in the communication skills. For example; when to
speak and when to keep silent.
4. Message and the channeling: The encoded message is
transmitted to the receiver through proper channel. The
channel is the route by which the message is sent by the sender
to the receiver.
5. Noise: Any kind of interference which damages the actual
message that is being transmitted by the sender to the receiver.
6. Self-feedback and feedback from others: The feedback which
the sender gives to himself is called self-feedback or intrinsic
feedback. The feedback which the receiver gives to the sender
is called feedback from others or extrinsic feedback.
7. Context: The specific dynamics that impact on a particular IPC.
They include three dimensions. Physical: Where is the
communication taking place? For example: school, funeral etc.
Social / Psychological: It includes the status like teacher / pupil,
culture, and roles that the people play. Temporal: The timings of
the communication.
8. Field of experience: The sender and the receiver or the speaker
and the listener must share relative experience to ensure
effective communication.
9. Effects: The communication has some kind of impact on
others. Therefore, there must be facts, figures, evidence and
proofs in the communication.
10. Ethics: During communication, the sender and the
receiver must keep moral codes. This will bring the desired
Chapter 2

What is an organization?

The organization is a social arrangement for the control

performance of collective goals that has a boundary separating it
from the environment.

Characteristics of an organization

Geographical location (Business point)
Legal status
Source of finance

Why do organizations exist?

Ans: 1. The organizations overcome the individuals’ limitation.

2. Organizations enable specialization. 3. Synergies are identified
that save time and money. 4. Organizations enable the
accumulation and sharing of knowledge as well as the pooling of
expertise.5. Organization has the ability to improve productivity
through complimentary skills and achieving economies of scales.

Who is a stakeholder?

A stakeholder is a person, group or organization that has a stake

in the organization i.e., an interest to protect in respect of what
the organization does and how it performs.

Stakeholder What is at stake?

Shareholders Funds invested

Directors, Managers and Livelihoods, careers and reputations, serve

Suppliers and other business The items they supply, continued sales
Lenders (Banks) The capital and interest that needs to be
Customers Continued supply of goods, after-sales
Govt and its agencies National infrastructure, employee welfare,

What are the characteristics of effective business communication?


The business message is distinguishable from the social message

through the number of characteristics.
Lack of spontaneity

What are the key elements of business communication planning or

effective business message?

Objectives: The business communication will always have at least

one primary objective but it also includes a number of secondary
objectives. The objectives may be to build a relationship, to confirm,
to request, and to inform etc.

What is Non-verbal communication? (Imp)

Ans: The process of communication that facilitates sending and receiving
silent and wordless cues between people. Non-verbal communication may
reinforce or contradict the verbal message.
What are the forms of Non-verbal communication?
1. Facial expression
2. Postures
3. Gestures
4. Personal appearance
5. Eye contact
6. Movement and stillness
7. Silence and sound
8. Voice
9. Touch 10.Personal space

What are the uses of Non-verbal communication? (Imp)

1. Non-verbal communication helps us communicate the feelings and
emotions behind the spoken words.
2. Non-verbal communication is used as a means to persuade and control
others, to clarify things, to stress and to complement as well.
3. Non-verbal communication casts persuasive impact.
4. Non-verbal communication helps to demonstrate self-belief, eagerness
and professionalism.
5. Non-verbal communication improves the quality of relationship when
you can skillfully read people and understand the feelings behind their
What is written communication? (Why should the organization use written
communication when the verbal communication fails to work?) (Imp)
The communication which is done with the help of written language is called
written communication.
Merits of written communication.
1. Written communication has an audit trail.
2. Written communication can be used as a legal proof / witness.
3. Written communication can be used as a future reference.
4. Written communication can be used with the distant receiver.
5. Written communication can be used for the complex messages.
What are the key elements of written business message?
1. The message
2. The writer
3. The reader

What is Visual communication?

The process of sending and receiving messages with the help of displaying
information visually.
What are the guidelines for the visual communication? (Imp)
1. The aid should be relevant and must be placed where the related
material is being discussed upon.
2. Keep the visual aids as simple as possible.
3. It should not contain too much information that the receiver would not
be able to retain it by the end of presentation.
4. Visuals should be clear and easy to assimilate. Colour should also work
well together.
5. Visuals should be large enough so that they can be read even from a
What is oral / verbal communication? (Imp)
The process of communication where the individuals converse with each
other. It is the type of communication that makes use of spoken words.
1. Oral communication offers high level of understanding and
2. Oral communication offers spontaneous feedback and it helps in
making quick decision.
3. Oral communication is best used for conflict resolution.
4. Team work necessitates oral communication.
5. Oral communication generates new ideas and suggestions.
6. Oral communication develops trust and coordination.
What is negotiation? (Imp)
It is a process in which there are at least two parties and each party needs the
involvement of other to reach a desired outcome. Each party begins negotiation
with a different set of objectives. Each party considers that the other party will be
willing to modify its initial position and compromise to reach a successful outcome
of the negotiation process.
Stages in the negotiation process.
1. Preparation and planning
2. Definition of ground rules
3. Clarification and justification
4. Bargaining and problem solving
5. Closure and agreement

What is meeting? Explain its types. (Imp)

Meeting is a gathering of two or more people where purposeful discussion takes
place on certain matters. The members of the meeting meet face to face with some
common objective in mind.
Informational meeting: Such meetings clarify the topic under discussion and
provide information. The participants learn, ask questions and try to understand the
information being given. The problems are not solved and no recommendations are
made in such meetings.
Suggested solution meeting: The core purpose of such meeting is to find
suggested solution of some core issue. Recommendations are sought for and
comments are made on the options recommended. Often no decision is made. The
meeting remains explanatory and informational.
Problem- solving meeting: Such meetings work out some solution. The problem
is presented and suggested solutions are gathered. The recommendations are
evaluated and then final decision is made for further action.
What is Active listening? (Imp)
To observe any sound with full attention and concentration. The active
listening requires serious concentration and determination. Being an active
listener, you should remind yourself that your goal is truly hear, understand
and interpret what the other person is saying.
What is emphatic listening? (Imp)
To listen with the objective of understanding the speaker’s emotions, feelings,
needs and wants.
What are the techniques of emphatic listening?
1. Focus
2. Don’t judge
3. Read the speaker
4. Be quiet
5. Assure

What are the principles of active listening? (What are the characteristics /
qualities of active listener?
1. Prepare to listen
2. Remove distraction and pay attention
3. Be patient
4. Listen to the tone of voice
5. Watch for the non-verbal communication
6. Listen for ideas and themes
7. Avoid personal prejudice
8. Empathize with the speaker
9. Put the speaker at ease that you are listening
10.Give yourself feedback on your own listening performance
What are the barriers of effective listening?
1. Time
2. Requires a clear mind
3. Emotional state
4. Prejudice and bias
5. Language and semantics
6. Noise
7. Lack of engagement and boredom
8. Reduced attention span
What is conflict? What are the techniques of conflict management?
The behavior that occurs between groups when participants of one group perceive
that other groups may block their goals.
1. Avoidance
2. Competition
3. Accommodation
4. Compromise
5. Collaboration

Chapter No. 4
What is intrapersonal communication skills?
Ans: Intrapersonal communication denotes communication within one’s self that
necessarily involves the processes of thinking and feeling. Intrapersonal
communication is a process in which individuals connect with themselves either
consciously or subconsciously. Intrapersonal communication includes
conversations continually going on in our own minds.
Such internal conversations can be for the purpose of clarifying thoughts or
analyzing a situation, reflecting upon or appreciating something. Mastering the
skills of intrapersonal communication lays the foundation of successful
Importance of intrapersonal communication:
It is the basis of all other types of communication. Our understanding of and
response to what we hear and read depends heavily on the quality and extent of our
communication with our own selves. In order to successfully communicate with
others, one must first learn to communicate within one’s own self. Thoughts and
ideas that flow within the mind are influenced by an individual’s temperament,
emotions, experience, knowledge, opinions, views, values and attitudes. Before
communicating with the world, one needs to communicate within one's own self.
In that sense we can say, that intrapersonal communication can be regarded as an
essential pre-requisite for effective interpersonal communication. Effective
communication rests on positive outlook of the communicator. Skills in
intrapersonal communication can provide the right stability, direction and frame of
judgement in communicating with the external world.

Q: What are the three ingredients of Intrapersonal communication? (Imp)

