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Arithmetic Triangle 19

Meru Prastara written by Pingala in around

200 BC.
Between the fourteenth and the fifteenth cen-
turies, al-Kashi, a mathematician from the
Iranian city of Kashan, wrote The Key to
Arithmetic. In this work he calls binomial For example:
coefficients “exponent elements”.
C64 = C53 + C54 = 10 + 5 = 15 .
In his work Traité du Triangle Arithmétique,
published in 1665, Pascal, Blaise (1654)
defined the numbers in the “arithmetic tri-
angle”, and so this triangle is also known as
Pascal’s triangle.
We should also note that the triangle was
made popular by Tartaglia, Niccolo Fontana
in 1556, and so Italians often refer to it as
Tartaglia’s triangle, even though Tartaglia More generally, we have the relation:
did not actually study the arithmetic triangle.
Cnk + Cnk+1 = Cn+1 ,
The arithmetic triangle has the following
form: n!
Cnk + Cnk+1 =
(n − k)! · k!
1 1 +
(n − k − 1)! · (k + 1)!
1 2 1 n! · [(k + 1) + (n − k)]
1 3 3 1 (n − k)! · (k + 1)!
1 4 6 4 1 (n + 1)!
1 5 10 10 5 1 (n − k)! · (k + 1)!
1 6 15 20 15 6 1 = Cn+1 .
Each element is a binomial coefficient  Binomial
n!  Binomial distribution
Cnk =  Combination
k! (n − k)!
n · (n − 1) · . . . · (n − k + 1)  Combinatory analysis
= .
1· 2·...·k
This coefficient corresponds to the element REFERENCES
k of the line n + 1, k = 0, . . . , n. Pascal, B.: Traité du triangle arithmétique
Any particular number is obtained by adding (publ. posthum. in 1665), Paris (1654)
together its neighboring numbers in the pre- Pascal, B.: Œuvres, vols. 1–14. Brun-
vious line. schvicg, L., Boutroux, P., Gazier, F. (eds.)
20 ARMA Models

LesGrandsEcrivainsdeFrance.Hachette, AR(p) : yt = θ1 yt−1 + θ2 yt−2 + . . .

Paris (1904–1925) + θp yt−p + εt ,
Pascal, B.: Mesnard, J. (ed.) Œuvres com- where θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θp are the positive or
plètes. Vol. 2. Desclée de Brouwer, Paris negative parameters to be estimated and
(1970) εt is the error factor, which follows a nor-
Rashed, R.: La naissance de l’algèbre. In: mal distribution.
Noël, E. (ed.) Le Matin des Mathémati- 2. MA model (moving average)
ciens. Belin-Radio France, Paris (1985) In a moving average process of order q,
Chap. 12). each observation yt is randomly generat-
Youschkevitch, A.P.: Les mathématiques ed by a weighted arithmetic mean until
arabes (VIIIème-XVème siècles). Partial the qth period:
translation by Cazenave, M., Jaouiche, K.
MA(1) : yt = εt − α1 εt−1
Vrin, Paris (1976)
MA(2) : yt = εt − α1 εt−1 − α2 εt−2

ARMA Models MA(p) : yt = εt − α1 εt−1 − α2 εt−2

− . . . − αq εt−q ,
ARMA models (sometimes called Box-
Jenkins models) are autoregressive moving where α1 , α2 , . . . , αq are positive or nega-
average models used in time series analy- tive parameters and εt is the Gaussian ran-
sis. The autoregressive part, denoted AR, dom error.
consists of a finite linear combination of The MA model represents a time series
previous observations. The moving aver- fluctuating about its mean in a random
age part, MA, consists of a finite linear manner, which gives rise to the term
combination in t of the previous values for “moving average”, because it smoothes
a white noise (a sequence of mutually inde- the series, subtracting the white noise gen-
pendent and identically distributed random erated by the randomness of the element.
variables). 3. ARMA model (autoregressive moving
average model)
ARMA models represent processes gen-
erated from a combination of past values
1. AR model (autoregressive)
and past errors. They are defined by the
In an autoregressive process of order p,
following equation:
the present observation yt is generated by
a weighted mean of the past observations ARMA(p, q) :
up to the pth period. This takes the follow-
yt = θ1 yt−1 + θ2 yt−2 + . . .
ing form:
+ θp yt−p + εt − α1 εt−1 − α2 εt−2
AR(1) : yt = θ1 yt−1 + εt , − . . . − αq εt−q ,
AR(2) : yt = θ1 yt−1 + θ2 yt−2 + εt ,
with θp = 0, αq = 0, and (εt , t ∈ Z) is
. a weak white noise.

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