Ans: The three important ingredients of intrapersonal communication are
self-concept, perception and expectations.
1. Self-concept: Self-concept provides the basis for intrapersonal communication,
because it governs how a person perceives one’s self and is oriented towards
other individuals. Self-concept which can also be referred to as self-awareness. It
comprises of three major factors: beliefs, values and attitudes.
2. Perception: It is a process by which individuals establish, organize and interpret
their sensory impressions towards the external world in order to give a meaningful
and coherent picture of the environment. However, what an individual perceives
can be significantly different from the actual reality and may also be different from
what others perceive of the same situation. Perception of the external world is also
deeply embedded in beliefs, values and attitudes.
Factors affecting perception
The individuals looking at the same thing may perceive it differently. The factors
that can either shape or distort perception are the 1. perceiver, 2.the object (the
target which is focused) and the 3. context in which the perception is being made.
Perceiver: When the perceiver looks at a thing and attempts to interpret it, then his
personal characteristics deeply influence that interpretation. These characteristics
include attitudes, motives, interests, experience, expectations and beliefs.
Target: Characteristics of the object under focus may also affect the perception of
the perceiver, e.g. individuals who are talkative are more likely to be noticed than
those who are quiet.
Context: The context in which we see the targets is also very important, e.g. a
person perfectly dressed up for a corporate meeting is normal but the same person
attired for a cricket match with the same group of people would appear strange.
Though the perceivers and target both are the same but the situation is different.
Such situational factors might include; time, place.
3. Expectations: These are future based messages dealing with long-term
implications are termed as expectations. These are strong beliefs regarding
something that would happen in future. There are two main aspects of
expectations, i.e. the expectations we have from others and the expectations we
have from our own selves. In order to manage expectations, one should develop an
understanding as to what is in one’s control and what is not.
Importance of intrapersonal communication
Though intrapersonal communication is retained within an individual’s mind, yet it
is the basis of all other types of communication. Our understanding of and
response to what we hear and read depends heavily on the quality and extent of our
communication with our own selves. In order to successfully communicate with
others, one must first learn to communicate within one’s own self. Intrapersonal
communication is the simplest form of communication. Thoughts and ideas that
flow within the mind are influenced by an individual’s temperament, emotions,
experience, knowledge, opinions, views, values and attitudes. The intrapersonal
communication can be improved by concerted efforts, selfawareness, and constant
watch over one’s own self. Willingness to understand other people’s point of view
can help to broaden the thinking prospects, e.g. wellthought planning is essential
prior to appearing for a job interview, or meeting with a customer or initiating an
arbitration process. Before communicating with the world one needs to
communicate within one's ownself. In that sense we can say, that intrapersonal
communication can be regarded as an essential pre-requisite for effective
interpersonal communication. Effective communication rests on positive outlook
of the communicator. Skills in intrapersonal communication can provide the right
stability, direction and frame of judgement in communicating with the external
Factors that influence intrapersonal communication
Perspective: Perspective is a particular attitude towards something and is the way
we see anything, e.g. if a person thinks that toys corrupt children’s minds, then
seeing from this perspective, all toy shops would be the worst most evil places on
earth. Knowledge, understanding and standards in our minds, shape our
perspectives, philosophies and paradigms. Our approach towards life impacts our
perspectives in life. Positive thoughts will cultivate positive perspectives in life,
which in turn will produce positive actions. Positive perspectives produce positive
interpersonal relationships.
Self-esteem: Self-esteem is our perception of ourselves. It reflects how we
measure our value, how we perceive our value to the world and what worth we
think we have for others. Self-esteem has profound effects on almost every aspect
of our lives; it impacts our confidence and belief in our own selves and in others,
our connections and our work. Positive self-esteem provides us with the courage
and flexibility to take control of our lives and learn from our mistakes without the
fear of rejection and non-acceptance. It encourages us to shape our lives as best as
we can.
The low self-esteem causes a weakening effect that prevents individuals from
realizing their full potential.
Self-confidence: Self-confidence is our assessment of our own abilities to do
something and achieve success. High levels of self-confidence help us to take
actions based on perspectives and values we hold. It provides us with the strength
to achieve the goals in our lives.
Self-assertive: Self-assertiveness refers to the capability to take a stand and
perform suitable actions to guard perspectives and positive values in which one
strongly believes. Patience, courage and determination are the major attributes
needed to improve any adverse situation.
What are Ethics? (Imp) Ethics is a set of principles or rules of correct conduct.
Communicating ethically involves being open, respectful, and trustworthy. We
should follow the “golden rule” i.e. Treat your audience the way you would want
yourself to be treated.
Elements and traits of ethics in interpersonal communication
Equality: To be just is to believe in basic equality. It asserts that everybody enjoys
the same level of respect, prospects, access to information, and rewards of
contributing in a group.
Positive relationship with the audience: They communicate in a way that is
comprehensible and appropriate to all their listeners or readers. An ethical
communicator seeks to unite the audience by using ideas and language that are
appropriate for all the readers or listeners.
Balance between speaking and listening: In interpersonal communication, while
one person speaks the other person listens.
Respect: An ethical communicator is zealous and enthusiastic without being
disrespectful. The subject you are working on, and if it has substance, do try to put
in an effort by communicating devotedly making your audience understand why is
it so important. In this way you can show respect for your audience’s time and
their intelligence. However, in cases, where you disagree strongly with a co-
worker or feel extremely irritated and annoyed with some customer, it is important
to express such sentiments respectfully.
Trustworthiness: Trust is a key factor in communication, and this is what
determines the sanctity of communication process, e.g. as an employer would you
dare to hire someone you did not trust? As a customer, would you buy from a
company you did not trust? Your task as a communicator is to form a healthy
connection with your audience.
Authentic information: The information that is to be communicated must be true
and authentic. Before sharing the information with the target audiences the
information must be checked for accuracy, otherwise it can have worse
The Golden Rule: It means to treat others the way you would like to be treated.
The golden rule includes human kindness, cooperation, and exchanges across
cultures, languages, backgrounds and interests.
What is the role of communication conflict in intercultural relationships?
Intercultural communication is the process of sending and receiving messages
between individuals whose cultural background differ from each other and could
lead them to interpret verbal and non-verbal signs differently. Culture has a clear
impact on human activities on individual, national, global and organizational levels
and affects contexts like trade, foreign investment and international relationships.
Differences in values and norms of behaviour of people from different cultures
give rise to the cultural differences. Two persons belonging to two different
cultures during the process of communication, would act differently and might not
understand each other’s point, this situation creates misunderstanding and can lead
to conflict. We all are raised in a particular culture and learn a particular language,
rules and norms, hence we communicate differently from individuals belonging to
other cultures. Understanding others’ culture eases inter-cultural communication.
What is culture?
it is a shared system of attitudes, symbols, values, beliefs, expectations and
behaviors, communicated from one generation to the next.’ Members belonging to
the same culture have similar perception towards how people should think, behave
and connect.
Dimensions of cultural differences
1.Social Ethics: Ethics, morals and values might change from culture to culture.
For example: in the U.S materialism is taken as a cure to poverty and money is
considered a solution for many problems but in various other countries materialism
is hated and condemned and a carefree lifestyle is preferred.
2.Roles, levels and ranks: Cultures define the roles people play. For example:
women in many parts of the world are not expected to play any prominent part in
the business world. So, a female business executive visiting any such country
needs to be discreet enough as she might not be treated seriously there.
3. Decision making norms: Decision making customs too differ from culture to
culture. Americans believe in quick and efficient decisions, whereas Greeks follow
a time-consuming process of gathering every possible detail before arriving at a
decision. In Pakistan and in many other countries the ultimate decision making
authority is the one who is ranked highly in the organization, a single figure who
dominates the organization.
4. Personal Space: Space too means differently from culture to culture. For
example, Canadian and US people stand 5 feet apart during a business
conversation. Five feet is too close for people from Germany and Japan but for
Arabs it is too far.
5.Body language: Getting mastery over another country’s language does not
necessarily mean that you have learnt their entire body language as well. For
example, in Pakistan, people shake their hands to greet others. In the US not
keeping a proper eye contact is a sign of dishonesty whereas in Asia keeping eyes
lowered during a conversation is a sign of respect. These differences may make
you misread the existing situation.
6. Manners and attitudes: Manners and behavior too change from culture to
culture; they may be formal or informal. In Arab countries offering gifts to a
friend’s wife is considered impolite however this is acceptable if meant for his
7. Legal structure: Law has different implications worldwide. When going global
you need to be well aware of the legal structures in different countries because
ignorance is no defense. In some countries, companies pay extra amount of money
for approving government contracts and it is a routine process whereas in many
other countries it is not only considered unethical but is also illegal.
Q: Explain the need for intercultural communication? (Imp)
Ans: 1. Success of any international business depends upon the quality of inter
cultural communication.
2.A number of workers from around the world and from different cultures work
together as a group, learn new things and increase the business opportunities
3.Intercultural communication provides opportunities for running worldwide
marketing campaigns.
4.It is marked with the removal of barriers between the borders and the flow of
goods, capital, services and labour is facilitated.

Q: What is thinking process?

Ans: Thinking is a mental activity which continues even when one is sleeping.
Thinking is said to be a constructive process that involves a number of mental
activities, such as deducing, extracting, reasoning, envisioning, judging, problem
solving, and creative thinking. Thinking is basically a conversation between our
minds and ourselves. Our mind has the skill to assess facts and choose what is true
or false.
Q: What is creative thinking? (Imp)
Ans: Creative thinking is the procedure we follow in order to develop ideas that are
unique and exclusive, useful and worthy of further elaboration. Creativity is the
skill of bringing something into existence that was not there before.
Characteristics of a creative thinker
1.A creative thinker is always curious and looks at problems as opportunities.
2.He enjoys taking challenges and is comfortable with imagination.
3.A creative thinker challenges assumptions and does not give up that easily.
4.Creative people are self-governing and free in their judgments, and are self-
assertive, dominant, impulsive, prefer complexity, etc.
5.They develop the ability to deal with ambiguity and unstructured problems.
What is the Role of creativity in life?
Ans: Creativity is a specific kind of thinking process that involves reaching out to
the solution of a problem in an exclusive and novel way which was missing earlier.
Creativity is the mother of all inventions and discoveries in the world. Creative
solutions are fresh, original, and unique, that others have not practised before.
Creative thinking skill is one of those things that humans will ever have a
monopoly on. It’s the key that opens the door to unlimited opportunities.

Q: What is Critical thinking? (Imp)

Ans: Critical thinking is the thinking procedure we follow in order to reflect on,
measure and evaluate the assumption fundamental to our own and others’ ideas
and efforts. It is the intellectually controlled process of vigorously and proficiently
conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing and/or evaluating information
gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning or
Difference between critical and Uncritical thinkers.
Critical thinker Un-Critical thinker
Have a passionate drive for clarity, Often fall victim to ways that are
accuracy and applicability. uncertain, imprecise, inaccurate etc.
Are logically honest with themselves, Pretend that they know more than what
acknowledge openly what they don’t they do and disregard their limitations.
know and recognize what their
limitations are.
Listen open-mindedly to contrasting Are close-minded people and fight
views and welcome criticism. criticism of beliefs and assumptions.
Think independently and are not scared Tend to get involved in “group think”,
of disagreeing with group opinion. uncritically following the crowd.
What is the effect of critical thinking over communication?
Ans: Critical thinking is in fact the soul of effective communication.
Communication starts with a thought, a feeling and an emotion. The mind shapes
this thought before sending it out to the receiver. Critical thinking is the tool to
rationally build our thoughts. Effective communication begins with a clear thought
process. Critical thinking raises clarity of thought. A continuous quest of critical
thinking makes leaders and managers think logically, provide sound reasoning and
develop a coherent argument. Critical thinking permits a leader to exercise control
while listening and helps in following the thought process of the other party.
Critical thinking helps a leader in responding effectively in a given context rather
than reacting. Critical thinking brings confidence in communication. It is easier to
connect effectively when you are prepared with proofs, arguments, perceptions and
possible solutions. Critical thinking is thus a tool to construct your key messages in
a way that causes maximum effect.
Once you start thinking clearly, logically and critically, external communication
training interventions will also yield desired results.
Differences between creative and critical thinking. (Imp)
Creative thinking Critical thinking
When you think creatively you are When you are thinking critically you
exploring many new ideas. are making choices.
Creative thinking tries to create Critical thinking seeks to measure
something new. worth or validity in something that
already exists.
Creative thinking is non-judgmental. Critical thinking is judgmental.
Creative thinking is expansive. Critical thinking is selective.
Creative thinking is generative, Critical thinking is analytic, convergent
divergent and subjective in nature. and objective in nature.
Creative thinking talks about Critical thinking talks about
possibilities. probabilities.
Creative thinking is going past the Critical thinking, on the other hand, is
limitations, thinking out of the box and more evaluative in nature and analyses
being novel and fresh in one’s ideas. a particular existing thing.
What is IPC (Interpersonal communication)?
Interpersonal communication is the communication that takes place between
individuals who have a relationship between them. It occurs when messages are
sent and received and when meanings are assigned to such messages. Interpersonal
communication may be affected by noise, follow a context and contain chance of
Purposes of interpersonal communication:
Interpersonal communication is a purposeful and focused interaction that can be
used to accomplish a variety of purposes. Some of them are discussed as under:
To learn: Interpersonal communication enables us to learn and to better
understand the world around us. Interpersonal communication also lets us learn
about ourselves—our strengths and our weaknesses.
To connect: Interpersonal communication helps to connect to others and to form
significant connections. Such contacts help to relieve the state of loneliness,
depression and hopelessness, enable individuals to share and heighten pleasures,
and in general make one feel more positive.
To inspire: During our interpersonal connections we may inspire others; e.g. to
choose a certain career, to behave in a certain way.
To support: We all interact every day to help our connections in one way or
another. Examples include, consoling, counselling a student about career prospects
or offering advice to a co-worker.
To play and enjoy: Messaging friends about outstation holidays, discussing
interests on chat, making a practical joke, and gossiping with friends are all
examples to play and enjoy functions. these are extremely important purposes that
give our activities a necessary balance and provide our mind with a break from
serious matters.

Chapter No. 8
Define the following types of reports.

Analytical report: This report analyses the facts, draws conclusions and
makes recommendations. Such reports are organized around logical arguments
and conclusions.

Informational report: It is usually in the form of person-to-person

communication. It may range from a short almost incomplete statement of
facts on a single page to a more organized presentation taking several pages.

Periodic report: These reports are prepared and submitted on regular

prescribed intervals. They may be submitted annually, semi-annually,
quarterly, monthly, weekly or even on daily bases.

Statutory report: This report is prepared and presented according to the form
and procedure laid down by law. For example, Audit report.

Voluntary report: These reports are prepared on one’s own initiative without
someone else demand. These are detailed reports with enough of discussion
dedicated to the background of the subject.

Internal report: These reports are meant for the organization’s internal
purposes. Such reports follow the memo format.

To: All employees

From: Manager
Subject: Wearing of face masks.


External report: Such reports are meant for organization’s external purposes
and are prepared to meet the organization needs with people outside the
organization. They are prepared in the letter or in the manuscript format.

Formal report: The report which is drafted in a prearranged form and is

submitted according to an established procedure to a prescribed authority.

Project progress report: The report which outlines the tasks in a project,
including work completed, work remaining, costs incurred, remaining cost to
complete the project and schedule of original and anticipated time to complete
the project.

Performance appraisal report: The report which documents the employees’

work performance for a particular period with identification of the individual’s
strengths and weaknesses, training and document needs and career planning.

Feasibility report: The report which examines the viability of the proposed
undertaking from its technical, commercial and economic standpoints.

Sales and marketing report: Such reports provide data of the actual sales of
various products classified by their quantities, territories, sales teams and
distributors for a specific period. The report displays the variance between
sales achieved versus the budget.

Chairman’s annual report: Such report presents a summarized description of

the historical financial performance of the organization, its achievements and
problems faced during the period under review. The report provides
information about future expectations and plans to obtain the desired results.

Operating report: This report summarizes the operational activity for a

particular time period. It also shows information about the sales and purchases,
employee information and inventory.
Format of Report
To: The director
From: Manager
Subject: Financial Report June 2020.
Introduction: Being the Finance Manager, I have prepared the Financial
Report June 2020 as per your kind directions.
Methodology: I have collected the data from the Finance department to
prepare the report.
Sub headings:
Recommendations / Suggestions:

Q: What are the key components of a report?

2. Writer
3. Objective
4. Subject
5. Structure
Q: What are the features of an effective report?
1. Fit for purpose
2. Decisive
3. Easy to read and follow
4. Correct in fact and language
5. Concise
6. Persuasive
7. Action-based
8. Clear
9. Get to the point
What is the layout (approach) of a report?
Top-down approach
1. Present your conclusion first.
2. Present the reasons for conclusion.
3. Finally include the facts underlying your reasoning.
Bottom-up approach
1. State the material facts
2. Demonstrate the reasons for the facts than summarize them
3. Finally include the conclusion based on the facts you have just

Q: What is the executive summary of a report?

The executive summary includes the following points.
1. What the report is about
2. What the problems are
3. The conclusions you arrived at
4. What you recommend

Q: What is body of a report?

The body of the report should be split into sections with logical headings and
sub-headings. This allows the readers to further investigate something they
have read in the executive summary. Typical components of the body of a
report are;
1. Business description which explains the overall mission and objectives,
history and ownership, products and services
2. Business environment and analysis (SWOT)
3. Operating plans
4. Management summary
5. Financial plan
What are conclusions and recommendations of a report?
The conclusions and recommendations of a report must follow logically from
the rest of the report. Draw out the main points of the report and present a
considered judgement of them. Draw conclusions that are justified by
evidence and facts contained in the body of the report. Make
recommendations based only on your discussion and conclusions. Never
introduce any new arguments in the conclusions and recommendations.
Suppose you are the sales and Marketing manager of Nokia mobile phones.
The sales graph of the company has decreased. Prepare the sales and
marketing report to the director.
To: The Director
From: Sales and Marketing manager
Subject: sales and Marketing report.
Being the sales and marketing manager, the report about the decline of sales graph
of Nokia phones has been prepared as per your kind order.
Methodology: I personally visited the market, took interview of the general
customers and the whole sale dealers and found the following details.
1. Some new companies have entered the market and have introduced their
2. The products of the new companies have advanced features, like long
duration of battery, wide and colourful screen and android qualities.
3. These companies are offering credit business and discount on the cash
4. These companies have strong advertisement policies.
Limitations of Nokia company:
1. The mobile phones of Nokia company have poor and unattractive design.
2. The prices are huge and the customers cannot afford.
3. No advertisement
Suggestions / Recommendations:
The improve the sales graph of the company these recommendations may be
1. The company should improve the features of the mobile phones.
2. Considerable discount should be offered to the customers.
3. Gift scheme like buy one get one free should be introduced.
4. Digital advertisement should be launched.
5. Customer services should be improved.
The above recommendations may please be considered to increase the sales graph
of the company.
Feasibility Report
Suppose you are the Manager of Ufone Company Islamabad. The Director has
decided to open a franchise in Rawalpindi. Prepare a feasibility report. Assume
necessary details.
To: The Director
From: Manager
Subject: Feasibility report about the new franchise in Rawalpindi.
Introduction: Being the Manager of Ufone company, I have prepared the feasibility
report about the new franchise in Rawalpindi as per your kind directions.
The details are given below.
Technical analysis: The existing technology which our company has is working
properly. However, the modern technology like, modern internet, cabling system
and towers to catch and emit the signals will be required. Similarly, computer
system and bio metric system will be needed for the front office to maintain the
record of the new Sims and customers.
Commercial analysis:
Rawalpindi is the biggest region with huge population. Many new customers are
waiting for a specialist communication company like Ufone. The site, where the
new franchise will be opened lies in the center of the city and is approachable to all
people. Ufone is a brand and surely, the company will face no threat because there
is no strong competitor to challenge Ufone.
Economic analysis:
Rs 1 million will be required as initial cost to open the franchise. Rs 0.5 million
will be spent on construction, Rs 0.3million will be allocated for the purchase of
new technology and Rs0.2 million will be spent on the decoration of office. This
new undertaking will prove useful and will give returns after 3 months.
It is recommended to open the franchise in this region to grip the market.
The market is vital for new business. It will prove beneficial and will surely get


Suppose you are the Admin Officer of ABC Company Islamabad. The Director has
decided to build a new building for the company. Prepare the project progress
To: The Director
From: The Admin Officer
Subject: Project progress report.
Being the Admin Officer, I am preparing the project progress report as per your
kind directions.
The details are given below.
The project was started on June 30, 2017 and will be completed on June 30, 2018.
The total cost allocated is Rs 2 million.
Work completed:
Up till now, 5 offices and the reception hall have been constructed with total cost
of Rs0.5 million.
Work remaining:
We have to construct one main hall, two store rooms and front office. The work of
the installation of electricity, internet and white washing of the building is in
progress and will be completed within the specified time.
Problems faced:
The rainy season has set in which has slowed down the construction. Similarly, the
prices of the construction materials have gone high and we are lack of finance.
It is recommended to increase the budget by Rs 0.2 million to purchase the
construction materials and to completed the project well in time.
For the completion of the project, the above recommendations may please be
addressed on priority bases.

What is RFP (Request for Proposal) / Bids / Tenders?

An RFP is a formal document that describes a project, or need for service,
and invites prospective bidders to propose possible solutions.
An RFP should include the flowing points.
1. Description of the work to be performed.
2. Method of formal submission of the proposal. The proposal should be
submitted by hand/ registered post or any courier / online.
3. Milestones and deadlines of the proposal process.
4. Terms relating to payments such as advances, stage payments and any
other special terms and conditions.
What is a proposal?
A proposal is either written in response to an RFP or alternatively used as to
promote an idea to a relevant stakeholder.
The contents of a well-prepared proposal include;
1. Purpose of the proposal is stated clearly.
2. Problem or need for the proposal is understood and defined clearly.
3. Suggested solution offered in the proposal is workable and in the best
interests of the recipient / organization.
4. Proposal is honest, factual and objective.
5. Benefits to be derived from the proposal outweigh the cost.
6. Proposal must contain time schedule, including milestones, and any
other checklists of the projects.
7. Proposal must contain a list of costs and resources involved in the
completion of the project.

What is an Agenda of a meeting?

Agenda is the list of items / topics to be discussed at a formal meeting. It is
sent in advance to all members of the meeting, so that they may get prepare
the points for the meeting.
What is the layout and contents of an agenda?
1. Title, date, time, and place of the meeting.
2. Purpose of the meeting.
3. Minutes of the previous meeting.
4. Apologies for absence.
5. Main body of agenda.
6. Any other business / point.
7. Date for the next meeting.

Military Accounts
Main Kashmir Road Saddar
Topic / Title: AGM
Place / Venue: Conference Hall
December 29, 2021 10.00-11.00

Purpose of the meeting: To discuss general issues.

Chairperson: Director

1. Minutes of the previous meeting
2. Apologies for absence
3. Security issues
4. Management problems
5. Finance problems
6. Annual casual leaves
7. Any other point / business
8. Date for the next meeting

What are minutes of a formal meeting?

The minutes is the official written record of the proceedings / decisions of a
Why are minutes recorded?
1. To form the basis of discussion at the next meeting.
2. To inform the absent members about what was discussed in the
3. The minutes is a reminder to those present in the meeting about what
was discussed in the meeting.
4. To remind everyone of the action points that were agreed by whom and
by when.
What is the structure of minutes?
1. Name of the meeting.
2. Purpose.
3. Location, time and date.
4. Names of the chairperson, attendees, and absent attendees who have
sent their apologies for absence.
5. Whether a voting quorum was present.
6. Whether minutes from a previous meeting were approved and where
necessary corrected.
7. Topics discussed and points made.
8. Decisions made.
9. Action agreed including who is responsible for each action and when it
must be completed by.
10. The chairperson should sign the minutes of the previous meeting once
they have been approved.

What are tips for effective minutes?

1. Accurate: Be definite about facts and figures, times, dates and venues.
2. Complete: All necessary information, key discussion topics, decision and
action points.
3. Clear: One point per paragraph. Minutes should follow the same order
as the meeting was conducted.
4. Concise: Include only key points, decisions made and actions agreed
and how these decisions and actions were reached.

Q: It is inevitable in both business and personal communication that there are

times when negative messages need to be delivered. Suggest the key points to
be considered when communicating a negative message. (Imp)
Ans: The message which does not go in favour of the receiver is called as
negative message. The key points to be considered in communicating a
negative message are as follows.
1. Use a buffer
2. Offer an explanation
3. Avoiding emphasizing the refusal
4. Present an alternative
5. End with a positive statement

Q: Various factors influence Perception. All these factors are generally related
to the perceiver, the target and the context. Discuss in detail.
Perceiver: When the perceiver looks at a thing and attempts to interpret it, his
personal characteristics deeply influence that interpretation. These
characteristics include attitudes, motives, interests, experience, expectations
and beliefs.
Target: Characteristics of the object under focus also affect the perceptions of
the perceiver.
Context: The context in which we see the object is also very important. For
example, the director is dressed up for a formal meeting but the same director
is attired for a match with the same group of people would appear strange.
Such factors may include time, place etc.
Q: Why we do exchange messages in Business Communication?
Ans: We exchange messages in the business communication for the
following reasons.
1. The instructions and guidelines are properly understood.
2. The individuals may know what they are expected to do.
3. Managers are able to plan and coordinate operations more
4. To build a relationship, mutual trust and respect.
5. To confirm.
6. To request.
7. To persuade.
8. To inform.

Q: What is Video Conferencing? Why is Video Conferencing becoming so
popular in Commercial organizations? (Imp)
Ans: The video conference is a system used by people in different physical
locations to hold a meeting. It is also called virtual meeting. The video
conference aims to serve multiple locations with greater flexibility and
Video Conferencing is becoming so popular in Commercial organizations for
the following reasons.
1. Improved lower-cost technology with greater bandwidth.
2. Environmentally friendly IT initiatives such as reduced air travel.
3. High travel costs combined with austerity related cost saving initiatives.

Advantages of video conference.

1. It is the best option when face-to-face meeting is not possible.
2. It reduces travel costs.
3. It increases productivity across dispersed workforces and teams.
4. It enables individuals at distant locations to participate in the meeting at
short notice.
5. The individuals can participate in the meeting without leaving their
6. It assists the facilitation of telecommuting.

Q: Discuss the limitations of Video Conferencing. (Imp)

1. Video conferencing needs a highly strict Internet connection
2. Video conferencing still causes a severe audio latency.
3. A set of high-quality video conferencing system is also costly.
4. Lack of personal interaction.
5. Technical problems.
6. It has health hazards.

Q: Enumerate a few reasons behind the rapid increase in demand of video

conferencing in business over recent years?
Ans: The video conferencing is becoming popular in commercial
organizations because;
1. Improved lower- cost technology with greater bandwidth.
2. Wider variety of video conferencing tools available associated with
increasingly more powerful PCs.
3. It reduces air travel.

Q: What are blogs?

The web logs or the blogs are the web-based journals. It is the act of posting
content on a blog or posting comments on someone else’s blog. The individuals
and groups use it to maintain a record of opinions, pictures and interests. The
entries are shown in reverse chronological order.
Q: Enumerate any FOUR advantages of Blogs (Web Logs).
1. Blogs let you interact with people and get their feedback at no or very
low cost.
2. Blogs are very easy to create and maintain.
3. The blogs are regularly updated and are great learning experience.
4. It is a source to express one’s feelings, emotions and experience.
Q: Email is one of the most widely used features of the internet, along with the
web. List down the benefits of using email.
Ans: Email or the electronic mail involves the transmission of messages over
an electronic network such as the internet or intranet. Advantages
1. An audit trail (Official record) of messages is automatically retained.
2. The sending and receiving of the messages is virtually instantaneous
anywhere in the world.
3. The recipient can access email anywhere and anytime at their
4. The email can be sent to multiple recipients at the same time.
5. It is low cost. 6. It is easy to use and to organize daily correspondence.

1. It cannot be an efficient way of reaching a decision where a telephone
call or meeting might better facilitate the exchange of views and
reaching a consensus.
2. It is insensitive way of sharing bad news and personal messages.
3. Poorly constructed messages can be misinterpreted by the recipient.
4. Electronic signatures may not be legally binding in some jurisdictions.
5. There can be a tendency to include non-relevant recipient in the emails.
6. Emails can carry viruses which spread rapidly.

Q: What is social networking?

Ans: Social networking is the practice of expanding the number of one's
business and/or social contacts by making connections through individuals,
often through social media sites such
as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google.
Q: Define the following terms.
Free Web Hosting: It means zero cost to the user. The web host covers
their costs through selling advertising that is added automatically to web
pages through pop-ups frames and scripts.

Standard Web Hosting: It is also called the paid Web hosting. A standard
web fee would secure a specific amount of server space on a web hosting
system that provides high speed servers and quality software.

The Reseller web hosting is when the company wants to become a web hosting
business themselves. A Reseller purchases web hosting facilities off another
web host then sells them on to other clients acting as their web host i-e
operating as wholesaler.
Ecommerce describes the suit of tools required to take orders and payments
for selling products online. For example, Paypal and eBay.
What are Blogs?
The web logs or the blogs are the web-based journals. It is the act of posting
content on a blog or posting comments on someone else’s blog. The individuals
and groups use it to maintain a record of opinions, pictures and interests. The
entries are shown in reverse-chronological order. It is also used just as a
journal to record one’s experience, thoughts and opinions.
1. Blogs let you interact with people and get their feedback at very little
2. Blogs are regularly updated and are great learning experience.
3. It’s a source to express feelings, thoughts and opinions.
4. You can work at any time of the day and work with your ease.

Types of blogs
1. Personal blog
2. Corporate and organizational blogs
3. By genre
4. By device

What is Web hosting?

A web host stores all the pages of a website making them available to
computers connected to the internet. A website is identified by its domain
name such as sony.com which is linked to IP address pointing to a specific
physical computer.
Types of Web hosting
Free, Standard, Dedicated, Collocation, Ecommerce, Reseller, Clustered
File and image, Weblog
What is Ecommerce?
Ecommerce describes the suit of tools required to take orders and payments
for selling products online. For example, PayPal and eBay.
What is Reseller?
The Reseller web hosting is when the company wants to become a web hosting
business themselves. A Reseller purchases web hosting facilities off another
web host then sells them on to other clients acting as their web host i-e
operating as a wholesaler.
What is clustered?
Companies with extremely popular sites will replicate the same contents onto
multiple servers in order to provide better access to website visitors. This is
called clustered web hosting.
What is dedicated?
It describes when the client pays for their own dedicated server machine for
its web site’s exclusive use. It is useful when a business needs greater control
over their web site.
What is collocation?
Colocation is similar to dedicated hosting in that a website resides on a
dedicated server. However, it is the website owner who owns the server not
the web host.
What is Bandwidth?
Bandwidth describes the maximum data transfer rate of a network or internet
connection and measures how much data can be sent over a specific
connection in a given amount of time.
What is Internet Service Provider (ISP)?
Internet Service Provider (ISP) is an organization that provides physical
access to the internet. This access might be provided in the form of a plugged-
in cable, a Wi-Fi signal or a mobile telephone signal.

What is Internet Protocol (IP) address?

An IP address is a code that uniquely identifies a particular computer on the
internet. Every computer requires a unique IP address to connect to the
internet and consists of four sets of number from 0 to 255.
What is an Internet hosting?
An Internet hosting is a generic term that describes a computer or computers
that support an internet-based service. For example, Email host, Game host
and Website host.
What is server?
A server is a physical computer dedicated to run one or more services to serve
the needs of users and other computers on a network. For example, print
server and web server.
What is World Wide Web?
The World Wide Web is a global collection of documents, images, and other
resources stored in millions of databases around the world. These documents,
images and resources are interrelated by hyperlinks and referenced through
unique identifiers.
Business letters
The examiner gives four letters for definition.
Define the following terms (letters). 8 Marks
Sales letter: It is sent by an organization to potential customers to prompt them
into ordering goods or services.
Order letter: It is sent by a customer to an organization to order goods or services.
Claim / Complaint letter: It is sent by a customer to a vendor to complain about a
product or service.
Adjustment letter: This letter is sent in response to a complain or claim and it
includes the final outcome.
Inquiry letter: The letter which asks a question or elicits information from the
Follow up letter: The letter which is sent after some type of initial
Recommendation or Reference letter: A letter which is sent by a previous
employer or referee to support some kind of information.
Acknowledgement letter: It is a simple receipt which the business sends to let
others know that they have received a communication and either have dealt or will
deal with the prior communication in due course.
Covering letter: The letter which supports the other documents attached to it. It
describes why the enclosed has been sent.
Circular letter: The letter which is used to share the same information with a
large audience.
Memorandum: It is a short note used internally to communicate day-to-day
activities to the employees of the organization.
Agenda: A list of items to be discussed in the formal meeting.
Minutes: It is a summarized record of the proceedings of the meeting.
Revision Order letter

Color World
15; New Market,

Your Reference No:

Our Reference No:

Sales Division
National Paints Co. Ltd.
20, Tongi, Gajipur


Dear Sir,
Sub: Order for various paints.

Thank you for your quotation and the price list. We are glad to place our first order with you for
the following items:

SL. No: Description Quantity Weight Unit price Amount (Tk.)

1 Enamels paint 25 Tins 100 1bs 1000 25.000

2 Synthetic paint 20 Tins 2001bs 2000 40.000

3 White paint 10 Tins l0 lbs 500 5.000 70,000

Since the above goods are required immediately as our stock is about to exhaust very soon. We
request you to send the goods through your “Motor” van as the carriage inward is supposed to be
borne by you. We shall arrange payment within ten (10) days to comply with 5/10, Net 30 terms.

Please send all commercial and financial documents along, with goods. We reserve the right to
reject the goods if received late.

Yours faithfully,

Mohammed Tareq
Purchase Manager
Color world
National paints Cch Ltd
20, Tongi, Gajipur

Your Reference No: Ab 194

Our Reference No: CD 346

Purchase Manager
Color world
15, New Market,


Sub: Confirmation of order Letter.

Dear Sir,

We thank you for your order No. p-3-7 dated September l, 2012 for various paints. The order is
in the process of execution and it will be dispatched on 8th September by our Motor van. We
have taken special care for the quality and packing of the paints and we hope that you will find
them highly satisfactory.

We thank you again for your kind offer of the paints and hope that you will extend your similar
co-operation in the future.

Yours faithfully,

A K Rahman
Sales Manager
National paints co. Ltd
Number 333 Camino Street
Lahug, Cebu City

Your Reference No:

Our Reference No:

Logos Bookshop
Mandaue, Cebu


Respected Sir,
Subject: Order of purchase.

We highly appreciate you sending us the catalog of your books yesterday. Please see below for
the list of titles we want to purchase.

Item Number Description Quantity Unit Price Amount



1 How to Read a Book 1 PHP 800 PHP 800



2 Pride and Prejudice 1 800 800



3 World History 1 1,000 1,000

 Total        2600

We will be able to pay the total amount in cash upon delivery of the items.

You are, therefore, requested to deliver them directly to our school’s library.

Yours Sincerely,
Danny Chan
St. Aquinas’ College
Claim letters

Electron Plaza
Reference No:

General Manager
Sales Division
Rankon Electronics
Bijoy Sharbni

Subject: Delay in the Execution of the order.

Dear Sir,
On 25th August 2004, we placed our order No: H-15 with you for ten (10) Sony TVs and five (5)
national DVD Players. When your representative visited us, he assured the delivery to be made
within two weeks but we haven’t yet received the goods.
As the delivery has been delayed, we have lost our customers and caused us a great financial loss
as well as a loss of considerable goodwill to us.
Please promptly dispatch the goods ensuring that we receive them no later than Monday,
September 25, 04.

Yours faithfully,
A. Taslim
Sales Manager
Mohakhali C/A
Reference No:

Sales & Service Division LIGHTING WORLD LTD.
Tongi, Gazipur

Sub: Complaint about Goods received in a damaged condition.

Dear Sir,

Many thanks for your prompt delivery of the ordered Tube lights. Unfortunately, on opening the
carton, we found 100 cartons of Tube lights in a damaged condition. We are not sure whether the
damage has been caused by poor handling or wrong packing.
While placing the order, I clearly mentioned that we required these goods quickly and to be
handled ‘with care’ while delivery. Although, we received such goods in time 100 cartons
damaged goods caused serious problems to the need of our valued customers.
Please take back 100 cartons damaged goods and provide replacement before 15th Mach, 04 to
enable us to satisfy our customer’s needs. We are looking forward to hearing from you with the
said replacement.

Yours faithfully,
M. Hafiz
Sales Manager
Trans-World Lighting
M/s. Anna enterprise
House no. 07, Road no. 14
North 302, TUCSON AZ 85705

Ref No:                                                               

Michel furniture Ltd.
Kualampur, Malaysia.

Dear Manager,
Subject: Complaint against damaged goods.
We have purchased 100 nos. of office desks on February 10, 2019 and the shipment reached to
us on February 22, 2019. After inspection of the shipment, we have found 20 (Twenty) defective
desks. Sale of the defective desks will have a negative impact on our reputation. Therefore, we
have kept those desks in the storeroom.

We believe that it was an inadvertent mistake and you will take necessary step to stop its
recurrence. We are waiting for your decision regarding the defective desk.

Yours truly,
(Mr. Mr. Jonson)
Adjustment letter
Bangladesh Textiles Mills Ltd.
Reference No:

Marketing Manager
Bexi-Clothes Corner
South Plaza,

Ref: Adjustment letter.

Dear Sir,

We thank you for your letter of 5th Feb. 04 along with sample of cloth for examination.

The report that we have received just today shows that the consignment forwarded to you was
the wrong one full of defective clothes. It was a mistake because of our dispatch section and we
regret this mistake which has caused you both embarrassment and inconvenience. We have
already sent the replacement by passenger train. You can be sure of the quality of cloth now sent.

You can, of course, return the clothes to us and debit our account for the loss caused to you. We
again regret the inconvenience to you and assure you that such mistakes will be avoided in the

Yours faithfully,
M. Ashraf
Sales Manager
Bangladesh Textile Mills Ltd.
Emporium Tea Ltd.
Golf Club Road
Tongi, Gazipur
Ref No:

State Tea Corner
25, Dhanmondi

Ref: Adjustment letter.

Dear Sir,

We have received your letter of complaint dated July 21, 04 regarding the shortage of quantity. It
is probably the first time that we get such complaints from a customer regarding the shortage of

Whereas you are our valued customer, we cannot deny any human error made by our dispatch
workers. As a large concern in the country, we have to deal with large quantities each day and
therefore a sudden error is possible. We, therefore, are dispatching the shortage quantity as per
your order.

We expect your co-ordination as before.

Yours faithfully,

Salam Ahmed
Sales Manager
Emporium Tea Ltd
Tongi, Gazipur

Ref No:

Sales Manager
Mohakhali C/A

Ref: Adjustment letter.

Dear Sir,

We feel extremely sorry to hear that 100 cartons of Tube lights received by you in a damaged
condition. Our dispatch section has a pre-packing inspection which allows the packing of goods
maintaining satisfactory quality. Damage, such as in your case, occurs very rarely when the
packages are roughly handled in transit.

As the contract involves the replacement of damaged goods, we are ensuring the supply of 100
cartons of Tube lights with more extra packaging. Will you kindly sign the enclosed “Damage
Report” So that we can submit our claim to the Insurance Company? The attached Business
Reply Envelope is for your convenience in returning the report. Our authorized representative
will collect the damaged goods before 15th March, 04.
Please confirm the arrival of the goods.

Yours faithfully,

S. Alam
Manager, Sales & Service
Adjustment letter example 2

Emporium Tea Ltd.

Golf Club Road, Tongi, Gazipur

25th July, 04,

State Tea Corner
25, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1211

Ref: Your letter dated July 21, 2015

Dear Sir,

We have received your letter of complaint dated July 21, 04 regarding

the shortage of quantity. It is probably the first time that we get such
complaints from a customer regarding the shortage of quantity.

Whereas you are our valued customer, we cannot deny any human error
made by our dispatch workers. As a large concern in the country, we
have to deal with large quantities each day and therefore a sudden error
is possible. We, therefore, are dispatching the shortage quantity as per
your order.

We expect your co-ordination as before.

With thanks.
Yours faithfully

Salam Ahmed
Sales Manager
Emporium Tea Ltd.

Bangladesh Textiles Mills Ltd.

Narayangong, Dhaka

10th Feb. 04

Marketing Manager
Bexi-Clothes Corner
South Plaza,
Ref: Your letter dated 5th Feb. 04.

Dear Sir,

We thank you .for your letter of 5th Feb. 04 along with/ sample of cloth
for examination.

The report that we have received just today shows that the consignment
forwarded to you was the wrong one full of defective clothes. It was a
mistake because of our despatch section and we regret this mistake
which has caused you both embarrassment and inconvenience. We
have already sent the replacement by passenger train. You can be sure
of the quality of cloth now sent.

You can, of course, return the clothes to us and debit our account for the
loss caused to you. We again regret the inconvenience to you and
assure you that such mistakes will be avoided in the future.

Yours faithfully

M. Ashraf
Sales Manager
Bangladesh Textile Mills Ltd.
MEMO (Imp)
Q: What is memo (Memorandum)? Why is it used so frequently in the
Ans: The memo is a short note written as a reminder. It is used inside the
organization to pass out the routine information to all employees of the
organization. The memo is a formal communication.
1. Memo provides a written record of instructions, directions and
2. Memo confirms the oral discussion.
3. Memo asks others for their ideas and opinions.
4. Memo is used to circulate information to all employees at the same time.

Q: Suppose you are the Admin Manager of ABC Company Islamabad. The
Director has approved the annual increment, medical fund and the house rent
according to the basic pay scale of all employees. Write a memo announcing
this news to all employees.
To: All employees
From: Admin Manager
Date: 29/10/2022
Subject: Annual Allowances
It is for the information of all employees that the Director has approved the
annual increment, medical fund and the house rent according to the basic pay
scale of all employees. This will be effective from the first December, 2022.
For any further information, please contact the Admin Manager.

What is Circular?
A circular letter provides information to a large number of people. It should
always be straight to the point so that the main news may not be hidden in
other points.
The circular is written with three-part approach.
Open: It explains the situation.
Body: The main idea is written first and it is followed by extra explanatory
information. Each paragraph explains just one idea.
Close: End the circular positively including offers of help and more
information if required.

Q; suppose you are the Admin Manager of ABC Company Islamabad. The
Director has promoted Mr. Ahmed to the rank of senior manager. Write a
circular letter to all employees. Ans:
ABC Company Ltd
Contact No: ============
Circular letter

Reference: 12345/RA
All employees
ABC Company Ltd

Date: 07 October 2021

Dear employees,
Subject: Annual promotion
It is a great pleasure to announce the annual promotion of Mr. Ahmed to the
rank of senior manager with immediate effect.
This promotion reveals the high standards of work, professionalism and spirit
of Mr. Ahmed due to which the organization has achieved its goals in the
challenging year 2021. You all are requested to join us in the conference hall
today at 11 O’clock to formally congratulate him.
Kind regards
Admin Manger

RFP (Request for Proposal) also called Bids, Tender.

The RFP is a formal written document that describes a project or need for
service and it invites the prospective bidders / contractors to propose possible
The RFP contains the following points.

1. Sufficient detailed description of the work to be performed.

2. Method of formal submission of the proposal. For example, the proposal should be submitted by hand or
by registered post or online.

3. The RFP should show the milestones and deadlines of the proposal process.

4. The RFP should show terms relating to payments, such as advances, stages payments and any other special
terms and conditions.

Q: Suppose you are the Admin Manager of ABC Company Islamabad. Your company needs to purchase 10
computers, 05 printers and a photocopy machine. Write an RFP / bids / tender to be published in the

ABC Company
Park road
Contact No: 051- xxxxxx
Sealed applications are invited from the prospective bidders to propose suitable solution for the
purchase of the following items.
Sr No Name of item Quantity required Time
1 Computers 10 December 25,2021
2 Printers 05 December 25,2021
3 Photocopier 01 December 25,2021
1. Only government registered bidders can apply.
2. The application form can be obtained from the office on payment of Rs 500/.
3. A bank draft of Rs 5000/ which is non-refundable should be submitted with the application
4. The winning bidder will pay 5% tax to the government.
5. The organization will pay 10% of the total amount in advance to the winning bidder. The
remaining amount will be paid after the completion of the project.
6. The proposals can be submitted by hand or by registered post.
7. The deadline for the submission of the proposal is December 23, 2021.

Deputy Director
Contact No. 051-xxxxx

What is Chronological CV?

Ans: The Chronological CV suits to applicants who have solid employment
history with reputable organizations. The Chronological CV lists work history
job-by-job starting with the most recent position first.
Chronological CV
Personal information
Father Name:
Mailing Address:
Contact No:
To engage in a career that will allow for progress in terms of expertise, socio-
economic development, and innovation through exposure to new ideas for
professional growth, as well as growth of the company.
Sr Degree / Institute Div / CGPA Board / Univ
No Cert
1 CA ICAP Islamabad --------- ICAP
2 B. Com Punjab College Sargodha 1st Univ: of
3 FSc Punjab College Sargodha 1st BISE
4 SSC GHS No.1 Sargodha 1st BISE
Work experience / history:
Present Job:
1. Serving as an Accountant in Military Accounts Sargodha since 2015 to date.
Duties and responsibilities: Preparing FR, Audit Report and Tax report
2. Served as an Accountant in Pepsi Cola Lahore since 2010 to 2014.
Duties and responsibilities: To prepare salary slips, routine bank dealings and
in and out cash flow.
Computer skills: MS Office
Languages: Urdu, English, Punjabi
Extra-Curricular activities: Reading books
1.Rehmat Ayaz
Lecturer NUST Islamabad
Contact No: xxxxxxxx

Functional CV suits to fresh applicants. It emphasizes the applicant’s special
technical skills, competencies and achievements.
Personal information
Father Name:
Mailing Address:
Contact No:
To engage in a career that will allow for progress in terms of expertise, socio-
economic development, and innovation through exposure to new ideas for
professional growth, as well as growth of the company.
Sr Degree / Institute Div / CGPA Board / Univ
No Cert
1 CA ICAP Islamabad --------- ICAP
2 B.Com Punjab College Sargodha 1st Univ of
3 FSc Punjab College Sargodha 1st BISE
4 SSC GHS No.1 Sargodha 1st BISE

Skills: 1. Have sound knowledge of Audit, FR and Tax

2. Can work on Peachtree and software of accountancy.
Achievements: 1. Got scholarship in B. Com
2. Got merit certificate in FR
Computer skills: MS Office
Languages: Urdu, English, Punjabi
Extra-Curricular activities: Reading books
1.Rehmat Ayaz Lecturer NUST Islamabad
Contact No: xxxxxxxx
Customer relationship Department
Maglite Hotel
Gulberg II
Your reference No: DC 234
Our Reference No: ABC 123

The Manager
Quick Cure Limited
Respected Sir,
Subject: Availability of conference room and 10 executive suits.
Thank you very much for giving us the opportunity to serve you. The
conference room and 10 executives’ suits have been booked at your
organization name. The estimated cost is Rs. Xxxxx. It includes the internet,
multimedia and power back up facilities.

You are, therefore, requested to confirm us before your arrival.

Yours truly,

Ahmad Saleem
Manager Customer relations

Rephrase the following sentences into YOU attitude.
1. To help us process this order, we must ask for another copy of the requisition.

2. We are pleased to announce our new flight schedule from Atlanta to New York, which is any hour on
the hour.

3. We offer MP3 players with 50, 75, or 100 gigabytes of storage capacity.

4. You should never use that type of paper in the copy machine.

5. You must correct all five copies by noon.

1. I or We attitude: We are sure that our view discount policy will attractive to you.
You attitude: You will surely appreciate new discount policy.
2. I or We attitude: I am happy to hear that you have selected our firms.
You attitude: Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you.
3. I or we Attitude: I will give you 10% discount
You attitude: You can get 10% discount

 Me Attitude: I have requested that your order is sent out today.

 You Attitude: You will receive your order by Wednesday

1. We are happy to announce that transaction can be made even after 3.00 PM till 5.00 PM
at the teller-counter.
2. You can do transactions after office hours, at the Teller counter till 5.00 PM.

It is not possible for us to extend locker facility to you since you do not have a fixed / term
deposit in our bank.
Extending locker facility will be attended to as soon as we receive an investment in FD/TD
from you.

I wish to congratulate you for your success.

Congratulations on your success!
Our products are reliable and long lasting.
You can reliable and long lasting.
I need your answers to these questions by the 15th.

Please send your answers to these questions by the 15th.

 I must receive your application by the end of the month.

Please send your application by the end of the month.

We cannot send your order until next month.

You will receive your order early next month.
We shipped your order today.
Your order will arrive on Thursday. You will receive your order on Thursday.

I am happy to inform you that we have approved your loan.

Congratulations! Your loan is approved.

We shall give 5% discount on cash price.

You will receive 5% on cash price.

We are proud to announce our new lightweight laptop computers.

You can have lightweight laptop computers.

I wish to tell you that we are sending your new coat tomorrow.
You will receive your coat tomorrow.
We expect our members will enjoy the benefits of membership.
You can now enjoy the benefits of membership.
 I need my students to be in class on time.
You should be in class on time.
Please enjoy our new and improved Web site.
You’ll enjoy the new and improved Web site.
You have failed to pay the dues for the month of July for your cable connection.
The dues for cable TV connection for the month of July remain unpaid.
You failed to enclose your check in the envelope.
The check was not enclosed.
“We were not able to send the goods in time due to the fact that the truckers were on
“We were unable to send the goods in time because of the truckers’ strike “.
We want to buy chairs which are of the executive types
We want to buy executive type chairs.
Wordy : Please be advised that your admission statement has been received.
Concise : Your admission statement has been received
Wordy : Please find attached the list you requested.
Concise : Find the attachment.
Wordy : There are four rules that should be observed.
Concise : Observe Four rules.
Wordy : It was known by Mr.. Usman that we must reduce size our inventory.
Concise : Mr.. Usman knew to reduce our inventory.
Wordy : She bought desks that are of the executive type.
Concise : She bought executive type desks.
Wordy : The receipt that is enclosed documents your purchase.
Concise : The enclosed receipt documents your purchase.
Wordy : In most cases the date of the inquiry is indicated in the upper right corner.
Concise : The policy date is in the upper right corner.
Wordy : The total balance due will be found on Page 2 of this report.
Concise : The balance due is on page 2 of this report.
Wordy : The reports are to be submitted by employees prior to 5:00 p.m.; which
will be received by Ali.
Concise : Please submit your reports to Ali by 5:00 p.m
Wordy : We hereby wish to let you know that our company is pleased with the confidence
you have reposed in us.
Concise : We appreciate your confidence.
 The letter was written by someone who had not signed his or her name. 
 The letter was anonymous.
 He requested a trial by a jury of his peers. 
 He requested a jury trial.
A watch is an intricate instrument to measure time, which many people consider the gift that is
the most valuable of all. 
A watch measures time, which many consider the most valuable gift. 
He referred to basic and fundamental principles of physics. 
He referred to basic principles of physics. 
It is truth which will prevail, he argued.
Truth will prevail, he argued.
The test revealed conduction activity that was peculiar in nature.
The test revealed peculiar conduction activity.

Identify the ‘Barriers of Communication’ present in the following statements:

(i) Will you please repeat your question? I could not hear you due
to the music.
(ii) Nobody can read what you have written.
(iii) Our parents will never understand us because they were born in
a different age.
(iv) He read the SMS sender’s name and lost his temper.
(v) “The product is very cheap”. Asim read the statement and
thought that the product was of poor quality.
(vi) The subordinate changed the data to make it look like favorable
for the boss.


Q 1: Wheel network and circle network are among the major types of formal hierarchical
arrangements in an organization. Narrate the prominent features of both networks.

Ans: Wheel Network: It is characterized by the central position of the leader. The leader is
very important and powerful person and plays a key role to disseminate information. The
primary communication occurs between the members and the group leader and then group
leader shares the information with all. In the wheel network, the decision is made fast but
the group morale of employees is low because the others do not take active part in the
decision-making process.
Circle Network: The circle network assumes no leader. There is complete equality. The
members can communicate to persons at their right and left. Each member has the same
authority to impact the group. In the circle network, the information moves slowly. The
morale is high because everyone participates in the decision-making process.
Chain network: In the chain network information is passed straight up or down the formal
chain of command. One person passes the information to other up or down within the line
of hierarchy. It allows only vertical movement and is strictly hierarchical. Chain network
has a leader who decides as to what messages are to be sent and how these messages are to
be communicated.

Q 3: Email is one of the most widely used features of the internet, along with the web. List
down the benefits of using email.
Ans: Email or the electronic mail involves the transmission of messages over an electronic
network such as the internet or intranet.
6. An audit trail of messages is automatically retained.
7. The sending and receiving of the messages is virtually instantaneous anywhere in
the world.
8. The recipient can access email anywhere and anytime at their convenience.
9. The email can be sent to a multiple recipients at the same time.
10. It is low cost.
11. It is easy to use and organize daily correspondence.

Q 4: It is inevitable in both business and personal communication that there are times
when negative messages need to be delivered. Suggest the key points to be considered when
communicating a negative message.
Ans: The key points to consider in communicating a negative message are as follows.
6. Use a buffer
7. Offer an explanation
8. Avoiding emphasizing the refusal
9. Present an alternative
10. End with a positive statement

Q 5: What is “You Approach”? Which of the 7Cs of communication suggests the use of this
approach? Also mention when one should avoid using this approach?
Business messages should focus on how the recipient will benefit. For example, what they
will receive or what they will learn. This is called as “You” approach.
Consideration among the 7Cs of communication suggests the use of this approach.
When the “You” attitude gives negative impact, write the message in passive voice. For
example, The report was not received.

Q 6: Various factors influence Perception. All these factors are generally related to the
perceiver, the target and the context. Discuss in detail.
Perceiver: When the perceiver looks at a thing and attempts to interpret it, his personal
characteristics deeply influence that interpretation. These characteristics include attitudes,
motives, interests, experience, expectations and beliefs.
Target: Characteristics of the object under focus also affect the perceptions of the
Context: The context in which we see the object is also very important. For example, the
director is dressed up for a formal meeting but the same director is attired for a match
with the same group of people would appear strange. Such factors may include time, place
Q 7: The IPC is a purposeful and focused interaction. State briefly any 5 purposes
demonstrating the significance of IPC.
 To enhance your speaking skills
 To boost your confidence
 To groom your personality
 With interpersonal communication we try to interact with others and hence we
get to know others.
 It allows us to influence the behavior, attitudes, and opinions of others.

Q 9: Describe the role of the following types of meeting.

Informational meeting: Such meetings clarify the topic under discussion and provide
information. The participants learn, ask questions and try to understand the
information being provided. Problems are not solved and no recommendations are
Suggested solution meeting: The purpose of such meetings is to find suggested solution
to some core issue. Recommendations are sought for and comments are made. No
decision is made and the meeting remains explanatory and informational. The final
solution is worked out and is forwarded for approval to higher authorities.

Problem-solving meeting: The purpose of such meeting is to work out some solution.
The problem is presented, suggested solutions are gathered, the recommendations are
evaluated and the final decision is made for further action.
Q 10: Define the following types of reports.

Analytical report: This report analyses the facts, draws conclusions and makes
recommendations. Such reports are organized around logical arguments and

Informational report: It is usually in the form of person to person communication. It

may range from a short almost incomplete statement of facts on a single page to a
more organized presentation taking several pages.

Periodic report: These reports are prepared and submitted on regular prescribed
intervals. They may be submitted annually, semi-annually, quarterly, monthly, weekly
or even on daily bases.

Statutory report: This report is prepared and presented according to the form and
procedure laid down by law. For example, Audit report.

Q 11: Enumerate a few reasons behind the rapid increase in demand of video
conferencing in business over recent years? What is social networking?
The video conferencing is becoming popular in commercial organizations because;
4. Improved lower- cost technology with greater bandwidth.
5. Wider variety of video conferencing tools available associated with increasingly
more powerful PCs.
6. It reduces air travel.
Ans b: Social networking is the practice of expanding the number of one's business
and /or social contacts by making connections through individuals, often through
social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google.


Q 1: Explain the following axioms of communication in your own words.

Ans: Inevitability of communication: This axiom refers to the fact that individuals
cannot remain isolated without communicating. An individual with expression less
face may not appear to be communicating with others in a group but by no means he
is uncommunicative. The lack of interest is a message in itself.
Digital and analogic: The Digital refers to discrete and defined communication
elements such as words and gestures with generally agreed meanings.
The Analogic describes where the act evokes a particular inference.
Symmetric or complementary: The interaction based on equal power between the
parties is called Symmetric communication. The complementary interchange describes
interaction based on differences in power between the parties.

Q 2: Explain the situations when choosing the following communication medium is

most appropriate.

Memoranda: It is used inside the organization to pass out the routine information to
the employees in the written format.

Video conference: The video conference is a system used by people in different

physical locations to hold a meeting. The video conferencing aims to serve multiple
locations with greater flexibility and functionality.

Face-to-face: It is appropriate to a multiple situations occurring both internally and

externally, formally and informally. It is used to generate new ideas, to get instant
feedback, to cooperate and to disseminate information rapidly.

Q 3: Why we do exchange messages in Business Communication?

Ans: We exchange messages in the business communication for the following reasons.
9. The instructions and guidelines are properly understood.
10. The individuals may know what they are expected to do.
11. Managers are able to plan and coordinate operations more effectively.
12. To build a relationship, mutual trust and respect
13. To confirm
14. To request
15. To persuade
16. To inform

Q 5: What are the techniques to develop Emphatic Listening?

The following are the techniques to develop emphatic listening.
1. Focus: Provide the speaker with undivided attention and avoid interruptions.
2. Don’t judge: Don’t minimize the issue of the speaker. It may be of huge
significance to the speaker.
3. Read the speaker: Be alert to the emotions behind the words like anger,
frustration etc. of the speaker.
4. Be quiet
5. Assure.

Q 1/a: What are the three key purposes of communication?

Ans: The key purposes of communication are;
1: Acquiring information: It means to collect, analyze, check and process numerous
types of communication both internal and external to an organization. This generates
new ideas and finds the solution of the problems.

2: Disseminating information: It means to share information to those who need it to

perform their job, make a decision or to solve a problem. This might involve
coordinating plans, communicating goals and structures.

3: Maintaining relationship: The relationships between co-workers, suppliers and

customers are managed through appropriate communication. This ensures the
continuity of operations and profitability of organization.

b: Identify the six stages which complete your communication in the light of Model of
Ans: 1. To generate the message 2. The transmitter encodes the message 3. The
encoded message is transmitted 4. The encoded message is received 5. Receiver
decodes the message 6. Receiver provides feedback.

Q 2: Identify and explain in your own words five major barriers to communication
which you would like to overcome.

Ans: 1. Issues in the relationship between the sender and the receiver that can lead to
2. Noise. The physical interference that damages the message as it was being
3. Confusing and conflicting messages leading to distortion.
4. Selecting wrong channel
5. Suffering interruptions and distractions during transmission of the message.

Q 4/a: What are the different forms of face-to-face business communication?

Ans: Meetings, Committees, Team briefing, Conference, interview
b: Define Non-verbal communication in your own words. How can it be used to give
Ans: The process of communication that facilitates sending and receiving silent and
wordless cues between people.
1. Non-verbal communication helps us communicate feelings and emotions behind
the words spoken.
2. It is used as a means to persuade or control others to clarify things, to stress
and to complement.
3. It is used to substitute verbal expression.
4. It helps to demonstrate self-belief, eagerness and professionalism through the
way one carries his personality.
5. Non-verbal cues complement a verbal message by adding to its meaning. 

Q 5: In order to maximize the effectiveness of your listening skills you must modify
your natural style to balance with other styles. Discuss.
Ans: Being an active listener, one must get himself in the right frame of mind. Relax
and commit to focusing on the speaker. Clear the mind from distraction and other
thoughts. He removes distraction and pays undivided attention to the speaker. He
always listens to the tone of voice of the speaker and watches for his non-verbal
communication. Good listener listens to the ideas and themes and not just for words
and avoids personal prejudice.

Q 6: Give 02 line explanations of the following forms of written business

Sales letter: It is sent from an organization to a potential customer to prompt them
into ordering goods or services.
Adjustment letter: It is sent in response to a claim letter and includes the final
Letter of recommendation: It is sent by a previous employer to support some kind of
Cover letter: The letter which supports the other documents attached to it.
Q 9: Define the following terms.
Free Web Hosting: It means zero cost to the user. The web host covers their costs
through selling advertising that is added automatically to web pages through pop-ups
frames and scripts.
Standard Web Hosting: It is also called the paid Web hosting. A standard web fee
would secure a specific amount of server space on a web hosting system that provides
high speed servers and quality software
The Reseller web hosting is when the company wants to become a web hosting business
themselves. A Reseller purchases web hosting facilities off another web host then sells them
on to other clients acting as their web host i-e operating as a wholesaler.
Ecommerce describes the suit of tools required to take orders and payments for selling
products online. For example Paypal and eBay.
Q 1: Poor listening is often a major cause of oral miscommunication. A considerable
number of
persons are inefficient listeners. Suggest FIVE guidelines one should follow to be a Good
1. A good listener retains an open mind and avoids bias and judgment.
2. A good listener avoids distraction and pays full attention.
3. A good listener waits before interruption
4. A good listener does critical listening.
5. A good listener emphasize with the speaker.

Q 2: Creativity is the ability to produce original and unusual ideas. Enumerate any
THREE characteristics of a Creative Thinker.
1. A creative thinker is always curious and looks at problems as opportunities.
2. He enjoys taking challenges and is comfortable with imagination.
3. A creative thinker challenges assumptions and does not give up that easily.

Q 3: Business letters are a formal means of communication. There are many purposes of
creating and sending such letters. Narrate the purposes of writing the following types of
letters (Imp)
(i) Follow-up Letters: The letter which is sent after some type of initial communication.
(ii) Covering Letters: The letter which supports other documents attached to it.
(iii) Acknowledgement Letters: It is a simple receipt. The business sends this letter to let others
know that they have received a communication and either have dealt or will deal with the prior
communication in due course.
(iv) Adjustment Letters: The letter which is sent in response to a claim or complaint and it
includes the final outcome.
(v) Inquiry Letters: This letter asks information or elicits information from the recipient.
Q 4: (a) Enumerate any FOUR advantages of Blogs (Web Logs).
5. Blogs let you interact with people and get their feedback at no or very low cost.
6. Blogs are very easy to create and maintain.
7. The blogs are regularly updated and are great learning experience.
8. It is a source to express one’s feelings, emotions and experience.

(b) When should a client company prefer Dedicated Web Hosting over Standard Web
Hosting? Suggest any THREE valid reasons.

1. Server resources are not shared.  

2. Enhanced performance and security.
3. No overhead for purchasing or maintaining equipment.

(c) Discuss the limitations of Video Conferencing. (Imp)

7. Video conferencing needs a highly strict Internet connection environment.
8. Video conferencing still causes a severe audio latency.
9. A set of high-quality video conferencing system is also costly.
10. Lack of personal interaction.
11. Technical problems.

Q 6: The use of visual aids enhances the comprehension of the message. List down FIVE
guiding principles for the effective use of visual aids.
1. The aid should be relevant and must be placed where the related material is being
discussed upon.
2. Keep the visual aid simple. It should not contain too much of information.
3. Emphasize effectively by using unlimited variety of visual techniques available.
4. Visuals should be clear and easy to assimilate. Colors should work well together.
5. Visuals should be large enough so that they can be read anywhere in the room.

Q 7: Resolving a conflict is a challenging task. Common forms of resolving conflict include:

Mediation and Arbitration. Define both.
Meditation: It is a deliberate and confidential process in which an impartial third-party mediator
helps people discuss difficult issues and settle an agreement.
Arbitration: It is a process in which a neutral, third-party, after reviewing evidence and listening
to arguments from both sides, issues a decision to labour disputes.

Q 8: Originality in business messages demands avoiding Clichés, negative words and phrases.
Explain both with TWO examples for each.

Ans: Cliché: A phrase and opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought. It
makes the message routine and even gives the impression that it was written by a machine.
The negative words leave a bad impression. For example, we were unable to complete the audit
on time. Unfortunately, I am unable to attend the meeting on June 20, 2019.
Phrases make the business message un-business. The receiver will be unable to understand the
message. For example, To reduce the price is like to sit on the fence. The audit report looks like
to brush under the carpet.
Q.10. a) What is meant by Agenda? What items should be included in an agenda of a

Ans: An agenda is a list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting.

The contents of an agenda should include the following:
1. Title, date, time and place of meeting.
2. Purpose of the meeting.
3. Minutes of the previous meeting.
4. Apologies for absence.
5. Main body.
6. Any other business.
7. Date for next meeting.

b) The minute-taker is a person who records the minutes of a meeting. Narrate the
responsibilities of the Minute Taker.
Ans: The responsibilities of minutes taker are:
1. To record attendance.
2. Writing notes during the meeting.
3. Writing minutes as soon as possible after the meeting.
4. Getting the minutes approved.
5. Circulate the minutes.
6. To ask the chairman what the members have said.
7. To order the minutes according to the meeting rather than to agenda.

Q.11. What is Video Conferencing? Why is Video Conferencing becoming so popular in

Commercial organizations?
Ans: The video conference is a system used by people in different physical locations to hold a
meeting. The video conference aims to serve multiple locations with greater flexibility and
Video Conferencing is becoming so popular in Commercial organizations for the following
4. Improved lower-cost technology with greater bandwidth.
5. Environmentally friendly IT initiatives such as reduced air travel.
6. High travel costs combined with austerity related cost saving initiatives.
Rephrase the following sentences into YOU attitude.
1. To help us process this order, we must ask for another copy of the requisition.

2. We are pleased to announce our new flight schedule from Atlanta to New York, which is any hour on
the hour.

3. We offer MP3 players with 50, 75, or 100 gigabytes of storage capacity.

4. You should never use that type of paper in the copy machine.

5. You must correct all five copies by noon.

1. I or We attitude: We are sure that our view discount policy will attractive to you.
You attitude: You will surely appreciate new discount policy.
2. I or We attitude: I am happy to hear that you have selected our firms.
You attitude: Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you.
3. I or we Attitude: I will give you 10% discount
You attitude: You can get 10% discount

 Me Attitude: I have requested that your order is sent out today.

 You Attitude: You will receive your order by Wednesday

1. We are happy to announce that transaction can be made even after 3.00 PM till 5.00 PM
at the teller-counter.
2. You can do transactions after office hours, at the Teller counter till 5.00 PM.

It is not possible for us to extend locker facility to you since you do not have a fixed / term
deposit in our bank.

Extending locker facility will be attended to as soon as we receive an investment in FD/TD

from you.

I wish to congratulate you for your success.

Congratulations on your success!
Our products are reliable and long lasting.
You can reliable and long lasting.
I need your answers to these questions by the 15th.

Please send your answers to these questions by the 15th.

 I must receive your application by the end of the month.

Please send your application by the end of the month.

We cannot send your order until next month.
You will receive your order early next month.
We shipped your order today.
Your order will arrive on Thursday. You will receive your order on Thursday.

I am happy to inform you that we have approved your loan.

Congratulations! Your loan is approved.

We shall give 5% discount on cash price.

You will receive 5% on cash price.

We are proud to announce our new lightweight laptop computers.

You can have lightweight laptop computers.

I wish to tell you that we are sending your new coat tomorrow.
You will receive your coat tomorrow.
We expect our members will enjoy the benefits of membership.
You can now enjoy the benefits of membership.
 I need my students to be in class on time.
You should be in class on time.
Please enjoy our new and improved Web site.
You’ll enjoy the new and improved Web site.
You have failed to pay the dues for the month of July for your cable connection.
The dues for cable TV connection for the month of July remain unpaid.
You failed to enclose your check in the envelope.
The check was not enclosed.
“We were not able to send the goods in time due to the fact that the truckers were on
“We were unable to send the goods in time because of the truckers’ strike “.
We want to buy chairs which are of the executive types
We want to buy executive type chairs.
Wordy : Please be advised that your admission statement has been received.
Concise : Your admission statement has been received
Wordy : Please find attached the list you requested.
Concise : Find the attachment.
Wordy : There are four rules that should be observed.
Concise : Observe Four rules.
Wordy : It was known by Mr.. Usman that we must reduce size our inventory.
Concise : Mr.. Usman knew to reduce our inventory.
Wordy : She bought desks that are of the executive type.
Concise : She bought executive type desks.
Wordy : The receipt that is enclosed documents your purchase.
Concise : The enclosed receipt documents your purchase.
Wordy : In most cases the date of the inquiry is indicated in the upper right corner.
Concise : The policy date is in the upper right corner.
Wordy : The total balance due will be found on Page 2 of this report.
Concise : The balance due is on page 2 of this report.
Wordy : The reports are to be submitted by employees prior to 5:00 p.m.; which
will be received by Ali.
Concise : Please submit your reports to Ali by 5:00 p.m
Wordy : We hereby wish to let you know that our company is pleased with the confidence
you have reposed in us.
Concise : We appreciate your confidence.
 The letter was written by someone who had not signed his or her name. 
 The letter was anonymous.
 He requested a trial by a jury of his peers. 
 He requested a jury trial.
A watch is an intricate instrument to measure time, which many people consider the gift that is
the most valuable of all. 
A watch measures time, which many consider the most valuable gift. 
He referred to basic and fundamental principles of physics. 
He referred to basic principles of physics. 
It is truth which will prevail, he argued.
Truth will prevail, he argued.
The test revealed conduction activity that was peculiar in nature.
The test revealed peculiar conduction activity.

Identify the ‘Barriers of Communication’ present in the following statements:

(i) Will you please repeat your question? I could not hear you due
to the music.
(ii) Nobody can read what you have written.
(iii) Our parents will never understand us because they were born in
a different age.
(iv) He read the SMS sender’s name and lost his temper.
(v) “The product is very cheap”. Asim read the statement and
thought that the product was of poor quality.
(vi) The subordinate changed the data to make it look like favorable
for the boss.
Q 1: Wheel network and circle network are among the major types of formal hierarchical
arrangements in an organization. Narrate the prominent features of both networks.

Ans: Wheel Network: It is characterized by the central position of the leader. The leader is
very important and powerful person and plays a key role to disseminate information. The
primary communication occurs between the members and the group leader and then group
leader shares the information with all. In the wheel network, the decision is made fast but
the group morale of employees is low because the others do not take active part in the
decision-making process.
Circle Network: The circle network assumes no leader. There is complete equality. The
members can communicate to persons at their right and left. Each member has the same
authority to impact the group. In the circle network, the information moves slowly. The
morale is high because everyone participates in the decision-making process.
Chain network: In the chain network information is passed straight up or down the formal
chain of command. One person passes the information to other up or down within the line
of hierarchy. It allows only vertical movement and is strictly hierarchical. Chain network
has a leader who decides as to what messages are to be sent and how these messages are to
be communicated.

Q 3: Email is one of the most widely used features of the internet, along with the web. List
down the benefits of using email.
Ans: Email or the electronic mail involves the transmission of messages over an electronic
network such as the internet or intranet.
12. An audit trail of messages is automatically retained.
13. The sending and receiving of the messages is virtually instantaneous anywhere in
the world.
14. The recipient can access email anywhere and anytime at their convenience.
15. The email can be sent to a multiple recipients at the same time.
16. It is low cost.
17. It is easy to use and organize daily correspondence.

Q 4: It is inevitable in both business and personal communication that there are times
when negative messages need to be delivered. Suggest the key points to be considered when
communicating a negative message.
Ans: The key points to consider in communicating a negative message are as follows.
11. Use a buffer
12. Offer an explanation
13. Avoiding emphasizing the refusal
14. Present an alternative
15. End with a positive statement

Q 5: What is “You Approach”? Which of the 7Cs of communication suggests the use of this
approach? Also mention when one should avoid using this approach?
Business messages should focus on how the recipient will benefit. For example, what they
will receive or what they will learn. This is called as “You” approach.
Consideration among the 7Cs of communication suggests the use of this approach.
When the “You” attitude gives negative impact, write the message in passive voice. For
example, The report was not received.

Q 6: Various factors influence Perception. All these factors are generally related to the
perceiver, the target and the context. Discuss in detail.
Perceiver: When the perceiver looks at a thing and attempts to interpret it, his personal
characteristics deeply influence that interpretation. These characteristics include attitudes,
motives, interests, experience, expectations and beliefs.
Target: Characteristics of the object under focus also affect the perceptions of the
Context: The context in which we see the object is also very important. For example, the
director is dressed up for a formal meeting but the same director is attired for a match
with the same group of people would appear strange. Such factors may include time, place
Q 7: The IPC is a purposeful and focused interaction. State briefly any 5 purposes
demonstrating the significance of IPC.
 To enhance your speaking skills
 To boost your confidence
 To groom your personality
 With interpersonal communication we try to interact with others and hence we
get to know others.
 It allows us to influence the behavior, attitudes, and opinions of others.

Q 9: Describe the role of the following types of meeting.

Informational meeting: Such meetings clarify the topic under discussion and provide
information. The participants learn, ask questions and try to understand the
information being provided. Problems are not solved and no recommendations are
Suggested solution meeting: The purpose of such meetings is to find suggested solution
to some core issue. Recommendations are sought for and comments are made. No
decision is made and the meeting remains explanatory and informational. The final
solution is worked out and is forwarded for approval to higher authorities.

Problem-solving meeting: The purpose of such meeting is to work out some solution.
The problem is presented, suggested solutions are gathered, the recommendations are
evaluated and the final decision is made for further action.

Q 10: Define the following types of reports.

Analytical report: This report analyses the facts, draws conclusions and makes
recommendations. Such reports are organized around logical arguments and

Informational report: It is usually in the form of person to person communication. It

may range from a short almost incomplete statement of facts on a single page to a
more organized presentation taking several pages.

Periodic report: These reports are prepared and submitted on regular prescribed
intervals. They may be submitted annually, semi-annually, quarterly, monthly, weekly
or even on daily bases.
Statutory report: This report is prepared and presented according to the form and
procedure laid down by law. For example, Audit report.

Q 11: Enumerate a few reasons behind the rapid increase in demand of video
conferencing in business over recent years? What is social networking?
The video conferencing is becoming popular in commercial organizations because;
7. Improved lower- cost technology with greater bandwidth.
8. Wider variety of video conferencing tools available associated with increasingly
more powerful PCs.
9. It reduces air travel.
Ans b: Social networking is the practice of expanding the number of one's business
and /or social contacts by making connections through individuals, often through
social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google.


Q 1: Explain the following axioms of communication in your own words.

Ans: Inevitability of communication: This axiom refers to the fact that individuals
cannot remain isolated without communicating. An individual with expression less
face may not appear to be communicating with others in a group but by no means he
is uncommunicative. The lack of interest is a message in itself.

Digital and analogic: The Digital refers to discrete and defined communication
elements such as words and gestures with generally agreed meanings.
The Analogic describes where the act evokes a particular inference.
Symmetric or complementary: The interaction based on equal power between the
parties is called Symmetric communication. The complementary interchange describes
interaction based on differences in power between the parties.

Q 2: Explain the situations when choosing the following communication medium is

most appropriate.

Memoranda: It is used inside the organization to pass out the routine information to
the employees in the written format.

Video conference: The video conference is a system used by people in different

physical locations to hold a meeting. The video conferencing aims to serve multiple
locations with greater flexibility and functionality.
Face-to-face: It is appropriate to a multiple situations occurring both internally and
externally, formally and informally. It is used to generate new ideas, to get instant
feedback, to cooperate and to disseminate information rapidly.

Q 3: Why we do exchange messages in Business Communication?

Ans: We exchange messages in the business communication for the following reasons.
17. The instructions and guidelines are properly understood.
18. The individuals may know what they are expected to do.
19. Managers are able to plan and coordinate operations more effectively.
20. To build a relationship, mutual trust and respect
21. To confirm
22. To request
23. To persuade
24. To inform

Q 5: What are the techniques to develop Emphatic Listening?

The following are the techniques to develop emphatic listening.
6. Focus: Provide the speaker with undivided attention and avoid interruptions.
7. Don’t judge: Don’t minimize the issue of the speaker. It may be of huge
significance to the speaker.
8. Read the speaker: Be alert to the emotions behind the words like anger,
frustration etc. of the speaker.
9. Be quiet
10. Assure.


Q 1/a: What are the three key purposes of communication?

Ans: The key purposes of communication are;
1: Acquiring information: It means to collect, analyze, check and process numerous
types of communication both internal and external to an organization. This generates
new ideas and finds the solution of the problems.

2: Disseminating information: It means to share information to those who need it to

perform their job, make a decision or to solve a problem. This might involve
coordinating plans, communicating goals and structures.

3: Maintaining relationship: The relationships between co-workers, suppliers and

customers are managed through appropriate communication. This ensures the
continuity of operations and profitability of organization.
b: Identify the six stages which complete your communication in the light of Model of
Ans: 1. To generate the message 2. The transmitter encodes the message 3. The
encoded message is transmitted 4. The encoded message is received 5. Receiver
decodes the message 6. Receiver provides feedback.

Q 2: Identify and explain in your own words five major barriers to communication
which you would like to overcome.

Ans: 1. Issues in the relationship between the sender and the receiver that can lead to
2. Noise. The physical interference that damages the message as it was being
3. Confusing and conflicting messages leading to distortion.
4. Selecting wrong channel
5. Suffering interruptions and distractions during transmission of the message.

Q 4/a: What are the different forms of face-to-face business communication?

Ans: Meetings, Committees, Team briefing, Conference, interview
b: Define Non-verbal communication in your own words. How can it be used to give
Ans: The process of communication that facilitates sending and receiving silent and
wordless cues between people.
6. Non-verbal communication helps us communicate feelings and emotions behind
the words spoken.
7. It is used as a means to persuade or control others to clarify things, to stress
and to complement.
8. It is used to substitute verbal expression.
9. It helps to demonstrate self-belief, eagerness and professionalism through the
way one carries his personality.
10. Non-verbal cues complement a verbal message by adding to its meaning. 

Q 5: In order to maximize the effectiveness of your listening skills you must modify
your natural style to balance with other styles. Discuss.
Ans: Being an active listener, one must get himself in the right frame of mind. Relax
and commit to focusing on the speaker. Clear the mind from distraction and other
thoughts. He removes distraction and pays undivided attention to the speaker. He
always listens to the tone of voice of the speaker and watches for his non-verbal
communication. Good listener listens to the ideas and themes and not just for words
and avoids personal prejudice.

Q 6: Give 02 line explanations of the following forms of written business

Sales letter: It is sent from an organization to a potential customer to prompt them
into ordering goods or services.
Adjustment letter: It is sent in response to a claim letter and includes the final
Letter of recommendation: It is sent by a previous employer to support some kind of
Cover letter: The letter which supports the other documents attached to it.
Q 9: Define the following terms.
Free Web Hosting: It means zero cost to the user. The web host covers their costs
through selling advertising that is added automatically to web pages through pop-ups
frames and scripts.
Standard Web Hosting: It is also called the paid Web hosting. A standard web fee
would secure a specific amount of server space on a web hosting system that provides
high speed servers and quality software
The Reseller web hosting is when the company wants to become a web hosting business
themselves. A Reseller purchases web hosting facilities off another web host then sells them
on to other clients acting as their web host i-e operating as a wholesaler.
Ecommerce describes the suit of tools required to take orders and payments for selling
products online. For example Paypal and eBay.



N0. __________ Islamabad, Dated _________.


Subject: Medical Facilities for Deputationists to and from the Provincial Governments.

The undersigned is directed to say that the question whether the Deputationists from the Provincial
Governments should be entitled to medical facilities as provided under the Federal Government
Servants’ Medical Attendance Rules, or as provided in the Provincial Government Servants’ Medical
Attendance Rules, has been under consideration for some time. It has been decided in consultation
with the Health Division and the Provincial Governments that the Deputationists to and from the
Provincial Governments should be given the option to elect to be governed by either the Provincial
Governments Servants’ Medical Attendance Rules or the Federal Governments Servants’ Medical
Attendance Rules. Such options shall be exercised by the Deputationists while submitting their joining
reports under the Federal or Provincial Governments as the case may be. As for the Government
Servants who are already on deputation, The Ministry / Division / Department of the Federal/
Provincial Government may immediately call for the options of the Government Servants concerned
and forward the same to the Accountant General, Pakistan Revenues and the medical authorities
concerned. The form exercising the option is enclosed.


Deputy Secretary

C.C: 1. All Ministries / Divisions

2. All Chief Secretaries to Provincial Governments for similar action.

3. The AGPR, Islamabad

4. The AG, Govt. of Punjab, Lahore

5. The AG, Govt. of KPK, Peshawar

6. The AG, Govt. of Sindh, Karachi

7. The AG, Govt. of Baluchistan, Quetta


It is used when a copy of a communication is to be forwarded to others in addition to the original



Islamabad, dated_____________

A copy of Ministry of Interior, Islamabad Notification No._______ dated ________ is forwarded to
the following for further necessary action:

1. All Ministries and Divisions of the Government of Pakistan, etc.

2. The Home Secretary, Govt. of Baluchistan, Quetta.
3. The Home Secretary, Govt. of Punjab, Lahore.
4. The Home Secretary, Govt. of KPK, Peshawar.
5. The Home Secretary, Govt. of Sindh, Karachi.

Section Officer

It is used for conveying instructions to be followed in office and notifying appointments, promotions,
postings, transfers and leave etc. of non-gazetted staff.



No: _________ Islamabad,


Mr.______ is a permanent Assistant of Federal Board of Revenue, has been appointed officiate as
Assistant-in-charge in the Secretariat Training Institute, Islamabad with effect from the _____ and
until further orders. While so employed in this Institute, Mr._______ will draw the pay as an
Assistant in the Federal Board of Revenue plus a special pay Rs_______ per month as admissible to
an Assistant-in-charge in an Attached Department.

Copy forwarded to: -
1. AGPR, Islamabad
2. Mr.______ Assistant-in-charge,
Secretariat Training Institute
3. Personal file of Mr.________
4. Office Order file
No: _________ Islamabad,

In pursuance of Establishment Division’s O.M No._____ dated_______, the following office timings
will be observed in the Management Service Divisions, Islamabad during winter with effect from
____: -
1. Saturday to Thursday 8.30 to 3.00 pm (with a break from 1.15 pm to
pm for Zohar prayer)
2. Friday 8.30 am to 12.30 noon
3. Sunday Closed


Copy to:-
All Officers/Sections
Management Services Division, Islamabad
Demi-Official letter

It is used for correspondence between two Government officers when it is desired that a matter
should receive the personal attention of the individual addressed. The DO Letter should be addressed
to an officer by name. The salutation should be written like “My Dear or Dear Mr. ______”. It should
be ended with “Yours sincerely”.

D.O. No.__________

Islamabad, Dated_________

Cabinet Secretary,
Subject: Condolence Message

The President has, in a recent Directive observed that timely and appropriate action is not
taken in the number of cases by the Government to convey official condolences to the bereaved
families on the demise of senior government officials or prominent personalities. The President has
been pleased to observe that this omission constitutes a disregard of basic human values and of
elementary courtesy.
It has accordingly been decided, with the approval of the President that the following
procedure would be followed in such cases in future.
1. So far as senior government officials, serving or retired, are concerned, the Establishment
Division will immediately after the sad event, submit the information to the President,
along with an appropriate condolence message for his approval; and
2. As regards with prominent personalities in other walks of life, the Ministry or Division
concerned with the relevant field should similarly and immediately after the event , put up
the information along with a message of condolence to the President.

It is requested that the above instructions may please be noted for careful compliance in
With regards

Yours sincerely,



It is used for notifying in the gazette of Pakistan Ordinances, Rules and Orders, Appointments,
Promotions, Leaves and transfer of gazetted officers in PBS 16 and above and other matters which are
required to be so published in the Gazette of Pakistan.

For Transfer of Officer



Islamabad, Dated___________

Mr.________, Officer on Special Duty in the Works Division, is appointed to officiate as Deputy
Secretary in that Division vice Mr.________ transferred to the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural

Joint Secretary to the

Government of Pakistan
The Manger,
Government of Pakistan Printing Press,

No._________________________________________________ Islamabad, Dated___________

Copy forwarded for information to:-

Section Officer
Government of Pakistan

for Promotion of officiating basis



Islamabad, Dated___________


Mr._________ is promoted to the post of ________ and is posted as ________ in the Ministry
/Division / Office of___________ until further orders.

Deputy Secretary to the

Government of Pakistan

The Manager,
Government of Pakistan Printing Press,
for Initial Appointment



Islamabad, Dated___________

On selection by the Federal Public Service Commission, Mr._________ is appointed as ______ in the
Ministry /Division /Office of ________ w.e.f. the date he assumes charges of the post and until
further orders.
He shall be on probation for a period of _________.

Deputy Secretary
Government of Pakistan

The Manager,
Government of Pakistan Printing Press,

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